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Ryan Seacrest: What'd you have for breakfast?
Selena Gomez: Two Jack In the Box tacos.
Ryan: [stares silently]
Selena: I know.
Ryan: Don't talk to me. [laughs]
Ryan: Don't even talk to me today.
Sisanie: Oh my god. I don't know if I can do this.
Ryan: Well it's not a show and tell.
Sisanie: Oh, I'm watching-it is a show and tell!
Ryan: So I carry these around. This comes with me all day.
Sisanie: You don't carry that around like a man purse.
Ryan: I walk in, I do I walk in, true or false?
Unknown: True!
Sisanie: So cute! Like you're going to go camping.
Ryan: I look like I'm going to build a house. [laughing]
Ryan: Alright, so this is the Brazilian Thunder AM/PM [liquid shaking].
Ryan: So this is cauli greens, kale, broccoli...
Selena: Can I smell it?
Ryan: Coconut water, and green tea.
Selena: No it's not!
Ryan: Yeah, want some?
Selena: No! I do not want. That's-but, I do want to try it.
Ryan: You will try some. It's good for you. Dr. Oz told me, dark greens are really good for you over time.
Selena: I don't know who Dr. Oz is.
Ryan: You don't know who Dr. Oz is? Do you know Oprah?
Selena: Yeah.
Ryan: Okay, she discovered him.
Ryan: Grab me a cup for Selena to have some.
Selena: Like a sip! [laughs]
Sisanie: Is that already made? Do you have to make that or it comes made like that already?
Ryan: No, I'm a juicer, but I keep, I don't, I keep the whole veggies together.
Sisanie: So you make it. You have the Magic Bullet as seen on TV?
Ryan: Yeah, I didn't order it from TV.
That may be, I may have over served you.
But just think of the good it's doing to your body. Lots of ginger, good right?
Selena: No, I haven't tasted it. I'm scared.
Selena: [coughs] Oh my god!
Sisanie: Do you want some water?
Ryan: Do you like it?
Selena: Why do you do that to yourself? [laughing] Oh my god.
Ryan: Wait, but look what I get to look forward to, lunch!
Selena: What is that?
Ryan: I can't even tell you. Secret.
Selena: Wait, watch it's like veal and brains.