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  • Earth is covered in lakes.

  • Mostly these are cool, watery affairs

  • full of life and great for a relaxing vacation.

  • Lava lakes are a little less serene:

  • they're scorching, seething pools of molten rock.

  • They're also pretty rare, outside of MineCraft

  • permanent lava lakes only exist in a few places around the globe.

  • One of the strangest lava lakes is atop Mount Erebus,

  • on the frozen continent of Antarctica.

  • Probably the weirdest thing about this lake is that it's constantly releasing gas,

  • and the composition of that gas changes on a roughly ten-minute cycle.

  • Erebus was a Greek god, the son of Chaos

  • which is kinda fitting for a place made of ice and fire.

  • Mount Erebus is the tallest peak on Ross Island,

  • which lies close to the Antarctic mainland

  • and is usually connected by ice sheets.

  • It's an active volcano that's been bubbling away for decades,

  • occasionally throwing off larger eruptions.

  • The lava lake is around 20 meters deep,

  • and it sits in a crater which is itself inside Mount Erebus's main crater.

  • Under the lake is a conduit, a tube that leads down to a chamber full of magma

  • underground lava, in other words.

  • The lake is basically like a bowl with a hole in the bottom

  • sitting on top of a pipe - like a sink, I guess you could say

  • except it goes the other way: it doesn't go down, it goes up.

  • And all of it's about a thousand degrees Celsius.

  • Even in the frigid Antarctic air, the lake's surface won't cool into solid rock

  • thanks to convection currents that feed the lake

  • with a steady supply of hot stuff.

  • Hot magma rises to the top of the lake, then spreads outward,

  • cooling off along the way.

  • As it cools it gets denser,

  • so it sinks back down againand the convection cycle continues.

  • Lava lakes need that crater, conduit, and magma chamber combo to exist,

  • and not many volcanoes have all those components so well aligned.

  • That's why molten lava lakes are super-rare

  • there are only about five on Earth that have remained persistently active

  • in recent years.

  • So the Mount Erebus lava lake is an unusual and remote place,

  • but thanks to some intrepid scientists, it's an area of active research.

  • Scientists have braved freezing slopes and burning lava bombs

  • that's the technical term for flying blobs of lava

  • and they've installed remote sensors to keep tabs on the lake 24/7.

  • One mystery they're working on is the lake's persistent gas emissions.

  • For years, Erebus has been steadily releasing a gas plume,

  • and there's a weird cycle to it.

  • Over the course of ten minutes or so,

  • there's a repetitive shift in both the amount of gas produced,

  • and its compositionthe overall mix.

  • For example, the carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide ratio changes,

  • as do emission levels of water vapor and sulfur dioxide.

  • Researchers have been trying to figure out why there's this repeating cycle,

  • and based on sensor data and computer modeling,

  • they think it has to do with two main sources of gas.

  • One comes from the conduit, and the other comes from diffusion in the lake.

  • The carbon dioxide-rich gas is always rising up from the conduit,

  • and it's basically constant

  • the amount and composition doesn't really change.

  • But the conduit also occasionally, like every ten minutes or so,

  • burps out a large blob of magma from deeper in the chamber,

  • like a kind of literal one-way lava lamp.

  • Once a blob gets near the surface of the lake it releases a fresh set of gases,

  • which adds to the total amount of gas detected

  • and changes the overall composition because it's rich in water vapor

  • and sulfur dioxide.

  • In addition to these shorter cycles,

  • the lava lake also has what researchers call explosive degassing.

  • These less frequent but more impressive belches cause small eruptions,

  • hurling lava bombs into the main crater.

  • The two systems seem to work independently.

  • The composition of the gas from the explosive degassing is different

  • from the gas from the shorter cycle,

  • and appears to come from much deeper in the volcano's magma chamber.

  • There is still a lot left to learn about Erebus, and lava lakes in general.

  • For example, there are gas cycles with other cycle lengths

  • that aren't as well studied.

  • Working out if they're connected, and how,

  • will build up a better model of the inner workings of Mount Erebus.

  • Mount Erebus also contains a rare type of magma called phonolite.

  • It's much thicker than the more common basalt variety,

  • which probably affects the fluid dynamics inside the magma chamber and lake.

  • So hopefully the recent studies on Erebus will be useful

  • for scientists working on other lava lakes around the world.

  • These lakes may be rare, but having good models

  • from the few examples around the world will help geologists

  • understand the similarities and differences between them

  • and the overall rules about how they work.

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Earth is covered in lakes.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

奇怪的地方南极的熔岩湖(Weird Places: The Lava Lake in Antarctica)

  • 16 1
    joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 05 月 19 日