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  • The most expensive factory ever built belongs  to the most important tech company you've  

  • probably never heard of. TSMC of Taiwan  uses cutting-edge lasers to etch intricate  

  • details less than a thousandth the size of  a red blood cell onto the purest hunks of  

  • wafer-thin silicon. All while an army of  super-strong robots zoom around on tracks  

  • traveling the equivalent of ten times  around the earth every single day.

  • There's every chance you already have at least  one of its productsintegrated circuits,  

  • better known as 'chips' – in your home or car.

  • But what's up with the eery yellow lighting  inside? Why are they such neat freaks? And could  

  • the whole vast enterprise soon be rudely swept  away on a rising tide of geopolitical insecurity?

  • Join us today as we put on one  of those weird suits and step  

  • inside the world's largest computer chip factory.

  • If you were asked at a pub quiz to name  the world's most important chipmaker,  

  • you'd probably say Intel, AMD, Arm, or Samsung.

  • Most people have never heard of TSMC, aka  the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing  

  • Companyand yet it currently controls more  than half the market for made-to-order chips.

  • Sprawled across several clusters of buildings in  Taiwan, TSMC's most expensive single factory cost  

  • a reported $17bn, which makes it by some way the  most expensive factory ever built. By comparison,  

  • Tesla's shiny new gigafactory in  Shanghai cost just a fifth of that.

  • As a company, TSMC decided long ago it was  quite happy to shun the limelight. Instead,  

  • the firm labours in relative obscurity making  chips on behalf of the likes of Apple, Huawei,  

  • and various automobile manufacturers around  the globe. This laser focus, excuse the pun,  

  • on what TSMC calls 'foundry serviceshas enabled it to concentrate entirely  

  • on breaking new boundaries in the minuscule  scale and peerless sophistication of its chips.

  • Here's a quick overview of what they actually do.

  • Intel employee George Moore posited back in 1965  the idea that the number of transistors on any  

  • given chip would likely double every two yearsas the cost of those transistors halved. Moore's  

  • Law has held up surprisingly over the following  six decades, thanks in no small part to the work  

  • of TSMC. Which is why, in turn, computers have  become so much faster and more capable over time.

  • Moore's Law means transistors are now, in the  second decade of the twenty-first century,  

  • almost impossibly small. The laptop I'm typing  this on, for instance, rocks a TSMC-made Apple M1  

  • chip. That chip has over 170 million transistors  crammed onto each square millimeter of silicon,  

  • with some features just five nanometres  across. A virus is about ten times that  

  • size. A red blood cell is 1,000 times bigger. Five  nanometres is, get this, fully 100 times shorter  

  • than the wavelength of visible light. That's  600,000 times smaller than a strand of human hair.

  • It's really, really titchy, is what we're saying.

  • But that's just the start. TSMC has  already inked contracts to supply  

  • chips featuring 3-nanometre architectureTSMC has evenin a highly speculative  

  • process involving semi-metal bismuth  – trialed 1 nanometre chips. Engineers  

  • call these 'two-dimensional' objects  because that's basically what they are.

  • But that's all in the futureLet's look at how TSMC make  

  • their cutting-edge production chips today.

  • The heart of the action in  a TSMC factory or the fab,  

  • short for 'fabrication plant', is the  so-called clean room. TSMC's larger,  

  • newer fabs have cleanrooms as big as 22 football  fields, or 1600,000 square metres in size.

  • TSMC cleanrooms are, more precisely, 'level  ten' cleanrooms, which basically means they're  

  • kept in a state where there's fewer than 10  particles of dust per cubic foot of volume.

  • As you can imagine, working on  such nanometre scales means even  

  • the smallest mote of foreign matter could  play havoc with the delicate circuitry.

  • So workers in the fabsTSMC employs well over  50,000 peopleneed to thoroughly scrub up before  

  • heading to work. That means stashing outside  shoes in a locker, tying their hair up in a net,  

  • and undergoing a thorough, and  thoroughly futuristic, 'air shower'.

  • Regular air from the outside world passes  through many layers of filtration systems  

  • to keep out unhelpful particulates. Assorted other  

  • environmental disturbances –  fluctuations in temperature,  

  • swings in humidity, random vibrations, even  magnetic fields are tightly controlled for.

  • As luck would have it, TSMC's most important  raw materialsiliconhappens to be the  

  • most abundant element found in the earth's crustQuartz sand is refined into molten silicon with  

  • 99.9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9% purity. For years this  was delivered to the cleanroom in cylinders  

  • eight inches in diameter, although refinements  to the process, and massive hikes in sales,  

  • now mean TSMC starts out with 12-inch  hunks of silicon. This means they can fit  

  • even more onto the same block of raw materialdriving those all-important economies of scale.

  • This cylinder is sliced into thin wafers. At the  super-fine 3-5 nanometre scales TSMC employees  

  • work at, precision is a must as even the slightest  mistake would render the cylinder wasted.

  • The silicon wafers are first treated with  chemicals including arsenic, phosphorus,  

  • and boron to optimize conductivity  and other useful properties.

  • These wafers moved to what's known as  the division area, are placed in an  

  • oven tube where temperature and  gas flows are minutely controlled  

  • to create an insulating silicon compound  film on the surface of the wafer.

  • Of course, chips are supposed to conduct  as well as insulate, so the next leg of the  

  • processcalled ion implantationimplants  charged ions into specific pre-chosen regions  

  • of the silicon wafer. Without getting too  technical, the level of conductivity in the  

  • final chip is manipulated by finely adjusting  the depth of ion penetration at this stage.

  • From there the wafers are moved to the  so-called Chemical Vapour Deposition,  

  • or CVD area of the fab, where a solid-state  reactantformed from chemical reactions in  

  • the reaction chamberis deposited onto  the chip as a thin light-sensitive film.

  • This is a crucial detail you need to get  your head aroundchip architecture is  

  • nowadays so fine that it's carved out not  using machine tools, but blasts of light.

  • This special magic takes place in the Photo  Lithography area of the fab. Light is shone  

  • through a chromium plate etched with the  layout of the chip, as created by designers  

  • at. In the case of the M1 chip, Apple. The  light that makes it through etches into  

  • the light-sensitive film, which is what carves  out all those minuscule features and pathways.

  • The chip designs themselves are obviously  jealously guarded commercial secrets.  

  • The dense, complex architecture of  each layerchips typically have  

  • between 20 and 30 layers packed  togetheris transferred from  

  • computer-aided design systems onto photo  masks also known as plates or reticles.

  • Once the chip pattern is on the siliconthe wafer moves to the etching area,  

  • where fine chemistry is used to  strip away any extraneous silicon.  

  • It's then polished until it's flat, carefully  inspected, then stacked to make the final chip.

  • All these parts are ferried around using robots  in the ceiling – 12-inch silicone cylinders is  

  • too heavy for peoplewhich collectively travel  some 400,000km every day. It's a busy place.

  • You're probably wondering about that  yellow light the cleanroom is bathed  

  • in. Remember we said light is what  TSMC used to carve out the chips?  

  • Well, yellow light has a long electromagnetic  wavelength, and as such doesn't interfere with  

  • the lithography processes, as shorter wavelengths  like blue might. Indeed, one of the big challenges  

  • for TSMC going forwards into the brave new  world of 1 nanometre and beyond is the very  

  • wavelength of light itself. Newer processes use  so-called EUV or 'extreme ultraviolet' lithography  

  • for reaching the finer details other  chipmakers simply can't compete with.

  • Oldschool chip maker Intel, for comparison, has  been forced to awkwardly dial back its promised  

  • five and even seven-nanometre chips plans and  is set to outsource 20% of its manufacturing to  

  • TSMC over the next few yearsan embarrassing  climbdown for such a global household name.

  • Over the past few months, the central  role of TSMC to the global economy  

  • has itself been thrown into sharp  focus. Taiwan's geopolitical status,  

  • in the shadow of the People's Republic Of  China's claims on the territory, make it look  

  • increasingly vulnerable. Already, recent global  shortages led to car manufacturers like Toyota,  

  • Ford, and Volkswagen halting production because  they couldn't get hold of TSMC chips fast enough.

  • TSMC is currently expanding onto the  Chinese mainland in an effort to win  

  • favor with the People's Republic as well  as opening plants in Europe and the US.  

  • The better TSMC can get at making and  shipping their wares around the world,  

  • the more we'll all come to rely  on them when the chips are down.

  • What do you think? Is it dishonest  for other companies to market the  

  • work of TSMC factories as their  own? Let us know in the comments,  

  • and don't forget to subscribe for  more totally fab tech content.

The most expensive factory ever built belongs  to the most important tech company you've  


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B2 中高級 美國腔

世界上最大的芯片厂内部(Inside The World's Largest Chips Factory)

  • 79 9
    joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 08 月 04 日