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  • Thousands of students protest in China

  • Facing off with riot police

  • Did they actually win?

  • Welcome to China Uncensored, I'm Chris Chappell.

  • Massive protests happened in China last weekThere's something you don't hear every day.

  • Thousands of students clashed with police  last week across several universities.

  • Walls of student protesters met a wall  of police at a university in Nanjing.

  • Police surged into the university.

  • And hauled off protesters.

  • That's one way to graduate.

  • The Party has been terrified of  Chinese students ever since the  

  • student-led protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

  • The Party sent in tanks to crush those protests  on June 4th. This is known in the West as the  

  • Tiananmen Square Massacre, and in China as  “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

  • So yeah, the Chinese Communist Party  doesn't deal well with student protests.

  • And since this series of student protests began  on June 4th, the Party was less than thrilled.

  • So why did these students protest last  week? Was it about freedom and democracy?

  • Actually, it was about college mergers.

  • The Chinese Ministry of Education is trying to  merge private colleges with vocational schools.

  • Which led to this. These students feel very  strongly about academic administration.

  • Let me explain. Chinese society  today is ultra competitive.  

  • China is expected to have a record nine  million university graduates this year.”

  • That's a lot of people competing for a very  small number of good jobs. So everyone is  

  • looking for an edge. If students don't get intouniversity, some turn to private colleges instead.

  • They charge higher tuition, but you  can graduate with a bachelor's degree.  

  • A bachelor's degree is seen as more prestigious  than a vocational degree. But the Communist Party  

  • has now ordered private colleges  to merge with vocational schools.

  • So students at private colleges are now  paying more money and getting a worse degree.

  • They were not happy with that plan.

  • At Nanjing Normal University, where  over a thousand students protested,  

  • Chinese police said students held  their 55 year old principal hostage.

  • But students said on social media platforms  that [the principal] was protesting together  

  • with students by sitting on the ground in front of  a lecture hall. Students provided [the principal]  

  • with water, food, a cellphone charger, and  tissues, according to social media posts.”

  • Wait, are you saying that Chinese police would lie  about the students to justify their own actions?  

  • Hard to believe.

  • The backlash got so bad, some provinces  suspended the college merger plan.

  • Though the protesters who camped  out at Nanjing Normal University  

  • weren't told about that until *after* police  attacked them with batons and pepper spray.

  • So on the surface, the students have wonThe college merger plan has been suspended,  

  • for now. But, it's likely that Chinese  officials just don't want any trouble  

  • ahead of the Communist Party's  100-year anniversary in July.

  • Once that's over, the Party's retaliation against  these student protesters will likely begin.

  • Now the interesting thing about this  story is that all these students  

  • have gone through decades of what  China calls patriotic education.  

  • It was a systematic brainwashing  campaign led by the Communist Party  

  • after the Tiananmen Square Massacre to ensure that  students of all ages don't question the Party.

  • I'm sure most of these students never even  heard of the Tiananmen Square Massacre  

  • and were completely oblivious to the  anniversary they unintentionally commemorated

  • So it must have been a shock to  them when their reasonable concerns  

  • were met with violence from the police.

  • The Communist Party gave the  Chinese people a Faustian bargain.  

  • If you don't criticize our regime, you can  have freedom to...make money. But that's it.

  • If you're not happy about it,  

  • there's nothing you can do. In fact, if you  do protest, you're branded as a troublemaker.

  • So when the Communist Party cracks  down on a person, or a group,  

  • the general reaction is, well that group did  something wrong. They brought it on themselves.

  • Until, like these students,  

  • you find yourself in the group that's  being repressed for a “reasonableconcern.

  • Remember, in a communist  regime, everyone's a target.

  • And now it's time to answer a question frommember of the China Uncensored 50 Cent Army,  

  • fans who support us and our efforts to expose  the truth about the Chinese Communist Party,  

  • by contributing through crowd  funding website Patreon.

  • Balthamus195 asks, “China has  threatened anyone who tries to boycott  

  • the 2022 Beijing Olympics but nobody  is even allowed into the country,  

  • unless they've taken a Chinese vaccine. I doubt  many athletes care that much about the boycott  

  • but I don't think they'd be willing to get  the Chinese vaccine (especially if they've  

  • already been vaccinated). So will China  back down on this requirement for entry?”

  • That's a really interesting question. The Olympics  really matter to the Chinese Communist Party.  

  • That's why they're freaked out by any  international calls for a boycott.

  • But China is also using the  Olympics for its vaccine diplomacy.  

  • They've offered Chinese vaccines for this year's  Tokyo Olympics and next year's Beijing Olympics.

  • And the International Olympics Committee was  like, thank you so much! That's such a great idea!

  • Japan, however, said no thank you.

  • But for the Beijing Olympics in 2022, can China  force Olympic athletes to take Chinese vaccines?  

  • Earlier this year, China did say  that only foreigners who took  

  • Chinese vaccines would be  allowed into the country.

  • But according to an embassy statement  in April, US citizens who have taken  

  • US vaccines can now enter China as well.

  • So while I'm sure the Chinese regime will make  every effort to make a deal with the IOC to push  

  • Chinese vaccines, the Communist Party's priority  is making sure the Olympics happen without a  

  • hitch. So I don't think athletes would be banned  if they haven't taken the Chinese vaccines.

  • Thanks for your question and  your support, Balthamus195.

  • And a big thank you to everyone who supports China  Uncensored on Patreon. We could not do this show  

  • without you. So thank you for joining us in the  fight to expose the Chinese Communist Party to  

  • the world. If you're interested in joining, head  over to You'll get  

  • a bunch of cool perks, including the chance  to have me answer your question on the show!

  • Once again I'm Chris Chappell, see you next time.

Thousands of students protest in China


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B1 中級 美國腔

中國爆發大規模學生抗議(Massive Student Protest ERUPTS in China)

  • 13 1
    zijun su 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 19 日