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  • I will say each example two times. The first time, I will say it slowly


  • The second time, I will say it atnormal speed like a native speaker


  • It's really important that  you repeat along after me


  • so don't be shy. And repeat after each example.


  • Okay First example, 'I am'  

    好的 第一個例子,"我是

  • goes to 'I'm'. 'I'm waiting for my friend.' 


  • Okay, one more time. I'm waiting for my friend


  • Next, 'he is' - 'he's' 'He's walking home.' 


  • Again, 'he's walking home'. 


  • 'she is' – 'she's'. 'She's reading a book.' 


  • And again. 'She's reading a book'. The next one, 'It is' = 'it's'. 


  • 'It's a nice day.' And again, 'It's a nice day'. 


  • Next one, 'You are' = 'you're'. 


  • 'You're a nice person.' And again, 'You're a nice person'. 


  • 'we are' = 'we're'. 'We're ready for the test.' 


  • 'We're ready for the test.' 


  • Next one, 'they are' = 'they're'. 'They're very happy.' 


  • 'They're very happy.' 


  • The last one, 'Lynn is' = 'Lynn's'. 'Lynn's teaching English.' 


  • 'Lynn's teaching English.' 


  • Good job, everyone. Let's move on


  • First one, 'what is' = 'what's'. 'What's my name?' 


  • 'What's my name?' 


  • 'where is' = 'where's' 'Where's the bus stop.' 

    'where is' = 'where's' '巴士站在哪裡'。

  • 'Where's the bus stop.' Next one


  • 'why is' = 'why's'. 'Why's she late?' 


  • 'Why's she late?' Next


  • 'who is' = 'who's'. 'Who's your favorite singer?' 


  • 'Who's your favorite singer?' 


  • 'when is' = 'when's'. 'When's your birthday?' 


  • 'When's your birthday?' Last one


  • 'how is' = 'how's'. 'How's the weather?' 

    'how is'='how's'。'天氣怎麼樣?

  • 'How's the weather?' Great


  • Good job, everyone. Let's move on.


  • Okay. The first one, 'is not' = 'isn't'. 'He isn't home.' 


  • 'He isn't home.' Next


  • 'are not' = 'aren't'. 'They aren't coming to dinner.' 


  • 'They aren't coming to dinner.' 'do not' = 'don't'. 


  • 'I don't like doing homework.' 'I don't like doing homework.' 


  • 'does not' = 'doesn't'. 'She doesn't study very well.' 


  • 'She doesn't study very well.' 


  • Great job, everybody. Let's move on.


  • First one, 'I will' = 'I'll'. 'I'll make lunch soon.' 


  • 'I'll make lunch soon.' 


  • Next, 'he will' = 'he'll'. 'He'll be late for dinner tonight.' 


  • 'He'll be late for dinner tonight.' 


  • Then, 'she will' = 'she'll'. 'She'll wash the dishes after dinner.' 


  • 'She'll wash the dishes after dinner.' 


  • 'It will' = 'it'll'. 'It'll be a great evening.' 


  • 'It'll be a great evening.' 


  • 'you will' = 'you'll'. 'You'll have a great time at my wedding.' 


  • 'You'll have a great time at my wedding.' 'we will' = 'we'll


  • 'We'll go on vacation in May.' 'We'll go on vacation in May.' 


  • 'they will' = 'they'll' 'They'll visit their mom in the summer.' 


  • 'They'll visit their mom in the summer.' 


  • The last one is a negative form. 'will not' becomes 'won't'. 

    最後一個是否定形式。will not "變成了 "won't"。

  • 'I won't go to work tomorrow' 'I won't go to work tomorrow


  • Great job, guys. Let's move on.


  • First one, 'I would' = I'd. 'I'd  

    第一個,'我會'= I'd. 'I'd

  • like to help you make dinner.' 'I'd like to  


  • help you make dinner.' 'he would' = 'he'd' 

    幫你做晚餐'。'他會' = '他'會

  • 'He'd be a good choice for president.' 


  • 'He'd be a good choice for president.' 


  • 'she would' = 'she'd' 'She'd be very happy if you helped her.' 


  • 'She'd be very happy if you helped her.' 


  • 'it would' = 'it'd' 'It'd be nice if you visited us.' 

    It would' = 'it'd' 'It'd be nice if you visited us'.

  • 'It'd be nice if you visited us.' 'you would' = 'you'd' 


  • 'You'd love being on vacation in Hawaii.' 'You'd love being on vacation in Hawaii.' 


  • 'we would' = 'we'd' 'We'd have to check the price first.' 


  • 'We'd have to check the price first.' Okay, last one for 'would'. 


  • 'they would' = 'they'd' 'They'd never hurt you.' 


  • 'They'd never hurt you.' 


  • Okay let's move on to 'had'. First one, 'I had' = 'I'd'. 


  • 'I'd better make breakfast soon.' 'I'd better make breakfast soon.' 


  • 'he had' = 'he'd' 'He'd studied a lot before his test.' 


  • 'He'd studied a lot before his test.' 


  • 'she had' = 'she'd' 'She'd never been to a concert before last night.' 


  • 'She'd never been to a concert before last night.' 


  • 'it had' = 'it'd' 'It'd better be on sale.' 


  • 'It'd better be on sale.' 


  • 'you had' = 'you'd' 'You'd better fasten your seat belt.' 


  • 'You'd better fasten your seat belt.' 


  • 'we had' = 'we'd' 'We'd not eaten  


  • since breakfast.' 'We'd not eaten since breakfast.' 


  • 'they had' = 'they'd' 'They'd gone home before the party finished.' 


  • 'They'd gone home before the party finished.' 


  • Good job, everyone. Let's move on.


  • First one. 'I have' = 'I've


  • 'I've never seen a ghost.' 'I've never seen a ghost.' 


  • Next you have, 'you've'. 'You've been a great help to me.' 


  • 'You've been a great help to me.' 'we have' = 'we've


  • 'We've got a problem.' 'We've got a problem.' 


  • 'they have' = 'they've' 'They've been so kind to us.' 


  • 'They've been so kind to us.' 'could have' = 'could've


  • 'We could've won the contest  if we'd tried harder.' 


  • 'We could've won the contest  if we'd tried harder.' 


  • 'would have' = 'would've' 'They would've stopped if someone told them.' 


  • 'They would've stopped if someone told them.' 


  • 'should have' = 'should've' 'She should've quit smoking earlier.' 


  • 'She should've quit smoking earlier.' 


  • 'might have' = 'might've


  • 'He might've gotten the job  if he went to the interview.' 


  • 'He might've gotten the job  if he went to the interview.' 


  • 'who have' = 'who've


  • 'I like people who've traveled a lot.' 'I like people who've traveled a lot.' 


  • Last one. 'there have' = 'there've


  • 'There've been a few problems lately.' 


  • 'There've been a few problems lately.' Great good job, everybody. Let's move on


  • First one. 'want a' = 'wanna

    第一個。'want a' = 'wanna

  • 'I wanna coffee .' 'I wanna coffee .' 


  • 'got a' = 'gotta

    'got a' = 'gott

  • 'Have you gotta minute?' 'Have you gotta minute?' 


  • 'don't know' = 'dunno' 'I dunno.' 


  • 'I dunno.' 'let me' = 'lemme


  • 'Lemme go.' 'Lemme go.' 


  • 'give me' = 'gimme' 'Gimme the pen.' 


  • 'Gimme the pen.' 


  • 'tell them' = 'tell'em' 'Tell'em we're starting now.' 


  • 'Tell'em we're starting now.' 'come on' = 'c'mon


  • 'C'mon do it.' 'C'mon do it.' 


  • Last one. 'some more' = 's'more

    最後一個。'some more'='s'more'。

  • 'We will need s'more time.' 'We will need s'more time.' 


  • Remember, you should only  use these in conversation


  • You don't want to write these. Great job, everybody. Let's move on


  • Okay, first one. 'kind of' = 'kinda

    好的,第一個。kind of' = 'kinda

  • 'She's kinda cute.' 'She's kinda cute.' 


  • Next. 'sort of' = 'sorta

    下一個。sort of' = 'sorta

  • 'I'm sorta tired' 'I'm sorta tired


  • 'out of' = 'outta' 'I'm outta money.' 

    'out of' = 'outta' '我沒錢了'。

  • 'I'm outta money.' 'a lot of' = 'alotta


  • 'They ate alotta cake.' 'They ate alotta cake.' 


  • 'lots of' = 'lotsa' 'He has lotsa money.' 

    '很多'='很多' '他有很多錢'。

  • 'He has lotsa money.' 


  • Last one. 'cup of' = 'cuppa


  • 'Would you like a cuppa coffee?' 'Would you like a cuppa coffee?' 


  • Did you guys hear that schwa that 'uh' sound? Alright, great job. Let's move on


  • First one. 'going to' = 'gonna


  • 'I'm not gonna tell you.' 'I'm not gonna tell you.' 


  • Next. 'have to' = 'hafta


  • 'You hafta study English.' 'You hafta study English.' 


  • 'has to' = 'hasta' 'She hasta work today.' 


  • 'She hasta work today.' 


  • 'used to' = 'usta' 'She usta live in London.' 


  • 'She usta live in London.' 'supposed to' = 'supposta


  • 'I'm supposta start a new job.' 'I'm supposta start a new job.' 


  • 'ought to' = 'oughta' 'You  

    '應該' = '應該' '你

  • oughta phone your sister.' 'You oughta phone your sister.' 


  • 'need to' = 'needa' You needa buy apples at the store.' 

    '需要'='需要' 你需要在商店買蘋果。

  • You needa buy apples at the store.' 


  • Don't forget, you only want  to use these in conversation


  • These aren't for writing. All right, you did it. Let's move on.


  • Okay, first one


  • 'don't you' = 'dontcha' 'Dontcha like it?' 

    'don't you' = 'dontcha' 'Dontcha like it?

  • 'Dontcha like it?' Next

    'Dontcha like it?下一步。

  • 'won't you' = 'wontcha' 'Wontcha drive the car?' 

    'won't you' = 'wontcha' 'Wontcha driving the car?

  • 'Wontcha drive the car?' 


  • 'what are you' = 'whatcha' 'Whatcha doing?' 


  • 'Whatcha doing?' 'what have you',  


  • also 'whatcha' 'Whatcha got there?' 

    也是'whatcha' 'Whatcha got there?

  • 'Whatcha got there?' 'bet you' = 'betcha


  • 'Betcha can't guess the answer.' 'Betcha can't guess the answer.' 


  • 'got you' = 'gotcha' 'I gotcha some chocolate.' 


  • 'I gotcha some chocolate.' 'didn't you' = 'didntcha


  • 'Didntcha like it?' 'Didntcha like it?' 

    'Didntcha like it? ''Didntcha like it?

  • Last one. 'do you' = 'doya


  • 'Doya want to come with me?' 'Doya want to come  


  • with me?' Keep in mind these are only  


  • used for conversation, not in writing. Great job, everybody. Let's move on.


  • Alright. Great job, everybody


  • We practiced a lot today  and I know you worked hard,


  • so keep on working hard  because these contractions


  • if you master them, they will help  you sound like a native speaker


  • Be sure to let me know how  you're doing in the comment


  • And see you in the next video.


  • Bye.


I will say each example two times. The first time, I will say it slowly


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A2 初級 中文 繼續 林恩 最好 遲到 早餐 晚餐

如何給80個常見的英語縮略語發音,讓你的英語口語更上一層樓|練習練習練習 (How to Pronounce 80 Common English Contractions For Your Spoken English | PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE)

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    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 11 月 02 日