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  • [Intro]

  • A bunch of goats is called a herd, whales travel in pods, baboons in troops, and owls

  • in parliaments, but starlings may have the loveliest grouping of all: murmurations.

  • Starlings are found all over the world including in North America where they were introduced

  • in the late 1800s by a misguided Shakespeare fan who wanted to see every bird the bard

  • ever mentioned flooding about in the New World.

  • If you've ever been lucky enough to see a group of starlings winging across the Irish

  • or Iowan sky, you've no doubt appreciated one of nature's most hypnotic sites, the fluid,

  • lava lamp-like flow of a murmuration.

  • Lots of animals move in groups of course, mainly for defensive reasons.

  • Biologists sometimes call this the selfish herd, as large groups diminish the odds that

  • the individual gets picked off by a predator.

  • But murmurations appear to be more complex than that.

  • Research has found that flocks of starlings respond faster to the presence of a predator,

  • be it falcon or fox or farmer, the larger the group gets.

  • The more birds you have together, the more allies you have around you gathering intel,

  • and the faster evasive action can be taken.

  • So instead of there being a single leader, or even group of leaders, the entire flock

  • responds as one.

  • And when a predator attacks, murmurations often form waves that roll in the opposite

  • direction.

  • Studies of starlings being hunted by peregrine falcons have shown that these undulations

  • make the falcons much less successful in their hunts as they get confused and waste a lot

  • of energy chasing the fluctuations.

  • So, how do these coordinated movements work, and why don't the birds crash into each other

  • all the time?

  • I mean imagine a herd of 2,000 humans running around!

  • It would get messy really fast.

  • Turns out starlings have a system.

  • Video analysis of murmurations in Rome has shown that every starling in a flock interacts

  • with a fixed number of birds directly around it, on average six or seven other birds.

  • This means that they're not connected to the whole flock or even all the birds within a

  • certain distance.

  • Instead, they just link up with the next bird over in any direction, no matter how near

  • or far.

  • And the shape of the flock, rather than the size, has the greatest affect on this number.

  • Seven seems to be the optimal number for tightly connected flocks that starlings are known

  • for.

  • So if each bird's direction and velocity is influenced by the six or seven starlings around

  • it, and each of those is interacting with a half dozen birds around it, well, when you

  • scale that out, you begin to see how a murmuration can become so complexly and wonderfully dynamic.

  • They truly move as one.

  • But we still have a lot to learn about how these groups form in the first place and how

  • they're maintained.

  • Mathematically speaking, a murmuration isn't a bunch of birds so much as it is a tipping

  • point.

  • Scientists sometimes describe these points as phase transitions, like when liquids become

  • gases or metals become magnetized or snowpack lets loose into an avalanche.

  • In this case, starlings start out as individuals, but moments after a certain number of them

  • flock together, they're connected into a cohesive unit ready to respond to anything.

  • We also haven't quite figured out how the birds use their senses and other data to interact

  • with each other so quickly and precisely.

  • Biologists have often used the word "mystery" to describe it, and it's a beautiful one at

  • that.

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B2 中高級 美國腔

谋杀的数学与奥秘(The Math and Mystery of Murmurations)

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    joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 05 月 19 日