字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You can start. 你可以開始了。 Welcome to Danny and Aaron's Kitchen Episode 3! 歡迎來到Danny和Aaron's K的廚房第3集! So right now we're not in the kitchen, but we're out shopping for 我們現在不在廚房裡,但我們正在採買食譜裡需要用到的食材 a few items so we can prepare our beautiful recipe today. 是啊。 Yeah. 這會是一個驚喜,你們再過幾分鐘就會看到了 It's gonna be a surprise and you guys are gonna see in a couple minutes. 耶! Yay! 我們走吧。 Let's go. The warheads! (彈頭極酸糖) The warheads! 你覺得它是真的很酸嗎? Do you think it's actually sour? 我等不及想試吃看看了! Can't wait to try these! 你要去哪裡? Where are you going? 哦。 Oh. 怎麼了? Yes? 你玩的開心嗎? Did you have fun? 嗯。我喜歡風車那種東西。 Mhm. I love those pinwheel things. 我沒戴眼鏡所以我什麼都看不到 I don't have my glasses on so I can't see anything. 耶!找到了。 Yay found it. 我們還要再去一個地方買一個材料 Yeah so we still have one more place to go to get one more ingredient. 對。我們走吧! That's right. Let's go! 大家要記得看到影片最後喔!因為我們要舉辦一個抽獎活動 Hey guys stay tuned to the end of this video because we're gonna announce a little giveaway. 所以要看到影片最後會有更多資訊喔 So keep on watching till the end to find out more! 我們回來了! Yay we are back! 這次的材料非常簡單。 The ingredients are really really simple this time. 只需要一些麵包,莫札瑞拉起司...... All you need is some bread, mozzarella cheese... 然後因為你要確定你的起司要很有延展性 And you want to make sure that the cheese is very stretchy you know and 所以要確保它是莫札瑞拉起司,放在比薩上的。 so make sure it's a mozzarella cheese, the ones you use for pizza. 所有食材都準備好以後,就可以準備開始啦! We have all the ingredients. We're ready to cook, so let's start cooking? 第一步是切起司然後幫起司上色 Step one is going to be to cut the cheese and color the cheese. 這比我想像的要硬。 It's harder than I thought. 這起司做一份好像太多了 That's a lot of cheese for one section. 我覺得你還可以再切一半 I think you can cut those in half, too. 然後再把它切一半嗎? And then half of it? 嗯,我覺得就算切一半也是很多了。 Yeah even that's gonna be a lot, I think. 我們要在微波爐中加熱幾秒鐘, We're gonna warm it up in the microwave just for a few seconds, 五秒鐘吧. 五秒鐘? Five seconds. Five seconds? Yeah. 然後加入食用色素之後把它揉均勻。 And then add the food coloring and then sort of like mix it up. 手套! Gloves! 我們戴上手套,這樣手才不會被染色。 So we're putting gloves on so we don't get the color on our hands. 那麼你想從什麼顏色開始呢? So what color do you want to start with? 我要做藍色的! I'm gonna do blue! 我要做紅色的。 I'll do red. 你覺得要多少滴? How many drops do you think? 兩滴。 Two drops. 好吧那就是......你剛剛邊說要兩滴邊滴了四滴進去! Ok that was... you just put four when you said two. 真的嗎? Really? 你能把我的也一起熱了嗎? Here, can you heat mine too? 好啊。 Yeah. 你的怎麼做的這麼好? How come yours is so good? 你還要繼續做。 Just keep going. 就像揉麵團一樣。把外面的折到裡面去。 Like kneading bread. Like fold the outside to the inside. 我要放1,2,3,4,5滴黃色。 I'm gonna do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 drops of yellow. 我要放,我不知道,1,2,3滴? I'll do like, I don't know, 1, 2, 3? 你需要幫助嗎? Do you need help? 是。 Yes. 要幾滴? How many drops? 一滴就好。 Just one. 這太好玩了! This is so fun! 燙燙燙! Hot hot hot! 彩虹! Rainbow! 所以我們要把鍋子設置好,馬上回來。 So we're gonna set it up and be right back. 我們火要多大?中火? What do we want, medium? 中火。 Medium. 好。 Ok. 我們把奶油放進去。等他融化。就可以煎了! We just put the butter in. Melt the butter. And go ahead! 哦哦哦!天啊! Oh oh oh! Oh my gosh! 好了,你可以放上去了。 Ok you can put it on. 啊! Ahh! 我把它動來動去,是為了讓吐司都有沾到奶油,這樣才能烤的漂亮。 So I'm moving it around so that the bread is like fully covered in butter so that it can get a nice toastiness. 好。現在把麵包放在上面。 Ok. Now put the bread on top. 我要再加點奶油。 I'm just gonna put more butter. 真是專業! *sizzle sizzle* 你覺得我是製作烤奶酪吐司的專業達人嗎? What a pro! 我覺得它差不多完成了! You think I'm a pro at making grilled cheese? 所以你沒有要計時幾分鐘嗎?就是這樣燈一下就好了嗎? I think it's almost done! 是的,然後還要確保裡面的起司也融化了。 So you don't really have a time for it? You just wait? 好了嗎?好了! 嗯!好了。 Yeah and of course you want the cheese on the inside to be melted too. 這是第2步,我們要準備做第3步:吃掉它! Good? Good? Yeah! Ok. 不行,我們需要先把它切開! This is step 2 and we are moving onto step 3: eat it! 準備好了嗎? No, we need to cut it first! 唉唉!哇哇哇喔喔喔哇喔哇喔喔! Ready? 天啊! Ahhh! Whoaaaa!!! 做一個X. X! Oh my gosh! 快樂的同志驕傲月和快樂的烤奶酪吐司! Make an X. X! 這真酷!我好喜歡它! Happy Pride and happy grilled cheese! 哇你看!它還能再拉長! This is so cool! I love it! 我從來沒想過能拉這麼長! Whoa it's still stretching look! 要怎麼吃這個? I never thought it would be this stretchy! 哇! How do you eat this? Whoaaa! Whoa! 我之前很怕它沒辦法拉長但.. Whoaaa! 抖阿抖阿抖。 I was so scared that it wasn't gonna be stretchy but 現在要怎麼辦? Wiggle wiggle wiggle. 看,它和我的臉一樣大。 Now what? 它比你的臉大多了,你看這裡面也太可愛了吧! Look, it's as big as my face. 它吃起來也很好吃。 It's way bigger than your face, and look, the inside looks so cute! 真的很好吃。 And it also tastes really really good. 如果你們要開同志主題的派對的話,這個準備起來很簡單。 It does taste really good. 對阿!而且它拉長後就像彩虹旗一樣。是一個完美的彩虹。 If you guys have like a pride party this is super easy to prepare. 我都不知道怎麼吃這個。 Yeah and once you stretch it looks just like a pride flag I mean it's a perfect rainbow. 我們來比賽吧! I don't even know how to eat this. 看誰吃的更快。好。 Let's do a competition! 1,2,3! To see who can eat it faster. Ok. 我贏了! 1, 2, 3! 不要把脖子扭斷了! I win! 好吧,讓我們試試三明治的部分吧! Don't break your neck! 裡面看起來真的真的很酷,我無法忘懷。 Ok let's try the sandwich part! 寶貝,你是我的驕傲。 The inside looks so cool I can't get over it. 我是你的驕傲? Baby you're my pride. 嗯哼。 I'm your pride? 你也是我的驕傲! Mhm. 這個月是同志驕傲月,我們製作這個彩虹三明治只是為了開心而已 You're my pride too! 但我們要認真地記住它的意義,還有LGBTQ+族群我們經歷過的事情 It's pride month and we're making this rainbow sandwich just to have fun, but it's important to remember 所以,驕傲月真的是值得慶祝的時刻,但也是要感恩的時候了 how serious pride month is, and how much the lgbtq+ community has gone through. 要感謝社會的進步,還有我們獲得的權益 So pride month is really a time to celebrate, but it's also a time to be thankful of the 因此,我們希望每個人都能開心的慶祝同志驕傲月,同時也要記住重要性。 progress our community has made, and the rights that we've gained for ourselves. 我們祝所有認為自己是LGBTQ+族群的人同志驕傲月快樂,包誇 Allies也是。(Allies是指支持平權運動、性別平等及LGBT權利運動,並質疑同性戀恐懼、雙性戀恐懼以及跨性別恐懼等問題的異性戀和順性別人士) So we're wishing everyone a happy Pride to celebrate and have fun, but also to remember the importance. 所以我們希望每個人都可以過一個幸福的驕傲月,享受美好的三明治。 And we're wishing happy pride to anyone who identifies as part of the lgbtq+ community including allies as well. 同志驕傲月快樂! So we hope everyone has a good pride and enjoys a lovely sandwich. 對於那些還沒出櫃或不知道怎樣出櫃,不敢出櫃的人 Happy Pride! 請記住,這是令人自豪的一個月,你仍然是我們的一部分,我們仍然愛你並支持你。 For those who are still in the closet and don't know how to come out or don't feel safe to come out, 我們希望你能和我們一起慶祝。對。 keep in mind that it's pride month and you're still part of the community and we still love you and support you. 驕傲月快樂啦!再見! And we hope that you're celebrating along with us. That's right. 因為我們正在慶祝同志驕傲月, 我們要舉辦一個抽獎活動! So Happy Pride! Bye! 禮物是我們身上穿的這款t恤。 Since we're celebrating pride we thought we would do a little giveaway! 如果你有興趣要參加抽獎的話,請到我們的Instagrams來了解活動的細節。 Its the same t-shirt that we're wearing right now. 然後這是一個全球性的活動,無論你在哪都可以參加,然後抽中的話我們一定會寄給你的 So if you're interested in entering the giveaway, check out our Instagrams for the details of how to enter the giveaway. 記得來參加這個小小的活動,希望你能抽中! And it's gonna be a worldwide giveaway so no matter where you live you can enter and if you win we'll ship it to you! 如果你有興趣,請到我們的Instagram! Make sure you enter it this little getaway and hopefully you can win! 我不敢相信它能拉這麼長! So check out Instagram if you're interested! 我本來真的很擔心它拉不長!我也是! I can't believe it stretches so far! 我怕它拉開一點點就斷了。 I was really worried it wasn't gonna stretch. Same here! 我是怕起司全部融在一起然後變很奇怪的咖啡色 I was like what if it just like stretches like half an inch and snaps. 我愛你。 In my mind I was like what if it just melts all together and becomes like one weird brown color? 我也愛你。 I love you. I love you too.
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 驕傲 起司 拉長 彩虹 吐司 慶祝 挑戰做彩虹食物(Rainbow Food Challenge ? Pride Giveaway | Danny and Aaron [KOR, ESP SUB]) 33 2 蔡家瑜 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字