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  • My name is Jonna

  • And I live in the north of Sweden.

  • Sweden is a country with a lot of light.

  • And it's also a country with a lot of darkness.

  • It all depends on what season it is

  • Just like many other countries in the northern hemisphere

  • there is a strong contrast in the light conditions between summer and winter.

  • In the winter it's dark almost all the time.

  • And in the summer it's light all the time.

  • During the summer in the very north of Sweden

  • the sun never sets between the end of May

  • until the middle of July.

  • So you can see the sun 24 hours a day

  • And that is called the midnight sun.

  • And then, during the winter in the very north of Sweden

  • It's the opposite.

  • For a couple of weeks the sun never rises above the horizon.

  • Which means that there is no sunlight for about a month.

  • And that is called the polar night.

  • These extreme contrasts in light

  • is caused by the rotation of the earth in relation to the position of the sun.

  • And the further north you go, the bigger the contrast.

  • I live in the middle north of Sweden

  • And if I'm lucky and there is a clear sky

  • I can see the sun above the treetops for about an hour

  • during the darkest time of the year.

  • It's the middle of the day

  • And this is how high the sun goes up now.

  • It's just a little bit over the horizon

  • Or over the trees.

  • But winters like this one, when it's been cloudy every day

  • I actually didn't see a glimpse of the sun for over a month.

  • But just a few days ago, now in the beginning of January

  • I got to feel the sunlight on my face again.

  • This is the first glimpse of the sun that we see in over a month.

  • Do you see this?!

  • And that feeling when you begin to feel the sunlight again in January

  • Is always overwhelming

  • It's like seeing the sun for the first time in your life.

  • Even if it can be hard sometimes with these kinds of light conditions

  • I really love it and I would never want to change it.

  • I think the light is never as beautiful as it is during these most extreme times of the year.

  • When it's summer I usually change my rhythm

  • and stay up all night and then sleep in the forenoon instead.

  • The light is so beautiful in the middle of the night.

  • And as a filmmaker and photographer

  • It's like a dream to be out and capture the beauty of the bright nights in June.

  • And then in the winter

  • even if we don't get so much sunlight

  • we at least get a few hours of twilight during the day.

  • And that light is the most beautiful kind of daylight that I know.

  • It's like experiencing a long sunrise without a sun.

  • And when it's a clear sky

  • and the sun is rising just a tiny bit above the treetops

  • It spreads a soft and pink light all over the landscape.

  • And that is beyond beautiful.

  • Around 3 in the day it's already getting dark.

  • And it makes the evenings feel never ending.

  • But the darkness makes us see what is never visible in the light.

  • Because actually we do get sunlight.

  • From a thousands of suns far, far away.

  • I live in a place where there is no light pollution.

  • And the night sky are breathtaking.

  • And for me, that is one of the reasons that I really love the winter here.

  • And now and then

  • the sun sends us a greeting in the darkness.

  • Particles from storms on the surface of the sun

  • comes traveling towards the earth

  • colliding with our magnetic field

  • and creating the Aurora Borelis

  • The northern lights that dances in the sky.

  • I can never find the right words to describe how much I love to stand under the northern lights on a cold and dark winter night.

  • I can take the darkness any day as long as I get to see the stars and the northern lights.

  • It makes it all worth it.

  • But even though there is so much beauty to find in these special kinds of light conditions that we have here in the north

  • I would lie if I said that it's always easy to live and adapt to them.

  • Because it's not.

  • Well, the summer is easy.

  • I don't think you can have too much light.

  • The only thing that people often ask me

  • is if it's harder to sleep when its light all night.

  • And for me personally, if I want to sleep during the night

  • I have no problem with that.

  • And for those who do feel like it's a problem

  • It's easily fixed with some thick and dark curtains.

  • But the winter and the darkness is definitely much more challenging.

  • And I can only speak from my own experience now.

  • The lack of sunlight makes me more tried.

  • And during the darkest and coldest months

  • between November and March

  • I sometimes struggle to keep up the energy

  • It's harder to get up in the morning when it's dark outside.

  • Our body naturally want to wake up with the sun.

  • And in the afternoon I often get confused with the time

  • Since the darkness makes it feel like it's much later than it really is.

  • And the lack of daylight makes me struggle more as a filmmaker

  • Since I only have 1 hour of good light to film in a day

  • Compared to the 24 hours of good light in the summer.

  • So the darkness combined with the cold make things a bit more challenging

  • And I know that I'm not the only one who are struggling to keep up the energy during this time of the year.

  • But of course, there is many things you can do to make the winters a little easier.

  • I want to mention a few things that helps me adapt better to the lack of sunlight.

  • For me personally, I think that the tiredness that I feel in the winter is the hardest part.

  • The energy level is so low sometimes

  • And the cure to that is not always to sleep more.

  • It can actually be to do the opposite.

  • So I try my best to keep being active and moving my body as much as I can.

  • And get as much daylight as possible.

  • I go for long walks with my dog everyday.

  • And if the weather is good I like to go out in the forest with my snowshoes and my camera.

  • Or go skiing.

  • I also love to take ice baths.

  • It's something I started doing a few years ago

  • combined with breathing exercises, using the Wim Hof Method.

  • And it has become my favorite way of boosting myself with new energy when I need it the most.

  • Going into that freezing water

  • is actually the last thing that my body wants to do in that moment.

  • Put putting myself into that kind of discomfort is awakening something in me

  • that helps me reset my body.

  • Believe it or not, but cold swims and cold showers has many good health benefits.

  • It's not for everyone of course

  • And it's important to get knowledge before trying an ice bath if you have never done it before.

  • But for me it has been a great source of energy and joy during the wintertime.

  • So I really feel a big difference in my energy levels in the winter

  • when I move my body in some way.

  • It doesn't need to be a full workout.

  • But just something. A little every day that makes you feel alive.

  • When we can't get enough energy from the sun

  • I think it's even more important to make sure that we get enough energy and nutrition from our food.

  • Nature has so much to give us in the summer

  • that we can harvest and save for the winter when we need it the most.

  • Here in the north we have plenty of berries in the forest.

  • So I like to pick tons of blueberries and lingonberries and put in the freezer

  • So that we can eat berries and drink juice from berries every single day during the whole winter.

  • I also like to pick different herbs that are good for our health

  • and dry them to make my own tea for the winter.

  • One of my favorite teas to drink when it's cold and dark outside

  • is simply made out of birch leafs.

  • I pick them just as they begin to bloom in the spring

  • while they are still small and light green.

  • And the tea smells and taste just like how it smells like in the spring.

  • And in the middle of the winter I think it feels so comforting to have a piece of the spring

  • to remind you of the wonderful time to come when everything is blooming and the birds are singing again.

  • And of course I also take vitamin D supplements

  • since we don't get anything from the sun in many months.

  • Even though that would never replace the sun, I believe it can help a little bit.

  • The list of things you can do to handle the darkness is endless.

  • This were just to mention a few.

  • But I think that the most important thing of all

  • Is to accept and adapt to the cycles of nature.

  • I definitely feel a big difference in the energy during summer and winter

  • Both in nature and in myself.

  • And that doesn't mean that it's right or wrong.

  • It's just different.

  • I think the winter and the darkness can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering

  • when we are trying to force ourselves to feel the same as we do in the summer.

  • It's okey to feel tired.

  • It's okey to feel lack of inspiration.

  • And it's okey to need more sleep

  • and to let things slow down.

  • A flower would never force itself to bloom in the cold winter.

  • So why would we?

  • This way of thinking changed my way of dealing with the different seasons.

  • I love the winters just as much as I love the summers

  • They both have their own benefits and challenges.

  • And I think it gets much easier when we let go and accept what we feel instead of fighting it.

  • And accept the cycles in nature and the cycles in ourselves.

  • And learn to live with it.

  • Like a dance.

  • So this is how it is to live with the light and the darkness

  • in the north of Sweden.

  • from my perspective.

  • The extreme contrasts in light also creates bigger contrasts to the seasons.

  • And they all have their own beauty.

  • I love the constantly changing seasons

  • And that you can see and feel how the light changes a little bit for every single day that goes by.

  • The beautiful balance of light and darkness

  • is my greatest source of inspiration.

  • And it makes every day feel new and different.

My name is Jonna


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A2 初級 美國腔

在瑞典度過黑暗的冬天(Living with the Dark Winters in Sweden | Midnight sun & Polar night)

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    Jimmy Putinnie 發佈於 2021 年 10 月 27 日