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I will say each example two times. The first time, I will say it slowly.
The second time, I will say it at a normal speed like a native speaker.
It's really important that you repeat along after me,
so don't be shy. And repeat after each example.
Okay First example, 'I am'
好的 第一個例子,"我是
goes to 'I'm'. 'I'm waiting for my friend.'
Okay, one more time. I'm waiting for my friend.
Next, 'he is' - 'he's' 'He's walking home.'
Again, 'he's walking home'.
'she is' – 'she's'. 'She's reading a book.'
And again. 'She's reading a book'. The next one, 'It is' = 'it's'.
'It's a nice day.' And again, 'It's a nice day'.
Next one, 'You are' = 'you're'.
'You're a nice person.' And again, 'You're a nice person'.
'we are' = 'we're'. 'We're ready for the test.'
'We're ready for the test.'
Next one, 'they are' = 'they're'. 'They're very happy.'
'They're very happy.'
The last one, 'Lynn is' = 'Lynn's'. 'Lynn's teaching English.'
'Lynn's teaching English.'
Good job, everyone. Let's move on.
First one, 'what is' = 'what's'. 'What's my name?'
'What's my name?'
'where is' = 'where's' 'Where's the bus stop.'
'where is' = 'where's' '巴士站在哪裡'。
'Where's the bus stop.' Next one.
'why is' = 'why's'. 'Why's she late?'
'Why's she late?' Next.
'who is' = 'who's'. 'Who's your favorite singer?'
'Who's your favorite singer?'
'when is' = 'when's'. 'When's your birthday?'
'When's your birthday?' Last one.
'how is' = 'how's'. 'How's the weather?'
'how is'='how's'。'天氣怎麼樣?
'How's the weather?' Great.
Good job, everyone. Let's move on.
Okay. The first one, 'is not' = 'isn't'. 'He isn't home.'
'He isn't home.' Next.
'are not' = 'aren't'. 'They aren't coming to dinner.'
'They aren't coming to dinner.' 'do not' = 'don't'.
'I don't like doing homework.' 'I don't like doing homework.'
'does not' = 'doesn't'. 'She doesn't study very well.'
'She doesn't study very well.'
Great job, everybody. Let's move on.
First one, 'I will' = 'I'll'. 'I'll make lunch soon.'
'I'll make lunch soon.'
Next, 'he will' = 'he'll'. 'He'll be late for dinner tonight.'
'He'll be late for dinner tonight.'
Then, 'she will' = 'she'll'. 'She'll wash the dishes after dinner.'
'She'll wash the dishes after dinner.'
'It will' = 'it'll'. 'It'll be a great evening.'
'It'll be a great evening.'
'you will' = 'you'll'. 'You'll have a great time at my wedding.'
'You'll have a great time at my wedding.' 'we will' = 'we'll'
'We'll go on vacation in May.' 'We'll go on vacation in May.'
'they will' = 'they'll' 'They'll visit their mom in the summer.'
'They'll visit their mom in the summer.'
The last one is a negative form. 'will not' becomes 'won't'.
最後一個是否定形式。will not "變成了 "won't"。
'I won't go to work tomorrow' 'I won't go to work tomorrow'
Great job, guys. Let's move on.
First one, 'I would' = I'd. 'I'd
第一個,'我會'= I'd. 'I'd
like to help you make dinner.' 'I'd like to
help you make dinner.' 'he would' = 'he'd'
幫你做晚餐'。'他會' = '他'會
'He'd be a good choice for president.'
'He'd be a good choice for president.'
'she would' = 'she'd' 'She'd be very happy if you helped her.'
'She'd be very happy if you helped her.'
'it would' = 'it'd' 'It'd be nice if you visited us.'
It would' = 'it'd' 'It'd be nice if you visited us'.
'It'd be nice if you visited us.' 'you would' = 'you'd'
'You'd love being on vacation in Hawaii.' 'You'd love being on vacation in Hawaii.'
'we would' = 'we'd' 'We'd have to check the price first.'
'We'd have to check the price first.' Okay, last one for 'would'.
'they would' = 'they'd' 'They'd never hurt you.'
'They'd never hurt you.'
Okay let's move on to 'had'. First one, 'I had' = 'I'd'.
'I'd better make breakfast soon.' 'I'd better make breakfast soon.'
'he had' = 'he'd' 'He'd studied a lot before his test.'
'He'd studied a lot before his test.'
'she had' = 'she'd' 'She'd never been to a concert before last night.'
'She'd never been to a concert before last night.'
'it had' = 'it'd' 'It'd better be on sale.'
'It'd better be on sale.'
'you had' = 'you'd' 'You'd better fasten your seat belt.'
'You'd better fasten your seat belt.'
'we had' = 'we'd' 'We'd not eaten
since breakfast.' 'We'd not eaten since breakfast.'
'they had' = 'they'd' 'They'd gone home before the party finished.'
'They'd gone home before the party finished.'
Good job, everyone. Let's move on.
First one. 'I have' = 'I've'
'I've never seen a ghost.' 'I've never seen a ghost.'
Next you have, 'you've'. 'You've been a great help to me.'
'You've been a great help to me.' 'we have' = 'we've'
'We've got a problem.' 'We've got a problem.'
'they have' = 'they've' 'They've been so kind to us.'
'They've been so kind to us.' 'could have' = 'could've'
'We could've won the contest if we'd tried harder.'
'We could've won the contest if we'd tried harder.'
'would have' = 'would've' 'They would've stopped if someone told them.'
'They would've stopped if someone told them.'
'should have' = 'should've' 'She should've quit smoking earlier.'
'She should've quit smoking earlier.'
'might have' = 'might've'
'He might've gotten the job if he went to the interview.'
'He might've gotten the job if he went to the interview.'
'who have' = 'who've'
'I like people who've traveled a lot.' 'I like people who've traveled a lot.'
Last one. 'there have' = 'there've'
'There've been a few problems lately.'
'There've been a few problems lately.' Great good job, everybody. Let's move on.
First one. 'want a' = 'wanna'
第一個。'want a' = 'wanna
'I wanna coffee .' 'I wanna coffee .'
'got a' = 'gotta'
'got a' = 'gott
'Have you gotta minute?' 'Have you gotta minute?'
'don't know' = 'dunno' 'I dunno.'
'I dunno.' 'let me' = 'lemme'
'Lemme go.' 'Lemme go.'
'give me' = 'gimme' 'Gimme the pen.'
'Gimme the pen.'
'tell them' = 'tell'em' 'Tell'em we're starting now.'
'Tell'em we're starting now.' 'come on' = 'c'mon'
'C'mon do it.' 'C'mon do it.'
Last one. 'some more' = 's'more'
最後一個。'some more'='s'more'。
'We will need s'more time.' 'We will need s'more time.'
Remember, you should only use these in conversation.
You don't want to write these. Great job, everybody. Let's move on.
Okay, first one. 'kind of' = 'kinda'
好的,第一個。kind of' = 'kinda
'She's kinda cute.' 'She's kinda cute.'
Next. 'sort of' = 'sorta'
下一個。sort of' = 'sorta
'I'm sorta tired' 'I'm sorta tired'
'out of' = 'outta' 'I'm outta money.'
'out of' = 'outta' '我沒錢了'。
'I'm outta money.' 'a lot of' = 'alotta'
'They ate alotta cake.' 'They ate alotta cake.'
'lots of' = 'lotsa' 'He has lotsa money.'
'很多'='很多' '他有很多錢'。
'He has lotsa money.'
Last one. 'cup of' = 'cuppa'
'Would you like a cuppa coffee?' 'Would you like a cuppa coffee?'
Did you guys hear that schwa that 'uh' sound? Alright, great job. Let's move on.
First one. 'going to' = 'gonna'
'I'm not gonna tell you.' 'I'm not gonna tell you.'
Next. 'have to' = 'hafta'
'You hafta study English.' 'You hafta study English.'
'has to' = 'hasta' 'She hasta work today.'
'She hasta work today.'
'used to' = 'usta' 'She usta live in London.'
'She usta live in London.' 'supposed to' = 'supposta'
'I'm supposta start a new job.' 'I'm supposta start a new job.'
'ought to' = 'oughta' 'You
'應該' = '應該' '你
oughta phone your sister.' 'You oughta phone your sister.'
'need to' = 'needa' You needa buy apples at the store.'
'需要'='需要' 你需要在商店買蘋果。
You needa buy apples at the store.'
Don't forget, you only want to use these in conversation.
These aren't for writing. All right, you did it. Let's move on.
Okay, first one.
'don't you' = 'dontcha' 'Dontcha like it?'
'don't you' = 'dontcha' 'Dontcha like it?
'Dontcha like it?' Next.
'Dontcha like it?下一步。
'won't you' = 'wontcha' 'Wontcha drive the car?'
'won't you' = 'wontcha' 'Wontcha driving the car?
'Wontcha drive the car?'
'what are you' = 'whatcha' 'Whatcha doing?'
'Whatcha doing?' 'what have you',
also 'whatcha' 'Whatcha got there?'
也是'whatcha' 'Whatcha got there?
'Whatcha got there?' 'bet you' = 'betcha'
'Betcha can't guess the answer.' 'Betcha can't guess the answer.'
'got you' = 'gotcha' 'I gotcha some chocolate.'
'I gotcha some chocolate.' 'didn't you' = 'didntcha'
'Didntcha like it?' 'Didntcha like it?'
'Didntcha like it? ''Didntcha like it?
Last one. 'do you' = 'doya'
'Doya want to come with me?' 'Doya want to come
with me?' Keep in mind these are only
used for conversation, not in writing. Great job, everybody. Let's move on.
Alright. Great job, everybody.
We practiced a lot today and I know you worked hard,
so keep on working hard because these contractions,
if you master them, they will help you sound like a native speaker.
Be sure to let me know how you're doing in the comment.
And see you in the next video.