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raging across the globe, the British 耗盡心血的失敗品 英國布里斯托布拉巴宗型客機 began to worry. 在戰火延燒全球的二戰中期,英國開始擔憂 Not just about the war, but what happens after. 不只是因為戰爭,他們同時也煩惱著戰後將發生什麼事 Because as soon as victory was assured, Britain would almost certainly begin losing a different 因為二戰的勝利就近在眼前 但英國在轉眼間就要輸在另一個戰場上 kind of battle; one for the future of their aviation industry. 戰後的航空產業爭霸戰 Because the Americans had a whole range of military transports which they could easily 美國發展出各式的軍用運輸機 redesign into airliners after the war. 戰後能輕易轉換為民用客機 But Britain's industry had been focused on building bombers, so they could dish it 但為了能更有效率對德國做出反擊 back to Germany. 英國全心投入在轟炸機的設計上 But these bombers couldn't easily be redesigned into airliners. 但這些轟炸機無法輕易改裝成民用客機 So Britain came up with a plan. 所以英國發起了一系列計畫 They'd design a whole range of cutting edge airliners, completely from scratch. 它們從零開始設計了一系列劃時代客機 Some, were incredibly ambitious. 有些設計極具野心 Like building the world's first jet powered airliner. 像是世界第一種噴射客機 But the way Britain really planned to get ahead of the Americans, was to build the world's 但英國計畫真正用來超越美國的 largest Commercial Transport. 是建造出世界最大的商用客機 An enormous luxury-liner of the skies, which they'd name the Brabazon. 而它就是後來名為布拉巴宗的奢華客機 It would have true transatlantic capability. 它將擁有真正橫渡大洋的能力 Able to fly non-stop from London to New York against prevailing eastern winds. 它能突破由西吹來的強烈信風 從倫敦直飛到紐約 In the 1940's, this would have been quite the feat. 若它出現在1940年代會非常成功 Transatlantic flights were almost always done in stages to allow for refueling. 因為當時的客機需要停靠在中繼站加油 The task of building this behemoth was assigned to The Bristol Aeroplane Company. 這空中巨獸的建造計畫交付給了布里斯托飛機公司 And its development was given the highest priority, over all the other planned airliners. 這計畫擁有最高的優先度 高過其他計畫中的客機 But the Brabazon wasn't just going to push the limits of airliner size and range. 但布拉巴宗計畫 不僅於突破客機極限大小與航程 This plane was also going to redefine luxury. 這架客機將重新定義奢華 Because, although the Brabazon would have been large enough to seat over 300 passengers, 盡管布拉巴宗的大小能搭載超過三百名乘客 it was only ever intended to carry between 50 and one hundred. 它卻只被設計搭載五十到一百名乘客 And some felt even that was too many. 甚至還有人認為這樣已經載太多了 Because comfort was the highest priority, in luxury class each passenger was allotted 因為這架飛機的設計著重在旅客的舒適度 an incredible 283 cubic feet of space. 每位尊貴艙乘客將能分配到八立方公尺的 生活空間 The less fortunate would have to settle for 212. 而在稍微便宜的艙等能分到六立方公尺 There would be private sleeping compartments, a dedicated dining room. 機上配著私人睡覺用隔間與餐廳 A kitchen for preparing fine meals. 用來準備高級飲食的廚房 A cocktail lounge and bar for schmoozing. 休閒用的雞尾酒吧 And of course, no flight is complete without a movie. 當然,一趟好的飛行當然少不了電影 But on this plane. 而在這飛機上呢 we're talking about an actual movie theater with seating for 23. 有一個有二十三個座位的小電影院 The Brabazon was also fitted with cutting edge innovations. 布拉巴宗上有著不少劃時代的技術創新 A fully pressurized, air conditioned cabin. 像是全機艙都有空氣加壓 Electric engine controls, and high-pressure hydraulics to operate its massive control 電子引擎控制裝置 還有用來控制這龐然大物的液壓控制面板 surfaces. 但要讓這滿載重量為一百三十噸的龐然大物 But getting this 130 tone, fully loaded behemoth to make it all the way from London to New 一口氣從倫敦飛到紐約並不容易 York.. in one shot, wasn't going to be easy. 設計公司減輕重量上花了大量努力 Every effort was made to save weight. 布拉巴宗客機使用了專門設計的機殼 A custom, lighter, non-standard aircraft skin was used. 巨大的機翼上乘載著一萬六千加侖的燃料和 It's enormous wing housed more than 16 thousand gallons of fuel, and eight of the most powerful 八具當時推力最大的活塞式引擎 piston engines available. 這些引擎的裝設......非常複雜 And their arrangement was, well, complex 再也沒有甚麼能比有著十八對汽缸的增壓引擎 讓旅客有自信地進行跨洋飛行 Nothing instills confidence over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean like a pair of 18 cylinder 經由傳動軸連接到超壓變速器後 supercharged engines, each connected by a drive shaft to an overstressed gearbox, which 再由每兩具引擎各驅動一組同軸反轉螺旋槳 then drives a pair of contra-rotating propellers. 多虧了這驚人的複雜度 And for all the incredible complexity. 這八具引擎勉強能產生足夠讓它起飛的推力 the 8 engines produced barely enough power to get this enormous plane off the ground, 最後它的巡航速度來到了每小時四百公里 and give it a cruise speed of only 250 miles per hour. 但布拉巴宗真正需要的是 推力更大的渦輪螺旋槳引擎 What the Brabazon really needed was more powerful turboprop engines. 不幸的是發展出推力夠的新引擎 會趕不上計劃時間 But these wouldn't be ready in time. 所以計畫上第一架布拉巴宗測試機 使用的是活塞引擎 So a decision was made to finish the first brabazon with piston engines, and begin building 第二架再使用布里斯托公司開發的渦輪引擎 a second one using a new turboprop being developed by Bristol. 1949年夏末 In late summer 1949, the first Brabazon rolled out of it's enormous hanger to make its 第一架布拉巴宗 從巨大的機庫駛出進行首度試飛 first flight. 當時飛機內部結構還未完成 It's interior hadn't yet been finished. 但布拉巴宗向人們證明了它的適航性 並讓目睹者驚嘆 But the Brabazon proved it's airworthiness to awestruck crowds, attracting enormous praise 更從媒體那得到極高的評價 from the press. 但它未能吸引到任何一家航空公司前來訂購 But what it didn't attract was a single airline. 問題是 布拉巴宗並不是設計用來跟其他客機競爭的 The problem was, the Brabazon wasn't really designed to compete with any other airliners. 相反的,它是用來搶奪跨洋航班的富裕客群 Instead, it was going steal away wealthy passengers away from ocean liners. 若這是發生在1943年這將會是很棒的計畫 And in 1943 that might've been a solid plan. 但在1949年的定期跨洋航班早已大幅增加 But by 1949, the number of aircraft making regular transatlantic flights, had grown dramatically. 與布里斯托公司一起研發布拉巴宗的 英國海外航空也就是後來英航 BOAC, later known British Airways, had worked closely with Bristol to develop the Brabazon. 到最後也不想要布拉巴宗 And in the end, even they didn't want it. 當布拉巴宗首飛時 By the time the Brabazon made its first flight, the airline had already begun purchasing Boeing 英國海外航空早已採購波音同溫層巡航者 負責跨洋服務 Stratocruisers for their transatlantic flights. 同溫層巡航者能攜帶一百名乘客 A plane that carried up to a 100 passengers, with half as many engines, and nearly half 卻只用布拉巴宗一半的引擎數與 一半的起飛重量 the weight. 首度投入服務的噴射客機―彗星型客機 更比布拉巴宗早幾個月試飛 And the Comet, the first jet airliner to enter service, beat the Brabazon to the skies, making 徹底地把布拉巴宗從空中「踢」下來 its first flight several months earlier. 彗星型客機航程沒有布拉巴宗那麼遠 The Comet didn't fly far as the Brabazon, nor did have a cocktail lounge. 更沒有雞尾酒吧在機上 But it flew nearly twice as fast. 但它的飛行速度接近布拉巴宗的兩倍快 And that was far more appealing for passengers who could afford the tickets. 對買得起機票的乘客來說這更具吸引力 For the next three years, the Brabazon lumbered around Britain and Europe, making high profile 在這之後的數年布拉巴宗以高姿態 在英國與歐洲間往返 appearances and wowing crowds with its size. 用它驚人的大小使看過它的人驚嘆 But few airlines showed any interest in the enormous complex plane. 但只有少數幾家航空公司 對它產生那麼一丁點興趣 Meanwhile, back in Britain, the second Brabazon sat half finished as Bristol struggled to 此時的第二架布拉巴宗以半成品的姿態 在英國停擺 develop more advanced turboprops. 因為開發商無法發展出 夠先進的渦輪螺旋槳引擎 By 1953, it was clear that Britain was parading around a giant white elephant. 到了1953年,很明顯的英國是在帶著 她的高貴失敗品到處遊行 After 6 million pounds spent on it's development, 在耗費了六百萬英鎊的研發後此計畫宣布取消 the program was cancelled. And the Brabazon, and it's half finished turboprop successor were 最後布拉巴宗與它的半成品渦輪螺旋槳引擎 被秤重賣出 sold for their weight in scrap. 在僅僅9個月後 波音推出了他們的新型噴射客機Dash80 And remarkably, just 9 months later, Boeing unvaild it's Dash 80. 也就是後來把跨洋飛行 壓縮在七小時以內的波音707 A jet powered airliner that would become the 707, bringing a transatlantic crossing down 盡管布拉巴宗的諸多創新影響後來的航空業 to as little as 7 hours. 它的核心概念還是太過時了 Despite introducing new innovations, many of which influenced the future of aviation, 隨著新科技的發展 乘客不再是那群1930年代的有錢人 the Brabazon's driving philosophy was outdated. 布拉巴宗一點成功的機會也沒有 New disruptive technologies and a completely new generation of airline passengers, not 也許你有一個創業的野心 the same ultrarich ones from the 1930's, meant that the Brabazon never really stood 或是想要經營點小副業 a chance. 不管怎樣,有個網站總能幫助你行銷自己的想法 Maybe you've got big ambitions to launch a business, or maybe you've been thinking 那麼就來使用SquareSpace建立自己的優秀網站吧 about something more modest, like a side hustle. 不論是線上商店、產品介紹或任何你想做的 Whatever you do, a good website is key to getting you or your idea out there. 多虧了SquareSpace的簡易註冊方式 只要短短幾分鐘便能讓你的網站迅速上線 So, make your next move with SquareSpace's all-in-one platform for building stunning 除此之外SquareSpace大量的美術模板能幫助你吸引顧客 websites, online stores, portfolios, or whatever else you've got going on. 現在就來用squarespace.com/mustard建立自己的網站吧! 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B1 中級 中文 美國腔 引擎 英國 螺旋槳 計畫 乘客 飛機 英國造過最大的飛機布里斯托布拉巴宗(The Largest Aircraft Ever Built By Britain: The Bristol Brabazon) 18 1 joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 05 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字