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Hi, I'm Carl Azuz, welcoming our viewers around the world to the last broadcast of our spring season.
嗨,我是 Carl Azuz,歡迎世界各地的觀眾收看我們春季的最後一集節目。
Fridays are awesome.
Many Americans have a three-day weekend coming up.
Since 1971, the memorial day holiday has been observed on the last Monday in May.
自 1971 年以來,陣亡將士紀念日一直是在 5 月的最後一個星期一。
It's come to symbolize the unofficial beginning of summer, a time of cookouts and family reunions, a time when Americans can wear white shoes again, according to an old-fashioned fashioned rule.
But the true meaning of the holiday is in remembrance.
Memorial Day is a tribute to all Americans who died serving in their nation's conflicts.
It started during the Civil War when mourners used flowers to decorate the graves of those who'd been killed in battle.
That gave rise to the holiday known as Declaration Day.
It was marked in states that fought for the Union and the Confederacy.
After World War I, which ended in 1918, the holiday's name was changed to Memorial Day and it became a time to remember servicemen and women who'd been lost in every war.
第一次世界大戰於 1918 年結束後,這個節日的名稱被改為陣亡將士紀念日,它成為紀念在每場戰爭中喪生的男女軍人的時節。
Flags are placed in their honor, parades and church services, public events are held.
The president traditionally lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery⏤that can take place on Veterans Day as well.
But while that holiday recognizes everyone who's served in the armed forces, Memorial Day focuses on those who gave their lives in service.
The respects paid at Arlington are mirrored in cemeteries and communities all across America.
This year, Memorial Day coincides with another historic date.
One of America's worst outbreaks of racial violence occurred on May 31, 1921.
美國最嚴重的一次種族暴力事件發生在 1921 年 5 月 31 日。
It's known as the Tulsa race massacre or the Tulsa race riot.
Historians believe it started with an accusation against a black man, a confrontation between black and white mobs, the fatal shooting of a white protestor, and then widespread destruction of an African American neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
There's a lot of mystery around it.
No one knows who actually fired the first shot.
According to Encyclopædia Britannica, estimates of the number killed range from 30 to 300, mostly African Americans.
根據大英百科全書的估計,被害人數從 30 到 300 人不等,主要是非洲裔美國人。
Here's CNN 10 contributor, Chris James.
以下是 CNN 10 Chris James 的報導。
Hey, Carl, I've come to Tulsa, Oklahoma, a city that's been reckoning with their own painful history of racial violence.
Right here on the ground where I'm standing once stood the neighborhood known as Black Wall Street.
就在我所站的地方在 100 年前有個稱為黑色華爾街的社區。
One hundred years ago, this was a thriving and prosperous black community called the Greenwood District, with movie theaters, stores, doctors, schools, and even a pilot who owned his own plane.
Keep in mind during this time, it was illegal for black people and white people to freely shop and live in the same places⏤they weren't even allowed to use the same water fountains.
Tensions between residents reached a tipping point after an incident inside an elevator when an unconfirmed rumor began to spread that a 19-year-old black man tried to hurt a 17-year-old white girl.
居民之間的緊張關係在電梯內發生的一個事件後達到了轉捩點,當時一個未經證實的謠言開始傳播,一個 19 歲的黑人男子試圖傷害一個 17 歲的白人女孩。
On May 31, 1921, a group of black and white men confronted each other outside the Tulsa courthouse.
5 月 31 日,一群黑人和白人男子在塔爾薩法院外對峙。
After the firing of gunshots, pure and utter mayhem ensued: A mob of angry white residents began to loot and burn black businesses throughout the Greenwood District.
In the span of 24 hours, 35 square blocks were burned and over 12 hundred houses were destroyed.
在 24 小時內,35 個街區被燒燬,1200 多所房屋遭到破壞。
It's unclear how many people were killed, but some historians have the number as high as 300, with thousands left homeless.
不清楚到底有多少人被殺害,但一些歷史學家認為人數高達 300 人,且數以千計的人無家可歸。
This monday will mark the 100-year anniversary of what's now known as the Tulsa race massacre.
本週一將是現在被稱為塔爾薩種族屠殺的 100 週年。
It's one of the worst incidents of racial violence in US History, and for decades, it was one of the least talked about in news reports and public school textbooks.
But now, the city of Tulsa has decided to face its dark past to ensure a brighter future for all.
And on Monday's special edition of CNN 10, I'll introduce you to the teachers and students leading the way. Back to you, Carl.
而在週一的 CNN 10 特別節目中,我將介紹帶領的老師和學生,回到棚內, Carl。
10-second trivia: In what year was the first spacewalk completed? 1957, 1965, 1969, or 1972.
10 秒問答:第一次太空漫步是在哪一年發生的? 1957 年、1965 年、1969 年,或 1972 年。
In March of 1965, a Soviet cosmonaut took the first spacewalk; an American astronaut followed three months later.
在 1965 年 3 月,一名蘇聯太空人進行了第一次太空漫步,三個月後,一名美國的太空人緊隨其後。
The anniversary of that is next week on June 3.
其週年紀念日是下週的 6 月 3 日。
It'll mark 56 years since astronaut Ed White took a walk in space.
這將紀念太空人 Ed White 在太空中漫步的 56 週年。
It was one thing to get outside the Gemini IV capsule in orbit, it was another to actually get work done, according to NASA.
據 NASA 表示,在軌道上走出雙子座四號艙外是一回事,實際完成工作又是另一回事。
So astronauts on subsequent missions began training under water so they'd have an idea about what it'd be like in space.
Separating from the spacecraft.
Okay, separating from the spacecraft at this time.
[In 1965, astronauts stepped out of their spacecraft and into space for the first time]
[1965 年,太空人第一次踏出太空梭到太空中]
[Since then, astronauts have completed over 200 spacewalks]
[自那時起,太空人已完成超過 200 次太空漫步]
The airlock hatch came open. Immediately inside the airlock itself, it was bathed in this beautiful color of blue.
There was a light reflecting off the ocean below.
And I saw... saw the Planet Earth and just my feet, just dangling there.
Then, I thought to myself, you know, this is absolutely beautiful, like, I can't believe that I'm here.
And then I said, "OK, we got work to do."
[Spacewalks are necessary for repairing and upgrading the International Space Station as well as conducting experiments] And then at this point, on the call, we'll just have you go towards your feet between the modules.
[太空漫步對於維修及升級國際太空站還有進行實驗來說一樣重要] 現在,請待命,我們會請你走到模組中間。
And Danny, once you have that fuse tether in place, propel your BRT to the handrail.
Danny,安裝好保險絲後,把你的 BRT 推到扶手上。
(The) Process associated with actually going out the door begins months beforehand.
...for you to do your next step.
Understanding the... the choreography of what's gonna take place over an eight-hour period.
What are the technical challenges for that particular activity?
You are your own self-contained vessel⏤you have your own oxygen system, your own power supply, your own communication system.
You have, obviously, all the tools that you brought with you, you have the ability to reject the heat that you're building up as you're working inside the space suit.
So you have to kind of manage all that as your own little independent spacecraft out there,
And, because we can rely heavily on our training, that allows us to not be overwhelmed with the things that you just can't emulate here on the ground.
At the end of our first spacewalk, I stopped on the truss just for a second⏤and it was nighttime⏤and I looked down below, and I could... it was... I knew exactly where I was.
在我們第一次太空漫步結束時,我在托臂上停留了一下,當時是晚上,我往下看,我可以... 我清楚地知道我在哪裡。
I was over the Indian Ocean 'cause I could see the... the lights along the coastline, which is such a... an incredible feeling to just be able to see that, to take that in, and kind of be able to be in that moment.
Quick: Name the world's largest carnivorous marsupial.
If you said Tasmanian devil, you're pretty smart.
Usually you'll find these things on the Australian island of Tasmania.
Conservationists say they used to be on the mainland but died out because of disease and competition from dingoes.
Anyway, efforts to reintroduce them to the continent are making progress.
A wildlife sanctuary says seven Tasmanian devil babies were just born in the Australian wild.
Of course, this isn't good news for foxes or feral cats.
They don't want "tas" back on the "manian" land, especially if they're carrying "pouches" full of babies that may not play well with the "kits".
But those species that don't mind another "pupping" back in could find themselves "calving" a great time.
It's always a "joey" when you're "kitten" around and having "fawn", and if it continues, it could lead to "Tasmania".
On that note, it has been a "joey" to bring you the news throughout a crazy academic year.
We are so grateful.
It is such a blessing to have the best audience in news and we hope you have nothing but good news throughout the summer.
Shoutout goes out to Flagstaff High School; thank you for watching from Flagstaff Arizona.
I'm Carl Azuz. We will look forward to seeing all y'all again when we return in August.
我是 Carl Azuz,我們期待在 8 月回歸時再次見到你們所有人。
But until then, "tas" all, folks, for our spring broadcasting season of CNN.
但在那之前,各位,以上是我們 CNN 的春季節目。