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  • Cars in China

  • are being swallowed by giant sinkholes.

  • They're also exploding.

  • Welcome to China Uncensored.

  • I'm Chris Chappell.

  • This episode is sponsored by Surfsharkbecause you should be protecting your identity whenever

  • you go online by using a VPN like Surfshark.

  • China is opening up!

  • But not in the way we all hoped.

  • Watch closely.

  • In less than a second after a motorcyclist crossed the road, a massive pit opened up.

  • And it swallowed up a car like it was a hot dog eating competition.

  • Luckily, the driver was ok.

  • That was on June 5th in China's Jiangxi province.

  • A similar incident happened two days earlier in another Chinese province, Guangdong.

  • On a calm evening, a massive sinkhole there suddenly opened up and swallowed half a bus.

  • And over in Qinghai province, this bus fell into a 30-foot deep sinkhole that again appeared

  • out of nowhere.

  • Then the bus exploded, killing 6 people.

  • In my previous episode about exploding manhole covers , I talked about Tofu Dreg Construction.

  • Basically, a lot of infrastructure in China is made on the cheapwith low quality materials,

  • and poor safety standards.

  • Mostly, this is due to corruption that happens during various phases of construction.

  • Things end up getting built, but they're not built to last.

  • Take for example the Hang-Shao-Tai Expressway It's a massive 100-mile expressway that

  • cost about 6 billion dollars to build.

  • Last week, one of the bridges totally collapsed before it was even completed.

  • The Expressway Bridge collapsed.

  • I was just cooking food, and I got f*cking startled to death.

  • And the crazy part?

  • Other parts of that expressway have already been opened for traffic!

  • Are those parts safe?

  • I guess we'll find out eventually.

  • Chinese officials are in such a rush to develop, and increase GDPthat the look of a city

  • becomes more important than the lives of the people living there.

  • And sinkholes are part of that problem.

  • In December of 2019, a 120-foot deep sinkhole suddenly appeared on a street in Guangzhou.

  • “2 cars and 3 people fell into the hole.

  • After arriving at the scene, the first action was not to save people, but to fill it in...

  • The authorities did not rescue people at all.

  • One mother cried, 'They just buried my husband and son there alive!'”

  • And Chinese authorities don't like taking responsibility when things go wrong.

  • Because that would look bad.

  • Here's another video that went viral last week.

  • It shows a sudden explosion happening at the gate of the Fuxin Government Office in Liaoning

  • Province.

  • At around 2:20pm on May 24, near the east side of People's Square, a two-wheeled motor

  • vehicle was driving from east to west and suddenly exploded...The cause of the explosion

  • is still under investigation.”

  • Yes, it's still under investigation.

  • Meanwhile, officials have already decided what happened.

  • It was a spontaneous explosion, with nothing further to look into.

  • However, some Chinese netizens noticed a discrepancy from the official report.

  • The clip obviously shows the explosion happening in front of a government office, not the People's

  • Square like the report said.

  • Plus, it was a sudden explosion.

  • Not a typical motorcycle explosionbecause when those batteries explode, they usually

  • start by emitting smoke.

  • A lot of smoke.

  • Whereas this explosion was sudden and clean, with no smoke beforehand.

  • And that led to even more controversy over whether this was actually someone setting

  • off a bomb to target government officials.

  • Informed netizens disclosed that the biker was strapped with explosives at the entrance

  • of the Fuxin City Government office, waiting for the black car to go out.

  • When it arrived in front of the motorcycle, it detonated homemade explosives and carried

  • out a suicide attack.

  • However, the officials did not announce the results of the investigation.”

  • But Mao forbid the real story should come out!

  • People might then start to question why anyone would target the benevolent government!

  • the government that's always there to make sure people are safe.

  • Except when they're not.

  • The problem is, corruption is deeply rooted in China.

  • It's happening at all levels of government and the Communist Party.

  • Perhaps some day, a gaping hole will reveal itself, and officials won't know how to

  • get out.

  • But until that day, maybe don't drive in China.

  • Or walk in China.

  • Or go to China.

  • And this episode is sponsored by Surfshark.

  • Because you definitely can't access the real internet in China.

  • But wherever you are in the world, when you go online, you should be using a VPN like

  • Surfshark to protect your identity.

  • And if you're doing, say, an investigation into whether an official report is true, using

  • a VPN can help protect you from surveillance and even arrest.

  • So I recommend you use Surfshark to protect yourself online.

  • Plus, when you use Surfshark's CleanWeb mode, you'll be protected from most trackers,

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  • And Surfshark has a special discount for China Uncensored fans.

  • Go to and use the code UNCENSORED to get our special deal that

  • includes 3 extra months for FREE.

  • Click the link below.

  • Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.

  • See you next time.

Cars in China


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B1 中級 美國腔

中國巨大的天坑正在吞噬汽車和公共汽車(China's MASSIVE Sinkholes Are Swallowing Cars and Buses)

  • 9 0
    zijun su 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 15 日