字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 With strong self-discipline and willpower, you can do 憑藉強大的自律和意志力,你可以做到 what you need to do in each moment without temptation or laziness getting in the way. 你需要在每個時刻做什麼,而不被誘惑或懶惰所阻礙。 There are three simple steps to cultivate and develop your self-discipline. 有三個簡單的步驟來培養和發展你的自律性。 First, start small. Jumping in with ambitious and lofty goals is only setting yourself up 首先,從小處著手。帶著雄心勃勃的崇高目標跳進去,只會讓自己陷入困境。 for failure. Break it down into smaller parts, celebrate the small victories, 為失敗。把它分解成更小的部分,慶祝小的勝利。 and use them to build momentum and confidence to continue moving forward. 並利用它們來建立動力和信心,繼續向前邁進。 Second, practice self-discipline daily to build good habits. Consistency is key here. 第二,每天練習自律,建立良好的習慣。堅持不懈是這裡的關鍵。 And third, after you have mastered the smaller tasks and built your confidence, 第三,在你掌握了較小的任務並建立起你的信心之後。 slowly ramp it up. 慢慢提高。 To make these steps easier: 為了使這些步驟更容易。 Plan ahead and put yourself in situations that make it easier to achieve your 提前計劃,讓自己處於更容易實現你的目標的情況下。 goals and stick to your habits. Make your environment work with you, not against you. 目標並堅持你的習慣。讓你的環境與你一起工作,而不是反對你。 Incentivize yourself with rewards and discourage undesirable behavior with consequences. I 用獎勵激勵自己,用後果阻止不良行為。I personally love dark chocolate, so I reward myself for going to the gym by having some post-workout. 我個人喜歡黑巧克力,所以我在運動後獎勵自己去健身,吃一些。 Grow to love the process. Everything you do in life will have things you like and things that you 逐漸愛上這個過程。你在生活中所做的一切都會有你喜歡的東西和你 don't. Take pride in your work and let the skills and mastery that you achieve be their own reward. 不要。以你的工作為榮,讓你取得的技能和掌握的知識成為他們自己的回報。
B1 中級 中文 自律 目標 獎勵 步驟 習慣 意志力 在60秒內掌握自律的方法#SHORTS (Master Self Discipline in 60 Seconds #SHORTS) 83 6 Summer 發佈於 2021 年 10 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字