字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This is Christine Kaaloa GRRRL TRAVELER 這裡是克莉絲汀‧卡洛 GRRRL TRAVELER(網站) In this video, we're gonna talk about some solo travel safety tips for women 在這影片中,我們要講些關於女人獨自旅遊的安全守則 And how you can be a smart traveler 以及妳如何當個聰明的旅人 Today I'm doing the second part of my travel Q and A, I have a question from Berny in last video was 今天我要回答我的"旅遊問與答"的第二部分,這裡有個在上支影片中來自布妮的提問 "Is it safe for a woman to travel alone?" "對女人來說獨自旅行安全嗎?" I'll talk about safety, the kind of choices you're gonna to make as a traveler or how you're gonna take preventive measures 我將講到關於安全,當你成為旅人時該如何做決定,以及如何做預防措施 When we go throughout our normal everyday life, we kind of put common safety sense in the back of our minds. 在我們的日常生活中,我們常將對安全的意識拋在腦後 There are times we take safety for granted. 我們有時候將安全視為理所當然 The top of my list is: always be aware of your surroundings. 在我清單中的第一項就是: 永遠對身邊的環境事物保持警覺 What's around you? Who's around you? 妳身邊有什麼? 誰在妳附近? It's very similar to driving a car. 這跟開車很像 As a driver, I'm being aware of my surroundings of any pedestrians that are crossing my path, 作為一個駕駛,我會隨時注意我的周遭是否有任何行人跨越我正在開的路 any cars that are going to cut in my lane, as well as the light that's gonna change right now. 任何要切入我開的車道的汽車,以及將要改變的號誌燈。 The idea is: if you can see it then you can deter it! 我的想法是: 如果妳看的到,就可以阻止它發生 As a traveler, if I can see people coming in on the side of me, or someone walking close to me, and it's a little too close, 作為一個旅人,如果我能看到有人向我走近,或走在我身旁,離我太近 they're coming up a little too fast, 他們出現的有點太快 then I can think about what kind of action to make to deter a possible snatch or anything like that. 我就會開始思考我可以做的行動,去預防搶劫或任何類似的事發生 But if you're not focused on your surroundings, 但如果妳沒注意妳的周遭 and you're like in la la land, 然後妳又處於心不在焉的狀態 that kinds of signals to any kind of attacker you're not aware, you're distracted, 這會像個信號,讓任何想攻擊妳的人知道妳沒有警覺,妳在分心 then you become an easy target for people. 妳就成為一個容易攻擊的目標 Even at this moment I'm at a beach park, and I'm videotaping myself, 即使像現在我在一個海濱公園,我正在自己拍影片 At the same time I'm seeing what's going on around me to see if anyone's coming towards me. 同時我也在看我周遭發生的事,以及是否有人朝我走來 My hand is on the camera, actually, right now. 我手中正拿著攝影機,沒錯,就是現在 You always want to hold whatever is valuable close to you, so that you make it difficult for people to steal. 妳要讓身貴重物品時時貼近妳的身體,這樣一來讓他人難以下手偷竊 You wanna wear your purse strap cross over you, 妳要將妳的隨身包的背袋斜背 and you wanna put your hand over the bag, or wherever your valuables are: 將妳的手放在包包或是貴重物品上 If you're holding a camera, you want to put your hand over the camera. That makes it more difficult for people to steal. 如果妳正揹著相機,將妳的手放在上面,這樣他人看起來比較難下手搶劫 I always carry my backpack, and what I'll do is I'll swivel it around like this. 我總是帶著背包,然後我都會像這樣將我的背包轉過來 With my valuables in front of me, I always have an eye on. 讓我的貴重物品在我前面,我可以一直注意它 Nothing goes in or out of my bag without me seeing it. 有什麼東西被放進來或是從包包被拿走都會經過我的視線 Some traveler made a comment in the forums of how obnoxious it was for travelers to swivel..... 有些旅人在論壇中會說他們多討厭旅行者把東西轉到自己身前 You know like wear their backpack in front of them, like people were gonna steal things. 像這樣把東西背在他們的身體前面,搞得好像別人都想要偷東西 But that traveler is not gonna be responsible for it if this bag gets stolen. 但這麼說的人不需要為這個包包遺失而負責 I'm the one that's gonna be responsible for it. 要負責任的人是我 I'll wear my bag anywhere I damn will, please. 我會把包包放在任何我想放的地方,得了吧 Next tip: act confident. 下一個: 假裝有自信 The trick is all in the attitude. 所有的技巧都在於態度 If you're not feeling confident because you're uncertain of your surroundings, 如果因為對周遭環境充滿的不確定感,讓妳覺得沒有信心 Fake it! 要假裝! Fake it! Butch it up! Look tough! 偽裝一下! 強悍起來! 讓妳看來堅強! People are gonna read your body language. 他人會感受到妳的肢體語言 I was living in New York, and a New Yorker carries themselves in a certain way that's very like, focused, very strong. 我曾住在紐約,紐約人讓他們自己看起來專注且強悍 They know where they're going, 他們知道他們要上哪去 and that's kind of what you have to look like even if you may not feel like you know where you're going. 這就是即使妳不知道要去哪裡,妳仍要偽裝出來的感覺 Here another tip is: listen to your gut, or listen to your instinct. 另一個要訣是: 聆聽妳的勇氣和直覺 If you feel like something's wrong, it's probably wrong. 如果妳感到不太對勁,極有可能就不太對 So always trust your instinct, always trust those good and bad feelings about people. 所以相信妳的直覺,相信妳對他人的好或壞的感覺 Because as a solo traveler, you're gonna have to know who you can trust, and who you can't. 因為作為一個單獨旅行者,妳必須要知道誰可以相信,誰不可以相信 Some travelers are very trusting in strangers, 有些旅人非常相信陌生人 and they want to be like social and open, and that's all good stuff. 他們想要看起來外向懂得社交,這些都是很棒的 It's just that you also have to be wise about people that you choose to get help for or ask help from. 只不過妳要有智慧去分辨那些向妳尋求幫助或妳尋求幫助的對象 You're gonna wanna make sure that they're good people. 妳一定、絕對要確定他們是好人 So, you know, you gonna want to feel around a bit before you trust, you open up, 所以,在妳要相信其他人前,為他們敞開心胸之前,要先花時間了解他們 It's not everyone is gonna be a good person. 當然不是所有人都是好人 Which brings me to the next thing: avoid giving out personal information. 所以有下一件事情就是: 避免洩漏妳的個人資訊 It's easier to strike up a conversation with strangers and other travelers when you're traveling alone. 在獨自旅行時,妳其實很容易與陌生人或其他旅人攀談 Sometimes you let your guard down, and maybe you tell them a little too much. 有時這會讓妳的放下警戒心,以及也許妳會不小心說得太多 You wanna try and avoid giving any personal information like: if you're traveling alone, if you're single, what hotel you're staying at. 妳要試著避免給他人任何有關妳個人的資訊,像是: 妳是否一個人旅行? 妳單身嗎? 妳住哪個旅店? If I happen to slip and tell someone I'm traveling alone, I'll backpedal a little, 如果我不小心說溜嘴我正獨自在旅行,我會稍微退一步 and I'll let them know I'm traveling alone right now but I'm meeting someone, you know, in the city that I'm going to. 我會說我現在是獨自旅行,但我會在我即將要去的城市與某人會合 I don't like to give my relationship status, 我也不喜歡講我的感情狀態 and if I do, then I will tell them I'm in a relationship. 如果我必須講,我會說我有另一伴 If you're going out at night, one, I would avoid any dark places. 如果在晚上獨自外出,我會避免去任何黑暗的地方 Dark alleys, any place that's closed from the public. 黑暗的巷弄,任何遠離大眾的地方 Always try and stand in the main street. 永遠走在主要街道上 A lot of people like to walk around listening to their music. At night, walking alone is not the time to listen to your music, 許多人喜歡邊走路邊聽音樂,但晚上走在路上並不適合聽音樂 because you wanna be able to hear everything that's going on around you. 因為妳需要能夠聽到所有身在妳身邊的事物 You wanna be able to hear if there's someone coming up behind you, you know. 妳必須要能夠察覺是否有人走在妳後面 For me, I also will look at the ground to see if there are shadows coming up behind me. 像我,我也會看地上的倒影來注意是否有人走在我後面 What I do is I always try and hold something in my hand like this, like a pen, it's a simple pen. 我最常做的事就是我會像這樣在手中拿著某樣東西,像是一支原子筆,簡單的原子筆 This pen is a potential weapon for me, and I hold it like this, and I flash it around, and this lets any attacker know that visibly I'm armed. 這支筆是我潛在的武器,我會像這樣拿著,然後不時揮舞一下,這會讓攻擊者清楚的看到我是有武器的 And I'm dangerous. 以及我是有危險性的 What you're gonna do is research the appropriate dress code for the country. 妳需要做的還有研究妳要去的國家該穿的合適服裝 If it's a conservative country, then you're gonna wanna dress conservative. 如果它是個保守的國家,妳就要穿得保守 Respect the culture! 尊重當地的文化! You're solo, you're single, you kind of want to meet someone maybe. 妳是一個人,妳單身,也許妳希望可以來場豔遇 You want to dress a little sexy, but for every one guy that you consider hot, there's gonna be twenty that you consider not. 妳想穿得有點性感,但妳每找到一個有吸引力的人之前,妳可能會先找到二十個你覺得不性感的男人 And they're all gonna be looking at you. 然後那些人全都會看著你 Imagine those odds, that's what you're attracting. 想像一下那些怪人,那就是妳會吸引的人 If it's your first time traveling alone, 如果這是妳第一次獨自旅行 I would recommend researching countries and researching countries that are considered somewhat safe for a women to travel alone, especially for your first time. 我會建議做好準備功課,找一個對女人來說比較安全的國家,尤其是第一次 What I did for my first country, which was Thailand, I asked friends what countries they felt were safe or they heard were safe. 我第一次獨自旅行國家是泰國,我有問我朋友,哪個國家他們覺得比較安全或是聽說很安全 And they came back to me with two countries, and that was Costa Rica and Thailand. 然後他們給我兩個國家,哥斯大黎加與泰國 Another thing is to research travel alerts. 另一件事就是要注意旅遊警戒 Like for Americans, we have a website called travel.state.gov. 像是美國人,我們有一個網站叫travel.state.gov. And that's our website, and it lets us know what countries are dangerous for Americans to travel in. 這是我們的網站,讓我們知道什麼國家對美國人旅遊是危險的 So I always go there to check in on, to read up on the countries that I'm interested in going to. 所以我都會到網站上閱讀我有興趣前往的國家的相關資訊 On that website what I'll also do is I'll sign up for their smart traveler program which is kind of like this program where you tell them when you're gonna be visiting that country, for how long. 在我網站上我也會登入他們的聰明旅遊計畫,一個妳可以登入妳即將要去哪個國家、去多久 You know like a war breaks out, or something like that, they will email you the nearest evacuation sites, 它會告訴妳像是:如有戰爭爆發,或類似事件,他們會寄電子郵件告訴妳最近的疏散避難處 fun stuff like that, which I have had happened to me when I was living in South Korea. 像這樣的事,我就曾經在我住在南韓時收到 Another thing I'll always kind of look into, or research, before I go some place is: 另一件我都會在我要去某個地方前先查好的事是 I want to familiarize myself with the potential scams in that country, so that I'm familiar with it. 我想要熟悉那個國家可能會有的詐騙手法,這樣我會很了解, If you research, you know, possible scams or dangers in the country then you'll already be aware of what you have to keep in mind to prevent or what you have to be watchful of. 如果妳有事先查好在那國家能會遇到的詐騙與危險,妳就會更加留意什麼是可以預防或是需要更加小心的 So always remember that. 所以,要永遠記得 If you think with your own safety in mind whenever you make a decision, 如果妳做決定時永遠都以妳的安全作為考量 you're probably gonna make more wise choices than wrong choices. 妳很可能做出比較多正確的決定,多過錯誤的決定 So hopefully this video was helpful for you. 所以希望這個影片對妳有幫助 Let me know what you think. 讓我知道妳的想法 Leave it down in the comment section below. 在下面的評論欄留言 If you felt like this video was helpful, give me a thumbs-up or a like. 如果妳覺得這影片有幫助,給我一個推或讚吧 Hope your travels are safe, smart, and fun. 希望妳的旅程平安、聰明以及好玩
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 旅行 旅人 安全 國家 包包 旅遊 【享受吧!一個人的旅行】女人獨自旅行的8個安全守則 8 Solo Travel Safety Tips for Women 64067 5823 Amber Chang 發佈於 2016 年 08 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字