字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Have you ever wondered where the concept for Oreo cookies came from, or why they've reached an almost cult-like status? 你有沒有想過奧利奧餅乾的概念從哪裡來,或者為什麼它們已經達到了近乎邪教的地位? With more than 450 billion Oreo cookies sold since their inception in 1912, it's safe to say they've earned the "America's Favorite Cookie" moniker. 自從 1912 年問世以來,奧利奧餅乾已經銷售了超過 4500 億個,稱其為「美國最受喜愛的餅乾」也不為過。 But, it's not just the US who prefers to twist, lick, and dunk their cookies. 但是,不是只有美國人喜歡「轉一轉,舔一舔,泡一泡」奧利奧餅乾。 Oreo cookies can be found in 100 countries worldwide, and is the best-selling cookie brand of the 21st century. 奧利奧餅乾在全球 100 個國家販售,並且是 21 世紀最暢銷的餅乾品牌。 Pour yourself a glass of ice-cold milk and digest some wonder-filled facts about this iconic sandwich cookie. 倒一杯冰冷的牛奶,消化一些關於這款標誌性夾心餅乾的驚人真相吧。 Where did that name come from? 奧利奧這個名字從哪裡來? The Oreo cookie has gone through quite a few name changes over the past century. 在過去的一個世紀裡,奧利奧餅乾經歷了相當多次的改名。 When they were first introduced in 1912, they were known simply as the Oreo Biscuit. 當它們首次推出時,它們被稱為奧利奧餅乾。 Then in 1921, the cookie embraced its shape and was renamed the Oreo Sandwich. 然後在 1921 年,這款餅乾在命名方面採納了它的形狀,更名為奧利奧夾心餅乾。 In 1937, they took a high-brow turn and assumed the name, Oreo Crème Sandwich. 1937 年,它們改名為高檔的「奧利奧奶油夾心餅乾」的名稱。 The final name change came in 1974 when the cookie became known as the Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookie, or Oreo for short. 最後一次更名是在 1974 年,當時奧利奧餅乾被稱為「奧利奧巧克力夾心餅乾」,或者簡稱為「奧利奧」。 It's possible the name Oreo came from "or," the French word for gold, which was the original package color. 奧利奧這個名字可能來自「or」,即法語中的「黃金」一詞,是最初的包裝顏色。 Or it could be a simple derivation of the words cream and chocolate. 或者它可能是結合「奶油」和「巧克力」的字母而來的。 Creamy little muncher with O-R-E-O. 奶油巧克力小零食,O-R-E-O。 Knock-off cookie. 仿造的奧利奧餅乾。 Food scientist Sam J. Porcello, aka "Mr. Oreo," invented the newer version of the delicious creamy, pasty, stick-together filling that's become such a staple of the cookie aisle. 食品科學家 Sam J. Porcello(又名「奧利奧先生」)發明了新版的美味奶油餡,這種綿綿、糊糊的餡料已經成為了餅乾市場的主打商品。 But they may not have been all that original. 但是,他們可能並不是原創的。 In 1908, four years prior to the launch of Oreos, Sunshine Biscuits released a sandwich cookie called Hydrox. 在奧利奧推出的四年前,1908 年,Sunshine Biscuits 推出了一種名為 Hydrox 的夾心餅乾。 Unfortunately for Hydrox cookies, the brand got lost among the buying and selling of its parent companies, and the marketing genius of Oreos, leading them to disappear from store shelves. 不幸的是,Hydrox 餅乾在母公司的買賣中迷失了品牌,加上奧利奧的市場策略,導致它們消失在市面上。 Now thanks to Leaf Brands, the Hydrox is back and are ready to defend their "America's Original" title. 現在多虧了 Leaf Brands,Hydrox 回歸了,並準備捍衛他們「美國原創」的稱號。 High class biscuits. 高級奧利奧餅乾。 In 1912, alongside Mother Goose Biscuits and Veronese Biscuits, Oreo Biscuits made up the Biscuit Trio. 1912 年,奧利奧餅乾與 Mother Goose 餅乾和 Veronese 餅乾組合推出了餅乾三重奏。 The Trio was a variety of the highest-class biscuits available to consumers, a nod to the English biscuits served at teatime. 這三款餅乾是消費者可以購買到最頂級的餅乾之一,這是致敬英國下午茶時間提供的餅乾。 The cookies were seen as an exciting innovation, and the executives at Nabisco were sure they had three surefire hits. 這些餅乾被視為一種令人興奮的創新,Nabisco 的高層們相信他們有三款肯定會成功的餅乾。 They were one-third right. 他們只猜對了三分之一。 Oreos were the only cookie of the trio to survive. 奧利奧是三款餅乾中唯一幸存的。 Double Stuf? 雙倍夾心? As with all mass-produced food, the perfect ratio of an Oreo cookie is down to an exact science. 與所有大量生產的食品一樣,奧利奧餅乾的完美比例是經過精確的科學計算的。 So, what about the Double Stuf Oreo? 那麼,雙倍夾心的奧利奧餅乾呢? Is it double the filling, as the name suggests? 正如名字所示,它的內餡是雙倍的嗎? Not quite. 並不完全是。 According to calculations done by one math teacher, the Double Stuf is actually closer to 1.86x "stuf". 根據一位數學老師的計算,雙倍夾心其實更接近於 1.86 倍的餡料。 If you really want to eat a Double Stuf, just stack the crème side of two regular-sized Oreos together — and who hasn't done that? 如果你真的想吃雙倍夾心,只需要把兩個普通大小的奧利奧餅乾夾在一起,露出餡料面就行了——誰沒有這麼做過呢? The Giant Oreo. 巨大版奧利奧。 How many Oreo cookies are too many? 要吃多少奧利奧餅乾才算吃太多? In the middle of the 1980s, the answer was simple — just one Oreo. 如果是在 1980 年代中期,這個答案很簡單——只要一個奧利奧就好了。 In 1984, Nabisco launched the Oreo Big Stuf. 1984年,納貝斯克推出了 巨大版奧利奧。 Individually wrapped, the snack was a whopping 316 calories and took around 20 minutes to eat. 這款奧利奧個別包裝,含有 316 卡路里,需要大約 20 分鐘才能吃完。 For comparison, a single Oreo contains roughly 53 calories. 相比之下,單個奧利奧含有約 53 卡路里。 The cookie was eventually phased out. 這款餅乾最終被淘汰了。 Accidentally vegan? 無意間成為純素食? The original recipe for Oreo cookies contained lard, which made them unsuitable for vegans — and they were most definitely not kosher. 奧利奧餅乾的原始配方含有豬油,不適合純素食者,也絕對不符合猶太人飲食的規定。 But, with the changing climate of the low-fat 1990s, Nabisco decided it was finally time to get rid of the lard and become kosher. 但是,隨著 90 年代盛行低脂肪,納貝斯克最終決定拋棄豬油,變得符合猶太飲食規定。 Oh, oh, oh, bright ideas and an Oreo cookie. 好主意和奧利奧餅乾。 It took more than three years to convert their equipment, and with the change brought an unexpected, yet welcoming, side effect — Oreo cookies were now vegan. 他們花費超過三年改造他們的設備,這個變化帶來了一個意想不到,卻受到歡迎的副作用——奧利奧餅乾現在是純素食。 Or are they? 但真的是嗎? Spoon University initially revealed the possibility of the cookies being cross-contaminated with milk. Spoon University 最初揭露了奧利奧餅乾可能會與牛奶交叉污染的可能性。 Additionally, the sugar in a batch of Oreo cookies may be refined with bone char, an animal-derived natural charcoal. 此外,奧利奧餅乾中的糖可能會用骨炭(一種動物衍生的天然木炭)精煉。 PETA lists Oreo ice cream cones and 100-Calorie Thin Crisps as vegan products. 善待動物組織將奧利奧冰淇淋蛋卷和 100 卡路里薄餅列為素食產品。 The original cookie (and many of its flavor offshoots) are nowhere to be found. 原始的餅乾(以及它的許多口味)都已經不再流行。 Oreo beer. 奧利奧啤酒。 Oreo cookies have infiltrated the likes of pie crust, churros, and ice cream cones, not to mention the creation of an onslaught of "Cookies and cream" products. 奧利奧餅乾已經擴展到派的餅皮、吉拿棒和冰淇淋蛋卷等產品中,更不用說它創造了一系列的「餅乾和奶油」產品。 Is it any wonder that the classic flavor has finally made its way into the beer aisle as well? 這個經典口味最終進入了啤酒市場一點也不意外吧? In January 2017, Virginia-based The Veil Brewing Company released a version of their chocolate milk stout, called Hornswoggler, that was infused with actual Oreo cookies. 2017 年 1 月,維吉尼亞州的 The Veil Brewing 公司推出了一款名為 Hornswoggler 的巧克力牛奶烈酒,其中加入了真的奧利奧餅乾。 Perhaps unsurprisingly, the beer was sold out within a week, because apparently, there's a rampant desire for a cookie-based buzz out there. 豪不意外的,這款啤酒在一周內就賣光了,因為顯然很多人渴望品嚐以餅乾為基底的酒精。 Considering how prolific Oreos' various flavor profiles have become, don't be too surprised if you start seeing Oreo beers hit shelves in the near future as a result of this experiment-gone-right. 有鑒於奧利奧各種口味的普及程度,如果因為這次成功的實驗而開始看到奧利奧啤酒出現在市面上,也不要太驚訝。 Thanks for watching! 感謝觀看! Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel. 點擊 Mashed 的圖標訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道。 Plus, check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too! 此外,請查看所有我們知道你會喜愛的酷影片!
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 餅乾 雙倍 推出 奶油 素食 啤酒 轉一轉、舔一舔、泡一泡!百年屹立不搖的奧利奧餅乾竟不是原創?!一起了解奧利奧餅乾不為人知的故事吧!(The untold truth of Oreos) 34857 339 Elise Chuang 發佈於 2023 年 03 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字