字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 On this episode of China Uncensored, 本集《中國解密》: why are Tibetans in China this happy? 為什麼中國的西藏人這麼快樂? Because they have to be. 那是因為他們不得不快樂 Welcome back to China Uncensored, 歡迎收看《中國解密》 I'm Chris Chappell. 我是主持人 Chris Chappell As you may know, 你們可能知道 Tibet has been part of China since ancient times. 西藏從遠古時代 就是中國的一部份 Which is why, in the 1950s, 這也是為什麼 1950 年代 the Chinese authorities had to liberate Tibet. 中國當局必須 From being part of China... already? 從中國固有領土中…解放西藏? Yeah, it's complicated. 沒錯,原因很複雜 But at the time, 但在當時 Tibet was in a perilous state, 西藏長達數十年 and had been for decades— 都處在危險情勢 because it was controlled by a cruel, 因為他們被殘暴專制的 oppressive dictator. 獨裁者統治 Fortunately, in 1959 it was finally liberated 所幸西藏在 1959 年終於 by a benevolent, democratic leader— 被仁慈又民主的領袖解放 Sure, Mao Zedong did kill an estimated 1 million Tibetans. 當然毛澤東確實殺害了 估計一百萬名西藏人 But he also believed in fairness. 不過他也堅持政府要公平 Mao killed millions of people in other parts of China, too. 所以也在中國其他 地區殺了數百萬人 But anyway, 不管怎樣 Tibetans are definitely happier now that they're free... 西藏民族現在一定 很開心他們自由了 to be part of the People's Republic of China forever. 並永遠成為 中華人民共和國的一部份 And in all seriousness, 說認真的 as long as the Chinese Communist Party rules China, 只要中國共產黨還統治中國 they will never allow Tibet be an independent country. 他們就不可能讓 西藏成為獨立國家 But you might be wondering—why? 你可能會好奇為什麼? Why would the Party bother sending troops to Tibet, 中共幹嘛這麼 麻煩派軍隊去西藏 subjugating its population, 征服當地人民 and dealing with the decades of international backlash 並願意承受數十年來 for its occupation there? 佔領西藏的國際罵名? I mean, the issue comes up every time 每次達賴喇嘛會見世界領袖 the Dalai Lama meets a world leader. 這個問題就一定會出現 And it's so embarrassing. 而且讓中共很難堪 Well it turns out the CCP's interest in Tibet 結果發現中國共產黨在意的 is about more than just making sure 不只是西藏人民快不快樂 the citizens there are happy. 嗯,我知道你震驚了 I know, you're shocked. 對中共來說 In the CCP's view, 控制西藏是中國國安的一環 controlling Tibet is part of China's national security. 有三個重點 And there are three main parts: 邊防、礦產、水源 Borders, minerals, and water. 你會發現「人民」 You'll notice that “people” 並不含在其中 did not make it into the top three. 因為人命如草芥 People are disposable. 珍貴的是那塊土地 It's the land that's precious. 先講講邊防 So Borders. 這是西藏 This is Tibet. 土地廣大 It's huge. 佔了中國整體領土約 13% It accounts for about 13% of all the landmass of China. 而那還只是隨意 畫畫的西藏自治區 And that's just the arbitrarily drawn Tibet Autonomous Region. 歷史上的西藏原本有兩倍大 Historical Tibet was twice as big, 西藏人現在就住在這些地區 and there are Tibetan people living in these areas today. 這是喜馬拉雅山脈 These are the Himalayan mountains. 高山將中國與印度 尼泊爾和不丹分開 They divide China from India, Nepal, and Bhutan. 正是這個天然屏障 讓西藏顯得如此重要 And it's this natural border that makes Tibet so valuable. 險峻的山況和惡劣的氣候 The steep mountains and harsh climate 讓穿越邊界變成不可能的任務 make travel across the border next to impossible. 橫跨喜馬拉雅山的 三週死亡攀登 A three-week death hike across the Himalayas stops 比邊界水泥牆還能阻擋入侵者 way more intruders than a concrete border wall. 尤其當你是入侵的印度軍隊的話 Especially if you were, say, an invading Indian army. 中國和印度長期以來互相為敵 China and India have been rivals for a long time. 他們已經為西藏和 They've fought wars over the border 印度之間的邊境交戰過 between Tibet and India. 如果西藏獨立了 If Tibet were its own, independent country, 你覺得他們會 比較想跟哪個國家 which neighbor do you think it would prefer to trade with, 進行貿易和軍事往來 and do military drills with, 和他們共進晚餐與看電影 and go out to dinner and a movie with: 中國還是印度? China or India? 即使西藏的一邊 And while Tibet has this impregnable mountain 有著無法橫越的山脈 border wall on one side, 它的另一邊……還是很崎嶇 ....the other side is, well, still rugged, 不過絕不如珠穆朗瑪峰 but it's no Mount Everest. 而現在已經有 好幾條平穩的道路 Also now there are several good roads 甚至還有一條鐵路 連結西藏與中國 and even a rail line connecting Tibet to China. 所以不算完全無法通行 So not exactly impenetrable. 中國長期以來都了解邊境問題 China has understood the border issue for a long time. 「當英國軍隊在二十世紀初 [中國為何在意西藏?] “When British forces began making inroads into Tibet from India 要從印度築路進入西藏」 in the early 1900s”, 當時統治中國的清朝嚇死了 ...The ruling Qing Dynasty freaked out 因為他們知道意味著什麼 because they knew exactly what that could mean. 而現在的中共 可不想要印度同盟軍隊 And today, the CCP does not want some allied Indian army 在西藏裡遊蕩 hanging out in Tibet, 隔著一些毫無天險的邊境 next to some completely useless border. 畢竟 After all, 好的山脈造就好的鄰居 good mountain ranges make good neighbors. 中國想要控制西藏 And there's another important reason 還有一個很重要的原因 the CCP wants to control Tibet: 礦產 Minerals. 青藏高原蘊藏價值 The Tibetan plateau stores an estimated 約 1,300 億美元的礦產 $130 billion dollars worth of mineral reserves. 包含工業重要原料 Those include key manufacturing ingredients, 像是煉鋼所需的鐵 like iron to make steel, 用來製造電子零件的金礦 gold to make electronics, 還有可製造子彈的鉛礦 and lead to make bullets. 呃抱歉,是製造電池 I mean, batteries. 另外也有稀有礦物 There are also rarer metals, 像是鋰、汞還有鈾 like lithium, mercury, and uranium. 數十年來 For decades, 中共從外國進口許多礦物 the CCP has been importing a lot of minerals 供應製造業 from foreign countries to supply its manufacturing industries. 舉例來說 For example, 現在從智利進口銅 right now it's cheaper for China to import copper from Chile 比從西藏開採還便宜 than to mine it in Tibet. 不過這將有所改變 But that's changing, 因為中共現在鼓勵公司 because the CCP is incentivizing companies 在西藏採礦 to mine in Tibet. 比如他們讓那些礦產公司 They do this by, for example, 可以不受繁雜瑣碎的 giving mining companies exemptions 環境法規所限制 from cumbersome environmental rules. 這就是為什麼部分西藏地區 [藏人不滿中國採礦汙染神聖綠地] That's why parts of Tibet are becoming 正面臨環境浩劫 environmental disaster zones, 空氣、水源和土壤皆受汙染 with polluted air, water and soil. 但中國想要確保他們 But the CCP wants to make sure that it can 可以在自家開採重要礦產 mine important minerals in house— 以防哪天其他國家 in case, I don't know, 認為中國正在榨乾他們的資源 other countries decide that the CCP is sucking them dry 而決定對出口礦產課稅 and put export tariffs on their minerals. 中共想控制西藏的 第三個主要原因 The third major reason the CCP wants to control Tibet 水源 is water. 西藏是亞洲的巨大桃子形狀水塔 Tibet is the giant peach-shaped water tower of Asia. 亞洲多數的重要 河流都源自西藏 Most of the major river systems in Asia originate in Tibet 或是源自遼闊的青藏高原 or from the larger Tibetan plateau. 這些河流包含其中兩條 Those include the two main rivers 千年來孕育 中國多數人口的河川 that have sustained most of China's population 黃河與長江 for millennia: 想想如果西藏獨立 The Yellow River and the Yangtze River. 然後決定在這些河川攔江築壩 Imagine if Tibet were independent, 或是改變河流水道! and Tibet decided to somehow dam up those rivers, 對中國來說將是一場大災難 or re-route them! 我知道這聽起來好像有點牽強 It would be a disaster for China. 中共怎麼可能想得到西藏 I know that sounds far-fetched. 會如此對待他們? How could the CCP ever think that Tibet 那是因為中國現在就正對 would do that to them? 其他國家採取這樣的行為 Well, because the CCP is currently doing that 這是西藏的雅魯藏布江 to other countries. 在流經印度東方和孟加拉後 This is the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet. 被稱為布拉馬普特拉河 It's also called the Brahmaputra River 這條河對這兩個國家來說 真的相當重要 as it flows down through eastern India and Bangladesh. 不過中共正在上游興建水壩 It's a really important river for those two countries. 他們已經蓋了這座 And the CCP is in the process of damming it up. 藏木水電站 It already built this, 中共還計畫要在 the Zangmu hydroelectric power station. 同一條河流上建造二十多個水壩 It has plans for as many as two dozen more dams 中共也計畫要把這條河引流至 [中國計劃建造千里隧道,分流印度重要河流之一] along the same river. 中國北部乾旱地區 The CCP also has plans to divert some of this river 中國覺得這樣很不錯 to dry parts of northern China. 不過這代表印度和孟加拉人的 That sounds great to the CCP, 水源將減少 but it means the people of India and Bangladesh 但他們卻無能為力 will get less water, 因為中國握有源頭 and there's nothing they can do about it 中國同樣控制了流往 because the CCP controls the source. 緬甸、寮國 柬埔寨、泰國和越南的 The CCP also controls the headwaters of rivers 河川上游 that flow to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, 現在你知道 Thailand, and Vietnam. 對中國還有其他國家水源 So you can understand, 握有生殺大權的西藏 that with so much power over China's water 是非常珍貴的戰略資源 and other countries' water, 也是中國共產黨 Tibet is a precious strategic resource. 永遠不可能讓西藏獨立的原因 That's why the Chinese Communist Party 唯一的寄望就是中國未來 will never allow a free Tibet. 不會繼續被如此糟糕 殘忍、操控人民的政權統治 The only hope is a future China controlled by 謝謝收看本集 《中國解密》 a not terrible, brutal, manipulative regime. 我是主持人 Chris Chappell Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored. 下次再會 Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell, 想更了解西藏嗎? see you next time. 那就去 ChinaUncensored.tv Want to learn more about Tibet? 在那你會看到更多優質節目 Go to ChinaUncensored.tv. 了解每件你想知道 There you'll see more great episodes 關於現代中國的事情 about everything you want to know 前往 ChinaUncensored.tv about China today. Once again that's ChinaUncensored.tv.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 西藏 中國 中共 印度 河流 人民 中國爆炸井蓋暴露孔多問題(Why China Will Never Allow a Free Tibet | China Uncensored) 7 0 zijun su 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字