字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Supported By: 「每一件事情都有它奇妙的地方,甚至是黑暗與寂靜。」--海倫‧凱勒 Supported By: Protocol Labs (未來會是甚麼樣子?) Protocol Labs (宇宙如何結束?) Protocol Labs What does our future hold? (我們可能永遠無法確定) Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... (但是,科學已經開始描繪宇宙未來的驚人樣貌) Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... - Helen Keller 讓我們開始一場走到時間盡頭的旅程 What does the future look like? 我們會以指數方式穿越時間,每5秒加倍一次 How will the universe meet its end? 隨著我們更多的探索,未來肯定會有許多變數。但有一件事是確定的: We may never be truly certain. 我們的宇宙才剛開始 But science has begun to paint a stunning picture of how the future might unfold. 全新世(最年輕的地質年代)已經結束。 Let's take a journey to the end of time. 人類在現在和未來幾年所做的事情將會影響今後的幾千年。 We will travel through time exponentially, doubling our speed every 5 seconds. 我們人類從古至今所習慣的環境正在改變, 而且改變得非常快速。 The vision of the future will surely evolve as we probe for more clues. But one thing is clear: 我們的星球環境瞬息萬變,無一例外。 The universe has only just begun. 地球正在進入其中一個跳躍階段, 你不知道那些跳躍的另一面會是什麼。 2019 [Anthrpocene era] 地球只會不斷變化 2020 [Anthrpocene era] 在這個星球上所有事物從未維持現況! 一切都在轉變! 2021 [Anthrpocene era] [心宿二成為超新星] 2021 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] [撒哈拉沙漠成為熱帶地區] 2021 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] [星座開始隨意遊蕩] 2022 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] [航海家1號穿越鄰近恆星] 2023 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] [間冰期結束] 2023 [Anthrpocene era] [超級火山爆炸] What we do now, [新夏威夷島出現] What we do now, [新島鏈形成] What we do now, [阿姆斯壯在月球的腳印消失] What we do now, [參宿四變成超新星] and in the next few years, [石製古蹟被侵蝕] will profoundly effect [致命的伽瑪射線暴] the next few thousand years. [火星環出現] The only conditions modern humans [土星環消失] have ever known so far, are changing. [南極洲融化] And changing fast. [小行星撞擊] Nothing stays the same on this planet. [新超大陸出現] Everything changes. [太陽亮度增加] The Earth is going into one of these jumps 太陽開始耗盡燃料時, 它不會簡單地消失。 The Earth is going into one of these jumps 太陽的核心會塌陷,產生的額外熱量會導致外層膨脹 and you don't know what is going [地球所有生命死亡] to be on the other side of those jumps. [太陽持續擴大] The Earth is always jumping. [Earth's magnetic field flips] [太陽變成紅巨星] [Earth's magnetic field flips] [地球被瀕死的太陽摧毀] [Comet Hale-Bopp returns] [太陽變成白矮星] [Drastic sea level rise] 太陽已經死了 Things move on this planet [Drastic sea level rise] 他的殘骸在宇宙的低溫中慢慢冷卻。 Things are not still! 太陽的命運和其他所有恆星一樣 Everything is turning. [30 meter asteroid impact] 總有一天,他們都會死亡 [30 meter asteroid impact] 宇宙將陷入永恆的黑夜 [Antares goes supernova] 所有星星最終都會耗盡燃料。 [恆星相繼死去] [Sahara becomes tropical] 宇宙的溫度下降。 夜空中的星星將一個接一個地熄滅。 [Constellations begin to wander] 然後不會再有新的恆星誕生了 [Voyager I passes nearby star] 這個宇宙不會因大爆炸結束,而是會淡然的死去。 [Interglacial period ends] [最後一顆紅矮星死去] [Supervolcano eruption] 不是在火熱之中,而是在冰冷中逐漸逝去。 [New Hawaiian island appears] 宇宙進入「退化紀元」 隨著最後一顆恆星死亡,星光的時代即將結束 [New island chains] 宇宙變成無邊無涯的墳場,散落著死星的殘骸 [Apollo footprints fade] 我們的太陽變成白矮星,一個炎熱、稠密、萎縮的恆星屍體 [Betelgeuse goes supernova] 沒有燃料可以燃燒,白矮星的光芒黯淡 [Stone monuments erode] 從它消耗中的熱庫來維持最終的餘熱。 [Deadly gamma ray burst] 從現在地球的位置來看它, [Mars moon becomes a ring] 他只會產生無雲滿月的亮度。 [Saturn's rings vanish] 白矮星的微弱光芒將提供 在黑暗中唯一的照明 [Antarctica melts] 四處散落著死星與黑洞 [Major asteroid impact] 換個角度來說,它看起來會是一種「幽靈宇宙」 接著這些死星會將我們帶入未來。 [New supercontinent] 隨著時間,重力讓死星和行星從它們的星系中噴出,將他們送入寒冰的虛無 [Sun increases luminosity] 可能有偶然機會,棕矮星相撞而形成新星 As it begins to run out of fuel, [Sun increases luminosity] 相撞的中子星變成明亮無比的超新星點亮黑暗 As it begins to run out of fuel, [Photosynthesis ceases] 中子星碰撞 the sun won't simply fade away to nothing. [Photosynthesis ceases] 任何倖存的生命都可能在衰老的白矮星尋找避難所 the sun won't simply fade away to nothing. [All plant life dies] 隨著時間推移,白矮星也終會死去 [All plant life dies] 有些星星的最終命運就是變成黑矮星。 [Oceans evaporate] 這些白矮星變得很冷, 它們幾乎不會散發更多的熱量或光線。 Its core will collapse, [Oceans evaporate] 黑矮星是黑暗而密集,且衰弱中的球狀物。 [Oceans evaporate] 數量比恆星的灰燼還多一點 and the extra heat this generates [Oceans evaporate] 它們的組成原子被嚴重的碎壓 will cause its outer layers to expand. [Oceans evaporate] 黑矮星的密度是我們太陽的百萬倍。 will cause its outer layers to expand. [All life dies] 恆星需要很長時間才能達到這一點 [All life dies] 我們相信目前宇宙中沒有黑矮星。 [Sun expands] 所有未能脫逃其星系的物質,都會被吸入超大質量黑洞的中心 [Sun becomes red giant] [黑洞吞噬流浪物] [Earth destroyed by the dying Sun] 休眠黑洞從長時間的休眠中甦醒,伴隨著榮耀般的火焰 [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] 黑洞的旋轉動能,會是最後一個文明可使用的動力來源 The sun is now dead. [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] 生命的節奏是基於的我們現在可用的能量而前進。 Its remains slowly cooling [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] 你可以想像一個有意識的生命系統,它的節奏會因此非常不同, in the freezing temperatures of deep space. 它至少可以延伸出許多比你能想像的還多。 The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars. 可能有一個生命系統 One day, they must all eventually die, 即若這個生命系統每10萬億年會有一瞬間的意思和想法也是正常的。 and the cosmos will be plunged 即使我們的生命消亡,我們也能想像 into eternal night. 在未來任意一段時間, All stars eventually will run out of fuel. [Stars begin to die off] 宇宙會偶然的能讓智慧生命 在短時間內再一次存在 [Stars begin to die off] 所以陸續在時間的間隔裡面 可能會發展有智慧的生命。 The temperature of the universe drops. [Stars begin to die off] [時空的擴展] [Stars begin to die off] 隨著宇宙膨脹的速度加快,物質分散的速度會比光速還來得快 Stars, one by one, 到這時候,較遠的星系與星球的分散速度,會快到連光線都無法偵測 in the night sky, 宇宙的奧秘將會永遠被遺忘 will turn off. 現在的理論預測,原子本身會開始衰變,破壞宇宙原有的物質。(質子衰變) And there will be no more new stars 質子是包括我們人類在內 , 原子物質的基本構件之一。 created. 它可以無條件的破滅。 And so the universe will end 任何逃避黑洞拉扯的東西 not with a bang, 最終會因質子瓦解而消失。 but with the whimper. 黑矮星裡面的物質,會是宇宙中的最後存在的物質, And not in fire, [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 最終將蒸發掉,並作為輻射被帶入空無之中 [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 不留下任何東西。 but in ice. [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 隨著黑矮星的消失, 單原子物質不會留下任何一個。 [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 所有這些曾經存在我們富饒的宇宙中的物質 將會變成光和黑洞的粒子。 [Degenerate era] "With the death of the last sun, the age of starlight comes to an end." 「黑洞紀元」開始 [Degenerate era] 沒有行星、恆星 沒有僅存的星球供生命依存 [Degenerate era] "The universe becomes a cosmic boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars." 直到現在,時間也才剛剛開始 "The universe becomes a cosmic boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars." 若以宇宙尺度對照人類文明,宇宙才剛從子宮出生 "Our Sun becomes a White Dwarf - a hot, dense, shrunken stellar corpse." 寒冷、黑暗、虛無--這才是宇宙大部分的一生 With no fuel left to burn, 我們的宇宙只給生命一個短暫時刻閃耀 ─不受其酷熱的誕生與冰冷的死亡影響 a white dwarf's faint glow 在宇宙發展初期,時間的箭頭開創了一扇明窗 comes from the last residual heat 在此期間,生命是可能誕生的 from its extinguished furnace. 但這是一段不怎麼久的時間 Looking at it from where the earth is now, 生命作為宇宙的一部分, 從測量宇宙初始到 最後一個黑洞蒸發掉的過程中, it would only generate the same amount of light 就我們所知,生命可能存在的時間只有 as the full moon 0.000 0.0000000......1% on a clear night. 黑洞成為宇宙的基本建構物時, The faint glow of white dwarfs 一個星系基本上是一個超大質量黑洞在中心,周圍環繞著比他小的黑洞群。 will provide the only illumination 星系死亡後充滿著黑洞的死星系會繼續發展。 in a dark and empty void 它們會互吃,會變大,也許他們會陷入超大質量的黑洞而使得它會變得更大。 littered with dead stars 宇宙柔然會是一個充滿刺激、活力的地方 and black holes. 只是我們現在談論的時間尺度是「兆」年,而不是幾千或幾百萬年 In some ways it's kind of a ghost universe 這個遙遠時代,主要事件是黑洞的合併 it's the corpses, 一些黑洞變得極為龐大,質量可以是太陽的數兆倍 the zombie stars, 當它們合併時,會散發出強大的重力波,使整個宇宙產生共鳴 that will take us into the future. 黑洞可以在時空中爆炸 ,像擊鼓般似的, "Over time, gravity ejects dead stars and planets from their galaxies, sending them out into the freezing void." 並帶有一首非常有特色的歌曲, "By chance, some Brown Dwarfs collide and form accidental new stars." 想像一下兩個相依許久的黑洞 "Colliding neutron stars puncture the darkness with ultra bright supernova." 在他們的生命結束時,他們將在幾分之一秒內穿越數千公里。 [Neutron star collision] Colliding neutron stars puncture the darkness with ultra bright supernova." 當他們這樣做時,他們身後會激起 空間的響聲 - 一個時空的波浪(重力波)。 [Neutron star collision] 宇宙由於這些黑洞合併,而產生空間擠壓與延伸。 "Any surviving life forms may find refuge around aging White Dwarfs." 這些就是重力波(引力波),猶如宇宙空間的聲響。 "But in time, even the White Dwarfs will fade and die." 重力波將以光速前進並穿越合併中的黑洞。 A black dwarf will be the final fate of those last stars [Stars become Black Dwarfs] 如果你站的夠近 White dwarfs that have become so cold, [Stars become Black Dwarfs] 你的耳朵會隨著空間的擠壓和拉伸而產生共鳴, that they barely emit any more heat or light. 你真的會聽到聲音 Black dwarfs are dark, 想像一下,一個較輕的黑洞墜進一個沉重的黑洞。 dense, 你聽到的會是一個輕黑洞每當它接近重黑洞撞擊時產生的聲音。 decaying balls of degenerate matter. 速度越快,聲音也會越大聲 Little more than the ashes of stars, 科學家們過去認為黑洞是不朽的 their constituent atoms are so severely crushed 但有一天黑洞也會死去。 that black dwarfs are a million times 現在我們談論的是難以想像的時間尺度 - 未來數百兆年 denser than our sun. 在那個時間尺度上, 即使是黑洞也會開始蒸發。 Stars take so long to reach this point 「霍金輻射」 we believe there are currently 根據量子力學,宇宙充滿了虛構粒子 no black dwarfs in the universe. 和反粒子持續成對出現, "Any matter that fails to escape its galaxy is sucked into a supermassive black hole at the center." 它們會分開,再次聚集在一起, 並且相互消滅。 [Black holes swallow stray matter] 在黑洞的存在之下 [Black holes swallow stray matter] "Long dormant black holes flare up in a blaze of glory." 一對虛擬粒子的其中一顆可能會掉進黑洞裡 [Degenerate era] "The rotational energy of black holes becomes the last reliable source of power for any exotic future civilizations." 在沒有夥伴下離開另一個成員後而消滅。 We have a pace of life that's based 被拋棄的粒子似乎是黑洞散發的輻射 on the energy available to us now. 因此,黑洞不是永恆的 You could imagine living, 他們會以越來越快的速度蒸發掉,到最後在巨大爆炸中消失 conscious systems, [黑洞開始死亡] which have a very different pace and therefore, 量子力學已經允許粒子和輻射,從宇宙的監獄─黑洞之中逃離出來 can extend out, at least, 隨著黑洞逐漸蒸發,宇宙最後一個巨大結構被消除 a lot farther than you'd imagine otherwise. 當黑洞死去時,一個接著一個地點亮黑暗 You could have a living system where if, 黑洞逐漸死去之時,宇宙繼續由一個我們還尚未了解的神秘能量擴張 it had a thought every 10 trillion years, [暗能量膨脹宇宙] that would seem normal. 這是人類知識的邊境--探索與發展的極限 Ever if 哲學家和詩人問過這個問題:世界會以火熱中或冰冷中結束?” our life dies out, one could imagine 我們現在可以回答了 at some time arbitrarily far in the future, 最新的證據表明宇宙並未放慢速度,而是加速到失去控制。 a fluctuation occurs which allows intelligent life 我們認為,宇宙將在數萬億後的數萬億年後於冰冷中死亡。 to exist again, for a little while. 虛無的宇宙中依然存有能量 So you might have islands in time of intelligence. 在每個小立方公分的空間裡, 不管有沒有東西, "As the expansion of the universe accelerates, it begins to spread matter apart faster than the speed of light." [Expansion of spacetime] 不管有沒有顆粒, 物質, 輻射, [Expansion of spacetime] 空間本身,仍然有能量。 "By this point, distant galaxies and stars are receding do fast that their light has become undetectable." [Expansion of spacetime] 愛因斯坦說,這種能量會對宇宙施加推力。 "By this point, distant galaxies and stars are receding do fast that their light has become undetectable." 是什麼東西讓宇宙加速呢? 我們稱他為“暗能量”。 "The secrets of the cosmos are locked away forever." 而這些東西是宇宙中主導著 "Current theories predict that atoms themselves will begin to decay, destroying all remaining matter in the universe." 幾乎3/4的物質能量 :也就是說宇宙中的能量含量幾乎都是暗能量。 [Proton decay] "Current theories predict that atoms themselves will begin to decay, destroying all remaining matter in the universe." 而我們不知道它是甚麼 [Proton decay] 暗能量,不像物質或輻射會隨著宇宙膨脹而稀釋,它不會被稀釋掉。 A proton, one of the fundamental building blocks 這對於宇宙未來會發生什麼具有重要意義 。 of atomic matter, what makes us up, 所以,宇宙的未來會是甚麼? can just spontaneously fall apart. 好吧,如果那時暗能量仍然存在主導著宇宙 Any material that evades the pull of a black hole 宇宙將永遠膨脹。 eventually dies away as its protons disintegrate. 隨著時間的推移, 快,更快,再更快 - 一個逃脫中的宇宙。 "Proton decay is still unproven - and so this chapter of the future could look very different in light of new discoveries." 宇宙70%的能量存在於空無之中,我們不明白為什麼。 The matter inside black dwarf's, 但我們知道會發生什麼事。 the last matter in the universe, 如果那種能量持續存在,宇宙將變得寒冷、黑暗和空虛 will eventually evaporate away, 這可能是未來。 and be carried off into the void as radiation 我們不知道,因為我們還不了解暗能量的本質 leaving absolutely nothing behind. 在我們明白之前,我們不會知道未來, 我們甚至不了解自己的起源 [Black hole era] 這就是為何我們想知道並研究這個主題。 With the black dwarfs gone, [Black hole era] 探索暗能量的本質,可以極大的改變我們對未來的看法 there won't be a single atom of matter left. [Black hole era] 如果暗能量隨著時間以某種方式衰弱,宇宙可能會在重力作用下崩潰。這就是「大崩墜」 [Black hole era] 如果規模更大,它可能會在接縫處撕裂宇宙,這就是「大撕裂」 All that will remain of our once-rich cosmos 「黑洞紀元」 will be particles of light and black holes. 物理學家越來越懷疑多元宇宙的存在,而每個宇宙都有各自的物理定律 "The Black Hole Era begins." 有些會有適合生命的必要條件 有的則可能會塌陷或被撕裂 "No planets, no stars, no lingering stellar remnants for life to cling to." 有的則可能完全超乎我們的想像 "Yet even now, time has only begun to tick." 這些謎團,依舊等著被發現 "On the scale of a human lifetime, the universe has just emerged from the womb." 這個預測似乎暗示著一個更冰冷、黑暗的未來 "Cold, dark, and empty - this is how the cosmos will spend most of its life." 但我們當然要問, “這可能創造一個新的開始嗎?” "Our universe gives life only a brief moment to shine - a haven in time, safe from its fiery birth and icy death." 有一些想法是,當我們的宇宙結束時,可能在某種意義上會導致一個新的開始。 The arrow of time creates a bright window 有人推測,在熵(熱力學用詞,有興趣請查''熵增定律'')消除一切之前,可能有辦法逃離我們的宇宙 in the universe's adolescence 我們可以創造虛擬宇宙。或有足夠能量,創造另一個跟現在一模一樣的宇宙 during which life is possible. 我們已經算出了數學方程式 But it's a window that doesn't stay open for long. 這些方程式告訴我們若有一個能壓碎原子的機器,壓碎時會產生巨大的單點能量, As a fraction of the lifespan of the universe, 你也許可以開啟一個新宇宙的入口,像是 '嬰兒宇宙'(新宇宙) as measured from its beginning 面對一切的死亡 - 這也許是他們逃脫的唯一可能性。 to the evaporation of the last black hole, 當然若純粹的猜測也會提高宇宙奇幻的可能性 life, 也許在一個有智慧生命的宇宙, life, as we know it, 將有能力創造嬰兒宇宙,並將創造“救生艇”,且擴散到子宇宙。 life, as we know it, is only possible for 因此,在多重宇宙中可能會發生宇宙進化。 one (10^(0)) 也可能會發生適者生存的狀況。 one thousandth (10^(-3)) 那些沒有智慧生命的宇宙將會“不育”,他們沒有子宇宙。 one thousandth of a (10^(-3)) 但那些溫暖的宇宙,例如我們本身的宇宙, one thousandth of a billion (10^(-12)) 會創造可以開啟新文明的子宇宙,然後他們會擴散。 one thousandth of a billion billion (10^(-21)) 如果無法逃離宇宙,那麼熵會持續作用,直到摧毀最後一個超大質量黑洞。 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth (10^(-30)) 當最後一個黑洞死亡時,會是宇宙最後一次沐浴在光線之中。 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion (10^(-39)) 「最後一個黑洞蒸發」 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion (10^(-48)) 經過一段長到難以想像的時間, 即使是黑洞也終將毀滅 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth (10^(-57)) 宇宙會變得虛無一物:只有光子存在 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth billion (10^(-66)) 宇宙將逐漸趨向於相同的溫度, 隨著宇宙的擴張冷卻到絕對零度。 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth billion billion (10^(-75)) 直到最後一顆恆星衰弱至虛無, one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billion billion billion billionth, (10^(-84)) 所有的一切都達到相同的溫度, 宇宙的故事將結束。 one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billion billion billion billionth, of a percent. (10^(-84)%) 「時間」變得毫無意義 Black holes become 在宇宙誕生後, 他將第一次變成永久不變的的狀態。 the fundamental building block of the universe. 混亂最終停止增加, 因為宇宙無法再變得無序了。 A galaxy will basically be 什麼都不會發生, 並且永遠不會發生...... a supermassive black hole in the center, 「每一件事情都有它奇妙的地方,甚至是黑暗與寂靜。我學到了不論我處在那一種狀態,我都是知足的。」--海倫‧凱勒 with smaller black holes orbiting it. 由MELODYSHEEP創作 Zombie galaxies filled with black holes continue to evolve. 由Protocol Labs贊助 They'll eat each other, and they'll get bigger, 你將來會發現甚麼? 你要如何改變未來? and maybe they'll fall into dahuman 的字幕, recognize! 特葳翻譯 the supermassive black hole and it'll get bigger. The universe will still be an exciting, dynamic place. it's just that the time scales we're talking about are now trillions of years, instead of thousands or millions of years. [Black home mergers] "In this far flung age, black hole mergers become the main event." "Some grow to enormous sizes, possibly trillions of times the mass of our sun." "When they merge, they send out powerful gravity waves that resonate throughout the universe." Black holes can bang on space-time like mallets on a drum. And have a very characteristic song, Imagine two black holes that have lived a long life together At the end of their lives they're going around each other, crossing thousands of kilometers in a fraction of a second. As they do so, they leave behind in their wake a ringing of space an actual wave on space-time. Space squeezes and stretches as it emanates out from these black holes banging on the universe. Those are the gravitational waves and are literally the sounds of space ringing and they will travel out from these black holes at the speed of light as they ring down and coalesce into one, spinning, quiet, black hole. If you were standing near enough, your ear would resonate with the squeezing and stretching of space, you would literally hear the sound. Imagine a lighter black hole falling into a very heavy black hole. The sound you're hearing is a light black hole banging on space each time it gets close. As it falls in, it gets faster, and it gets louder. Scientists used to think black holes were immortal, but even these will one day die. Now we're talking about time scales of unimaginable length quadrillions of years into the future. On that time scale, even the black holes begin to evaporate. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] According to quantum mechanics, According to quantum mechanics, [Hawking radiation] According to quantum mechanics, space is filled with virtual particles [Hawking radiation] space is filled with virtual particles space is filled with virtual particles [Hawking radiation] and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, [Hawking radiation] and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, [Hawking radiation] separating, coming together again, separating, coming together again, [Hawking radiation] separating, coming together again, [Hawking radiation] and annihilating each other. and annihilating each other. [Hawking radiation] and annihilating each other. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] In the presence of a black hole, one member of a pair of [Hawking radiation] one member of a pair of [Hawking radiation] virtual particles may fall into the hole, virtual particles may fall into the hole, [Hawking radiation] virtual particles may fall into the hole, virtual particles may fall into the hole, leaving the other member without a partner with which to annihilate. [Hawking radiation] without a partner with which to annihilate. without a partner with which to annihilate. [Hawking radiation] The forsaken particle appears to be radiation The forsaken particle appears to be radiation [Hawking radiation] The forsaken particle appears to be radiation The forsaken particle appears to be radiation emitted by the black hole. [Hawking radiation] emitted by the black hole. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] And so, black holes are not eternal. And so, black holes are not eternal. [Black hole evaporation] They evaporate away at an increasing rate, until they vanish in a gigantic explosion. Quantum mechanics has allowed particles and radiation [Black holes begin to die] to escape from the ultimate prison - A black hole. "Black holes begin to evaporate away, erasing the last large-scale structures in the universe." "As they die, they light up the darkness one by one." "As the black holes slowly die off, the universe continues to expand, driven by a mysterious force we don't yet understand." [Dark Energy inflates the universe] "As the black holes slowly die off, the universe continues to expand, driven by a mysterious force we don't yet understand." "This is the frontier of human knowledge - a frontier ripe for exploration and discovery." Philosophers and poets have asked the question, "Will the world end in fire or ice?" We can now give an answer. The latest evidence shows that the universe is not slowing down, but it's speeding up out of control. And the universe, we think, will die in ice trillions upon trillions of years from now. Empty space itself has energy. In every little cubic centimeter of space, whether or not there's stuff, whether or not there's particles, matter, radiation, whatever... there is still energy, even in the space itself. And this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe. What is the weird stuff that's accelerating the universe? We call it 'Dark energy'. And this stuff is the dominant stuff of the universe almost 3/4 of the matter-energy content of the universe is this dark energy and we don't know what it is. Dark energy, unlike matter or radiation, does not dilute away, as the universe expands. This has crucial implications for what the universe is going to do in the future. So, what will be the future of the universe? Well, if the dark energy remains dominant and repulsive, the universe will expand forever. Faster and faster and faster with time - A runaway universe. 70% of the energy of the universe resides in empty space and we don't understand why. But we do know what will happen. If that energy continues to be there, the universe will become cold and dark and empty. That's the future as it might be. We don't know because we don't yet understand the nature of dark energy. until we do, we won't know the future, we won't even understand our own origins and that's why we want to know and study this subject. "Discovering the true nature of dark energy could change our vision of the future dramatically." "If it somehow weakens over time, the universe could collapse under gravity - a 'big crunch'." "Given a boost, it could tear the universe apart at the seams - a 'big rip'." [Black hole era] "Physicists increasingly suspect that there may be multiple universes beyond our own, each with their own unique laws of physics." "Some would harbor the right conditions for life. Others could collapse or be ripped apart." "Others sill could be far more exotic than anything we could imagine." "New pieces to this puzzle are out there somewhere, waiting to be found." The forecast does seem to be for an ever-colder, ever-emptier universe. But then of course we have to ask, "Could that end lead to a new beginning?" And there are ideas, whereby what actually is the end of our universe, could in some sense, lead to the beginning of a new one. "Some speculate that there may be a way to escape our universe before entropy erases everything." "We could create simulated virtual universes, or with enough energy, create another one just like our own." We've worked out the mathematics, the equations, they seem to say that if you have an atom smasher, that can constrict tremendous amounts of energy at a single point, you can perhaps open up a gateway - A 'Baby universe' Facing the death of everything there is this perhaps is their only possibility of escape. And this also raises a very intriguing possibility, sheer pure speculation of course, that perhaps any universe that has intelligent life in it, will create baby universes, will create 'Lifeboats', and will proliferate child universes. and will proliferate child universes. [Last Black Hole evaporates] [Last Black Hole evaporates] So an evolution may take place among universes, [Last Black Hole evaporates] in the multiverse. [Last Black Hole evaporates] Survival of the fittest may take place. So those universes which do not have intelligent life are 'Infertile', they have no children. But those universes that have mild temperatures, stars like ours, would create civilizations that could open up child universes and they would then proliferate. "If there is no way to escape the universe, then entropy will march on, destroying the last remaining supermassive black holes." "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." [Black Hole era] "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." [Last Black Hole evaporates] "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." THE END. After an unimaginable length of time, even the black holes will have evaporated, and the universe will be nothing but a sea of photons gradually tending towards the same temperature as the expansion of the universe cools them towards absolute zero. Once the very last remnants of the very last stars have finally decayed away to nothing, and everything reaches the same temperature, the story of the universe finally comes to an end. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" For the first time in its life, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" the universe will be permanent and unchanging. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Entropy finally stops increasing, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" because the cosmos cannot get any more disordered. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, E Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ET Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETE Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETER Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERN Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNA Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNAL Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALL Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. and it keeps not happening, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. forever... "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY." "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY." "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... ...and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." - Helen Keller CRAFTED BY MELODYSHEEP Supported by: Supported by: Protocol Labs Protocol Labs Protocol Labs What will you discover? Protocol Labs What will you discover? How will you change the future? What will you discover? How will you change the future? Featuring the voices of: Featuring the voices of: David Attenborough Featuring the voices of: Craig Childs Featuring the voices of: Brian Cox Featuring the voices of: Neil Degrasse Tyson Featuring the voices of: Michelle Thaller Featuring the voices of: Lawrence Krauss Featuring the voices of: Michio Kaku Featuring the voices of: Mike Rowe Featuring the voices of: Phil Plait Featuring the voices of: Janna Levin Featuring the voices of: Stephen Hawking Featuring the voices of: Sean Carroll Featuring the voices of: Alex Filippenko Featuring the voices of: Martin Rees Thanks to: Juan Benet & my supporters on Patreon Patreon.com/melodysheep MELODYSHEEP.COM | @MUSICALSCIENCE For Ash
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 宇宙 黑洞 能量 恆星 生命 太陽 未來時空:通往時間盡頭的旅程(TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)) 39 5 陳彥廷 發佈於 2021 年 06 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字