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video. In just a few short years it would go from being the pride of Airlines to a
plane that some thought twice about flying. [Television] The cargo door was found to have
它從航空公司的驕傲轉變為 讓乘客搭機前三思的客機
a basic fault in design. Before you got on the DC-10, were you worried about it? After the Chicago disaster though it's the
engine mountings that have come under the closest scrutiny. After a series of
accidents, McDonnell Douglas is newest jet was engulfed in an extraordinary
wave of controversy. And while the DC-10 ultimately went on to be safe reliable
even pioneering, the company that built it never fully recovered from its
經過一連串的空難後 麥道的新噴射客機被種種輿論與爭議吞沒
最終DC-10經過改良變得十分可靠 甚至稱得上十分開創性
the DC-10's story begins in the early 1970s, at a pivotal time, when air travel
was undergoing a revolution. Long-distance flying, once reserved for
麥克唐納-道格拉斯 DC-10
the wealthy, opened up to the middle class. And some of this had to do with
aircraft design. A 1960s era airliner like a long-range Boeing 707 had a
single aisle, accommodating at most six seats across. But a new generation of
曾經是富裕階層專屬的長途飛行 如今中產階級開始能夠負擔
planes introduced for the 1970s added another aisle allowing for many more
seats. These new generation of airliners were called wide-bodies and their
increased capacity and new efficient fan jet engines helped make air travel more
機艙內只有一個走道 一排最多只能坐六人
affordable. Leading the way was Boeing's revolutionary 747. Introduced in 1970, the
而這些1970年代推出的新客機有雙走道 這樣便能擁有更多座位
world's first wide-body was doubled the size of earlier airliners, and the jumbo jet
quickly became an icon of the jet age. But rival manufacturers raced to unveil
載客量增加、裝上新式渦輪善引擎的寬體飛機 讓飛行變得更加經濟實惠
wide-bodies of their own. In 1971 McDonnell Douglas introduced the DC-10.
With a striking trijet configuration, it promised improved fuel efficiency
這架於1970年代推出的世界第一架寬體飛機 有著舊式客機的兩倍大
and lower maintenance costs. The medium to long range airliner could be
configured to carry anywhere from 255 to 380 passengers. And with larger windows
同時波音的其他競爭對手也趕著推出 自家的寬體飛機
and a quiet spacious cabin, the DC-10 set a new benchmark for passenger comfort.
This was an entirely new kind of airliner and McDonnell Douglas
有著令人驚愕三引擎配置的DC-10 承諾將有更優異的油耗效率與保養成本
anticipated huge demand. But so did rival Lockheed, a company also introducing a
這架中長程客機可依據需要搭載 255名到380名乘客
new trijet wide-body aimed at largely the same market as the DC-10. The two
有著更大的窗戶、舒適安靜的機艙 DC-10位旅客舒適度增添了新的里程碑
companies were building pretty much the same plane, but the L-1011 was Lockheed's
它可稱為是一種全新的客機了 麥道公司認為它將會大賣
first ever jet airliner. McDonnell Douglas on the other hand, had been
麥道的對手洛克希德推出自家的寬體三引擎客機後 也認為自家的飛機將大賣
building them since the late 1950s, so they knew a thing or two about slinging
jets. The DC-10's wide-body design incorporated many existing narrow-body
technologies from earlier DC-8 and DC-9s. Focusing on simplicity and reliability,
McDonnell Douglas took a technologically cautious
另一方面,麥道從1950年代末就在 生產噴射客機了
in an era of rapid technological change. And this helped accelerate the DC-10s
development. On the other hand the L-1011s more ambitious and technically
DC-10在寬體設計上應用了許多前型 DC-8、DC-9s等窄體機種的設計經驗
advanced design threw Lockheed's program into a tailspin of cost overruns
and delays. The DC-10 beat the L-1011 to the market, and it was less expensive. So
McDonnell Douglas was soon out selling its rival. [Television] the DC-10 is probably the
quietest jetliner you've ever flown in. The United DC-10 Friendship, a plane designed
to please everybody. From a wide-body Continental Airlines DC-10... but the DC-10
相較之下洛克希德野心勃勃的 高科技L-1011
would quickly lose its shine. In just a few short years the new jet would go
from being the pride of Airlines, to a plane that some people thought twice
DC-10比L-1011早上市 同時價格也較為實惠
about flying. A series of accidents during the 1970s, some of which were
attributed to the plane's design, engulfed the DC-10 in an extraordinary wave of
controversy. McDonnell Douglas found itself facing accusations that it had
聯合航空DC-10友宜號客機 為各位能愉快地搭乘而設計
rushed the planes development, leading to inadequate, even negligent design
decisions. In 1979 an American Airlines DC-10 was involved in America's worst
air disaster, but it's the events after the crash that really damaged the
plane's reputation. In an unprecedented move, the Federal Aviation Administration
這架新客機從航空公司的驕傲 變成讓旅客搭機前有疑慮的客機
suspended the DC-10 Type Certificate. For five weeks U.S. registered DC-10s
sat grounded on tarmacs, and foreign DC-10s were banned from flying into U.S.
其中有部分失事歸咎於DC-10的設計瑕疵 這給DC-10帶來了史無前例的爭議
airspace. The investigation focused on a suspected flaw with the airplane's engine
麥道被指控在設計階段貿然趕工 導致不當甚至設計上的疏忽
mountings, but the sudden grounding caused chaos at airports.
1979年一架美國航空的DC-10 被捲入全美最嚴重的一次空難
[Television] How are you going to get there now? I have no idea, I just picked up my luggage downstairs in the mess, I don't know where I'm going to go form here.
但真正使DC-10名聲受損的原因是 空難後發生的事件
Before you got on the DC-10, were you worried about it? Well, in Los Angeles where it was every news report had a big write-up of
美國聯邦航空總署出乎意料的 撤銷了DC-10的適航證
it--about the incident of the DC-10s so it makes it is very much on edge.
This delay is due to DC-10 operating restrictions. And passengers are requested to await further calls concerning this flight.
A spokesman for the FAA and the United States declared there was a distinct possibility that the model might never fly again
之後的調查重點著重在 備受質疑的引擎安裝瑕疵
operators and passengers around the world are wondering whether the sight of
a climbing DC-10 will be as common in the future, or whether it will ever be
seen again. Damage to the DC-10s reputation was immediate and severe.
我不知道,我剛從樓下的混亂中領回行李 完全不知道接下來要怎麼過去
Airlines stopped featuring the plane in their advertisements, some quietly
removed DC-10s from their mainline routes and new orders for McDonnell
Douglas wide-body dried up. But the 1979 American Airlines crash was ultimately
特別是上次失事的新聞 所以還是讓人挺緊張的
attributed to improper maintenance procedures and not directly to a design
由於先前發布的DC-10作業限制造成延誤 請乘客們請靜候通知
flaw in the DC-10. But that did little to vindicate the plane's reputation in the
美國聯邦航空總署發言人表示 未來特定型號的DC-10有可能無法繼續服務
eyes of the public. Because memories were still fresh from an even deadlier
incident five years earlier. In 1974 a Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed outside
未來能不能再看到DC-10升空 或著再也看不到DC-10了
of Paris when an improperly locked cargo door blew open. The explosive
depressurization triggered a catastrophic chain of events which
ultimately severed critical hydraulic lines needed to control the jet. This was
one of the world's worst air disasters, and it might have been avoidable because
two years earlier the same catastrophic chain of events almost brought down an
但1979年的美航191號班機空難起因為 不適當的保養
American Airlines DC-10 just outside of Detroit. Only the pilot's skill and sheer
luck that some hydraulic lines still remained intact prevented disaster. But
但這無法完全挽回它的名聲 再大眾中並不是這麼一回事
remarkably McDonnell Douglas knew about issues with the cargo door even before
因為五年前的那場空難 太讓人印象深刻了
the plane entered service the company had witnessed the cargo door blow up
1974年一架土耳其航空的DC-10 因貨艙門沒有鎖好在巴黎近郊墜毀
during its own ground testing. Not surprisingly, McDonnell Douglas was
criticized for how it handled the issue, which involved negotiating
their way out of an FAA issued air worthiness directive. Instead McDonnell
這次空難是史上最糟糕的空難之一 但這場空難原是可以免的
Douglas was allowed to handle the cargo door flaw by issuing a Service Bulletin.
But it was ultimately ignored by some airlines. After the Turkish Airlines
disaster McDonnell Douglas was hit with multiple lawsuits from families of the
事當時沒有墜毀完全是因為駕駛技術與運氣 所幸事發當下部分液壓控制系統還能運作
victims, including up to that point the largest lawsuit in history. And when it
但令人驚訝的是麥道在DC-10投入服務前 就早已知道貨艙門有設計瑕疵
became clear they'd likely be held liable, the cases were settled. But while
the Turkish Airlines disaster was a PR nightmare for McDonnell Douglas, it's the
1979 Chicago disaster that really seemed to crystallize the DC-10s reputation. The
ensuing media frenzy, much of it driven by speculation, was truly unprecedented.
麥道沒有與美國聯邦航空總署 良好協商處理適航指令問題
But there were other more pointed criticisms, like accusations that the
最後麥道被運許發布服務通報 來忽悠貨艙門設計缺陷
DC-10 s design had been compromised in a deliberate rush to beat the L-1011 to
the market, resulting in an overall less sophisticated plane. But what is certain
在土耳其航空981號班機空難後 麥道面臨大量罹難者親屬的告訴
is that it would take years for the DC-10 s reputation to recover. And by the
1980s,McDonnell Douglas was facing even bigger challenges. The market had really only been big enough for one trijet and that ensured that neither
would become a true commercial success Airlines now wanted more efficient twin-engine
若土耳其航空981號班機空難 對麥道來說是場公關惡夢
wide-bodies from Airbus and Boeing. McDonnell Douglas was running out of
美國航空191號班機空難 就是徹底瓦解DC-10客機名聲的災難
cash to innovate, but that didn't stop the company from trying. [Television] With a new MD-11,
McDonnell Douglas once again sets a standard for commercial transport
excellence and technological innovation. McDonnell Douglas's efforts to sell an
像是有人指控DC-10為了能比L-1011 更早上市而匆忙趕工
improved version of its trijet in an era when twin-engine jets were clearly the
future signaled the beginning of the end for the once legendary aircraft builder.
唯一能確定的是DC-10 需要花上好幾年才能擺脫它的壞名聲
But despite its troubled start the DC-10 would fly for over 40 years, serving with
1980年代麥道面臨更大的挑戰 市場只夠一架三引擎噴射客機生存
some of the world's largest airlines. In spite of tragic early accidents,
因此麥道與洛克希德的兩架客機 在銷售方面都稱不上成功
including an infamous later incident in Sioux City, statistically the DC-10
現在各航空都想要更多波因與空中巴士的 高油耗效率雙引擎寬體客機
safety record would go on to be comparable to other wide-bodies of the
麥道此時已經沒有多餘的資金創新 但他們並沒有因此放棄
era, and much safer than earlier generations of airliners. Noted for their
麥道再次用新推出的MD-11 為民用航空的舒適度與科技創新設下新標準
strength, reliability, and ease of maintenance, these iconic jets were
麥道在雙引擎客機明顯要成為主流的年代 推出自家新的三引擎噴射客機
workhorses for reputable airlines, and in no small part the DC-10 helped open up
air travel to the masses, forever changing the modern airline industry.
撇開DC-10開始的種種挫折 它的服務年日高達四十年
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