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    學點新技術 甚至像我們一樣開始了自己的Youtube頻道

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    前一百五十個使用資訊欄連結的人 可以享受兩個月的免費試用

  • The 1960's were a fascinating time for


  • civil aviation. Full of incredible stories like the story of how Lockheed,


  • an aerospace company known for its military aircraft, set out to build the


  • world's most advanced airliner. And that's exactly what they did.


  • Passengers loved it's spacious cabin and smooth, quiet ride. Pilots boasted about

    乘客熱愛它寬廣的機艙 以及其飛行時的平穩安靜

  • its handling, power, and ergonomics. Nearly 50 years ago, this aircraft could fly

    飛行員們讚嘆它的駕駛手感 推力十足的引擎與符合人體工學的設計

  • itself from takeoff to landing without any of the pilots touching the controls.

    近五十年前的它不須駕駛員操作 就可以自己完成起飛到降落

  • But this is also the same aircraft that nearly bankrupt the company that built


  • it. Generating billions of dollars in losses and guaranteeing that Lockheed


  • would never try to build another airliner.


  • When launched the L-1011 TriStar was the most technologically advanced commercial

    洛克希德L-1011的 科技創新與財務失敗

  • airliner ever. Making leaps forward in efficiency, comfort, and safety. The

    當L-1011三星式客機投入服務時 是當時最先進的客機

  • TriStar introduced innovations that should have made it a commercial success.


  • This aircraft should have helped Lockheed leapfrog ahead of its


  • competition. The Tristar featured a highly advanced autopilot system. It


  • could land the plane at certain airports in completely blind, zero visibility


  • weather, when other planes of the era, well they would need to divert to other


  • airports. And its degree of system redundancy earned the L-1011 an


  • excellent reputation for safety. Lockheed even put extra effort into the TriStar's


  • cabin. It wasn't your typical cramped cattle car. It was different. It was sleek


  • and spacious, nothing like its competitors. This was, by

    它跟貨艙等級的典型的載客客機不一樣 它很不同

  • just about any measure, a superior aircraft. It was ahead of its time. But

    它的機艙很先進、空間很足 它的競爭對手完全比不上

  • how did such a highly-revered aircraft like the L-1011 turn out to be such a

    總體來說,它是一架優於同期的客機 甚至可以說是使用超前技術的客機

  • huge financial failure? To answer that question, you have to go back to 1966. You

    那為什麼如此受人尊崇的客機 會造成這麼慘烈的財務失敗呢

  • could say it began with a man named Frank Kolk, one of the head honchos at


  • American Airlines. American was in the market for a new type of aircraft. At the

    這一切可以說是因美國航空的 其中一個負責人法蘭克寇克而起

  • time there was a lot of excitement over Boeing 747, a large, efficient wide-body


  • promising to be lucrative for Airlines. But Kolk worried about American's ability

    當時全美都還沉浸在波音747的興奮當中 這架巨無霸寬體客機對航空公司來說非常划算

  • to fill seats on something as large as a 747. What he really needed was something

    但寇克為美國市場能不能把波音747坐滿 感到擔憂

  • that carried less passengers (around 250) but with the efficiency of a

    他認為他需要是 高油耗效率的第二代寬體客機客機並

  • second-generation wide-body airliner. So Kolk put the word out to rival aircraft


  • manufacturers. Boeing had enough on their plate


  • they were busy raking it in with their 747 and 737 programs. But Douglas and


  • Lockheed were interested. Kolk initially wanted a twin-engine jet, but the


  • Federal Aviation Administration 60-minute rule would prove to be a

    一開始寇克想要的是雙引擎客機但 美國聯邦航空總署的新雙發延程飛行法上路了

  • challenge. The 60-minute rule meant that any twin-engine civil aircraft could

    雙發延程飛行法表示任何民用雙引擎客機 不能執行備降機場之間超過六十分鐘航程

  • only fly as far as 60 minutes from an airport should it need to divert in an


  • emergency. Not so practical for airlines that wanted to fly across oceans. But a 3


  • engine tri-jet configuration could get around the 60 minute rule, yet still be

    但如果是三引擎客機就可以迴避 雙發延程飛行法了

  • more efficient than the 4 engine jets that were crossing oceans at the time.


  • Douglas, which was in the process of merging with McDonnell Aircraft, had a


  • history of building successful jet-powered airliners. They wanted to


  • keep development costs low, so their approach was to use technologies and


  • systems which they had already developed. Lockheed on the other hand, had never


  • built a jet-powered airliner and their last commercial aircraft, the turboprop

    而另一邊的洛克希德卻沒有 噴射客機的設計經驗

  • driven Electra, well it was kind of a disaster. Plagued by early accidents and

    他們的上一架客機是螺旋槳客機 洛歇L-188,一架很失敗的客機

  • poor sales. Lockheed had something to prove, so they would set out to build an


  • advanced airliner to make rival McDonnell Douglas's entry look like


  • yesterday's news. After all, this was the company that had just finished building

    他們想要設計一架非常先進的客機讓 對手麥道的產品看起來過時

  • the SR-71 Blackbird. So, surely they could handle designing an


  • airliner. Lockheed's design called for a center-mounted engine to receive air


  • through a curving S-duct. The problem was, there wasn't an engine in production short

    洛克希德在設計上將中央引擎安置在機身內 這引擎靠著S型的導氣管讓引擎抽取空氣

  • enough to fit the installation. And the only engine manufacturer to have

    但這設計有個問題 當時沒有這麼小的引擎可以塞進機尾

  • anything on the drawing board that would fit, was Rolls-Royce. But what they had

    只有勞斯萊斯的畫出來的引擎 有塞得進去的希望

  • looked promising. A lighter more efficient engine that would give the


  • L-1011 an advantage. But here's the thing, someone at Rolls Royce must have been

    這引擎輕巧、油耗效率優秀 可以為L-1011帶來優勢

  • one hell of a smooth talker, because Rolls Royce was about to


  • seriously over promise and under deliver.


  • Even before Rolls-Royce's engine would fail the bird-strike test, shattering its

    在勞斯萊斯的引擎進行鳥擊測驗失敗把 創新的扇葉撞爛前

  • innovative Hyfill fanstage to pieces, it had been struggling. After years of


  • work, it still couldn't meet the performance requirements that it had promised

    經過多年努力他們還是達不到 當初答應洛克希德的性能

  • Lockheed. And the financial situation at Rolls-Royce was a mess. In 1971, it was


  • forced to declare bankruptcy. And Rolls pointed the finger squarely at the


  • L-1011 program. But things were also looking bad on Lockheed's end. Its own

    勞斯萊斯只能為洛克希德欠缺的引擎祈禱了 而洛克希德這邊情況也不優

  • financial situation by now had deteriorated. It struggled with cost


  • overruns and other defense project cancellations. And a Rolls-Royce


  • bankruptcy would mean no engine for the L-1011. Finding an alternative would mean


  • massive delays that Lockheed was in no position to ride out. But you can't get


  • any more British than Rolls-Royce, and the Government wasn't about to let a


  • company of such national importance just disappear. So, the British government

    英國政府不願這麼有國際影響力的 公司就這樣消失

  • nationalized the company and worked with the Americans to guarantee bank loans

    英國政府便將勞斯萊斯國有化 並向美國公司確保有貸款進行引擎研發

  • for Lockheed, so that there would be an L-1011 to purchase those Rolls-Royce

    如此一來便能確保L-1011將使用 由勞斯萊斯賣出的引擎

  • engines. And this allowed Rolls-Royce to sort out their engineering issues. And


  • they ended up with a fantastic engine. But for Lockheed, there was always an


  • elephant in the room. For years, American Airlines has dreamed of having a quiet


  • plane with virtually smokeless engines as comfortable as the 747, but able to

    多年以來美國航空都希望能擁使用安靜 並完全無煙的引擎

  • land at almost any commercial airport. Introducing the new DC-10 Luxury-Liner

    同時擁有與波音747同等舒適度 又能在大不分民用機場起降的客機

  • See, even before the whole engine debacle, American Airlines had decided to go with


  • the rival DC-10. McDonnell Douglas was a proven manufacturer with a track record

    在發生引擎供應問題前 美國航空就選擇使用麥道的DC-10了

  • in civil aviation. Lockheed on the other hand was the new player. While the L-1011


  • would pick up early sales from the large Airlines, its sales would always lag


  • behind the DC-10, even as the DC-10 started blowing out its cargo doors and


  • sprinkling the Midwest with engine parts. But the big problem was that these


  • aircraft were too big fish sharing a little pond. There wasn't a big enough

    即使DC-10的艙門一直爆炸、 引擎也有不少問題

  • market to support two wide-body tri-jets and sales of both suffered for it.

    但其實最困擾這兩個競爭對手的問題是 這塊市場太小了

  • And by the late 1970's and early 80's, a new kind of aircraft had entered the

    三引擎寬體客機市場無法支持兩者 洛克希德與麥道皆應此吃上苦頭

  • market. The efficient wide-body twin-jet that Frank Kolk had always really wanted.

    1970年代末到1980初期 一種全新的客機開始打入市場

  • Newly formed Airbus had introduced the A300, taking a big chunk out of both

    高油耗效率雙引擎寬體客機 也就是法蘭克寇克一直想要的

  • L-1011 and DC-10 tri-jet sales. Lockheed would only ever sell half the TriStars it

    剛成立不久加入競爭的空中巴士 推出了A-300

  • would need just to break even, and it was eventually forced to shut down


  • production in 1984. The TriStar certainly wasn't perfect. No machine is. Some claim

    洛克希德賣出的的三星式客機 只夠收回開發一半的成本

  • it was over-engineered, making it a bit of a maintenance hog. But it was the most


  • advanced airliner of its day, save maybe for the Concorde. The Tristar would earn

    三星式客機明顯不是台完美機器 沒有機器是完美的

  • a fantastic safety record and it was loved by pilots and passengers alike. But

    有人說三星式客機過度設計 造成其維護保養不方便

  • it couldn't get past its rocky start and the realities of an overcrowded and

    但它是當代最先進的客機 也許沒比協和式那麼先進就是了

  • quickly changing market. The L-1011 was a technological marvel, but by Lockheed's

    三星式客機有著優良的飛安紀錄 同時它也備受乘客與飛行員喜愛

  • own admission, a financial failure. And that goes to show you that great design,

    但它無法克服起步的困難 以及市場過度飽又變化迅速的殘酷現實

  • engineering, and business go hand in hand. Whether in aviation or any other field,

    L-1011可稱為科技奇蹟 但對洛克希德來說是個財務失敗

  • it takes a wide range of skills to succeed. And that's where SkillShare

    從這次的故事我們可以了解到 科技與商務要同時兼具

  • comes in. If you've been thinking about launching your own business, pursuing

    不論是航空或其他行業 都需要不同的技能才能成功

  • your hobby, or picking up new skills SkillShare has over 17,000 courses on


  • offer. From design, to software, to how to run a business. A couple of SkillsShare


  • courses that caught our eye are their AfterEffects For Beginners, and Animating

    SkillShare有超過一萬七千堂涵蓋設計、 軟體使用到商務的各種課程

  • With Ease in AfterEffects. Just a couple years ago, I had no idea what

    SkillShare吸引我的有這些課程 AE入門與AE動畫製作輕鬆上手

  • AfterEffects was. But today I'm using it to make these videos. I highly recommend


  • learning it. But here's the thing; there's a steep learning curve. So, don't spin


  • your wheels trying to learn from low-quality YouTube tutorials. Learn from

    我強烈推薦使用SkillShare 因為有陡峭的學習曲線存在

  • professional teachers offering high-quality courses that will

    所以接下來別浪費時間看低品質的 Youtube教學影片

  • accelerate your learning. The first 150 viewers who sign up

    好好花時間看專業教師提供的高品質課程 來增進自己的技能

  • using the link in the description will get two months of learning for free.

    前一百五十個使用資訊欄連結的人 可以得到兩個月的免費試用

  • After that, it's just $10 a month. Whatever your passion, SkillsShare have


  • got you covered.


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