字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm Emily Blunt. 我是艾蜜莉·布朗。 Hey guys, I'm Dwayne Johnson, and this is the "Wired Autocomplete Interview". 嘿各位,我是巨石強森,歡迎來到「WIRED 自動選字訪問」。 Get ready. 做好準備吧。 [Autocomplete suggests the most common searches on the internet] [自動選字功能會推薦網路上最常被搜尋的字句] Wait, so this [beep]. People really Google this? 等等,大家真的都搜尋了這些 (消音)? [So WIRED asked Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt some of the internet's burning questions] [所以 WIRED 就用網路上的發燒話題來訪問了巨石強森與艾蜜莉‧布朗] What Dwayne Johnson eats in a day? What do you eat in a day? 巨石強森白天時都吃些什麼?你白天時都吃些什麼? Buffalo. 水牛。 - Buffalo. - Yeah, and- - 水牛。 - 對,然後還有- - Bit of scrambly egg. - 一點點炒蛋。 - Some egg in it, some oatmeal. - 加上一些蛋,再來點燕麥粥。 - And just a hot hotdog, swallowed whole. - 然後再把一整根熱狗直接吞下肚。 - And a hotdog swallowed whole. - 然後把整根熱狗直接吞下肚。 - He just loves sausages. He loves them. - Okay, wow, yeah. - 他最愛香腸類的東西了。他超愛香腸的。 - 什麼?哇,好喔。 - Yeah, what else do you love? - Is that right? - 沒錯吧,不然你還喜歡什麼其他的東西? - 是這樣嗎? - Yeah, what else? - 對啊,還有什麼其他的嗎? - What else, what? - 你說其他的東西是什麼意思? - What's your next meal? Little bit of chicken? Some boiled rice? - Oh, we're still on this one. - 就是,你的下一餐呢?一小份雞肉?配上一點白飯? - 噢,我們還在這個話題上啊。 - It's in a day! All right, goodbye. - 他寫說白天一整天呀!好吧算了,不聊了。 They're bored, okay. 這個話題很無聊,我懂。 They were like, they heard buffalo, they thought... 他們聽到你說水牛,可能會以為... What is Dwayne Johnson's tattoo? 巨石強森身上的刺青有什麼圖案? - A lot of things. This is- - 有很多圖案。像這個是- - Take your shirt off. Show 'em. - 把衣服脫掉秀給大家看吧。 - Okay, here we go. - They can't see it. They can't see it. - 好喔,又來了。 - 他們這樣看不到啊。看不到啦。 I have a really big Polynesian tattoo, that tells a story of my life. - 我刺了一個非常大的玻里尼西亞刺青,上面刻畫著我的人生故事。 - And then on this side, it is a- - Emily Blunt's face. - Emily Blunt's face. - 然後在另一邊的則是- - 艾蜜莉·布朗的臉。 - 艾蜜莉·布朗的臉。 - Mixed with- - This is weird. - 混合了- - 這樣好像怪怪的。 - Really weird. - A big ball. - 真的怪。 - 一顆很大的球。 What was Dwayne Johnson's first job? 巨石強森的第一份工作是什麼? My legit first job, I was 13 years old, and I worked in a pizza shop and I washed dishes. 我第一份可以稱得上工作的差事從我 13 歲的時候開始,那時候我在一家披薩店打工,負責洗盤子。 Middle school, every day from 3 o'clock 'till 11:30. 那時我還在上中學,每天還要從下午三點一路上班到晚上十一點半。 And you're still a good dish washer? 那你現在還擅長洗碗嗎? I only, as a matter of fact. 事實上,我其實只... Here's some nerdy [beep], is... 這個是我的怪癖之一,就是... And weird, I need therapy. 這真的很怪,我可能需要點心理治療。 - Is, you know I don't use a dishwasher. - Ever? - 就是,我完全不用洗碗機的。 - 從來都不用? - Ever, no. - What, what about for a big load? - 從來不用。 - 那如果要洗的量很多怎麼辦? I hand wash- 我都手洗- - Everything? - Everything, everything. - 所有東西? - 所有東西我都用手洗。 What was Dwayne Johnson's football injury? 巨石強森在踢美式足球時受過什麼傷? I've had many. I've had a complete shoulder separation here, that required complete reconstruction of my shoulder. 我受過好多傷。我有一次肩膀整個脫臼,需要進行完整的手術重建。 I've had five knee surgeries from football, and- 我在踢美式足球時膝蓋受過五次傷,還有- That's why you have a fake leg. 這就是你其中一隻腿是義腿的原因對吧。 And a torn achilles. 還有阿基里斯腱拉傷。 - No, I don't have a fake leg. - You don't have a fake leg. No, he doesn't. - 沒有,我才沒有裝義腿哩。- 你沒有裝義腿。沒有,我亂講的。 All my legs are real. 我的兩條腿都是真的。 What can Dwayne Johnson bench? 巨石強森能仰臥推舉到什麼程度? I do wanna know this! What can you bench? 這我倒是蠻想知道的!你可以推舉到什麼程度? I don't count, 400, 500 pounds. Whatever. 我沒算過欸,大概四五百磅重吧。隨便啦。 Is that for real? 真的假的? Whatever. 隨便啦。 Benching is when you're on your back and you lift it, right? 仰臥推舉就是躺在長椅上然後向上舉重對吧? - Is that benching? - Yes. 推舉是不是像這樣?- 對。 - So you can bench- - I don't know what that was, what you just did, but- - 所以你可以推舉- - 雖然我不知道你剛才做的動作到底是什麼,不過你說的沒錯。 Good. Bring on this. This is gonna be good, okay. 好,來吧。這肯定會很讚。 What is Emily Blunt doing right now? 艾蜜莉·布朗現在在做什麼? Unfortunately, talking to Dwayne Johnson. 很不幸地,在和巨石強森聊天。 That's what I'm doing. 這就是我正在做的事情。 - A dream come true. - Dream come true. - 簡直是美夢成真好嗎。 - 真的是美夢成真。 - It's like, what are you doing right now? - Does that mean like, a movie? Or like, actually in the moment? - I think they actually- - 這個問題想問的是你現在在做什麼嗎? - 它的意思究竟是,我正在拍一部電影?還是,實際上我此時此刻在做什麼? - 我想他們實際上是- - I think in the moment, you have fans that are just so fanatical, they wanna know what you're doing in the moment. - What is she doing? What is she doing? - 我覺得他們是想問此時此刻你在做什麼。你有著無時無刻都想知道你在幹嘛的瘋狂粉絲。- 她現在在做些什麼?她現在在做些什麼? What was Emily Blunt's first movie? 艾蜜莉·布朗的第一部電影是什麼? My first movie was a movie called "My Summer of Love". - 我的第一部電影叫做「夏日午後的初纏愛戀」。 It's quite a racy movie. 是一部蠻露骨的電影。 It was a little independent movie that Pawel Pawlikowski directed, who taught me pretty much everything. 它是一部由帕威·帕利科斯基執導的小小獨立電影,而這位導演幾乎教了我所有演員需要的技能。 - Wow! - 'Cause I didn't train. - 哇!- 因為我沒受過專業訓練。 And I feel like I learnt so much from him about- 我覺得我真的向他學習了很多- - How old were you? - 20. - 你那時候幾歲?- 20 歲。 - 20? Your first movie. - 20, yeah. - 20 歲?那時候就演了第一部電影。 - 20 歲,對。 - What was it called, "The Summer of Love"? -"My Summer of Love". And it's about this romance between two 16 year old girls, over the course of this long, hot summer. - 電影的名字叫做「夏日的愛戀糾纏」?- 叫做「夏日午後的初纏愛戀」。電影講述兩個 16 歲少女在漫長且炎熱的夏日中,發展出的愛情故事。 They come from different walks of life, different backgrounds, and they have this sort of mad summer. 她們人生的境遇和出生背景截然不同,並在一起度過了一個瘋狂的夏季。 And I played a very manipulative, nasty girl. 我扮演的是一名控制慾強烈,很過分的女生。 - Well that was a reality for me in high school. - Was it? - Yeah. - 就像是現實中我高中時的樣子嘛。- 真的嗎? - 對啊。 - Keep going. - 繼續下去吧。 - No, that's it. - Rip it. - 不,到此為止。 - 撕開吧。 - No. - Just rip it. What have you got? - 不要。 - 趕快撕開啦。下一個問題是什麼? - What is Emily Blunt's- - Oh, for god sake. - 艾蜜莉·布朗的- - 噢,不會吧。 - Herpes medicine. - No, no. - 皰疹用藥。 - 不,不對。 - Accent. - Oh. - 口音。 - 噢。 Who knows? 誰知道呢? British. 英國腔。 British. 英國腔。 But from what part? 但是是英國的哪個地區? It's like a South West London accent. 比較偏向西南倫敦腔。 - But for me, and for a lot of the people out there. - Just a regular and straight- - What is South? - 但對我還有廣大的觀眾來說。- 就是普通而直接的- - 南部具體是哪裡? Just straight English accent. 就是很直接的英國腔。 Straight English. 直接的英國腔。 Not too posh, not too cockney. 不會太華麗,也不會太土氣。 Got it. - 了解。 Something rather in the middle. 比較中庸的腔調。 - In the middle. Okay. - But quite posh. - 中庸。好喔。 - 但還是蠻華麗的。 - Probably quite posh. - Little posh? - 可能有點華麗。 - 一點點華麗? - Little posh. - Okay. - 一點點華麗。 - 好喔。 What does Emily Blunt- 艾蜜莉·布朗對- - You keep going the wrong way, here. -Jesus. - 你一直往錯的方向撕。從這裡撕啦。 - 天啊。 What does Emily Blunt... 艾蜜莉·布朗對... - [Both] Think of "The Office"? - (異口同聲) 「我們的辦公室」影集有什麼看法? - I love "The Office". - 我超愛「我們的辦公室」的。 I have watched every episode, and I see why it's that show that just keeps going, and going, and going. 我每一集都有看,而我能理解為什麼這部影集的人氣到現在還在一直,一直,一直持續下去。 Do you know, 16 year olds are watching "The Office" now? 你知道現在連 16 歲的年輕人都在看「我們的辦公室」嗎? - Wow. - Like, 12 year olds are watching "The Office" now. 甚至連 12 歲的小孩子在看。 - Yeah, well it's so good. The quality of it is so good. - It's so good. - 對啊,那是個很棒的影集。拍攝的品質非常棒。 - 真的超棒的。 You've never seen an episode. 你根本沒看過任何一集吧。 - No, I have! I have! - 哪有,我有看過!有看過啦! No, no, no, I have, it's amazing! 不是,真的,我真的有看過,真的是很讚的影集! And the guy, and he comes in, and he's like, "Dynamite!". - He's like, "Whoa!". 像是有一幕,那個男的進來之後大喊:「炸彈!」- 然後他就說:「哇噢!」 And he's like, "Wah!". Yeah, there's that. 接著他就,「哇啊!」。對,確實有那一幕。 - Yeah, that's it. - The guys comes in, he's like, "Aye, there you are!" - "Holy smokes!" - 對,就是那樣。 - 那個男的進來之後就,「嘿,原來你在這啊!」 -「我的天呀!」 Yeah, it's so good, so good. - 對啊,真的是很讚。 Does Dwayne Johnson... 巨石強森... - [Both] Have a stunt double? - (異口同聲) 有沒有替身演員? - He's got eight, guys. He's got eight of them. - I have 12, okay. - 他有八個替身,各位。他有八個替身演員。 - 我有十二個好嗎。 He has never done a stunt in his life. 他一生當中從來沒有自己下場拍特技場景過。 - I do all my own stunts, except all the one's I don't do. -Yeah, right. - 全部的特技場景我都會親自下場演出,除了那些我沒有親自下場的。 - 喔是喔。 - Do you play video games? I do want to know that. - 你玩電玩遊戲嗎?這我倒是蠻想知道的。 - Do you play video games? - I used to be a badass gamer. - Did you? - 你玩電玩遊戲嗎? - 我過去曾經是超高端玩家。 - 真的喔? - I was the best! - "Call of Duty", what was it? - 我是最頂尖的! - 「決勝時刻」你玩得怎麼樣? - I was just- - All of them. - 我只是- - 全部種類的遊戲。 - Nah I was, yeah. - Were you pretty good? - 不是,我... 對。- 你玩得還不錯嗎? The best. 我是最棒的。 Good with your thumbs? 你很會用大拇指操縱? I'm great with my thumbs. 我大拇指的操作技術超好。 - That's why they call me- - Does Dwayne Johnson do yoga? - 這就是為什麼大家都叫我- - 巨石強森會做瑜珈嗎? Do you think he does yoga? No. 你覺得他會做瑜珈嗎?不會吧。 The answer is yes. 答案是我確實會做。 Un-flexy. 一點彈性都沒有。 What do you mean? 你這是什麼意思? - I'm extremely flexible. - He's like the tin man at this point. - 我超有彈性的。- 他簡直僵硬的跟綠野仙蹤裡的鐵皮人一樣。 Does Dwayne Johnson have a dog? 巨石強森有養狗嗎? - I do have a dog, his name is Hobbs. - 我有養一隻名叫 Hobbs 的狗。 - He's real cute. - Yeah. - 他超級可愛的。 - 沒錯。 He's a little Frenchie. 他是隻小小的法國鬥牛犬。 Does Dwayne Johnson fish? - 巨石強森會釣魚嗎? Oh, come on. 喔,別說了。 - Nerdy, come on, nerd out. - I fish. - 釣魚宅,來吧,開始你的表演 - 我會釣魚。 - Nerd out. He loves it. - I fish, I fish, I fish. - 敞開心胸說出口吧。他超愛釣魚的。 - 我會釣魚,我會釣魚,我會釣魚。 I love fish, and I raise my own fish too. 我愛釣魚,而且我還有自己養魚。 I raise, we're gonna nerd out for a minute, for all the fishermen out there. 我養了... 接下來的一分鐘是釣魚宅的學術討論,這段獻給所有的漁夫們。 I raise my largemouth bass, a variety of sunfish. 我自己有養殖大口黑鱸,牠是太陽魚科的一種。 This is where it gets really boring for a lot of people. 通常說到這裡,一般人就會開始覺得很無聊了。 Hybrid striped bass, created a wonderful ecosystem. 我還養了雜交條紋鱸魚,藉此創造出美好的生態系。 Anyway, go ahead. [laughs] 總之,我們還是繼續問問題吧。 Sorry guys, if anyone blanked out. 抱歉了各位,剛才那段應該有人直接腦袋放空了。 - All right, here we go. - Okay. - 好,我們繼續吧。 - 好。 Does Emily Blunt- 艾蜜莉·布朗會- - Does Emily Blunt dance? - Not really, not very well. - 艾蜜莉·布朗會跳舞嗎?- 不太會,我跳得不是很好。 - No? - Nope. - 不會嗎? - 不會。 Pole? 鋼管舞呢? - Hey! - Okay, not at all. - 喂!- 好,什麼都不會跳。 Does Emily Blunt sing? 艾蜜莉·布朗會唱歌嗎? Kind of. 一點點。 Like what, what does- 那你會唱什- Is that what it is? 你們在打什麼主義? No, I'm not gonna sing. 不,我絕不會唱歌的。 - No, but like, what do you like? What do you enjoy singing? - 不是啦,我是想問說你喜歡什麼歌?你喜歡唱怎麼樣的歌? I would prefer to sing like- 我喜歡唱的歌像是- No, we're not doing it. 不,我是不會唱的。 We're not doing it, you're not gonna drag me in. 我絕不會唱,你也別想拖我下水。 No, I love a bit of Sam Cooke, he knows that. Little Otis Reading, okay. 不,我喜歡山姆·庫克,他知道這點。還有奧蒂斯·雷丁。 Okay, let's do the next one. What have we got here? 好了啦,我們來問下一題。下一題是什麼? Does Emily Blunt wear glasses? 愛蜜莉·布朗有戴眼鏡嗎? She does, and she needs to wear them more. 有,而且她應該要更常戴眼鏡才行。 Keep going, yeah. 繼續下一題,沒錯。