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  • Straddling Virginia and North Carolina is an area that was once described as the "most repulsive of American possessions." By 1728, it was known as the Great Dismal Swamp.

    這塊區域跨越維吉尼亞州和北卡羅萊納州, 曾被描述為「美國最可憎的地方」,到了 1728 年,它就是人們口中的大迪斯默爾沼澤。

  • But while many deemed it uninhabitable, recent findings suggest that a hidden society persisted in the Swamp until the mid-1800′s.

    雖然許多人認為這裡無法居住, 但近期的發現顯示,在 1800 年代中期之前,一直有一個聚落藏在該沼澤中。

  • So, who lived there? And what happened to them?

    所以,是什麼人住在那裡? 他們後來怎麼了呢?

  • People long suspected that communities had settled in the Swamp, but the historical record was spotty. It wasn't until 2003 that the first systematic archaeological foray finally launched.

    長期以來都有人懷疑有人定居在這個沼澤裡, 但歷史記錄零散不完整。一直到 2003 年才有首次系統性的考古行動。

  • But, despite having been extensively drained over the years, the wetland still presented many practical challenges: researchers had to penetrate thorny thickets, wade through waters studded with sinkholes, and braved the threats of dangerous animals.

    儘管這些年來, 這塊濕地乾竭的範圍急速擴大, 但考古隊仍然面對重重的困難:研究者得要穿越多刺的灌木叢,涉過滿佈滲穴的水域,還要勇敢面對危險動物的威脅。

  • After several months, they finally found islands in the Swamp's interior. These formations quickly revealed traces of centuries-old secrets.

    數月之後, 他們終於在沼澤內部找到了島嶼,這些島嶼構造很快地揭露出隱藏了數百年的秘密。

  • Archeologists found buried markings that appear to have been left by raised log cabins, fire pits, and basins that may have collected drinking water.

    考古學家發現一些被埋掉的痕跡, 顯然遺址上原本有加高的木屋、火堆, 和可能是用來儲存飲用水的水池。

  • They identified what seems to have been a palisade wall and excavated more than 3,000 artifacts, including weaponry, stone tools, and fragments of ceramic pipes and vessels.

    他們找到了可能是尖柱式柵欄的圍牆, 並挖出了至少三千件工藝品,包括武器、石器, 以及陶管和容器的碎片。

  • These discoveries, combined with previous findings, helped tell a story that reaches far back in time.


  • Indigenous American people began regularly inhabiting or visiting the area around 11,000 BCE, before it was even a swampland.

    西元前一萬一千年,經常有美國原住民定居或造訪這個區域, 這裡在當時還不是沼澤地。

  • A second era of occupation began much later. In the early 1600′s, more Indigenous people came seeking refuge from colonization. And later that century, it seems that Maroonsor people escaping from slaverybegan entering the area.

    這裡有人居住的第二段時期是許久之後的事了。1600 年代初期,有更多原住民來此尋找庇護,躲避殖民。似乎在同世紀較晚些的時候,逃亡的黑奴開始進入這個區域。

  • In fact, the team's findings support the theory that the Great Dismal Swamp was home to the largest Maroon settlement in all of North America.


  • Because their success and survival depended on staying hidden from the outside world, these Swamp communities were largely self-sufficient.

    因為成功以及生存都要仰賴藏身的隱密性,不被外界發現, 所以這些沼澤聚落大致上都能自給自足。

  • Based on primary sources, historians believe that people cultivated grains and created homes, furniture, musical instruments, and more from the Swamp's available resources.

    根據較可靠的資訊來源, 歷史學家相信,這些人用來打造住房、 家具、樂器等的材料,都是沼澤中可取得的資源。

  • These organic materials had probably already decomposed by the time archaeologists came to investigate.


  • But researchers were able to find more durable objects, like ceramic and stone items that were likely left by ancient Indigenous people then reused and modified by others later on.


  • Around the turn of the 19th century, it seems the relationship between the Swamp's community and the outside world changed.


  • Lumber and manufacturing companies began encroaching on the Swamp's interior. They brought thousands of free and enslaved workers to live in the Swamp and made them harvest wood, excavate canals, and drain fields.

    伐木業與製造業開始侵入沼澤內部,把數千名免費的奴隸工人帶進來並安置在沼澤裡,要他們伐木、挖渠道, 並排乾地面的水。

  • Certain findings suggest that the Swamp's hidden communities might have switched to a more defensive mode during this period, but researchers also observed more mass-produced objects from this time, indicating that trading was taking place.


  • Researchers think that the secret Swamp communities dispersed during or soon after the American Civil War, by the end of which slavery was abolished in the United States.

    研究者認為,這些神秘的沼澤聚落在美國內戰期間或結束沒多久後就解散了,因為內戰結束後, 美國便廢除了奴隸制度。

  • Some people may have stayed in the Swamp until they passed away or left to settle elsewhere.

    有些人可能在沼澤度完餘生, 或者離開沼澤,到別處定居。

  • Most of what we know about these hidden communities has come to light after archeologists excavated sections of a single island; however, there may have been hundreds of habitable islands dotting the Swamp's interior at the time.


  • Between 1600 and 1860, many people lived in these hidden settlements. Some probably lived their entire lives within the Swamp and never saw a white person or experienced racial persecution in broader American society.

    在 1600 年到 1860 年間,有許多人居住在這隱藏的居住地。有些人可能一生都生活在沼澤中,從來沒有見過白人,也沒有經歷過廣大的美國社會中發生的種族迫害。

  • Generations of Black Maroons and Indigenous Americans resisted slavery and colonization by creating an independent society in the heart of the Great Dismal Swamp.


  • They fostered a refuge in what might seem like the unlikeliest of placesbut one that was more hospitable than what lay outside.


  • Today, this area offers a partial record of that secret, self-reliant world, imagined and built for survival and the preservation of freedom.


Straddling Virginia and North Carolina is an area that was once described as the "most repulsive of American possessions." By 1728, it was known as the Great Dismal Swamp.

這塊區域跨越維吉尼亞州和北卡羅萊納州, 曾被描述為「美國最可憎的地方」,到了 1728 年,它就是人們口中的大迪斯默爾沼澤。

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