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welcome back to the budgeteers and a welcome to Taiwan coming up in this miniseries we explore
Taipei in all of its colorful and fragrant splendor and as a typhoon heads our way we
在所有的多彩和芬芳絢麗的 探索 台北和颱風頭路上我們
escape into a wilder part of the country to discover something that will blow you
away can you believe this is Taiwan yes we cannot wait to show you over the next few
weeks what this little unassuming island has to offer and hopefully this series
幾週內向 您展示 這個小小的島
will change your mind but what this island is all about and put it on the map as your
所能 提供的一切,希望本系列
next budget travel destination exactly they may not do me a favor and roll that bloody
and I mean downtown Taipei and I was actually gonna film the entire process of getting out
下一個 地圖上 預算旅行目的地確切地說,他們可能不會幫我忙個忙,流血的 意思是,我的意思是說台北市中心和我實際上是在拍攝
of the plane and getting into downtown because I heard it was actually quite complicated but it was
下飛機進市區 的整個過程, 因為我聽說這實際上很複雜,但是
really straightforward and this is Taipei City Mall Station which is where I basically got off
the train from the airport and right behind me over there is the hostel so I'm going to go in
從機場 下車 的,在我身後就是旅館,所以我要進去
and hopefully be able to see Damien for the first time which is really exciting I feel like I'm on
an awkward tinder day or something out I'm gonna go meet someone that I've never met before but
check this out this is the hostel yeah we chose this because it's right in the middle of downtown
easy to get to from the airport and they've got a bar so that's always good look who I can see
what was the letter e hello little brother hey man Oh give me a hug ease what page do
they have on drafts that looks good are you feeling breakfast can I have some breakfast
too can I have one of these please thank you well how it's got air column here and
everything registrants are they okay good health and here's to a safe trip
well that is lovely what is that floating light yeah it was so great to finally meet Damian and
we spent the first hour just catching up and getting to know each other but yeah after a
我們花了第一個小時趕上彼此相識的 時光, 是的,經過
day's worth of traveling it wasn't long until our bellies started to rumble so we made our
way into the neon tainted streets of Taipei on the hunt for a local street food supper
don't drink too much okay
that's IQ I know I know okay well like I have no a clue just what
,這就是智商,我知道我很好,就像我不知道那是什麼能 區分出 什麼
does that distinguish there's things - okay Wow look how fabulous that lives
I can order some food where we get sip then we have some beautiful okay get in
my belly Dameon starving and semis so we just thought let's just get something I've actually
accidentally got some chicken feet and snail salad okay a little bit yeah Oh chicken feet
不小心 吃 了一些雞腳和蝸牛沙拉,好吧,是的,哦,雞腳
and then what are we going for here just for some military because you know military
that's the control defines Taiwan for me but nobody's here can we have some milk to have
這是控制權為我定義台灣的 軍人 ,但是沒人可以在這裡喝些牛奶
some and this is what I love about travelling the most is that first impressions that first
evening when you're out exploring all the new foods all of the new smells and all of you
oh that is colle do that again look at this oh it looks like a snake
but threesome between the squid the shrimp and a port so the cool part about 7-eleven
但在魷魚,蝦和港口之間是三人行,所以很酷關於 台北有
family marks here in Taipei is that you can one of your food reps of beers
7-11個 家庭的標誌是,您可以品嚐啤酒中的一位美食,
I'll get the beers Damien you want a local one
Cheers oh I miss this place
yes last time I was here I fell in love with Taiwan so when petit invited me to
come along on this last-minute adventure I immediately said yes
and I was excited to explore much more of the island on this trip
so after our late night dinner and a walk around the city we
just decided to call it a night because we want it to be full of
energy to enjoy tomorrow our first proper full day in Taiwan together
no first
good morning everybody and welcome to the first proper day here in Taipei last night was really
good fun obviously I don't know Damian I've never met him before this is our first trip
有趣,顯然我不知道達米安從來沒有見過他,這是我們 在一起
together and it was really nice to meet him get to know him it's really good because basically
的第一次旅行。 很高興認識他,了解他,這真的很好,因為基本上
we just enjoy the same things we both like good food cold cheap beer and just yeah like enjoying
being young and healthy and fortunate enough to come to a place like Taipei good morning you're
handsome man good morning what are you doing I'm ordering a cappuccino from this what is
it it's a robot and see that's how it works cappuccino some Chinese characters what's
一個機器人,看看卡布奇諾咖啡是怎麼工作的。 發生了
happening change the language to English yeah here sure is the anyone flashing okay and now
一些漢字, 將語言變為英語是的,這里肯定有人在閃爍,現在,
I'll scan the QR code at the aimbot machine okay yeah this is very over complicated I
just wanted coffee I just wanna cuff damn it can I talk to the manager oh that's right way no way
Oh going for the syrup
do away that's a foolish thing hey buddy oh he's waving ass not a drop
spilled come on don't mess it up don't mess it up don't mess it up
how is it it's perfect wow what an experience it's a lot of fuss for just one cappuccino doe
but yeah it might have been a lot of fuss but we really needed the caffeine boost as jet lag
was hitting us really hard we made our way on the local underground and headed towards the
very center to see what we could find however upon getting back to street level the weather
had flipped 180 and it was pissing down rain and blowing a gale little bit wet
we had no option to just try our best to get shelter from the bad
我們別無選擇,只能盡最大努力躲避惡劣的 天氣,我們
weather and we've ducked into a cheap noodle place to help boost on morale
躲進 了便宜的麵條館,以幫助提高從士氣上
it's actually perfect on a rainy afternoon spicy of our soup I need some soup yeah okay buddy
the rain was relentless for the rest of our first day but it did look like it might clear
up so we headed over to meet a friend of mine who teaches here in Taipei this is Alex he's a cool
dude from Canada with a dry sense of humor and plenty of experience of cool places to check out
we're having the same store man I might not the work tomorrow and as the weather
brightened up in the afternoon we headed over to a place that Alex said we had to check out
we are coming to which is quite possibly one of the most popular things to do in Taipei right
elephant hill right Elephant Mountain they mean you've been here before that's a nice
viewpoint right yep perfect place for sunset we have seen a lot of people in sport wear so we
probably won't be alone on this summit yeah I'm hiking so seriously yeah you never know I know
each one's like a walking advertisement for Under Armour and okay you're looking for the star of the
每個人都像是Under Armour的步行廣告,好吧, “正在尋找
trail look for the big crowd okay it says about 15 minutes 400 meters to the top easy it's a good
小道上 的明星, 尋找大群人群,好吧,它說到頂部400米僅需15分鐘,這很容易。
job Damien's got these bad boys I love isolated mountains like this just exploring the jungle
we've emerged as a viewpoint so that's the first viewpoint I think a lot of
people would probably just stay here so we're gonna keep going up can I get a better view
quick little quiet getaway just outside the city eventually we made it to the highest point
and even though it was also completely overrun we just decided to commandeer a little spot and soak
,甚至儘管這也完全超出了我們的視線,但我們還是決定要 佔據
up the views it was pretty steep so bring water like we did and if you're extra savvy bring some
一點點,並吸收 陡峭的景色,所以像我們一樣帶水,如果您精明的帶些
beers it will be really worth the extra effort we guarantee and once the stunning Taipei's skyline
had finished transitioning from a moody afternoon to a striking neon light sky we made our way back
down the steps towards some street food however on the way down we could hear the sweet sound
沿著台階向下走去 尋找
of a smartly dressed Taiwanese man singing soft karaoke on the side of the mountain pass
after resting and listening to this hero singing away he actually kindly
一個衣著考究的台灣男人在一邊唱著柔和的卡拉OK 的甜美聲音 。 休息並聽完這位英雄唱歌后 的山pass ,他實際上是請了
invited us up to join him and we could not resist
just as long Oh in Taipei samurai
windy afternoon here in Taipei that archway is next level
one of the questions that you ask yourselves when you come to Taiwan like I did and Damien did when
一個問題之一問自己,當你像我一樣來台灣時,達米安(Damien)當 他第一次來這裡
he first came here is like what country am i what country am i coming to am i coming to China is
時所做的,就像我 是哪個國家,我要來的國家,我來中國是
Taiwan a country is it not and we're not gonna get too political obviously but it's an interesting
台灣是一個國家,不是嗎,我們也不會得到政治上很明顯,但是 知道 這是一個有趣的
question to know and Damien knows a little bit more than me and he's been explaining a little
bit so Damien just you know in your own words like because it is important like he's been telling me
it's important to know because you don't want to offend the locals and you kind of start to
get a better understanding of what you're seeing around you when you understand what is Taiwan
當您了解台灣現在是什麼時,您就會 開始 更好地了解周圍的事物
at the moment so where does this story start basically this is not a History Channel we're
,所以這個故事基本上 是 從哪裡開始的?不是歷史頻道,我們
not I'm another expert in the Chinese history or whatever but the quickest way I can put it is
there are two governments right now that claim to be the real China why is that because in the 50s
the civil war in China Chinese civil war between the Communists internationally it's ended the
Nationalists they lost and they their government fled to Taiwan the leader of the government was
他們失去 的 國民黨,他們的政府逃往台灣,政府首腦
called Chiang kai-shek and at the moment we are at the Chiang kai-shek memorial so let me tell
you something more about that guy so that's what she got the memorial we made our way over to the
你更多關於那個傢伙的事情,所以這就是她得到的紀念物,我們一直走到 紀念物,順便
memorial which by the way is completely free to walk around and it's absolutely stunning and
說一下 ,它是完全可以自由走動的,這絕對令人驚嘆,
Damien told me more about the history of this man and his huge significance to the Taiwanese people
Damien告訴了我更多關於 這個男人 的歷史一個和他對台灣人民巨大的意義
so yeah like I said there was a civil war and Republic of China lost and retreated
to the island of Taiwan so the leader Chiang kai-shek who lost took his government with him
退到 台灣島這樣的領袖蔣介石誰失去了他的政府與他
as well whilst the leader of the victorious Communist Party Mao Zedong instituted a new
government in mainland China under the new name the People's Republic of China the
的中華人民共和國名義在中國大陸 成立了新 政府
reason that the names of both governments are so similar is thanks to the fact that both of
them claim to be the legitimate and only China current People's Republic of China sees Taiwan
as a part of their territory but Taiwan sees the People's Republic of China as an illegal
States occupying their former territory so even though the occupation of China is still to this
佔領其原領土 的非法 國家,因此,即使迄今為止對中國的佔領仍存
day disputed and highly controversial it is comforted to know that this current standoff
is peaceful and the Chinese are welcomed in Taiwan as tourists and visitors without trouble
but one small piece of advice don't call people in Taiwan Chinese just call them Taiwanese just
know that Chiang kai-shek is a very significant person and this memorial side is highly important
知道蔣介石是一個非常重要的人物,而這一紀念性 面對當地台灣 人來說非常重要
to the local Taiwanese so come here and check it out and learn more about what happened here
,因此請到這裡看看,以了解更多關於這里 以及在我們漫步時
and during our walk around the museum we could see that a lot of people were checking their
所發生的事情 博物館,我們看到很多人正在檢查他們的
phones and leaving apparently the typhoon that was swirling around the South China Sea which had
電話,顯然離開了 原本是要襲擊日本北部的在 南中國海周圍旋轉的颱風,
originally been on cause to hit North in Japan had apparently turned west and was due to smash
顯然已經轉向了西方,並且打算 在不到 幾天的時間內撞向
into Taipei in less than 24 hours so we decided to join the mass exodus but not before recapping this
台北不到24小時,所以我們決定加入大規模外逃活動,但不要在奪回這個 超級重要的地標
super important landmark so thank you Damien for giving us a little bit of historical information
之前加入,因此,謝謝達米恩( Damien)給我們提供了一些歷史信息,
it is a bit of a mess isn't it it is like to answer the question we saw with you know is it
這是一團糟是不是要回答這個問題我們知道,是 中國
China is it not China it's complicated yeah that's the only answer we've got for you yeah if they
嗎 ,不是中國,這很複雜,是的,這是我們為您提供的唯一答案。如果他們
were on Facebook their relationship status would be it's complicated you need some basic knowledge
about this place you don't even necessarily know everything but you need to know a little bit about
關於這個地方的 知識 ,您甚至不一定了解所有事情,但是您需要了解一些
the history to understand the people in their culture and what's going on and what's going on
and stuff like that and what's going on right now there's a typhoon behind this look over here it's
like a really nice sunny day but the typhoon is right behind us coming and it's nice because it's
super hot and humid but it's raining guys look and the tide foods coming okay we didn't have to run
just yet but things were getting worse later that evening we met up with Alex again and took shelter
只 運行 但是,那天晚上晚些時候情況變得越來越糟,我們再次與亞歷克斯見面,
in a local flower market however the approaching weather was causing him to pack up early so I told
在當地的花卉市場 避難 ,但是由於天氣臨近,他早點收拾行李,所以我告訴
the guys to go to his really beautiful temple which in my opinion is totally worth the visit
welcome to long shank temple is over 300 years old and has a wonderful mix
of different faiths with Taoist Buddhist and Confucian elements
不同的信仰與道教佛教和儒家元素 完美地融合在一起
Taiwan prides itself on its inclusive attitudes
, 台灣以其 對宗教信仰的
towards religion and long shank temple is the perfect example and
包容態度而自豪 n長腿神廟就是一個很好的例子
for that reason even in bad weather it's always busy and tonight see no exception
that's luck has it it's like a typhoon rolling in and here you never know if it's gonna stay or flow
into the sea I feel bad for these guys it's great plans but I picked him up at Dom mark and we took
大海對於這些傢伙來說,這是個不錯的計劃,這很不好意思,但是我在Dom mark接了他,我們
shelter in the Jade market and that was kind of cool but they were packing up and it's getting
kind of lame so we came here to lung Shan temple and you Damien have already been here before yes
in your travels and he's been telling me some stuff that I had no idea yeah so can you tell us
在您旅行 之前已經來過這裡 ,他一直在告訴我一些我不知道的事情,是的,所以您能告訴我們
a little bit about this place so I was here last year I was here for two weeks and I visited this
一些關於這個地方的信息 嗎, 所以我去年在這裡我待了兩個星期,我去了這個
long Chinatown for multiple times and they have like different deities here that they preach so
the way they prayed to them is first they take three sticks of incense which about three times
put it on their forehead then you can see that their lips are moving because they're
introducing themselves to these deities and after they introduce themselves they kick they think
these wooden blocks look at happening kinder they throwed on the floor and they asked a question
這些木塊看看發生金德它們扔在地板上,他們 要求 神 一個問題
to the gods after they should have introducing themselves if they can ask for a favor a question
so it depends how they're oriented yeah depends on how the blocks are oriented if it's yes the gauzy
yes you may ask a question or no so basically it's like it takes a few steps for these people here
to even ask for a fearful to God I like that I like that there's a small process you have to get
her to get an answer that's the cool part about traveling that you go somewhere else and learn is
completely different traditions and cultures that you would have never known if you just stayed home
完全不同的傳統和文化,如果您只是呆在家裡 玩
and played for tonight hey I'm for tonight I'm gonna add you Meaghan we're gonna smoke some news
就不會知道 今晚嘿,我今晚我要加你Meaghan,我們要
after longshan we hit up the night markets across the street as the smells of the food
在龍山上街後的夜市上聞 些消息 ,因為食物的味道
were just too damn delicious to pass even with the impending storm on the
way and so for the next few hours we just ate as much food and beer as we could as
we weren't sure how long it was gonna be until everyone had to close up shop
不確定直到每個人都必須關門 過夜還是
for the night or when our next spicy barbeque eel fish who was gonna be
要等多長時間 當我們下一條要煮的辣鰻魚
this is like melt-in-your-mouth yeah and turns out it wasn't long before things got shut down
and so we retreated to the safety of the hostel for a nightcap and a proper chat about what we
should do to avoid this terrible weather that was potentially gonna ruin our trip there's been a
避免這種可能會破壞我們旅程的惡劣天氣進行 適當的交談
slight change of plan yeah so we were planning the same tape here for four days and as we mentioned
there was a typhoon well it was supposed to hit Japan they were supposed to but you're having it
的那樣,颱風很好到日本 去, 他們本來應該這樣做的,但是你要那樣
go that way but it's yeah what is this I know yeah it's gonna change it's gonna the change
direction and it's gonna stay around type here for a couple of days got a message right I got
a hundred and eighteen messages no talking about this typhoon so I don't work tomorrow
because the government's shutting everything down which basically means that I'm free for
,因為政府的下降,這基本上意味著,我自由 了 晚上還要我會被鎖定在我的房間
the night but also I'm gonna be locked in my room so yeah he doesn't have to work tomorrow we had a
關閉一切 ,所以啊,他沒有工作,明天我們有
bunch of plans but because of the typhoon can't do this anymore so luckily we're right next to that
一堆 計劃,但由於颱風不能再這樣做了,所以幸運的是,我們就在 火車站
train station yeah we're right next to the Taipei main station so tomorrow we're gonna hop on a hop
旁邊, 是,我們就在台北車站旁邊,所以明天我們要跳上一列子
on a bullet train always have to just escape the typhoon that's the plan this is why you need to be
flexible with your travel plans guys are we gonna die in the typhoon Oh oh it does mean that we can
自己的旅行計劃 保持 靈活,伙計們,我們會在颱風中喪生嗎?噢,這確實意味著我們
have one more beer before bed because we don't have to be wake up super early just have one more
睡前 可以 再喝啤酒,因為我們不必超級早起,
one more half than the one I get next
good morning and welcome to the high speed train here completely unexpected but super
早上好, 再多一半 ,歡迎來到這裡的高速火車,完全出乎意料,但是超級
easy to get a ticket and we're on here now so we're gonna go right to the very south of the
容易拿到票,我們現在在這裡,所以我們要去了就在 島的 最南端,讓
island and maximize our chances of having better weather and then maybe we'll try and work our way
我們有更好的天氣機會,然後是,我們會努力工作,我們 回來 的路上
back up we have no clue like we have nothing planned this is a good thing as well because
we didn't pre book any accommodation or pretty book any activities so we haven't really lost
out on any planning we've just yeah it's it's we're going into the south with no plan and
it's quite quite a fun so thanks for watching this episode and did you have a good time love
這相當有趣,因此感謝您收看此集,您是否 對我 有美好的時光
that I won't always come back to Sophie and favoritest Indonesia I agree it's very very
because it is up there my top five cities in the world honestly really really cool phrase
but thank you for watching if you're new make sure to subscribe to watch the rest of this miniseries
但是感謝您的觀看,如果您是新手,請務必訂閱 我們將繼續 觀看的這部迷你劇
we're going to have lots more adventures here in Taiwan and yeah see you on the next one guys right
台灣還有更多的冒險活動,是的,再見一個傢伙,再見, 謝謝您的收看。如果您確實喜歡此劇集,請
thanks again for watching and if you did enjoy this episode then please help and support us
by giving us a like subscribe to our Channel and turn that bell on so you never miss an
幫助和支持我們 ,永遠不會錯過任何一
episode you can also support this channel by picking up some budgeteers merchandise
there are loads of awesome designs and some brand new product lines available including
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貼紙 在內的全新產品線供您選擇,
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