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Hey, everyone.
My name is Helena, and this is my mom, Rebecca.
And we're back with another culinary video for you to learn more vocabulary and a new recipe.
A great way to learn new words and expressions is to do a hands-on activity and practice it.
And through cooking, this can be a meaningful and delicious option.
-As summer approaches in the northern hemisphere, Helena and I thought we could bring you the recipe of a refreshing drink we love to make called -"Pink lemonade" -for the hot days ahead. [Pink lemonade.]
Brazil is a tropical county, so we make this beverage all the time.
In this video, besides the recipe, we'll also teach you some culinary vocabulary and names of fruit in English.
So, to make our lemonade today, we're going to use the Siracusa lemon, mostly called "Sicilian lemon," which is also known as true lemon, because it was one of the first types of lemon to be used by people.
We're also going to use the Tahiti lemon, as we call it here in Brazil, but it's normally referred to as a "lime" in the UK.
What do you call these types of lemons in your language?
Leave me a comment telling me.
So, besides the lemons, what are we going to need?
You're going to need "water," "sugar," "ice," and "raspberries."
Ah, very good.
And you're going to need, also, a "pitcher" to put the juice in, and a knife, and a juice squeezer.
So, the first thing we do is "cut" the lemons in half and cut off the tips of the lemon, so it doesn't get bitter.
Then "squeeze" their juice, using a juice squeezer, to get all the juice, and pour it into a pitcher.
Then "add" some kind of "frozen red berry."
In this case, we will use raspberry, which is part of the berry fruit family.
A "berry" is a pulpy, round, and usually, edible fruit, and some examples are strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry.
Depending on your country, you might have other berries you can use to make this drink.
Then add the sugar and the water and "stir" until everything is mixed.
Add some ice to make it more refreshing, drink, and enjoy.
Now that our pink lemonade is ready, let's review the culinary actions we learnt today.
[Can you remember the culinary actions we saw today?]
[Which of the following is happening here? {A-Stir B-Squeeze C-Cut}.]
[Which of the following is happening here? {A-Stir B-Squeeze C-Cut}.]
[Which of the following is happening here? {A-Stir B-Squeeze C-Cut}.]
How did you do on the quiz?
I'm sure you did well.
As you can see, it's a simple and delicious way to practice new vocabulary and have fun with your kids or students.
Be sure to give it a try, and let me know which lemon or lime, and berry you used in the comments section.
You can also tell us what other recipe or culinary vocabulary you would like to learn.
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We'll see you soon.