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Fresh off the Labor Day holiday, we welcome you to a new, shortened week of CNN 10.
勞動節假期剛過,歡迎來到全新一期的 CNN 10。
I'm Carl Azuz. It's great to see you and we hope you're doing well.
我是 Carl Azuz,很高興見到大家,希望你們一切安好。
Starting today in Afghanistan where the Taliban, the ruling group in the Asian country, says it has completely conquered the Panjshir Valley.
塔利班宣稱,從今天開始,該執政集團已經完全攻克阿富汗境內的龐吉夏河谷(Panjshir Valley)。
Why is that significant?
Well, the Taliban quickly took control of Afghanistan as the United States prepared to withdraw its military from there last month.
But there's 1 province left out of the 34 in Afghanistan that's been considered a hold-out.
阿富汗的 34 個省中,唯獨最後一個省仍在頑強抵抗。
A group in Panjshir, which is north of the capital of Kabul, has been fiercely fighting the Taliban for weeks.
And if the Taliban has conquered Panjshir⏤as it says it has⏤it means they now control all of the country.
But the National Resistance Front says the Taliban does not have control in Panjshir, that there's fighting against the Taliban all over the province, and that it will continue.
Meanwhile, efforts continue to get American citizens out of the country.
The Biden Administration has said there are around 100 Americans remaining in Afghanistan.
拜登政府表示,目前阿富汗還剩下約 100 名美國人。
A Republican lawmaker on the House Foreign Affairs Committee says the number is quote, "in the hundreds".
The US State Department says it just helped four Americans escape the country over land, but there are multiple reports that say the Taliban is blocking other Americans from leaving on planes.
A Republican lawmaker says the Taliban wants something in exchange for allowing the planes to leave.
The State Department says it can't confirm these reports because it no longer has employees in Afghanistan.
For its part, the Taliban has said it will allow Americans to leave Afghanistan freely, but can this group be trusted?
Inside the new Afghanistan, in rural Paktika Province far from Kabul, the Taliban's provincial governor has called a meeting.
No women to be seen.
Local village elders and tribal chiefs listen; a young boy takes a selfie.
Much has changed since the Taliban were last in charge⏤smartphones and social media⏤but poverty, still the country's biggest problem.
[Pashto] We have many expectations and we are praying the Taliban will deliver.
The week after Kabul fell, a local journalist took a road trip for us to see what was happening outside the capital⏤Taliban guides showed him the way
At the border, change is already underway.
Part charm offensive, giving traders what they want⏤longer opening hours at the border⏤and part crackdown⏤keeping men and women apart.
[Pashto] Let me tell you: Before, we had one single line for both men and women. Now we have two; they are kept apart.
Pakistani officials easing into the new relationship backing the segregation.
On this journey, two things become clear: Afghanistan's near financial collapse and the hard switch to religious rule.
Spotting a crowd, the team stop⏤It's a provincial courthouse
Inside, local leaders, careful to praise the new boss.
[Pashto] We used to have to go a long way to get to a Taliban court, he says, now we have one right here.
The new judge in town⏤quite literally⏤laying down the Taliban law, their interpretation of Islamic law.
Under Taliban rule in the 1990s, the Taliban's Sharia law led to public amputations for thieves, stoning, even hanging,
20 世紀 90 年代,塔利班以他們詮釋版的伊斯蘭教法統治阿富汗,當時小偷被當眾截肢、用石頭砸死,甚至吊死。
but in the local market, Sharia law is not the big concern. It's making a living.
[Pashto] Business is very bad. We don't know who's in charge.
[Pashto] Only low rank people are here; we don't know if we can trust them.
[Pashto] They're not telling us anything and the situation has not improved; prices are going up.
In the barbershop, business is down.
It's not only me, he says, but business is bad in the market; it's not as good as before.
They're not alone.
The local pharmacist is also struggling. Stocks already depleted under the last government.
The clinics, maternity nurse also worried about finances, says the previous government didn't pay her for the past four months and she can't afford to go home.
Closer to Kabul, another doctor, more problems.
Day and night, he says, we get 25 to 30 patients and we have just 1 doctor and 1 nurse for them all.
他說,他們從早忙到晚。「我們要應付 25 到 30 名病人,但我們只有一名醫生和一名護士。」
Outside the hospital, the Taliban claim an alternate reality.
[Pashto] Before, you didn't know whether the doctor was coming or not, but now, they are there for you all the time.
On this trip, the Taliban's prioritising of Sharia law and bits of charm offensive seemingly missing Afghans' most important needs: a secure livelihood.
Lousy. Poor. A massive disappointment.
These are some of the words being used to describe the US government's latest jobs report, which came out last Friday and covered national employment conditions in August.
這些是人們對美國政府最新發布的就業報告的形容。這份報告於上週五被發布,內容涵蓋了 8 月的全國就業狀況。
235,000 jobs were added to the US economy that month.
8 月當月,美國一共產生了 23.5 萬個新就業機會。
Why was that disappointing?
Because economists had expected that 728,000 jobs would be added as the recovery continues from all the effects and shutdowns related to coronavirus.
因為經濟學家曾預計,逐漸從冠狀病毒疫情導致的影響和封城中復甦過來的美國將增加 72.8 萬個工作崗位。
The unemployment rate, the percentage of workers that don't have a job, that improved a bit to 5.2%⏤it was 5.4% in July.
在失業率方面,8 月的失業人口為 5.2%,比 7 月份的 5.4% 稍稍改善。
The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since the pandemic hammered the US economy last March.
8 月的失業率是去年 3 月疫情爆發以來的最低點。
But as far as job growth goes, many economists are blaming the Delta variant of COVID, which is responsible for most of the new cases in America, for holding the economy back.
但就就業增長而言,許多經濟學家把經濟反彈的緩慢歸咎於 Delta 變異株的流行。Delta 變異株是引發美國多數新冠病毒新病例的罪魁禍首。
Call it the Delta drag.
就叫它 Delta 拖累吧!
Jobs growth slowed in August as the Delta vi⏤uh, variant surged.
在 Delta 變異株出現後,8 月的就業率增長立即放緩。
After very strong hiring in June and July, August was the slowest job growth since January, and the very sector that drove so much of the job gains this year stalled.
6 月和 7 月,美國的招募活動非常蓬勃,反觀 8 月是 1 月以來就業增長最緩慢的時期,就連推動今年就業增長的部門也遭受牽連而停滯不前。
Hiring in leisure and hospitality was flat; employment in that sector is still down about 10% from before the pandemic.
休閒和飯店業的招募活動直接被病毒打趴,目前該領域的就業率仍低於疫情前 10%。
Job losses last month were in retail stores, bars and restaurants⏤even without renewed lockdowns, economists say Americans are turning more cautious about going out as the variant spreads and hospitals fill up.
零售商店、酒吧和餐館的失業人數最多——即使沒有重新封城,經濟學家說,隨著 Delta 變異株的蔓延和醫院的爆滿,美國人對外出變得更加謹慎。
There was strong hiring in professional services.
Think architects, engineers, computer systems design, scientific research, gains in manufacturing and transportation warehousing, and notable, the jobless rate fell to the lowest of the pandemic⏤
5.2% as households reported stronger jobs growth there.
報告指出,5.2% 家庭有更強勁的就業率表現。
Now, big picture: 17 million jobs have been added since the crash in the spring of 2020.
整體來說,自 2020 年春季人力市場的崩潰以來,全國已經增加了 1,700 萬個新工作。
The economy still down 5.3 million jobs since the pandemic began.
還缺 530 萬個就業機會,才能追回疫情前的就業率表現。
10-second trivia: Which of these nations has only one official time zone?
10 秒問答!這些國家中,哪個國家只有一個官方時區。
Australia, Brazil, China, or Indonesia.
Before its communist revolution in 1949, China had five time zones⏤its current government only recognizes one.
在 1949 年共產黨革命之前,中國共有五個時區——而中國現任政府執政後,只承認一個時區。
Would you live in a 10-story apartment building that was built in one day?
你願不願意住在一棟一天內就建成的 10 層公寓裡?
'Cause that's what appears to be happening right here.
This was not done the old-fashioned way.
The Chinese company that built this started with prefabricated containers that were largely assembled in a factory.
That's where the windows, appliances, lighting, mechanical and electrical systems were all set up.
Then, these containers were moved to the building site and that's when the clock was started.
A large team was able to unfold the walls, stack and connect the containers in just under 29 hours⏤what the company calls the world's shortest construction period.
一組大型團隊在短短不到 29 小時內,展開了牆壁、把貨櫃堆疊並連接起來。該公司形容,他們的施工期是世界最短。
It says this method of construction does not affect the building strength, but is it the way of the future in the industry?
Some critics still have safety concerns, though this might attract attention in cities that are looking for housing that can be built quickly and cheaply.
Something funny to wrap up our show today and don't give me that skeptical side-eye.
These are comedic wildlife photos, and they're competing for a comedy wildlife photography award.
Still not impressed?
Well, there's gotta be something here that you find eye-opening.
42 of the world's most amusing animal images will be voted on by viewers and the winner gets a trophy, a special website for a year, and a one-week-long safari.
觀眾將以投票方式在這 42 張世界上最有趣的動物圖片中選出優勝者。獲勝者將獲得一個獎盃,一個為期一年的特殊網站和為期一週的野生動物園體驗。
Haters might say that competition's for the birds, but if you find yourself "monkeying" around with a camera "ow-all" the time and "camel" across something "un-bear-lievably" hilarious,
we'll take your best shot "eagle eye", 'cause you, too, could "tree" yourself to the title of "peng-winner".
We love to recognize schools that use our show; today's shout-out goes out to Branford High School in Branford, Florida.
For a chance to get your school mentioned, please subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave a comment on the most recent show at youtube.com/CNN 10.
如果你也想要我們節目點名你的學校,訂閱我們的 Youtube 頻道,並在 youtube.com/CNN 10 最新一期節目底下留言。
I'm Carl Azuz.
我是 Carl Azuz。