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S: That's a totally different song M: What are you talking about? That's the tl;dr
S:那是一首完全不同的歌 M:你在說什麼?這就是大意了。
S: at the end of that. It just goes
M: I mean, I made the song. So I think I know how it goes
S: I think you're wrong M: I think you're wrong
S:我認為你錯了 M:我認為你錯了
S: So one of our favorite parts of traveling, whenever we go to another country is making a stop at a supermarket
S: I know this sounds super lame... M: Hop on the fun train! S: ...we just love every single country on to
S:我知道這聽起來超級蹩腳...... 男:搭上這趟有趣的列車吧S: ......我們只是喜歡每一個國家。
S: We always want to see what the groceries are M: Yep
S:我們總是想看看雜貨店的情況 M: 是的
S: what do people eat in that country and it's definitely one of our top destinations in every country visit. M: We're going to Paris
S:那個國家的人都吃什麼,這絕對是我們每次訪問國家的首要目的地之一。 M:我們要去巴黎
M: Get our stuff from the grocery store! S: Gotta go to a supermarket!
We're going to Italy! M: Grocery Store! S: yeah that sounds very lame
我們要去意大利了!M: 雜貨店!S:是的,這聽起來很蹩腳
but it's very important to who we are and I think it's so important because
We've lived in three different countries now, and that number is likely to increase in the future and we always try to imagine
What it's like living somewhere else
So today we want to help you out a little bit by telling you what the prices of groceries are in Japan
M: So there are a range of grocery stores available in Japan. They are like the super cheap discount ones like the Lawson 100
There are also cheap ones like Seyu which used to be Walmart's interesting. S: Mhm yeah M: then there are like average grocery stores like
S:liffffe M: liffee
M: The actual name of the grocery store
M: 雜貨店的實際名稱
Then you have expensive ones that are kind of open 24 hours that are kind of pricey and.. S: Like Maruetsu
然後你有一些昂貴的,24小時開放的,有點貴的,而且。S: 像Maruetsu
M: Yeah
M: 是的
and then there's the like luxury super expensive one S: Like Kinokuniya
and also in the subways you might see an (Atrye?) and those are really expensive. M: Yes
而且在地鐵裡你可能會看到一個(Atrye?),這些東西真的很貴。 M: 是的
S: In this video we're going to a mid-range one. I don't even know the name of the grocery store we go to but it's the big one
That's close to City Hall. It's got the most stuff
It's an easy bike ride for us because we ride our bikes to grocery stores
*RAINS IN BACKGROUND* even during typhoons
*pans up to see Martina*
M: That's right. Even though there is Japan's 24th
M: 是的。即使有日本的第24屆
Typhoon on the way...us and many other people in Japan are over the rain on their bicycles
I don't wanna hear
ANYBODY complain about having to get in their car and go five minutes on the street with a huge trunk
You can get like a limitless amount of supplies. We have TWO baskets and an extra basket
你可以得到像無限量的用品。 我們有兩個籃子和一個額外的籃子。
and that's all we can put so sometimes we buy toilet paper we go
S: Well that's it M: Well that's it that's all~that's all we can fit
M: There are Costco's available in Japan BUT we don't have a car and we don't have a big enough fridge
S: We usually go grocery shopping every two days. So we like to buy a lot of fresh produce and we'll work with that
We don't go out to eat all the time, even though you see our videos we're going out to restaurants
M: Yeah S: Most of times we cook at home
M:是的 S:大多數時候我們在家裡做飯
S: So a while ago we did a video about breakfast in Japan and we showed you all those things
But we didn't actually discuss the prices
So we're gonna go over some of the things that we had in there and how much that cost
M: And don't worry for those of you that do not eat things like fish for breakfast
We also priced out a bunch of things that would be an average meal that you might have
We asked you guys on our YouTube community page what was like a go-to meal?
You guys might make so we kept in mind the answers that you guys gave us to try to give you an idea of what
It would cost to reproduce that in Japan
*Ka-ching!* M: So we're gonna be talking in terms of yen
S: Japanese yen M: That's the pricing in Japan
100 Japanese yen is around 90 cents American OR a dollar 15 Canadian
S: The easiest way for you to think of it is a 100 yen equals one dollar and then you could gauge it however you want
S: So let's talk about rice. Rice in Japan is actually a little bit expensive
Supposedly a lot of people are buying import rice instead of domestic rice M: FOR SHAME
據說很多人都在購買進口大米而不是國產大米 M: For shame
S: because it's so expensive here in Japan
So a 5 kilogram bag is roughly 2,400 yen, give or take a hundred yen
Now for us whenever we have breakfast usually fill one of these Scoopies, which is 160 grams, that's enough for the two of us
So according to the math there are 62.5 servings of this per five kilogram bag
Which roughly turns out to be 38.4 yen per person
So roughly 40 cents and that you're gonna see how much it adds up into our breakfast altogether
M: Oh, you're gonna give them the full breakdown S: I'm gonna give you the full breakfast price
M:哦,你要給他們全部的明細表 S:我將給你全部的早餐價格
M: but just for the breakfast just~ S: Just for the breakfast! M: the rest of this stuff
M:但只是為了吃早餐而已~ S:只是為了吃早餐!男:剩下的這些東西
gonna be like 3 bucks for pasta sauce! S: I can't do this much math. It's too much
M: So on our white rice, we usually do a chopped fatty tuna or more commonly we get these little tiny pieces of salmon
It's kinda like THE breakfast thing EVERYONE does in Japan S: Mhm
M: and for two pieces it cost 356 yen so it's about a 178 yen per serving.
S: We also do eggs with ours we each have one fried egg on top, which is
288 yen for a dozen or 24.8 yen per egg.
M: Wow, you're really going for it. S: I am and you'll see the whole math at the end
M:哇,你真的要去做。 S:是的,你會在最後看到整個數學。
M: We'll each get half an avocado, which is 138 yen per avocado. YES~You heard that right
It's about 69 yen per serving S: when it comes to miso soup. We get a bag
That's usually a 188 yen for 21 grams
Which turns out to be 8.95 yen per serving
M: you can make it a lot cheaper. I have a recipe in the info box if you'd like to know how to make it
But we've been L A Z Y lately and we have not been making my homemade miso soup
但是我們最近一直在做L A Z Y,我們沒有做我自制的味噌湯。
Which I probably should get back to doing because it's so much cheaper
S: SO much cheaper
M: We buy a package of roasted nori
Which is seaweed and there are these little tiny individual slices that are perfect for scooping and it's around 500 yen per container
S: There are 80 pieces in the container which turns out to be
6.22 yen per piece and we roughly have something like eight pieces a meal or so
So we're gonna say 49.8 yen per meal. Yes. I am THAT specific
所以我們就說每餐49.8日元。 是的。我是那麼具體
S: For our side dishes we usually get some cucumbers. M: Yep S: and some eggplant
S:對於我們的配菜,我們通常會買一些黃瓜。M: 是的 S: 還有一些茄子
Lately we've been making our own eggplant, but I didn't calculate the cost of that.
For the cucumbers are 198 yen, for the eggplant it's roughly 298 yen
every package has around like four servings in it
so that turns out to be 49.5 yen for the q-keys and 74.5 yen for the eggplant
FOR A GRAND TOTAL of each of us 492.95 yen PER person for our breakfast.
M: You want to make miso soup every morning from scratch?
S: Nah I'm want you to make me the cucumbers gurl M: Ohhhhhh, it's all about these
M: cu cu mbers!S: Make them cucumbers!!!
M: So cheap supermarket whole bean coffee is around
500 yen for 200 grams and I have no idea how long it's been sitting there for
Or you can get a more expensive one 180 grams costs around
548 yen. We don't actually buy our beans from the grocery store. S: No
548日元。其實我們的豆子不是從雜貨店買的。S: 沒有
Voiceover M: (you might be saying to yourself right now? Ah~well these two are coffee snobs...and to that I respond...
You know what, shame on you. Shame on you for thinking that
just because we look like typical hipsters
You would somehow also think that we are coffee snobs when the reality is
We are 100% Absolutely
We are coffee snobs. Yep, you're profiling was absolutely correct
*pause* And I make my own cocktails >.
M: if I'm gonna be spending like 6 bucks on 180 grams
I'm gonna be going to a local shop and buy their coffee from there. They usually start around like
348 yen up to much higher prices depending on the kind you're getting
*Martina talking about coffee* Voiceover M: (Ugh I mean she is going on AND on and on.
*Martina在談論咖啡* 畫外音M:(唉,我是說她在不斷地說著什麼。
is that a shoveling motion?? At this point are we still talking about coffee???
Because I don't know what that's supposed to mean!?)
S: On average it costs us 500 yen for a 100 grams of beans
In the morning we wind up making a French press out of that and that gives us two big cups of coffee
For 50 grams of beans like which ya see something M: like this bigboy cups S: Something like this
S: So that turns out to be roughly 125 yen per cup
M: That's pretty good. S: That's not bad I think
M:這很好。 S:我認為這還不錯
M: that's actually way cheaper than what you would get in Tokyo.
M: The cheapest cup of coffee that I've had from a like bean roasted place was just recently when we went to
M: HANANAMEIYAMA???? (Oh boi I don't even know where to start Dx)
m: hananameiyama????(Oh boi I don't even know where to start Dx)
M: Hanaaaaaaai.... S: HANAINAIDAMA?? M: Hamaynai? S: Hamadayama?
M: Hanaaaaaaai....s: hanainaidama?M:Hamaynai?S: Hamadayama?
M: Hamadayama? Is that it?
M: 濱田山?是這樣嗎?
S: Yeah Hamadayama M: Hamadayama? S: it's Yama is mountain and ham is ham.
S:是的,浜田山 M:浜田山?S:就是Yama是山,ham是火腿。
S & M: So it's the Ham in the mountian?
M: Hamadayama S: Yes M: I got a couple- S: HAM of the MOUNTAIN
M: 濱山 S: 是的 M: 我有幾個- S: 山的HAM
M: Ham of the mountain S: HAM a DEI YAMA
M: Hamadayama! (Oh gosh that's probably all wrong Dx)
M: 濱田山!(哦,天哪,這可能都是錯的 Dx)
S & M: We went to Hamadayama and we bought some beans
S & M: 我們去了Hamadayama,我們買了一些豆子。
M: and I got a $2 cup of coffee S: OH!
M:我得到了一杯2美元的咖啡 S。哦!
M: Yeah, it was really cheap, but it was a tiny tiny cup and if I make like this much
M: Hey, how about for those tea drinkers out there? S: ughhhhhhhh
M:嘿,對於那些喝茶的人來說,怎麼樣?S: ughhhhhhhh
M: WAHTS WRONG WITH THAT I have a *shows teabag*
S: Tea is just like diet...flavored stuff
M: It's delicious. S: It's not it's just if I want to have an apple
M:這很好吃。 S:不是的,只是如果我想吃一個蘋果的話。
I'm gonna have the actual taste of an Apple by eating it rather than diluted water apple crap.
S: Sorry M: That was really...I mean here's went off on it didn't he. S: I mean tea is just like the flavored water
S:對不起 M:那真的是......我是說這裡的人就這樣走了,不是嗎?S:我是說茶就像調味水一樣。
episode that we did M: No it's not it's delicious! S: Yes it is except like this is hotter
我們做的插曲 M:不,這不是它的美味! S:是的,除了這個更熱之外。S:是的,除了像這樣更熱之外。
M: This is decaf chai tea and it has cinnamon and nutmeg and like
star ansie and like all these other magical.
M: Anyhow~ S: How much does tea cost? M: 25 bags of normal tea costs around 258 yen
男:不管怎麼說~ S:茶葉的價格是多少?男:25袋普通茶葉的價格約為258日元。
which is like 10 yen per serving S: Right M: and an import tea's gonna be 20 bags at 398 yen
每份是10日元 S:對 M:進口茶要20袋,398日元
S: Tea's disgusting M: Okay well one day
you learn not to be barbarian. S: *GASP* That's right, I said it
你要學會不做野蠻人。S: *GASP* 對了,我說了
M: Also, big shout out thank you to you guys
for sending us so many coffee beans from around the world, because. S: Yes!
為從世界各地給我們送來這麼多咖啡豆,因為。S: 是的!
S: Remember that huge box that we did that had like 30 or 40 different boxes of beans
We just finished it M: We JUST finished and we had them for over a year
我們剛剛完成 M:我們剛剛完成,我們有一年多的時間。
M: So thank you to Take Flight coffee
M:所以感謝Take Flight咖啡
This is not a sponsored video. But this is the final remaining bag and it's decaf
*Simon and Martina laughs* S: I don't even know what to do with it M: We're like I don't know what to do. You hold it! You hold it!
*西蒙和瑪蒂娜大笑* S:我都不知道該怎麼做了 M:我們就像我不知道該怎麼做。 你拿著它!你拿著它!
S: So for other breakfasts stuff for example milk you can get a carton for
238 yen, and that's for 900 milliliters. Interestingly though soy milk is a lot cheaper.
238日元,而這是900毫升的價格。 有趣的是,雖然豆漿要便宜得多。
It's 198 yen for a 1000 milliliters THERE YOU GO soy milk is cheaper than regular milk
M: But once delicious you see and one is made from taking beans and squeezing them in a nut sack
S: So for me, I usually wind up using the soy milk after a workout. I workout three or four times a week
I know you could tell, can't you
M: Ooh, how did you get so firm. S: Stop it. Okay. So I usually have bananas usually around 158 yen for four or
39.5 yen per banana a little bit of soy milk in there. I have some protein powder
I don't buy in the grocery stores out here
I actually get it imported because I've researched a good one that I like and that is usually
$71 US *sigh* but it'll last me a while at least yoghurt and that runs at 208 yen for a 400 gram container
I usually do a couple tablespoons of that frozen blueberries are
275 yen for 200 grams. (M: So expensive) I only put in like 10 blueberries
275日元,200克。(M: So expensive) I only put in like 10 blueberries
So I'm not gonna do the math for how much a whole protein shake costs. I've already done enough math for this video , we're good
M (voiceover): and let's take a break from this video and go for a tour of a Japanese grocery store
Take it away ~
*funky music*
S: Almond milk is really expensive M: pricy. You can get other almond milks in different places like specialty marts, but at our grocery store
S:杏仁奶真的很貴 M:很貴。你可以在不同的地方買到其他的杏仁奶,如專業市場,但在我們的雜貨店裡
There was no almond milk until recently. An almond milk is 428 yen per a thousand milliliter
Which I think is pretty expensive S: Now when it comes to like other vegan options
I remember when we were in LA. We actually saw like just a supermarket we went into. They had like tofu burgers and like vegan burritos
We don't have those here in Tokyo. They might be somewhere, I haven't seen them in any of the supermarkets that we go to
Now with your three different milks you can have cereal which is roughly 275 yen for 240 grams
They are very small little bags of cereal M: They are about this big yeah
他們是非常小的麥片袋 M:他們大約有這麼大 是的
S: and the selection is very very slim
M: We went back to Toronto, we were in the grocery store
And so the way that we walk through like the ramen aisle or the rice aisle in Japan which is huge with like the cereal aisle and some of these boxes were like just like
M: Thick S: Family size so you have regular size, which is a monster and then you have family size
M:厚實 S:家庭大小,所以你有普通大小,這是一個怪物,然後你有家庭大小。
But the point of cereal is not that common here and we barely ever eat it. M: Yeah S: sometimes though
但麥片這一點在這裡並不常見,我們幾乎沒有吃過。M:是的 S:雖然有時
we do have granola with our yogurt and this is only when we feel like splurging because
This is our little thing of granola right here
M: Fruits and seeds S: Just fruits and seeds M: and theres no like cereal bits in it
M:水果和種子 S。只有水果和種子 M:而且裡面沒有像穀類的碎片
S: It's 480 grams and we pay 1600 yen for this M: That's 16 bucks
S:它有480克,我們花了1600日元買這個 M:那是16塊錢
S: So I've had this bag for the past three years and I just nibble at a seed every once in a while
Eat half a seed, put it back in
M: You didn't know, I literally take a tablespoon and I'm like *sprinkle* that's enough
S: ah that's enough M: like onto my yoghurt
S:啊,這就夠了 M:就像在我的酸奶上一樣
M: Let's talk about bread.
S: So a plain white loaf of bread goes for about 95 yen for six slices, which is 15.83 yen per slice, but we know
M: but no one cares *boo*
M: No one's like "I'd like to buy just one single- they like buying the bags Simon. S: No but you know people got economize
男:沒有人說 "我只想買一個,他們喜歡買袋裝的西蒙。西蒙:沒有,但是你知道人們要節約。
M: But even if you go to a bakery and you buy a good loaf of bread
M: 但即使你去麵包店買了一個好的麵包
you're looking at- they don't even sell like those like big ones S: They don't have huge rolls M: they'll do those like half ones S: Like our rolls are usually like this
你在看 -- 他們甚至不賣像那些大的,S。他們沒有大的卷子 M:他們會做那些像半成品一樣的S。像我們的卷子通常是這樣的
and they're like usually around 300 yen for something like that for a good crusty bread M: the price *thumbs up*
See now you understand why the Balmuda (expensive toaster oven) was uh- economical for us
Yes, because if we buy an expensive loaf of bread and it goes crusty by like day four and is super hard
M: We're like we need you to come back to life. S: No, we can't afford this the Balmuda is a money saver
M: It is S: so for those of you that want peanut butter with your toast.
M:是的。 S:所以對於那些想在吐司里加花生醬的人來說。
S: You can get Skippy here this little tiny boy M: hi, I'm Skippy S: 598 yen for 340 grams.
S:你可以在這裡買到Skippy這個小個子男孩 M:嗨,我是Skippy S:598日元,340克。
S: This is like roughly around like five dollars and fifty cents
M: If we went to Costco I think we would walk away with peanut butter
S: Sure M: because they probably have the big boy jars S: big boys probably for the same price
因為他們可能有大男孩的罐子 S:大男孩可能價格相同
M: But um, wow I mean, it's- it's so small
S: But we don't eat that much peanut butter so we just have this small thing and we like have it like once every two months or so
S: What happens if somebody wants to make a grilled cheese sandwich M: True. I guess they'll have to be rich. S: Yes
We saw people mentioning that they make a lot of grilled sandwiches at home
S: So if you want to do that here, you might have to M: save up your money. we had friends over for their birthday S: Yep
S:所以,如果你想在這裡做,你可能要攢錢。 我們有朋友來過生日 S:是的
M: So we decided to make like pasta dinner.
So we went out to buy a ball of fresh mozzarella cheese from like the cheese place.
There are places here that you can- that are specialty cheese shops
S: Yes, we can get lots of cheese here lots of very good cheese, but it comes at a premium.
That little mozzarella ball. One of them was 2,100 yen, which is roughly 21 dollars
S: For an amazing M: It was amazing S: mozzarella ball, but we don't buy that regularly
M: It's like happy birthday S: happy birthday to you and M: look at this mozzarella ball. S: you're sharing that with us. M: Yea
M:這就像生日快樂 S:祝你生日快樂,M:看這個馬蘇裡拉球。S:你在和我們分享這個。M:是的
M: but you can get cheese at the grocery store as well
S: Yes, M: just that it's it's terrible in my opinion S: not that great
S:是的,M:只是在我看來,它很糟糕 S:不是那麼偉大
M: and a sack of 400 grams of mixed shredded white cheese will cost 448 yen,
if you feel like getting ripped off you can spend 750 yen for this ridiculous mix of cheese that come in at 105 grams
For some reason Brie is available everywhere, a camembert for 90 grams will cost you 261 yen
And if you want to get like a cheap fresh mozzarella a hundred grams will cost you around 223 yen
So it is possible to get some cheese
M: but not cheap not like when we go to Europe and we're freaking out over like the cheese that we can get
S: one of the things we love doing when we go to Europe is we go to delis and we could see all the fresh meat
S: That is something I certainly miss
I haven't seen them in any of the grocery stores that we go to here at least
but you can buy some pre-sliced prepackaged meat.
If you want some roast Parma ham you're gonna be paying 379 yen for a 70 gram bag little tiny bag
You could be paying 275 yen for a 135 grams of sliced ham or 288 yen for half of that when it comes to salami
M: And it's gross. S: It's not even good stuff. M:It's like oily
S: Yeah, M: when you eat it you're like "it doesn't taste right" like as a European my soul uh- crumbles a bit and so I can't even bother with it
S:是的,M:當你吃它的時候,你會覺得 "它的味道不對",就像作為一個歐洲人,我的靈魂有點崩潰,所以我甚至不能去理會它。
M: Like it's so bad that I don't I can't even eat it. S: Right M: and when we go back to Toronto we go to Starsky's
M:就像它是如此糟糕,我不我甚至不能吃它。S:對 M:當我們回到多倫多時,我們去Starsky's。
S: Oh Starsky's, M: Oh my God Starsky's in Mississauga
S: Got so much meat and get all them pierogis, the pieroga zeesus M: And they just give out cheese S: the pera Jesus
S:有這麼多的肉,還得到了所有的pierogis,pieroga zeesus M:他們只是給了奶酪 S:pera Jesus
M: No, they out up cheese samples and like meat samples like it's nothing! S: They give away all these free samples
S: I could smuggle that back sell at the black market here
M: Appreciate your boards of cheese and meat that you have
M: 欣賞你的奶酪和肉板,你有
S: Look your mother in the eye and thank her for letting you eat meat in Europe.
S: This was way too long of a pause M: Really weird. S: That was really weird
S:這停頓的時間太長了 M:真的很奇怪。S:這真的很奇怪
M: Pre-made sushi and sashimi and like whole fish I think are are cheaper in Japan than they are overseas.
M: 預製的壽司和生魚片以及整條魚,我認為在日本比在國外要便宜。
M: I can't remember S: I've never bought fresh seafood back in Canada, so I don't know
M:我不記得了 S:我在加拿大沒有買過新鮮的海鮮,所以我不知道
M: My mom is a pescatarian so we buy fish all the time but it's always like pre filleted pieces
M: while in Japan you can get like big boy pieces
M: and as you can see here trays of sashimi and sushi are widely available in the grocery stores
M: 正如你在這裡看到的那樣,在雜貨店裡廣泛提供生魚片和壽司的盤子。
And those can go from the cheaper end like 400 yen up to 1,200 yen, depending on the price and the quality
M: I will say we have bought sashimi and cheap tuna rolls before
M: 我要說的是,我們以前買過生魚片和便宜的金槍魚卷。
S: Yeah, still amazing. M: Yeah, we didnt get sick S: Still better than anything I had in Canada
S:是的,仍然令人驚訝。M:是的,我們沒有生病 S:仍然比我在加拿大吃的任何東西都好
M: Yeah, because S: obviously M: I mean it's like local, awesome ingredients. S: Yep
M:是的,因為S:很明顯 M:我的意思是,這就像當地的,很棒的成分。S:是的
M: But once you start like dabbling in the different pre-made trays you do taste the difference in quality
M: 但是一旦你開始接觸不同的預製盤,你就會嚐到品質上的差異。
S: Sure M: so S: but even the cheapest stuff is great
S:當然 M:所以 S:但即使是最便宜的東西也很好
It is but I'm gonna give you that recommendation again,
if you go to a subway station and there is a like high-end department store
when you go just before they close they'll sticker all the sushi
and it'll be like 50% off or like 30% off and then you can have like a quick easy supper for like half-price sushi,
and we've not ever been sick for any of this
S: nope, it's great M: It's just fresh and delicious. So just come anytime.
S:不,這很好 M:這只是新鮮和美味。所以隨時都可以來。
S: So that's it for this video I hope we gave you a little bit of an understanding of what prices are like for food in Japan
We've got some more prices that we're gonna go over on our blog post
So make sure you check those out if you want to learn a little bit more about produce and like frozen food that you can microwave it or whatnot,
S: but the fun doesn't stop there: come on over to my video.
I got some Coco curry re-fryable fried rice
Coco curry rice you could take home with you. You can't go wrong with this
M: Why choose that adventure when you can look at this?
This is an omurice package. What is this? Look at how thin it is
S: thats... You're in love with the Coco M: it's just rice with Coco curry flavoring (which I'm obviously gonna eat later) come
S:那是...你愛上了Coco M:這只是加了Coco咖喱味的米飯(顯然我以後要吃)來了
S: Follow me. If you follow her she won't get any of my rice
M: Come with me *na na na* S: NO