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  • In society, we have to follow laws that maintain order.


  • Did you know all chemical matter follows certain laws as well?


  • In fact, we can describe those laws by looking at relationships.


  • Some easy laws to begin with are the ones that govern the gases.


  • Back in 1662, Robert Boyle realized that gases had an interesting response

    1662 年波義耳發現氣體的有趣性質 (Robert Boyle)

  • when he put them into containers and changed their volume.


  • Take an empty bottle and put the cap on it, closing that container.


  • Now squeeze your bottle, and what happens?


  • The pressure inside the bottle increases when the size of the container decreases.


  • You can only crush that container so much until the gases inside push back on your hand.

    只能壓這麼多 容器內氣體也在對你的手施壓

  • This is called an inverse proportion, and it changes at the same rate for every gas.


  • Boyle's law allows chemists to predict the volume of any gas at any given pressure

    「波義耳定律」讓化學家可預測 指定壓力下任何氣體的體積

  • because the relationship is always the same.


  • In 1780, Jacques Charles noticed a different relationship between gases and their temperature.

    1780 年賈克查理注意到不同氣體 和溫度間的關係 (Jacques Charles)

  • If you've ever seen a hot-air balloon, you've seen this law in action.

    如果你看過熱氣球 你就知道這個法則的效果

  • When the ballons are laid out, they're totally flat.


  • Instead of blowing the balloon up like a party balloon, they use a giant flame to heat the air inside that envelope.

    不是用吹的,我們用巨大的火焰 加熱氣球內的空氣

  • As the air is heated up, the balloon begins to inflate as the gas volume increases.

    空氣加熱後體積增加 熱氣球開始膨脹

  • The hotter the gas becomes, the larger the volume, and that's Charles' law.

    氣體越熱,體積越大 這就是「查理定律」 (Charles' law)

  • Notice this law is different from Boyle's.


  • Charles' law is a direct relationship.


  • As the temperature increases, the volume increases as well.


  • The third law is also easily demonstrated.


  • When you're blowing up party balloons, the volume increases.


  • As you are blowing, you're forcing more and more gas particles into the balloon from your lungs.


  • This causes the balloon volume to increase. This is Avogadro's law in action.

    導致氣球體積增加 這種作用是「亞佛加厥定律」

  • As the number of particles of gas added to a container are increased,


  • the volume will increase as well.


  • If you add too many particles, well, you know what happens next.


  • Laws are everywhere, even in the tiniest particles of gas.

    法則無處不在 連最小的氣體分子也要遵守

  • If you squeeze them, the pressure will increase as the particles are pushed together.


  • Low volume means a high pressure because those particles push back.

    體積越小、壓力越大 因為分子也會壓回來

  • As the temperature increases, gases move away from one another, and the volume increases as well.

    溫度越高,氣體分子距離加大 體積也增加

  • Finally, if you add gas to a closed container, that container's volume will expand.

    如果你把氣體加入封閉容器 容器的體積會變大

  • But be careful not to add too much, because otherwise you could end up with a burst balloon.


In society, we have to follow laws that maintain order.



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