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  • Hey guys, it's Shane from English Understood here, and this is part two of the proverbs series.

  • Remember from the last video, we talked about what a proverb is.

  • A proverb is a sentence or a phrase, which many people normally know, and it's used to give knowledge or to teach a lesson.

  • Today's proverb is 'The early bird catches the worm.'

  • 'The early bird catches the worm.'

  • 'Catch' can mean 'to get', and a worm is a sort of long thin bug that birds like to eat.

  • What do you think this proverb means?

  • 'The early bird catches the worm.'

  • This proverb means that if you start early, then you will get success.

  • The bird who goes to hunt for food very early will catch the worm.

  • But if you start late and wait around for things to come to you, they probably won't come.

  • You probably won't catch the worm or get success.

  • An example could be: Let's say that a shop is having a sale and you really really want to buy something from this shop.

  • And you know that the shop opens at 8 a.m.

  • So you get there at 6 a.m so you are the first person in the line.

  • You could say 'The early bird catches the worm' because you went there really early and you will probably get success, which is to get the things that you want to buy.

  • So what do you think about this proverb?

  • Do you think it's true? Do you think it's useful?

  • Comment down below and let me know.

Hey guys, it's Shane from English Understood here, and this is part two of the proverbs series.


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English Proverbs: The Early Bird Catches The Worm

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    13 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 23 日