字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This video was made possible by CuriosityStream. Watch thousands of 廣告時間:這部影片由 CuriosityStreamy 冠名贊助 high-quality documentaries and get access to Nebula by using the link in 提供數千部高質量紀錄片, 並可由下方影片說明中獲得訂閱 Nebula 的連結 the description. In the 1960s the leader of the Soviet Union bragged about having 在60年代,蘇聯領導人吹噓能夠製造一隻可以跳起來跨越橋樑的船 ships that could jump over bridges. His cryptic words confused Western leaders. 他的隱晦說話使西方國家十分困惑 What he was talking about was a machine unlike anything the world had ever seen. 他的說法其實是製造一種世界前所未見的運輸工具 A ship that could move as fast as an aircraft by lifting right out of the 一種無需接觸水面而且跟飛機一樣快的船 water. And for decades the Soviets developed a unique technology under a 幾十年來,蘇聯秘密開發了各種獨特的技術 shroud of secrecy. But these giant, otherworldly machines all but 但是這些龐大又超凡脫俗的飛機 disappeared along with the Soviet Union. 只能隨着蘇聯倒台下消失... In the 1950s, the fastest boats in the world were hydrofoils. A type of boat 半船半飛機的 with wings attached to its hull. And they were an ingenious innovation. Because at 半船半飛機的「翼地效應機」 speed, the wings would lift the boat out of the water to reduce drag. Allowing for 1950年代,水翼船在當時是世界上最快的船 much higher speeds. But even the fastest hydrofoils could reach no more than 船底裝上類似翼的東西,在當時是革命性設計 110 km/h. Held back by a phenomenon known as cavitation, 水翼把船底和水面拉開以減少阻力以提升速度 which disturbed the lift generated by a hydrofoil's wings. It was a problem that 但是這種設計也未能令時速超過每小時 110 公里 engineers would never solve. But a pioneering Soviet hydrofoil designer by 被一種稱為“空穴現象(Cavitation)”的現象所抑制 the name of Rostislav Alexeyev had a radical idea. What if he moved the wings 擾亂了水翼產生的升力 out of the water entirely? Doing so would mean a shift from hydrodynamics to 當時的工程師也無法解決這種問題 aerodynamics. But it would allow for previously unimaginable speeds. Once 但是蘇聯的一位先驅水翼設計者 Rostislav Alexeyev 有一個激進的想法 Alexeyev's ships were moving fast enough, they would lift right out of the water. 不如直接把水翼裝在水面之外 ? But they wouldn't fly like aircraft. Instead, they'd ride on a cushion of air 意味著從流體動力學轉向空氣動力學 just above the surface. Pilots had long noticed when landing or flying very 把速度提升至史無前例 close to the ground, their planes would seem to gain extra lift. Almost as if 速度快得可以直接把船隻從水面中升起 they didn't want to land. This phenomenon was the ground effect. And Alexeyev would 但又不用像飛機一樣飛得那麼高,只需在水面少許距離上飛行 use it to revolutionize ships. To prove his idea 機師早就注意到降落或飛行時越接近地面 Alexeyev built scale models and small prototypes. But he'd need access to a lot 飛機升力越會增加 more resources to fully develop the concept. And the only way that was going 就像不讓飛機降落一樣 to happen in 1960s Soviet Union, was if he could demonstrate the military 這種現像是翼地效應(Wing-In-Ground effect, WIG) potential of his idea. Alexeyev 正正想用這種現象放在他的新構思 Alexeyev ships were called Ekranoplan. And they could fly at aircraft-like Alexeyev 製作了小模型來證明他的理論 speeds, low to the surface where they'd be virtually invisible to radar. 但是他需要獲得更多的資金來發展這個概念 Being completely out of the water, they'd also be invisible to sonar. And pass 所以在60年代,他向蘇聯證明這種概念可以用在軍事發展上 right over sea mines. With her small draft, Ekranoplans could access 這架飛船混合體被稱為 Ekranoplan "翼地效應機" shallow coastlines and beaches inaccessible to conventional ships. And 速度有如飛機一樣,而且低飛高度可以避開雷達 they promised to be relatively cheap and simple to build. Mixing aircraft and 無需跟水面接觸,聲納探測器也探測不到 shipbuilding construction. Alexeyev got the attention of top military brass 亦能夠避開水雷 and even Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Easily swayed by big, bold 憑着這些獨特之處, 翼地效應機可以進入常規船隻無法進入的淺海岸線和海灘 projects, Khrushchev immediately saw potential in 而且他們承諾成本非常合理 a technology that the Americans didn't have. So the floodgates of military 這種飛機船隻混合體,立即獲得蘇聯軍方高度關注 funding blew open. And Alexeyev and his team went to work scaling up the idea. 當中包括蘇聯領導人赫魯曉夫 Over a period of just five years, they went from small prototypes weighing no 他總是容易受這種''大''而革新的技術影響 more than a few tons, to this. A 265 ton monster they called the KM. 尤其是美國佬還沒有這種技術 It was a machine that looked straight out of another dimension. The KM could 軍費資金源源不絕之下 travel at over 500 kilometers an hour and lift 600 tonnes. When it was Alexeyev 的團隊開始把構思"擴大" completed in 1966, it was by far the largest flying machine, and had an 在短短五年內,他們從重量不超過幾噸的小型原型機 impressive lift-to-drag ratio unmatched by any aircraft. To get this enormous 發展到了這個規模...... machine into ground effect, eight forward mounted jet engines directed thrust 265噸的裏海怪物 underneath the wings, creating a temporary hovercraft .Once in ground 稱為 - KM (Корабль-макет ,意為「船-原型」) effect, the forward jet engines were shut off, and only two engines were enough to 這架看起來像科幻片才出現的東西 keep 600 tons of machine moving at aircraft-like speeds. A giant tail, five KM 同時載着600噸也可以超過每小時500公里 stories high, was used to counter the inherent instability of flying within 1966年研發完成,是當時世界上最大的飛機 the ground effect and to provide control at higher speeds. 有著無"機"能及的升阻比 (L/D) First tested in 1966, the KM proved that Ekranoplans 為了使這架龐大的飛機發揮翼地效應 could be scaled way up. But it also revealed some serious flaws. 八架前裝式噴氣發動機在機翼下方定向推力 Far from robust, the KM demanded careful maintenance. It's ten jet engines were at 製造出了一個臨時氣墊 constant risk of damage from saltwater and foreign objects. 一旦進入翼地效應,就關閉前面的噴氣發動機 It was also notoriously difficult to operate. Flying safely within the ground 只需兩個引擎運轉 effect was an exhausting experience for pilots. And the KM needed enormous 就足以使這架600噸的怪物以飛機的速度飛行 distances to turn. Which meant that spotters up ahead had to give advanced 一條高五層的巨尾被用來抵消翼地效應中飛行不穩定性 warning about other ships and obstacles. Another challenge was the weather. 並能保持高速控制性 Supposedly that KM could operate in waves of up to a meter and a half. Not KM 在1966年進行了首次測試,證明了翼地效應機可以按比例擴大 bad. But you'll never find a photo or video of it in anything but calm water. 但同時也顯示出一些嚴重缺陷 And getting this enormous machine moving in high seas? Next to impossible. KM 結構並非完美,並需要可靠維護 So the KM could only operate when conditions were calm and on smaller 它的十架噴氣發動機持續受到海水和異物損壞 inland seas like the Caspian. Travelling on the open ocean was out of the question. 還有控制困難令他臭名遠播 These were the kind of challenges facing 在翼地效應中安全飛行,對機師來說實在是令人筋疲力盡 an engineering team developing an entirely new kind of vehicle, from the KM 轉彎需要很長的距離 ground up. With further development maybe Alexeyev and his engineers could 這意味著轉彎前必須注意其他船隻和障礙物 have resolved many, if not all of the KM's issues. But it was already too late. 天氣影響也是困難之一 By the time the KM made its first flight, the Soviet Union had a new leader. And 本來 KM 可以在高達 1.5 米的波浪中運行 the entire mood had shifted. Brezhnev was neither patient nor a risk-taker. He saw 都幾好 Ekranoplan development as an unnecessary gamble. Instead preferring 但恐怕你沒有看過在水面平靜時以外試飛的影片 more conventional military projects. And it was bad news for Alexeyev. In 1968, he 在惡劣天氣的公海上試飛幾乎不可能 was demoted from director of the Hydrofoil Bureau, to merely head of a 因此 KM 只能在天氣條件較好的內陸海洋上運行,例如裏海 dwindling Ekranoplan program. With many technical hurdles and fewer resources, 更不用說跨越五大洋了 Alexeyev and his engineers shifted their focus from the KM to developing a 種種困難使工程團隊猶如必需從頭開始研發 smaller, more practical Ekranoplan. One that could transport about 150 寄望進一步發展, Alexeyev 團隊應該可以解決大部份 KM 問題 troops, roll onto beaches, and even fly out of the ground effect. But these 但是為時已晚 added capabilities came with compromises. Like reduced lifting capacity largely in KM 首次飛行時,蘇聯新領導人上台 line with a similarly sized seaplane. But with many in Soviet leadership skeptical 新人事新作風,布里茲涅夫既沒有耐性也十分保守 about Ekranoplans, only three entered service with the Soviet 他認為發展翼地效應機是倒錢落海 Navy. Alexeyevs Ekranoplans were fast, but they couldn't outrun the Soviet 相反,他們更喜歡飛機大炮軍事項目 Union's economic failures. With dwindling resources 這對 Alexeyev 來說是個壞消息 Alexeyev butted heads with Soviet leadership. And in 1975, his impatience 1968年 Alexeyev 由中央水翼設計局局長兼首席設計師 with Soviet bureaucracy finally caught up to him, He was demoted again. This time 被貶職至漸漸縮水的翼地效應機計劃主管 down to the position of an ordinary employee. It was the beginning of the end, 由於存在太多技術問題和越來越少資金 but not before a final a Ekranoplan was developed for the 1980s. Not quite as Alexeyev 團隊將重點從 KM 轉移到了開發更小巧更實用的翼地效應機 large as the KM, it carried six anti-ship cruise missiles and could strike targets 一種可以運送約150名士兵 over 100 kilometers away. But only a single example was ever built. And Alexeyev 在沙灘上也能使用翼地效應的飛機 would never see it fly. In 1980, he passed away at the age of just 63, having never 但是這些附加功能其實建基於妥協之下 fully realized his vision. Funding for Ekranoplan development wound down by 像大型水上飛機一樣必須減少裝載力 the mid-1980s. And after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the few Ekranoplans 由於許多蘇聯領導層對翼地效應機持懷疑態度 built were quickly pulled from service, putting an end to nearly 40 years of 最終只有三架能夠服役於蘇聯海軍 development. But a belief in the potential of Ekranoplans lives on 即使 Alexeyevs 研發的翼地效應機速度很快 within the former Soviet Union and elsewhere in the world, with continued 但無法快過蘇聯接下來的經濟倒退 development focused on smaller ground effect vehicles. And that leaves an 隨著資金減少 intriguing question still unanswered. With the KM, Alexeyev and his team Alexeyev 開始和蘇聯領導層 ''冷戰'' demonstrated that the more massive an Ekranoplan got, the better it flew. 1975年,他對蘇聯官僚機構的不耐煩終於使麻煩找上了他 Becoming more stable, flying higher, and operating with greater efficiency. Could 他再次被降職 a machine much larger than even the KM be the key to unlocking the technology's 這次他被降職至普通員工 potential? A machine that would fly 10 or 20 meters above waves could transverse 生涯從此結束 oceans. And potentially carry passengers and cargo far more efficiently than any 但在 80 年代前翼地效應機計劃仍然研發中 aircraft. But thus far, efforts to build such a machine have failed to attract 它不像 KM 那樣大,但可以攜帶六枚反艦巡航導彈 the immense resources needed for development. And that means at least for 並且可以打中100多公里外的目標 the time being, giant Ekranoplan will remain a relic of the Cold War. 當然只製造了一架原型機 I have a fascination with all things Soviet. 遺憾是 Alexeyev 沒可能看見它起飛了 Not so much this. 1980年 Rostislav Alexeyev 去世,享年63歲 But this. 從未實現他的願景 Which is why I just finished watching The Spying Game. A fantastic three-part 到1980年代中期,用於翼地效應機開發的資金減少了 series that chronicles the extraordinary lengths that the Soviet Union and the 1991年蘇聯解體後 West went to learn each other's Cold War secrets. And it's just one of thousands 餘下的翼地效應機迅速退役 of full-length documentaries you can enjoy now on CuriosityStream. At just 結束了近40年的發展 $19.99 for an entire year, CuriosityStream has always been an 但是前蘇聯以及世界各地對翼地效應機潛力一直看好 incredible deal. But sign up using the link below, and you'll also get access to 持續開發小型翼地效應機 Nebula, where you can watch Mustard videos before they're released on YouTube. 這就留下了一個仍然沒有答案的有趣問題 Without ads or sponsor messages. Nebula is where creators experiment with new 憑藉 KM,Alexeyeev 的團隊證明了翼地效應機重量越重 其飛行性能越好 content without worrying about YouTube's recommendation algorithm. like Wendover 變得更加穩定,飛行更高,效率更高 Productions recent 45 minute special on St. Helena Airport. A fascinating look at 究竟比 KM 大得多的飛機是否可以成為釋放技術潛力的關鍵 ? how an airport once dubbed the world's most useless, is transforming a tiny 在海面上方飛行10到20米同時橫越海洋 remote Atlantic island. Get access to Nebula when you sign up for a year of 並比任何運輸工具更有效地運載乘客和貨物 Curiosity Stream by going to CuriosityStream.com/mustard and using the 但是到目前為止,這類飛機無法吸引開發所需的龐大資金 promo code 'mustard' when you sign up. 這至少意味著......
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 蘇聯 飛機 水面 效應 資金 研發 巨型 Ekranoplans 发生了什么(What Happened To Giant Ekranoplans?) 13 2 joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 05 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字