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  • Protests in Tunisia: the prime minister is removed from office after violent protests about the government's handling of COVID-19.

    突尼西亞爆發抗議衝突:總理在群眾對政府處理 COVID-19 的措施進行暴力抗議之後下臺。

  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

    這裡是 BBC 學英語的「新聞評論」節目。我是尼爾。

  • Joining me is Roy. Hello Roy.


  •   Hi Neil! And hello everyone.


  • If you would like to learn more about the vocabulary around this story, all you need to do is head to our website for a quiz.

    如果你想學習與這則新聞有關的更多單字,你可以直接去我們的網站 參加測驗。

  • But now, let's hear more about this story from this BBC News report:

    但現在,讓我們從這篇 BBC 新聞報道中瞭解更多關於這則新聞的詳細資訊:

  • The president of Tunisia, Kais Saied, has sacked his prime minister, Hichem Mechichi, and suspended parliament following nationwide protests against the government's mishandling of the worsening coronavirus crisis.

    在全國上下都發生了因政府處理新冠病毒危機不當而導致的抗議活動後,突尼西亞總統 Kais Saied 解除了內閣首相 Hichem Mechichi 的職務,並解散了整個國會。

  • Addressing an emergency meeting of military commanders, Mr. Saied said the measures were aimed at saving the state.

    在面對有關於他緊急會見軍事將領的質問時,Saied 總統僅表示這些措施都是為了要拯救國家。

  • The Tunisian president has removed the prime minister and suspended the government, following a weekend of violent protests across the country.


  • Now, these protests relate to the government's handling of a recent massive increase in COVID cases in the country, along with a general feeling of unrest at the country's economic status.


  • OK. Well, you've been looking at this story.


  • You've picked out some really useful vocabulary for talking about it. What have you got?


  • We have: 'dismissing', 'woes' and 'ousts'.

    我選了「解雇 (dismissing)」、「困境 (woes)」和「趕走 (ousts)」。

  • 'Dismissing', 'woes' and 'ousts'. Let's start with your first headline.

    「解雇 (dismissing)」、「困境 (woes)」和「趕走 (ousts)」。讓我們從你選的第一個頭條開始吧。

  • So, our first headline comes from Al Jazeera and it reads:


  • Tunisia's president accused of 'coup' after dismissing PM.


  • 'Dismissing' – removing someone from their position.

    「解雇 (dismissing)」-也就是解除某人的職務。

  • Yes. So, this word is spelt: D-I-S-M-I-S-S-I-N-G.


  • It's a three-syllable word and the stress is on its second syllable: 'dismissing', 'dismissing'.

    這是一個三個音節的詞,而重音在第二個音節上:'dismissing', 'dismissing'。

  • And, as you said, it means to remove someone from their positionfrom their job for examplebut it's quite a... it's quite a formal word.

    正如你所說,它的意思是將某人從他們的職位解除職責,例如說他們的工作。但這是一個頗為... 頗為正式的詞。

  • Now, we do have more, sort of, informal wordscommonly used wordsdon't we, Neil?


  • We do, yes. So, you would probably hear informally, when people are talking, that someone had been 'sacked' or 'fired': 'fired' more popular in North America and 'sacked' is quite BritishUK English.

    沒錯,我們確實有。你可能也聽過一般大家在聊天時,會用比較不正式的 'sacked' 或 'fired' 來作為解雇的意思。'fired' 比較是北美地區的用法,而 'sacked' 則是較為英式的說法。

  • Yes. But as we say, 'dismissing' – it's quite... or 'to dismiss', as a verb, is quite formal, and it's used to remove someonean employee or a positionfrom a position of power or a position of responsibility.

    沒錯。但就如同我們所說的,'dismissing',或是以動詞使用的 'to dismiss' 是個頗為正式的用詞,且通常會用在解雇一個人 (員工),或是將某個人從職位上解職或剝奪權力的時候使用。

  • However, it isn't always about removing somebody from their job.


  • So, when we were children, years and years and years agovery long time agowe used to go to school and, one day a week maybe, we'd have something called an assembly, where everybody would group together.


  • All of the students and the teachers would group together, and we would listen to maybe the headmaster or headmistress tell us about news of the school.


  • And at the end of that, what would they say, Neil?


  • They'd say: 'You are dismissed.'

    他們會說:「可以解散 (dismissed) 了。」

  • Yes. Again, it's quite a formal word and it means to end a meeting or a session.


  • So, you quite commonly hear it in films about the army, things like thatlike 'officer dismissed' or 'class dismissed' at the end of a class or a formal session. It's formal, though.


  • Yeah, but you probably wouldn't hear this in a work environment.


  • It sounds too formal, too strict.


  • It's kind of restricted to those situations we talked about: school, the army, places where discipline's really important.


  • That's right, yeah. And we also have another meaning of 'to dismiss' and it basically relates to when somebody thinks an idea or a person is just ridiculous: you 'dismiss' that idea.

    你說的對。而 'to dismiss' 還有另外一個意思,基本上當你覺得有人提出的想法荒誕無稽時,你就能 'dismiss (駁回)' 它的想法。

  • Neil, have you ever had an idea that was 'dismissed'?

    尼爾,你有沒有什麼被 'dismissed (駁回)' 過的點子?

  • Well, Roy, I had this idea for a number of years.


  • I thought it would really work well on our website: English for Cats.


  • And, you know, my bosshe 'dismissed' the idea.


  • He said, 'This is nonsense. Nobody's going to be interested in that.'


  • I begged him to make the... to make the programme and I made it.


  • And he was right: it was rubbish and everybody hated it.


  • And he... so he was correct to 'dismiss' that idea.

    所以... 他「駁回」這個點子的決定是正確的。

  • Fair enough, but I loved it and so did my dog Leia and I tell you whatif ever you want to make the sequel, English for Dogs, Leia and I are ready to go.


  • We are there to support you. We will not 'dismiss' that as a terrible idea.


  • OK. Well, watch the website on the first of April: see what happens...!


  • Let's get a summary:


  • If you would like to watch a News Review programme about this idea of 'dismissing' things, we have one about the former president Donald Trump. Where can our viewers find it, Roy?

    如果你想繼續觀賞有關 'dismissing (駁回)' 事情的相關新聞評論節目影片,我們之前有做一期關於前美國總統唐納德·川普的節目。我們的觀眾們能夠去哪裡找到這部影片呢,羅伊?

  • All our wonderful viewers need to do is click the link in the description below.


  • OK. Let's have a look at your next headline please.


  • So, my next headline comes from France 24 and it reads:

    好,我的下一個頭條來自法蘭西 24 新聞頻道,內容如下:

  • Protesters in Tunisia demand government step down amid COVID-aggravated economic woes.


  • 'Woes' — worries; big problems or issues.

    'Woes' -擔憂;大問題或困境。

  • 'Woes' — this word is a noun and it is spelt: W-O-E-S.

    'Woes' 這個詞是一個名詞,它的拼法是:W-O-E-S。

  • And it relates to serious problems or issues that someone or something is facing, and we quite commonly see this relating to countries or governments: a government's 'woes' – maybe economic 'woes', economic problems or struggles, or something like that.

    它能夠用來形容某人或某物碰到的,極為棘手的麻煩或問題,而我們很常能看到它被用來形容與國家和政府相關的事情上,例如政府的 'woes (困境)',或許是經濟上的 'woes (隱憂)',代表面臨了經濟問題或困難。

  • Now, it's quite a formal word, isn't it Neil?


  • It is. And as you say it refers to really big problems, you know.


  • 'Woes' are not things like forgetting your keys or, you know, running out of petrol in your car. 'Woes' are the really big issues that affect you.

    'Woes' 指的不是忘記帶鑰匙或是車子沒油了之類的小事。'Woes' 指的是會深刻影響到你的大問題。

  • And it is quite, sort of, old-fashioned and sounds... and formal-sounding, but it does have that sense of a really big problem.


  • Yeah, and... I mean obviously, like, if you wanted to be really dramatic, you could say, 'Ah, what a... Woe is me!' or something like this, when you've lost your keys, but normally we say something like you 'add to somebody's woes'.

    對,不過顯然如果你想要浮誇一點,你當然也可以在例如忘記帶鑰匙之類的時候,說「啊,這對我來說... 真是個大麻煩 (woe)!」,但我們比較常會用「給某人帶來大麻煩 (add to somebody's woes)」這種用法。

  • So, for example, if you're waiting for me to... you're having a bad day, Neil, and you're waiting for me to to record News Review with you and I suddenly say, 'Sorry, I'm off on holiday,' I add to your problemsyour big dayyour big problematic day and I 'add to your woes'.

    所以,舉例來說,假如你在等我... 假設你今天一天已經過得很艱辛了,尼爾,而你正等著我一起來錄新聞評論的節目,結果我突然跟你說「抱歉啦,我在休假。」,就這樣在你已經疲憊不堪的一天給你造成了困擾,我們就可以說「我給你帶來了大麻煩 (add to your woes)」。

  • Yes, we can use it like that.


  • And, and we also have 'woe' as a, sort of, general concept.

    而 'woe' 還能作為表示「悲戚」這樣籠統的概念。

  • Yeah, this one is more, sort of... it's... you can find this more in literature and it's a little bit old-fashioned but it basically means a great sadness.

    是的,這個用法比較... 你會比較常在文學作品中見到這種用法,這是比較老派的用法。它基本上的意思就是巨大的悲傷。

  • So, you could say somebody's face, when they look very sad, their face is 'full of woe'.

    所以當你看到某人的表情看起來非常難過時,你就可以說他們的臉上「充滿了悲戚 (full of woe)」。

  • But like I say, this is... I'd say it's a little old-fashioned now: you might see it in something like the works of Jane Austen, but 'woe' means a great sadness.

    但如我之前提到的,這個用法在現代比較少見了。你可能會在例如珍·奧斯汀的作品中看到這種用法,在這裡 'woe' 的意思就是非常悲傷的意思。

  • Yeah. And 'woe' perhaps is over-represented in headlines because it's short and that's always helpful for a headline writer.

    是的。而 'woe' 這個詞現在時常被記者在頭條中過度使用,這是因為它只有三個字母,對講求言簡意賅的頭條標題來說非常適合。

  • Absolutely.


  • OK. Let's get a summary:


  • Talking about 'woes', we have a 6 Minute English all about sad music and why people like it. Where can our viewers find it, Roy?

    談到 '悲戚 (woes)',我們有一期關於悲傷音樂,以及人們為什麼喜歡這種音樂的 6 分鐘學英文節目。我們的觀眾可以在哪裡可以找到那期節目呢,羅伊?

  • All our wonderful viewers need to do is click the link in the description below.


  • However, that is not the only thing we need to say about 6 Minute English, is it Neil?

    不過,關於 6 分鐘學英文節目,我們還有更多要分享的消息,對吧尼爾?

  • No, 6 Minute English is now available twice a week, but you have to get the extra episode on our website at It's available there exclusively.

    沒錯,6 分鐘學英文節目現在每個星期會播出兩次,但你可以在 觀賞只有在那邊才能看到的額外一集節目。

  • So, if you want more 6 Minute English, go to our website and you can find it there.

    所以如果你想要觀賞更多 6 分鐘學英文節目的話,請前往我們的網站,你可以在那裡找到它。

  • Let's have a look at your next headline, Roy.


  • OK. My next headline comes from Reuters and it reads:


  • Tunisian president ousts government in move critics call a coup.


  • 'Ousts' – forces someone to leave their position.

    'Ousts (驅逐)' - 迫使某人離開其職位的意思。

  • OK. So, this word is spelt: O-U-S-T-S. And it's, kind of... it sounds kind of aggressiveto 'oust' someone.

    好的。所以,這個詞的拼寫是:O-U-S-T-S。 而 'oust (驅逐)' 某人聽起來... 聽起來有點咄咄逼人。

  • It sounds kind of... like, it's really kind of an aggressive thing and means to remove somebody from their position of authority, or their position, and it usually meansit means by force, so it's not exactly...

    聽起來... 是個帶有侵略性的做法,而它的意思是將某人從他的職位或責務上驅逐,而且還是用強制手段來執行,也就是說...

  • They don't want to be removed; they are removed by force.


  • That's right. It starts with that 'ou-', like 'out', and it's got that same 'ou-' sound. Maybe it's useful to remember that – 'oust' and 'out'.

    沒錯。這個字跟 'out' 一樣用 'ou' 開頭,也同樣發 'ou-' 的音。所以可以把這兩個相關聯的字給合併記下來:'oust' 與 'out'。

  • It's got this idea of forcing someone 'out'.

    它有種讓某人 'out (出局)' 的意思在。

  • Absolutely. But it's not always just about removing somebody from their job or their position of authority.


  • Sometimes we use it to remove somebody fromby forcefrom a place, or a location, or even a competition.


  • So, for example, in a sporting event, maybe one of the athletes does something wrong and they are 'ousted' from the competition, or somebody in an office is being very rude and they are 'ousted' from the room.

    舉例來說,在一場運動競技中要是有運動員犯規了,他們可能會被 'ousted (逐出)' 整個比賽。或是有人在辦公室中做出了非常粗魯的行為,他們也可能被 'ousted (逐出)' 房間。

  • So, it's not just confined to removing somebody from their job.


  • No, just can... it can also mean removing them physically.


  • Absolutely.


  • OK. Let's get a summary:


  • Time now then, Roy, for a recap of our vocabulary please.


  • Yes, we had 'dismissing' – removing someone from their job.

    好的,第一個字是 'dismissing':將某人解雇。

  • We had 'woes' – worries; big problems or issues.

    再來是 'woes':隱憂;大問題或麻煩。

  • And we had 'ousts' – forces someone to leave their position.

    然後還有 'ousts':迫使某人離開他們的職位。

  • If you want to test yourself on the vocabulary, there's a quiz on our website and you can find all sorts of other things there to help you improve your English.

    如果你想測試一下自己的詞彙量,你可以到我們的網站 進行測試,還能在那裡找到可以幫助你提高英文能力的各種工具。

  • Of course we are all over social media as well.


  • Thanks for joining us and goodbye.


  • Bye.


Protests in Tunisia: the prime minister is removed from office after violent protests about the government's handling of COVID-19.

突尼西亞爆發抗議衝突:總理在群眾對政府處理 COVID-19 的措施進行暴力抗議之後下臺。

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