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  • I think. I think. I think.

    I think。

  • This is one of the most common phrases in English.


  • But did you know that there are actually many different ways to say 'I think'?

    但你知道其實有很多不同的方式來表達「I think」嗎?

  • What's up, guys? My name is Shane and in today's video, you are going to learn 15 ways to say 'I think'.

    怎麼樣,夥計們? 我的名字是 Shane,在今天的影片中,你將學習 15 種表達「I think」的方法。

  • Are you ready? Let's go.

    你準備好了嗎? 開始吧。

  • The first phrase is: 'I reckon'.

    第一句話是:「I reckon」。

  • 'I reckon' is a very informal phrase, which just means 'I think'.

    「I reckon」是一個非常非正式的短語,意思是「我認為」。

  • It's used a lot in Australia and sometimes in England as well.


  • An example sentence could be: 'I reckon it's going to rain today.'


  • The second phrase is: 'in my opinion'.

    第二個是「in my opinion」。

  • An 'opinion' is just a thought or a belief.


  • So, this phrase just means 'my thought is ...'


  • It's a little bit formal, and it's not normally used between friends.


  • And an example sentence could be: 'In my opinion, pizza is the best food in the world.'


  • The third phrase is: 'I guess'.

    第三個是:「I guess」。

  • 'I guess' just means 'you're not 100 percent sure'.


  • But you're just saying what you think or what you think will happen.


  • It's an informal phrase, and an example could be: 'I guess we're going to the party tonight.'


  • This means you're not 100 percent sure, but you'll probably go.


  • The fourth phrase is: 'I believe'.

    第四個是:「I believe」。

  • 'Believe' means 'to think that something is true'.


  • It's a little bit formal, and it's not normally used in informal situations.


  • An example sentence could be: 'I believe that the best way to learn English is by watching English Understood on YouTube.'

    例句是:「我相信學習英語的最好方法是觀看 YouTube 上的 English Understood」。(English Understood是Shane的頻道)

  • The fifth phrase is: 'I feel'.

    第五個是:「I feel」。

  • 'I feel' means you have a feeling about what you think.


  • Maybe you have no reason to think that way, but you have a feeling inside of you.


  • 'I feel' can be used in formal and informal situations.


  • And an example sentence could be: 'I feel that 2021 is going to be a great year.'

    例句是:「我覺得 2021 年將是很棒的一年。」

  • Maybe you have no reason to think that but you just have a feeling inside of you.


  • And phrase number six is: 'in my view'.

    第六個是:「in my view」。

  • 'View' means the same as 'opinion'.


  • But 'in my view' is more formal than 'in my opinion'.

    但「in my view」比「in my opinion」更正式。

  • So this phrase is not normally used between friends.


  • An example sentence could be: 'In my view, I think climate change is a big problem.'


  • The seventh phrase is: 'from my perspective'.

    第七個是:「from my perspective」。

  • 'Perspective' means 'a way of thinking', 'a way of seeing something'.


  • For example, I am an English teacher and a native English speaker.


  • So I look at English differently from someone who is learning English because I am looking at English from the eyes of a teacher.


  • But people who are learning English are looking at English from the eyes of a learner.


  • An example sentence could be: 'From my perspective, learning English to use English like a native speaker is the best way to learn.'


  • The eighth phrase is: 'the way I see it'.

    第八個是:「the way I see it」。

  • 'The way I see it' means from where you are looking, how does it look?


  • What are your thoughts and opinions on it?


  • For example: if you were looking from here, what does it look like? What are your thoughts?

    例如:如果你從這裡看,它看起來是什麼樣子? 你怎麼看?

  • If you are looking from here, what does it look like? What are your thoughts?

    如果你從這裡看,它會是什麼樣子? 你怎麼看?

  • This is a more formal phrase, and it's not normally used between friends.


  • An example sentence could be: 'The way I see it, it was a good decision.'


  • The ninth phrase is: 'it seems to me that ...'

    第九句話是:「it seems to me that ...'」。

  • This is similar to the last phrase.


  • It means from where you are looking, what do you think? What can you see?

    這意味著從你所看的地方,你會怎麼想? 你能看見什麼?

  • What are your thoughts? What are your opinions?

    你怎麼看? 你有什麼意見?

  • It's also a more formal phrase, and an example sentence could be: 'It seems to me that he is a good person.'


  • The tenth phrase is: 'as far as I'm concerned'.

    第十個是:「as far as I'm concerned」。

  • This is a more formal phrase, and it just means 'I think' or 'I believe'.


  • And it can sometimes be used to disagree with someone.


  • So for example, let's pretend someone says, 'climate change isn't a big problem.'


  • You can say, 'As far as I'm concerned, it is a big problem.'


  • The eleventh phrase is: 'I would say'.

    第十一個是:「I would say」。

  • This means if you ask my opinion about something, 'I think that ...'


  • This phrase can also be used to show that you're not really sure about something.


  • It can be used in informal and formal situations.


  • An example sentence could be: 'I would say that learning English is easy.'


  • The twelfth phrase is: 'I consider'.

    第十二個是:「I consider」。

  • 'I consider' means that you have strong thoughts or feelings about something.


  • It's more of a formal phrase and not normally used between friends.


  • An example sentence could be: 'I consider eating vegetables to be very important.'


  • The thirteenth phrase is: 'from my point of view'.

    第十三個是:「from my point of view」。

  • This is similar to the phrase, 'from my perspective'.

    這類似於「from my perspective」。

  • It means from where you are, what do you see? What do you feel? What do you think?

    意思是從你所在的位置,你看到了什麼? 你感覺怎麼樣? 你怎麼認為?

  • It's a more formal phrase, and an example sentence could be: 'From my point of view, you can't win this game.'


  • The fourteenth phrase is: 'as far as I can tell'.


  • This phrase is used when you have information about something, and then with that information, you make an opinion about something.


  • You look at something and then you make an opinion about it.


  • An example sentence could be: 'As far as I can tell, you're not losing weight because you're eating too many hamburgers.'


  • The fifteenth and final phrase is: 'if you ask me'.

    第十五個也是最後一個是:「if you ask me」。

  • This phrase means exactly what it sounds like.


  • If you ask me, 'I think that ...'


  • This phrase can be used in informal and formal situations.


  • And an example sentence could be: 'If you ask me, that dress looks good on you.'


  • That is the end of the video today.


  • If you're interested in more videos about different ways to say common phrases, check out this video right here.


  • If you liked the video, hit like.


  • If you haven't subscribed already, subscribe right now.


  • And if you're not following us on Instagram, follow us right now because we have daily quizzes, weekly posts, lessons, pictures and much, much more.

    如果你沒有在 Instagram 上關注我們,請立即關注我們,因為我們有每日測驗、每週貼文、課程、圖片等等。

  • And I will see you in the next video.


  • See you, guys!


I think. I think. I think.

I think。

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