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Well, I'm standing here in a poncho, so I'm not really sure what's going on.
This is a super-simple game; We're fishing for advice.
Oh, wow, I am not coordinated, at all, so this might take some time.
[Fishing for Advice With Financial Advisers]
By fish, do you mean all creatures that live under the sea or ... because I kind of want the starfish.
The F.I.R.E. movement is heating up.
What they say it is, is financial independence, retire early.
What's your definition of financial independence?
It's being able to say, "Heck with you," and quit a job when you need to or change direction.
Financial independence is having enough saved that you don't ever have to work again if you don't want to, kind of like early retirement.
Really when they say retire early, what they are really talking about is, do something else and not work for, you know, "The Man."
I think financial independence boils down to having options: being able to travel, do things for families, for charities, or do things for your community.
Financial independence to me means being able to do what you want when you want.
And so for some people, that takes very little money, for other people it takes a ton of money, but it's being able to tell the boss, "Hey, I don't want to come to work tomorrow," and you're ok with that.
This little fishy says, "What is the best way for someone to start earning passive income?”
[Passive income: Money that flows into your pocket while you're sleeping. —Paula Plant, Afford Anything]
Whenever we talk about passive income, I have to say that, like, blogging is always going to be the first thing that comes to my mind, but you may not love writing.
There might be something that you love, like maybe you love Etsy crafts, or maybe you love analytics in the stock market.
But the most important thing is that you figure out what excites you, because what excites you is going to be easy for you to do.
I think that, like, the most common answer to this is real estate.
Don't just watch some, uh, infomercial at 3 a.m. and think, "Hey, I'm going to start 10 real estate properties and make millions of dollars off that."
For me, managing real estate sounds like the biggest headache in the world.
I'm going to use investing principles and earn dividends and kind of build my passive income in a much more hands-off way.
I don't really think there is such a thing as passive income to tell you the truth.
I think if you are making money you should always be working to promote the things that you've created.
I don't think you should take passive income for granted.
I think you should be actionable about it.
I think that's everything.
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All right, man, this fishing, you got me. You got me.
You got me working out up here. Here we go, here we go, all right, here we go.
So, you thought the questions were going to be hard.