字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Taipei is the Yin and Yang of cities. 台北是一座包羅萬象的城市 Where new meets old. 交雜著新與舊的城市風貌 meets old. 現代化的高聳住宅大廈 Modern, high built living apartments 與永續大樓緊鄰白煙裊裊的傳統寺廟 and sustainable towers 還有建於1970年代的老公寓區。 stand next to smoky temples and old grid covered apartments 台北之美源自這裡融合了中國 which were built in the 70s. 日本、東南亞與美國文化 It´s beauty is born from a blend of chinese , japanese, southeast asian and american influences, 這些影響顯現在台北的建築、美食與台北人的熱情好客等人文特質。 seen from its architecture, cuisine and courtesy of its people. 根據出發的地點 Depending on where you start you can reach within 40min georgeous waterfalls, tea plantation hills 你可在40分鐘內抵達壯麗的瀑布 phenomenal lake views , mountain ranges with ocean views 茶園山丘、美麗的湖景 or sand sculptures and beaches to chill out. 或是沙雕與海灘,然後盡情放鬆享樂。 Arriving in Taipei is special. 抵達台北是一種特殊體驗。你真的是直接降落在這座城市 You can literally land in the city. 飛機貼近飛越建築物、寺廟 The Planes fly close to buildings, strive temples 從人們的頭上飛過,然後才安全落地 and fly over your head before touch down safely. 位於台北市內的松山機場是一座中型機場 Located within Taipei city limits, Songshan airport is a medium-sized airport 位於台北市西方約40公里處的桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International AirPort located about 40km west of the City is Taiwans largest and 桃園國際機場是台灣最大與最繁忙的機場 busiest airport. 從那裡前往市區十分簡單便利。 Getting into town is easy. 搭乘機場捷運是目前最快速的方式。 The airport mrt is currently the fastest way. 抵達台北市中心只需35分鐘。 In just 35minutes you reach Taipei city Centre. 台灣的人口超過2,370萬人並且人口密度非常高 Taiwan has over 23.7 million people and is very densely populated, at about 650 per square 約每平方公里650人。比起歐洲人口密度最高的國家荷蘭, kilometer it has more people than the Netherlands which is the most densely populated country 台灣的面積更小,人口密度更高。 in Europe in a smaller area. 台灣的人口密度還高於美國的任何一州。 It is more densely populated than any US state. 台北都會區的人口多達780萬,其中260萬住在台北市。 The metropolitan City of Taipei has a total population of 7.8 mio. people - 2.6 mio live in the city center. 此外,台灣擁有世界最高的機車密度 Furthermore Taiwan has the highest scooter density in the world by far 台灣領牌登記的機車數量高達1,500萬輛,因此在統計上,每名成人皆擁有一輛機車。 With 15 mio registered scooters statistically each adult own one scooter. 台灣擁有絕佳的機車基礎建設。 There is an excellent scooter infrastructure. 停車位數量很多並且標示清楚,每個人都能想辦法停好車。 Parking spots are plentiful and marked, and everyone find its own way to deal with it 道路與路口設計也考量到機車,這是全世界獨有的現象。 the roads and intersection design have accounted for scooters - like nowhere else in the world. 騎機車可能保證你在每個紅綠燈率先出發。 Having a scooter the pole position is guaranteed in front of every traffic light. 街道清掃、停車費開單、警察巡邏都是騎機車進行。 Street cleaning, park tickets or police patrol - all done by scooters. 舉例來說,中國已禁止汽油機車, My personal concern in this matter are unhealthy noise pollution and exhaust gases which are 自2015年起,中國只准許電動機車。 caused by internal combustion engines. 不過台灣也朝這方面前進,Gogoro正透過永續能源解決方案生態系統改革都會交通模式 China for example prohibited all those oil powered motorbikes. 該網路在台灣各地的便利商店、超市與停車場建置超過1,700座GoStations® 電池交換站,讓你在路上絕對能找到它們,而且每天處理超過200,000次電池交換。 Since 2015 only electric scooters are allowed. 該公司已推出提供更長騎乘距離的第3代電池 But Taiwan is on their way.. 每換一次電池的騎乘距離可達170公里。 Gogoro is reinventing urban transportation with an ecosystem of sustainable energy solution. 這裡四季溫暖,並且經常下雨。 The Network manages over 200,000 battery swaps a day at more than 1700 GoStations® in Taiwan, 台北擁有受到季風影響的潮濕副熱帶氣候。 locate across convenience stores, supermarkets and parking lots, they are always on your way. 夏季濕熱,有颱風與雷陣雨 The company released its 3rd generation battery. 冬季很短、多霧,並且也很溫暖。 Enjoy longer riding distance of up to 170 km with every swap. 基本上無論天氣是下雨、晴朗或多雲,都要帶著一把傘 This place is warm all year around. 一定要帶著傘才能做好萬全準備! And it rains a lot. 《全球金融雜誌》根據平均每人所得與調整後的購買力 Taipei has a Monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate. 將台灣列為全球191個國家中第17富裕的國家。 Summers are hot and humid with typhoons and thunderstorm, while winters are short, 台北以數量眾多且多元的商店街、市場及購物商場而聞名於世 foggy and also warm. 並且被觀光客視為是和香港、首爾、東京、新加坡並駕齊驅的東南亞主要「購物城市」, Basically you can say, doesn't matter what kind of weather, rainy, sunny, just cloudy 微風廣場、台北101或Sogo百貨等商場提供你所需的一切,以及更多的購物樂趣。 here its all about having an umbrella. 平均稅後每月淨薪資約為1300美元。 Always. 每月基本工資為800美元以上。 For everything! 相對於收入而言,租房相當昂貴。 Out of 191 countries Taiwan was ranked as the 17th richest country in the world by Global 台北市中心合租公寓10至15平方公尺房間的平均租金約為400至550美元。 Finance Magazine based on per capita income and adjusted for purchasing power. 你可以找到租金比較便宜的房子,但這些房子通常不在市區。 Taipei,is known for its large number and variety of shopping streets, markets and malls DNA形狀綠建築住宅大樓陶朱隱園的每戶售價為6,600萬美元,是台北最貴的豪宅。 and has been known to tourists as one of the main "shopping city" in Eastern Asia along 在台北生活或旅遊安全嗎? with Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore- malls like the breeze complex, tapes 101 or Sogo 台北是全球犯罪率最低的地方之一,因此顯然是全世界最安全的城市之一。 offering everything you need. 這裡的人都遵守規矩,不會犯法。 And way more. 座落在市中心的大安森林公園非常棒 An avarage monthly net salary after tax is around 1300 US dollar. 你可以在這裡見到各式各樣的動物與植物 Basic incomes starts at 800 US dollar Renting an apartment is quite expensive 台灣人喜歡活動,男女老少都知道身體要動才能保持健康。 in relation to the income. 他們還喜愛美食,你每天都可以在台北的夜市見到各式各樣的美食 Spending around $400-550 is pretty average for a basic 10-15 Square Meter room in a shared 台北的夜市聞名全球。 apartment in Taipei City Center. 我個人的最愛是餃子。餃子有各種內餡,例如蘑菇松露與蝦子, It is possible to find cheaper places, but these tend to be outside the city. 所以每個人都能找到喜歡的口味。大多數餐廳都提供免費茶水。 An apartment at the DNA-shaped, carbon-eating Tao Zhu Yin Yuan residential 喜好海鮮的人一定要去台北魚市走走。 complex has a prize of 66 million US Dollar making it the most expensive housing in Taipei 如同一根巨大竹子的台北101讓人絕對不會錯過 How safe is it to live or travel in Taipei? 這座508公尺高塔在2004至2010年間是世界最高的建築。 Hands down, Taipei is one of the safest cities in all over the world with one of the lowest 超高速電梯的時速高達60公里 crime index rates. 只需37秒就能將人送到頂樓。 The people except the rules, braking them is a no go. 它目前是世界第三快速的電梯,僅落後上海中心大廈與中國廣州金融中心。 Situated in the urban center, Da'an Forest Park is a highlight. 這座建築還擁有世界最大與最重的風阻尼器,發生強風或地震時, You can find here a huge variety of animals and plants. 可減少建築物的晃動達40%。 Taiwanese love Acitivties. 欣賞台北101的最佳地點是象山 Old or young - the people know - Movement keeps you healthy. 這裡是當地人運動與觀光客登山健行的熱門去處。 And they also love food. 如果身體狀況不錯,可在15至20分鐘內走完這條陡峭的步道。 A perfect combination of that you can find daily at Taipei's night markets. 這裡也是欣賞夕陽絕佳地點,象山的夕陽美麗極了! They are world famous. 中正紀念堂是著名的國定古蹟、地標與觀光景點,周圍是一座公園,南北兩側分別是國家戲劇院及國家音樂廳 My personal favorite are Dumplings. 這裡有一座讓人放鬆休憩的絕佳廣場。 They come with different fillings - from mushroom truffle to shrimps - there is something for 說到交通運輸系統, every taste. 我必須說在台北市基本上不需要開車,除非你想要炫耀一下自己的車。 Tea comes in most restaurants for free. 大眾交通工具安全、乾淨、便宜,並且便利。 For all fish lovers - Taipei fish market is the way to go. 我推薦購買一張悠遊卡。 Like a gigantic Bamboo . Taipei 101 is impossible to miss. 悠遊卡可用於捷運、公車、計程車、租YouBike微笑單車 With 508m this tower was worlds tallest building from 2004 till 2010. 或在便利商店買東西,這一切只需感應一下卡片。 The ultra high speed elevator is able to run at a speed of 60 kilometer per hour. 騎單車探索這座城市十分舒服並且是我最喜歡的方式。 It lift you up in 37 seconds to the top. 絕大多數捷運站與景點都設有YouBike微笑單車站點, Until today it is the third fastest elevator worldwide after the Shanghai Tower and finance 租用價格為每30分鐘10元新台幣。 center in Guangzhou, China. 為了鼓勵更多人使用這種節能、無碳排放的交通工具, This building has also the world's largest and heaviest wind damper. 若從新北市租借YouBike微笑單車,悠遊卡用戶每次租借可獲得30分鐘免費。 It reduces the building's movement by up to 40 percent during strong wind and earthquakes. 大多數街道皆額外設有自行車道,並且可以雙向通行。 Best views on Taipei 101 you can get from Elephant Mountain. 這只是一個-可以了 It is a popular spot for locals to exercise and tourists for hike. 我是焦點嗎?是。行動 If you're in a good shape you can do this steep hike in 15-20minutes. 大家好,我希望你喜歡這個關於台北的剪輯 Enjoying sunset here - is simply marvelous! 我在台灣住了6個月,非常喜歡 The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a famous national monument, landmark and 只是夏天對我來說有點熱 tourist attraction, surrounded by a park, flanked on the north and south by the National 您作為當地人可能對台北有了新的看法 Theater and National Concert Hall. 對於所有在國外的人,我強烈建議您遊覽台灣,台北,當然還包括周邊地區。 A wonderful plaza to spend time and relax. 它們是獨特的,尤其是東海岸。花蓮這實際上是我最喜歡的地方。 When it comes down to the transport system There is to mention within the city a car is basically no needed. 但是我愛台北。當然。這就是我為你們製作紀錄片的原因。 Except you want to show off a bit 現在輪到您了,請留下反饋 Public transport is safe, clean, cheap and easy to use. 您喜歡台北什麼?你錯過了什麼? I recommend to buy an Easy Card. 還有–您接下來要看哪個城市? It can be used on the MRT, buses, taxis, for renting you-bikes or convenient shops 如果您願意–豎起大拇指–我從沒做過–實際上有點煩人。 paying by a simple touch. 但是我們需要這樣做-對嗎? - 保持聯繫 Exploring the city by bike is a lovely and my favorite way. 請訂閱並告訴我您接下來要看哪個城市–很快再見–再見 Most MRT stations and sights have you-bike stations. the service is priced at NT$10 per 30 minutes of usage, Easycard users getting 30 minutes of each trip for FREE when originating in New Taipei City to encourage wider use of energy-efficient, zero-carbon vehicles. Most streets provide extra bicycle lanes and you're allowed to use both sides of a road.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 台北 機車 台灣 單車 密度 城市 台北-景點 人們和美食(Taipei, Taiwan 2020 - Facts, Sights, People and Food) 63 4 7586 發佈於 2021 年 07 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字