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as we said a moment ago we do want to bring in questions from voters around the country via
social media and our first stays on this topic jeff from ohio asks on facebook trump says the
campaign has changed him when did that happen so mr trump let me add to that when you walked
off that bus at age 59 were you a different man or did that behavior continue until just recently and
you have two minutes for this i told you there was locker room talk i'm not proud of it i am a person
who has great respect for people from my family for the people of this country and certainly
i'm not proud of it but that was something that happened if you look at bill clinton far worse
minor words and his was action his was what he's done to women there's never been anybody in the
history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women so you can say any way you
want to say it but bill clinton was abusive to women hillary clinton attacked those same women
and attacked them viciously four of them here tonight one of the women who is a wonderful woman
at 12 years old was raped at 12. her client she represented got him off
and she's seen laughing on two separate occasions laughing at the girl who was raped
kathy shelton that young woman is here with us tonight so don't tell me about words i am
absolutely i apologize for those words but it is things that people say but what president clinton
did he was impeached he lost his license to practice law he had to pay an 850 000
fine to one of the women paula jones who's also here tonight and i will tell you
that when hillary brings up a point like that and she talks about words that i said 11 years ago
i think it's disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself if you want to know the truth
can we please hold the applause secretary clinton you have two minutes
well first let me start by saying that so much of what he's just said is not right but he gets
to run his campaign any way he chooses he gets to decide what he wants to talk about
instead of answering people's questions talking about our agenda laying out the plans that we have
that we think can make a better life in a better country that's his choice when i hear something
like that i am reminded of what my friend michelle obama advised us all when they go low you go high
and look if this were just about one video maybe what he's saying tonight
would be understandable but everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point
about whether or not the man in the video or the man on the stage respects women
but he never apologizes for anything to anyone he never apologized to mr and mrs khan the gold star
family whose son captain khan died in the line of duty in iraq and donald insulted and attacked them
for weeks over their religion he never apologized to the distinguished federal judge
who was born in indiana but donald said he couldn't be trusted to be a judge because
his parents were quote mexican he never apologized to the reporter that he mimicked and mocked on
national television and our children were watching and he never apologized for the racist lie that
president obama was not born in the united states of america he owes the president an apology
he owes our country an apology and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and his words
well you owe the president an apology because as you know very well your campaign sydney blumenthal
he's another real winner that you have and he's the one that got this started along with your
campaign manager and they were on television just two weeks ago she was saying exactly that so you
really owe him an apology you're the one that sent the pictures around your campaign sent the
pictures around with president obama in a certain garb that was long before i was ever involved so
you actually owe an apology number two michelle obama i've gotten to see the commercials that they
did on you and i've gotten to see some of the most vicious commercials i've ever seen
of michelle obama talking about you hillary so you talk about friend go back and take a look
at those commercials a race where you lost fair and square unlike the bernie sanders race where
you won but not fair and square in my opinion and all you have to do is take a look at wikileaks
and just see what they said about bernie sanders and see what deborah wasserman schultz had in mind
because bernie sanders between super delegates and deborah wasserman chills he never had a chance and
i was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil but when you talk about apology i think
the one that you should really be apologizing for and the thing that you should be apologizing for
are the 33 000 emails that you deleted and that you acid washed and then the two boxes
of emails and other things last week that were taken from an office and are now missing and i'll
tell you what i didn't think i'd say this but i'm going to say it and i hate to say it but if i win
i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation
because there has never been so many lies so much deception there has never been anything like it
and we're going to have a special prosecutor when i speak i go out and speak the people of this
country are furious in my opinion the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi
are furious there has never been anything like this where emails and you get a subpoena
you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33 000 emails and then you acid wash
them or bleach them as you would say a very expensive process so we're going to get a
special prosecutor and we're going to look into it because you know what people have been their
lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done and it's a disgrace and
honestly you ought to be ashamed of you secretary clinton i want to follow up on that i'm going to
let you talk about it because everything he just said is absolutely false but i'm not surprised
in the first debate and we're in the first the audience needs to calm down here that it would be
impossible to be fact checking donald all the time i'd never get to talk about anything i want to do
and how we're going to really uh make lives better for people so once again go to hillaryclinton.com
we have literally trump you can fact check him fat check fact check him in real time last time at
the first debate we had millions of people uh fact checking so i expect we'll have millions more fact
checking uh because you know it is uh it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament
of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country because you'd be in jail secretary clinton
we want to remind the audience to please not uh talk out loud please do not applaud you're just
wasting time and secretary clinton i do want to follow up on emails you've said your handling
of your emails was a mistake you disagreed with director fbi director james comey calling your
handling of classified information quote extremely careless the fbi said that there
were 110 classified emails that were exchanged eight of which were top secret and that it was
possible hostile actors did gain access to those emails you don't call that extremely
careless well martha first let me say and i've said it before but i'll repeat it because i want
everyone to hear it that was a mistake and i take responsibility for using a personal email account
obviously if i were to do it over again i would not i'm not making any excuses
it was a mistake and i am very uh sorry about that but i think it's also important uh to point out
where there are some misleading accusations from critics and others after a year-long investigation
there is no evidence that anyone hacked the server i was using and there is no evidence that anyone
uh can point to at all anyone who says otherwise has no basis that any classified material ended
up in the wrong hands i take classified materials very seriously and always have when i was on the
senate armed services committee i was privy to a lot of classified material obviously as secretary
of state i had some of the most important secrets that we possess such as going after bin laden so i
am very committed to taking classified information seriously and as i said there is no evidence
that any classified information ended up in the wrong hands okay we're going to move on and yet
she didn't know the word the letter c on a document right she didn't even know what that
word what that letter meant you know it's amazing i'm watching hillary go over facts and she's going
after fact after fact and she's lying again because she said she you know what she did with
emails was fine you think it was fine to delete 33 000 emails i don't think so she said the 33
000 emails had to do with her daughter's wedding number one and a yoga class well maybe we'll give
three or three or four or five or something 33 000 emails deleted and now she's saying there
wasn't anything wrong and more importantly that was after getting a subpoena that wasn't before
that was after she got it from the united states congress and i'll be honest i am so disappointed
in congressman including republicans for allowing this to happen our justice department where her
husband goes on to the back of an airplane for 39 minutes talks to the attorney general days before
a ruling is going to be made on her case but for you to say that there was nothing wrong with you
deleting 39 000 emails again you should be ashamed of yourself what you did and this is after getting
a subpoena from the united states you have to move on secretary clinton you can respond
we want to give the audience a chance to play in jail let alone after getting a subpoena from
the united states clinton you can respond then we have to move on to an audience question look
it's just not true and so please oh you didn't delete them allow her to respond please personal
emails not 33 000 not well we turned over 35 000. so oh yeah what about the other 15 please allow
her to respond she didn't talk while you talked yes that's true i didn't i didn't it's the first
debate and i'm going to try not to in this debate because uh i'd like to get to the questions that
the people have brought here tonight to talk to us about and get off this question okay donald
i know you're into big diversion tonight anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way
it's exploding and the way republicans are leaving you but let's see what happens allow
that her care about tonight let's get to their questions we have a question here
from ken karpowicz he has a question about healthcare ken i'd like to know anderson why
aren't you bringing up the emails i'd like to know why aren't you brought up no it hasn't it
hasn't and it hasn't been finished at all ken carpoon says the questions nice to one on three
thank you affordable care act known as obamacare it is not affordable premiums have gone up
deductibles have gone up co-pays have gone up prescriptions have gone up and the coverage has
gone down what will you do to bring the cost down and make coverage better that first one
goes to secretary clinton because you started out the last one to the audience if he wants to start
he can start just go ahead no go ahead donald no i'm a gentleman hillary go ahead secretary clinton
well i think donald was about to say he's going to solve it by repealing it
and getting rid of the affordable care act and i'm going to fix it because i agree with you
premiums have gotten too high co-pays deductibles prescription drug costs and i've laid out a series
of actions that we can take to try to get those costs down but here's what i don't want people
to forget when we're talking about reigning in the cost which has to be the highest priority of
the next president when the affordable care act passed it wasn't just that 20 million people got
insurance who didn't have it before but that in and of itself was a good thing i meet these people
all the time and they tell me what a difference having that insurance meant to them and their
families but everybody else the 170 million of us who get health insurance through our employers
got big benefits number one insurance companies can't deny you coverage because of a pre-existing
condition number two no lifetime limits which is a big deal if you have serious health problems
number three women can't be charged more than men for our health insurance which is the way it used
to be before the affordable care act number four if you're under 26 and your parents have a policy
you can be on that policy until the age of 26 something that didn't happen before so
i want very much to save what works and is good about the affordable care act but we've
got to get costs down we've got to provide some additional help to small businesses so that they
can afford uh to provide health insurance but if we repeal it as donald has proposed
and start over again all of those benefits i just mentioned are lost to everybody not just people
who get their health insurance on the exchange and then we would have to start all over again right
now we are at 90 percent health insurance coverage that's the highest we've ever been in our country
so i want us to get to 100 but get costs down and keep quality