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字幕列表 影片播放

  • What's up everyone! Today we're learning English  with the Disney animation Tangled. now Tangled  

  • tells the classic story of Rapunzel and this movie  actually just celebrated its 10th anniversary.  

  • By watching this lesson you'll learn vocabulary  related to daily routines and free time activities  

  • with one of the famous songs of the movie. You'll  also learn conversational expressions with a  

  • message from Mandy Moore and Zach Levi who voiced  the main characters. But before we get into it  

  • and in case you're new here I want to let you know  that every week we make lessons just like this one  

  • to help you learn fast English, without gettinglost without missing the jokes and without  

  • subtitles. Just like Faustina who says that  watching our lessons is a pleasure. So be sure to  

  • hit that subscribe button and the bell down below  so that you don't miss any of our new lessons.

  • How did it go? If you'd like to learn  more about real native pronunciation  

  • then I highly recommend our Fluent with  Friends Course. You can try it right now  

  • for free with our Three-Part MasterclassAll you have to do is click up here or down  

  • in the description box below to learn more  and sign up now. I highly recommend it.

What's up everyone! Today we're learning English  with the Disney animation Tangled. now Tangled  


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A2 初級 美國腔

通過電影學英語 魔髮奇緣(Learn English with TANGLED)

  • 93 11
    OolongCha 發佈於 2021 年 08 月 17 日