字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Mmm. 四月二十一號 Smells so good! 好好聞! Mmm. (我們想試試看拍最新潮的"不露臉"的影片) Smells so good. 真的好好聞 (我們想試試看拍最新潮的"不露臉"的影片) We are just walking around and now we decided to go to this cafe. (但是真的很難所以我們放棄了lol) Yeah I think I want this one. 我們在閒逛 然後決定去這家咖啡廳 And it's the last one which means maybe it's popular. 我要這個 Let's eat! 它可能賣很好喔 因為只剩最後一個~ It's so low though. 來吃吧! Describe the taste. 桌子也太低了吧 It's soft, warm, buttery, a little bit sweet from the apple. 形容一下是什麼味道 Oh my god it's so good. 它很綿 有點奶油和蘋果的甜味 Here, try. 超讚的 Do you want to tell them the story? 你吃吃看 Why is it so fresh? 你要和他們講發生什麼事了嗎? Ahhhh. 為什麼這個這麼新鮮 Because when we walked in there was only one of these pastries left in the counter, and 因為當我們剛進來的時候, 櫃檯裡只剩下這一個 so I ordered it. 所以我就點了 But they said "oh, actually that one was already ordered by someone else, but if you wait five 但他們說 這塊已經有人先點了 minutes you can have a fresh one from the oven." 你也可以再等五分鐘 會有一批新出爐的 I didn't take a picture of this. (Aaron的笑容說明了它完全值得我們多等五分鐘) Too late! 我忘記拍照了(´;ω;`) Next time. 太晚了 While he's getting coffee I'm gonna eat his crumbs. 下次吧~ This is good but honestly mine was better. (Aaron正在慢慢享受他的蘋果派) It smells good. danny去拿咖啡了 我要吃剩下的屑屑 It looks like birdseed. 這也很好吃 但說真的我覺得我的比較讚:p Doesn't it? 好香 Yeah. 這好像鳥飼料 It's really hot. 不像嗎? This is what I'm reading today. 超像的 Oops, I highlighted something on my book with my chin. 好燙 (work talk) 我今天要看這本~ And the tail is the zipper. (我們一開始沒有很專心) The cat has such big eyes. 噢噢,我不小心用下巴塗了重點在書上(電子書) Don't you think it's cute? (但我們逐漸進入了工作模式) Oh those are so cute. (Aaron要帶Danny去街上新開的店逛逛) Yeah they are. 這尾巴是拉鍊欸 It's cute. 貓貓有大眼睛 It's cute? 你不覺得很可愛嗎 Yeah. 他們真的好可愛喔(*´∀`)~♥ Sesame street. 對阿 Sesame street. 你真可愛 There's also a bunny tail here. 可愛嗎 That's so cute. 芝麻街 Or should we get the ones that match our hair colors? 這裡有兔尾巴 Let's try. 好可愛~ It looks like it's actually your ears. 還是要拿跟我髮色一樣的? Yeah. 試試看阿 You look really cute in this one. 好像你真的耳朵 The black one? 對呀 Yeah. 你這個真的很可愛 This is our Easter outfit. 黑色的嗎? Good? 對阿 Mhm, good. 我們的復活節單品~ Little hamsters, unicorns, little piggies. 可以嗎? Aww! 很可以 This is us after all you can eat. 小倉鼠 獨角獸 小豬豬 Isn't this a bit scary? 這是吃完吃到飽之後的我們 Look at the brown one. 這有點可怕欸 Eww it has a belly button! 看棕色的這個 And you pushed it? 它有肚臍!! It's sticking out. 你壓他肚臍? Push it back in there. 他凸出來了阿 Eww it's--put your finger in there. 把它塞回去 Oh it's so deep! 你戳戳看 Actually he's kind of cute after I touch his belly button. 也太深了吧 This is your favorite. 我戳了它肚臍之後 它其實蠻可愛的 Alpaca. 這是你的最愛 Oh is it? 草泥馬! Is that a tongue? 蛤 No, it's a tie. 這是舌頭嗎 So long. 這是領帶啦 Are you stalking me? 好長喔 Oh these don't feel good. 你在跟蹤我嗎 Did you feel these? 這不好摸 They're a bit scratchy. 你覺得呢 I am gonna turn on the stove. 有點扎人 And we're gonna have pork for dinner. 我要開伙~ And make sure you wash your hands after touching pork or any kind of meat. 煮豬肉當晚餐~ A: That's good advice. 記得用手碰豬肉或任何肉品之後要洗手 Oh, it's sizzling. Aaron:很棒的提醒 Don't want this one, don't want this one. 喔,肉在滋滋作響了 Easy! 不要這片~和這片~ Back to the vegetables. 甘丹啦 Yay~ Finished work. 繼續處裡蔬菜 Finished work? (記得每天都要吃青菜喔) Cooking. 耶~工作完成了 What are you doing? "工作"完成了 Playing Kirby. 煮飯煮好了 (來看看Aaron在做什麼) Oh yeah? (來看看Aaron在做什麼) I just finished a level. 你在幹嘛? That's dinner! 玩卡比 *Gasp* The monthly price is increasing to $12.99 on May 14th. 是嗎? On what? 剛破完一關 Netflix? 晚餐! Yeah. 從5月14號開始漲價漲到$12.99 Dun-dun! 什麼東西? They increased by how much? Netflix? I don't know, good thing my dad pays for it. 對阿 Well, thank you Aaron's dad! 登愣 We're watching the last episode of "Watership Down" on Netflix. 他們漲了多少 It's about bunnies. 我不知道 好消息是這都是我爸爸在付的 More bunnies! 謝謝Aaron的爸爸! It's always about bunnies. 我們在看瓦特希普高原的最後一集 Anyway it's Easter next week. 是關於兔子的 It's not like we celebrate Easter, but we love bunnies. 很多兔子! Thank you for cooking, baby. 從頭到尾都是有關兔子的 Do you want this one? 下禮拜是復活節! More. 我們其實沒有在慶祝復活節 但我們都愛兔兔! The whole thing? 謝謝你今天下廚寶貝 Yeah. 你要吃這個嗎 You look like a bunny. 多一點 I'm gonna get some napkins for you. 全部? ????? yeah What? 你像個兔兔 You were trying to shove that thing down my throat. 我拿餐巾給你 (movie noises) ????? This is so delicious, thank you. 蛤 Eat this like a bunny. 你剛剛把整個東西硬塞進我喉嚨裡 *chomp chomp chomp* 真的好好吃 謝謝你 Ikea cookies! 來學兔子吃這個 Actually you can't even really see that it's raining. Ikea餅乾! Baby, are you hungry? Ikea的餅乾真的跟這個旺仔牛奶很配 What do you want? (護膚時間,順便試用兔子的髮帶) Anything you want. 其實看不出來在下雨 (四月十四日) Anything? 寶貝你餓了嗎 I really don't know. 你要吃甚麼 I'll take you anywhere you wanna go. 你要的都可以 Really? 甚麼都可以? I'll buy you anything you want to eat. 我真的不知道 Anything? 我會帶你去任何你想去的地方 Do you want ramen? 真的嘛 Sure! 你想吃的我都買 Ok. 真的? Are you hungry now? 你想吃拉麵嗎 Yes! 好啊 Ok let's go. ok Ready? 你餓了嗎 Yep. 餓了 Baby I'm rich. 走吧 Did you know I'm rich? 好了嗎? That's why you're buying me dinner tonight? 好了 Mhm. 寶貝我超有錢 Thank you. 你知道我很有錢嗎 I just got paid!!! 所以你才要請我吃晚餐? Oh yes. 對阿 *kiss, tap tap tap, kiss* 謝謝你 Ow! (Danny doesn't even care that Aaron just hurt himself...) 我剛拿到薪水!!!!! Trying to fix my belt. 喔對 That's my belt! 噢(Danny根本沒注意到Aaron弄傷了自己) Yeah. 試著調整好我的腰帶 Beige boys. 那是我的腰帶! 50 Shades of Beige. 啊哈 So windy! 米色男孩 *ding dong dong ding* 米色的50道陰影 Thank you! 風好大啊! I really like this water fountain. (等登登登) I wish every restaurant had this at every table. (按熊本熊的肚肚來呼叫服務人員) I almost spilled like you :P 我真的好喜歡這個水龍頭 What if when the food comes they open the thing and push the meal and it knocks the 我希望每家餐廳的每張桌子上都有這個 camera over? 我差點像你一樣弄撒了:P So do you like the system here? 萬一上菜的時候他們打開簾子把餐點推進來的時候推倒相機了怎麼辦? Yeah, antisocial people would really like it. 你喜歡這裡用餐的方式嗎? Us! 嗯!不喜歡社交的人一定會很喜歡這裡 Thank you! 就是我們! Bon appétit! Bon appétit! 祝你好胃口(餐前祝福語) Mmm! 你喜歡嗎? Do you like it? 喜歡! Yeah! 你選肥肉還是瘦肉? Did you choose the fatty meat or the lean meat? 肥的 Fatty. 等登登登! Dun dun dun dun! 商場即將在15分鐘後結束營業 The mall will be closing in 15 minutes. 等登登登 Dun dun dun dun! 來試試看這個(辣味海藻沙拉) *glare* 好好吃喔!! Let's try this. (spicy seaweed salad) 哀噁(他看到自己的臉了XD) It's so good! 幹嘛這樣? Ew! (he saw his own face XD) 叩叩叩 Why? 誰呀? *knock knock knock* 我以為你想要一點獨處的時間 Yes? 我沒有全部吃完 I thought you wanted some alone time. (Danny想把Aaron的麵吃完) I did not finish mine. 把你的蛋吃完 (Danny wants to finish Aaron's ramen) 我要這樣子吃 Finish your egg. 天啊你這樣吃好像義大利麵喔 I'm gonna use this and this. 還有醬在上面! Oh my gosh that looks like spaghetti when you do that! 等登登登! With sauce on top! 然後就放在這裡就好了嗎? Dun dun dun dun! 這樣就可以走了嗎? So then you just put it here? 當然我們一定要跟這隻看起來被催眠的熊拍張照 And then we just go? 謝謝你的晚餐! Thank you for the dinner! (四月六號) 甜份爆表的約會 This is our breakfast. 這是我們的早餐 (今天的第一餐) So sweet! 太甜了! So sweet! 實在太甜了 Ahh. (我們不建議早餐吃這個) (Who eats ice cream for breakfast??) (誰會吃冰淇淋當早餐??) It's the final boss! (Aaron跟平常一樣在打電動) Baby I need your help! 只剩終極大魔王了 ! Oh my gosh the eye! 寶貝我需要你的幫忙 How do we shoot? How do we shoot?? 喔天啊那個眼睛! Ahhhhh. 我們要怎麼打?我們要怎麼打? Ugh that took all my energy. 啊啊啊 (就差一點了) Good night. (耶!我們終於完成《星之卡比 新星同盟》了) Good night! 啊,我的體力都用完了 Tired? 晚安 Sleepy time? 晚安安 This music is so annoying... 累了嗎? Ok, time to sleep! Bye~ 睡覺時間了嗎? Shouldn't we get ready for bed first? 這個音樂好吵喔... Yeah we should. But say bye! OK,要睡覺囉!掰掰 Bye~ 我們不應該先刷牙洗臉一下嗎?
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 兔子 肚臍 吃完 寶貝 晚餐 試試 情侶的愜意時光(VLOG - Cozy Time | Boyfriends Daily Life [KOR, CHI, JPN, ESP, PRO, FRA SUB]) 36 5 蔡家瑜 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字