字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 you were in iraq you should have never left the way the point is is going to be iran well you know once again uh donald is implying that he didn't support the invasion of iraq i said it was a mistake i said that years ago he has consistently denied what is a very clear fact that before the invasion he supported it and you know i just want everybody to go google it google donald trump iraq and you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of iraq and you can actually hear the audio of him saying that now why does that matter well it matters because he has not told the truth about that position i guess he believes it makes him look better now to contrast with me because i did vote for it but what's really important here is to understand all the interplay mosul is a sunni city mosul is on the border of syria and yes we do need to go after baghdadi and just like we went after bin laden uh while you were doing celebrity apprentice and we brought him to justice we need to go after the leadership but we need to get rid of them get rid of their fighters their estimated several thousand fighters in mosul they've been digging underground they've been prepared to defend it's going to be tough fighting but i think we can take back mosul and then we can move on into syria and take back raqqa this is what we have to do i'm i'm just amazed that he seems to think that the iraqi government and our allies and everybody else launched uh the attack on mosul to help me in this election but that's how donald thinks you know he always looking for something chris we don't gain anything iran is taking over iraq secretary clinton iran is taking over the one that's in fit you know wikileaks just actually came out john podesta said some horrible things about you and boy was he right he said some beauties and you know bernie sanders uh he said you have bad judgment you do and if you think that going into mosul after we let the world know we're going in and all of the people that we really wanted the leaders they're all gone if you think that was good then you do now john podesta said you have terrible instincts bernie sanders said you have bad judgment i agree with both well you should ask bernie sanders who he's supporting for president and he has said which is pain for me around the country you are the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of america i think he's right let's turn to aleppo mr trump in the last debate you were both asked about the situation in the syrian city of aleppo and i want to follow up on that because you said several things in that debate which were not true sir you said that aleppo has basically fallen in fact there in fact there are it's a catastrophe it is a catastrophe but there are a quarter have you seen it have you seen it so have you seen what's happened to elephants i might finish my question okay so it hasn't fallen take a look at it well there are a quarter of a million people still living there and being slaughtered that's right and they are being slaughtered because of bad decisions if i may just finish here and you also said that isis that syria and russia are busy fighting isis in fact they have been the ones who've been bombing and shelling eastern aleppo uh and they just announced a humanitarian pause in effect admitting that they have been bombing and shelling aleppo would you like to clear that up well aleppo is a disaster it's a humanitarian nightmare but it has fallen from the state from any standpoint i mean what do you need a signed document take a look at aleppo it is so sad when you see what's happened and a lot of this is because of hillary clinton because what's happened is by fighting assad who turned out to be a lot tougher than she thought and now she's going to say oh he loves assad she's he's just much tougher and much smarter than her and obama and everyone thought he was gone two years ago three years ago he lined he aligned with russia he now also aligned with iran who we made very powerful we gave them 150 billion dollars back we give them 1.7 billion in cash i mean cash bundles of cash as big as this stage we gave them 1.7 billion dollars now they have lined he has aligned with russia and with iran they don't want isis but they have other things because we're backing we're backing rebels we don't know who the rebels are we're giving them lots of money lots of everything we don't know who the rebels are and when and if and it's not going to happen because you have russia and you have iran now but if they ever did overthrow assad you might end up with as bad as assad is and he's a bad guy but you may very well end up with worse than assad if she did nothing we'd be in much better shape and this is what's caused the great migration where she's taken in tens of thousands of syrian refugees who probably in many cases not probably who are definitely in many cases isis-aligned and we now have them in our country and where do you see what is going to be the great trojan horse and where do you see what happens in the coming years lots of luck hillary thanks a lot for doing a great job secretary clinton you have talked about and in the last debate and again today that you would impose a no-fly zone to try to protect the people of aleppo and to stop the killing there president obama has refused to do that because he fears it's going to draw us closer or deeper into the conflict and general joseph dunford the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says you impose a no-fly zone chances are you're going to get into a war his words with syria and and russia so the question i have is if you impose a no-fly zone first of all how do you respond to their concerns secondly if you impose a no-fly zone and a russian plane violates that does president clinton shoot that plane down well chris first of all i think a no-fly zone could save lives and could hasten the end of the conflict i am well aware of the really legitimate concerns that you have expressed from both the president and the general this would not be done just on the first day this would take a lot of negotiation it would also take making it clear to the russians and the syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground we've had millions of people leave syria and those millions of people uh inside syria who've been dislocated so i think we could strike a deal and make it very clear to the russians and the syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interests of the people on the ground in syria it would help us with our fight against isis but i want to respond to what donald said about refugees he's made these claims repeatedly i am not going to let anyone into this country who is not vetted who we do not have confidence in but i am not going to slam the door on women and children i that picture of that little four-year-old boy in aleppo with the blood coming down his face while he sat in an ambulance is haunting and so we are going to do very careful thorough vetting that does not solve our internal challenges with isis and our need to stop radicalization to work with american muslim communities who are on the front lines to identify and prevent attacks in fact the killer of the dozens of people at the nightclub in orlando the pulse nightclub was born in queens the same place donald was born so let's be clear about what the threat is and how we are best going to be able to meet it and yes some of that threat emanates from over in syria and iraq and we've got to keep fighting and i will defeat isis and some of it is we have to up our game and be much smarter here i want to get into our final segment but i just have to it's so ridiculous what you she will defeat isis we should have never let isis happen in the first place and right now they're in 32 countries wait one second they had aces fire three weeks ago a ceasefire united states russia syria and during the ceasefire russia took over vast swatches of land and then they said we don't want the ceasefire anymore we are so outplayed on missiles on ceasefires they are outplayed now she wasn't there i assume she had nothing to do with it but our country is so outplayed by putin and assad and by the way and by iran nobody can believe how stupid our leadership is mr trump secretary clinton no we need to move on to our final segment and that is the national debt which has not been discussed until tonight our national debt is the share of the economy our gdp is now 77 that's the highest since just after world war ii but the nonpartisan committee for a responsible federal budget says secretary clinton under your plan debt would rise to 86 percent of gdp over the next 10 years mr trump under your plan they say it would rise to 105 of gdp over the next 10 years question is why are both of you ignoring this problem mr trump you go first well i say they're wrong because i'm going to create tremendous jobs and we're bringing gdp from really one percent which is what it is now and if she got in it'll be less than zero but we're bringing it from one percent up to four percent and i actually think we can go higher than four percent i think you can go to five or six percent and if we do you don't have to bother asking your question because we have a tremendous machine we will have created a trend tremendous economic machine once again to do that we're taking back jobs we're not going to let our companies be rated by other countries where we lose all our jobs we don't make our product anymore it's very sad but i'm going to create a the kind of a country that we were from the standpoint of industry we used to be there we've given it up we've become very very sloppy we've had people that are political hacks making the biggest deals in the world bigger than companies you take these big companies these trade deals are far bigger than these companies and yet we don't use our great leaders many of whom back me and many of whom back hillary i must say but we don't use those people those are the people these are the greatest negotiators in the world we have the greatest business people in the world we have to use them to negotiate our trade deals we use political hacks we use people that get the position because they gave they made a campaign contribution and they're dealing with china and people that are very much smarter than they are so we have to use our great people but that being said we will create an economic machine the likes of which we haven't seen in many decades and people chris will again go back to work and they'll make a lot of money and we'll have companies that will grow and expand and start from new secretary clinton well first when i when i hear donald talk like that and know that his slogan is make america great again i wonder when he thought america was great uh and before he rushes and says you know before you and president obama were there i think it's important to recognize that he has been criticizing um our government for decades you know back in 1987 he took out a 100 000 ad in the new york times during the time when president reagan was president and basically said exactly what he just said now that we were the laughing stock of the world he was criticizing president reagan this is the way donald thinks about himself puts himself into you know the middle and says you know i alone can fix it as he said on the convention stage but if you look at the debt which is the issue you asked about chris i pay for everything i'm proposing i do not add a penny to the national debt i take that very seriously because i do think it's one of the issues we've got to come to grips with so when i talk about how we're going to pay for education how we're going to invest in infrastructure how we're going to get the cost of prescription drugs down and a lot of the other issues that people talk to me about all the time i've made it very clear we are going where the money is we are going to ask the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share and there is no evidence whatsoever that that will slow down or diminish our growth in fact i think just the opposite we'll have what economists call middle out growth we've got to get back to rebuilding the middle class the families of america that's where growth will come from that's why i want to invest in you i want to invest in your family and i think that's the smartest way to grow the economy to make the economy fairer and we just have a big disagreement about this it may be because of our experiences you know he started off with his dad as a millionaire i started off with my dad he's a small businessman we've heard this before i think it's you know it's a difference that affects how we see the world and what we want to do with the economy time thank you hillary could i just respond well not well no because i didn't agree with ronald reagan very strongly on trade i disagreed with him we should have been much tougher on trade even then i've been waiting for years nobody does it right and frankly now we're going to do it right all right i the one last area i want to get into with you in this debate is the fact that the biggest driver of our debt is entitlements which is 60 of all federal spending now the committee for federal uh responsible federal budget has looked at both of your plans and they say neither of you has a a serious plan that is going to solve the fact that that medicare is going to run out of money in the 2020s social security is going to run out of money in the 2030s and at that time recipients are going to take huge cuts in their benefits so in effect the final question i want to ask you in this regard is and let me start with you mr trump would president trump make a deal to save medicare and social security that included both tax increases and benefit cuts in effect a grand bargain on entitlements i'm cutting taxes we're going to grow the economy it's going to grow at a record rate but that's not going to help entitlement it's going to totally help you and one thing we have to do repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare it's destroying our country it's destroying our businesses our small business and our big businesses we have to repeal and replace obamacare you take a look at the kind of numbers that that will cost us in the year 17 it is a disaster if we don't repeal and replace now it's probably going to die of its own weight but obamacare has to go it's the premiums are going up 60 70 80 percent next year they're going to go up over a hundred percent and i'm really glad that the premiums have started at least the people see what's happening because she wants to keep obamacare and she wants to make it even worse and it can't get any worse bad health care at the most expensive price we have to repeal and replace obamacare and secretary clinton same question because at this point social security and medicare are going to run out the trust funds are going to run out of money will you as president entertain will you consider a a grand bargain a deal that includes both tax increases and benefit cuts to try to save both programs well chris i am on record as saying that we need to put more money in the social security trust fund that's part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy my social security payroll contribution will go up as will donald's assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it uh but what we want to do is to replenish the success trust fund by making sure that we have sufficient resources and that will come from either raising the cap and or finding other ways to get more money into it i will not cut benefits i want to enhance benefits for low-income workers and for women who have been disadvantaged by the current social security system but what donald is proposing with these massive tax cuts will result in a 20 trillion dollar additional national debt that will have dire consequences for social security and medicare and i'll say something about the affordable care act which he wants to repeal the affordable care act extended the solvency of the medicare trust fund so if he repeals it our medicare problem gets worse what we need to do is go ahead and disagree long-term health care drivers we've got to get costs down increase value emphasize wellness i have a plan for doing that and i think that we will be able to get entitlement spending under control by with more resources and smarter decisions this is the final time probably to both of your delight that you're going to be on stage together in this campaign i would like to end it on a positive note you had not agreed to uh closing statements but it seems to me in a funny way that might make it more interesting because you haven't prepared closing statements so i'd like you each to take it we're going to put a clock up a minute as the final question and the final debate to tell the american people why they should elect you to be the next president this is another new mini segment secretary clinton it's your turn to go first well i would like to say to everyone watching tonight that i'm reaching out to all americans democrats republicans and independents because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be to grow the economy to make it fairer to make it work for everyone we need your talents your skills your commitment your energy your ambition you know i've been privileged to see the presidency up close and i know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you i have made the cause of children and families really my life's work that's what my mission will be in the presidency i will stand up for families against powerful interests against corporations i will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes that your kids have good educations from preschool through college i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president secretary clinton thank you mr trump she's raising the money from the people she wants to control it doesn't work that way but when i started this campaign i started it very strongly it's called make america great again we're going to make america great we have a depleted military it has to be helped has to be fixed we have the greatest people on earth in our military we don't take care of our veterans we take care of illegal immigrants people that come into the country illegally better than we take care of our vets that can't happen our policemen and women are disrespected we need law and order but we need justice too our inner cities are a disaster you get shot walking to the store they have no education they have no jobs i will do more for african-americans and latinos than she can ever do in 10 lifetimes all she's done is talk to the african-americans and to the latinos but they get the vote and then they come back they say we'll see you in four years we are going to make america strong again and we are going to make america great again and it has to start now we cannot take four more years of barack obama and that's what you get when you get her thank you both secretary clinton hold on just a moment folks secretary clinton mr trump i want to thank you both for participating in all three of these debates that brings to an end this year's debate sponsored by the commission on presidential debates we want to thank the university of nevada las vegas and its students for having us now the decision is up to you while millions have already voted election day november 8th is just 20 days away one thing everyone here can agree on we hope you will go vote it is one of the honors and obligations of living in this great country thank you and good night guys okay