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In the middle of bluegrass and bourbon country in
Harrodsburg, Kentucky is Corning's oldest glass
factory. This facility was built for ophthalmic
glass pressing in the early 1950s.
And then in the 1980s, we transitioned into the
fusion forming process to make LCD glass. That
grew into an enormous business for us within Corning.
But about six months before the first iPhone was
released in 2007, Steve Jobs made a call to the
CEO of Corning and asked the company to create
glass that could withstand scratches and breakage
for a new Apple product. Before that phones were
typically covered in plastic.
Corning quickly developed Gorilla Glass and this
factory went through a complete transformation.
We leverage the fusion forming technology to make
Gorilla Glass and to make the first composition
of Gorilla Glass here in Harrodsburg. Since 2007,
I could say that the Harrodsburg plant has
undergone a number of innovations to support all
of the new Gorilla Glasses as they transition to
stronger and more scratch resistant and more durable glass.
The same company that developed the glass for the
Edison bulb in 1879 is now making the glass that
covers 6 billion smartphones, tablets, screens
and wearables worldwide. We got a rare look
inside Corning's flagship Gorilla Glass factory
to find out how it's made.
Robots and massive machines are continuously
making glass 24/7 here. It starts with a mix
materials that are sourced from all over the world.
Here we are in the mix house. This is really where
the heart and the start of the Gorilla Glass
composition begins.
Some people may think the glass is just sand but
it really isn't. There's a lot of complex science
that goes into Gorilla Glass specifically.
It is extremely important that we have a strong
and robust recipe. So as you think about how you
make your cake at home similar to that we have
fine tuned and evolved the process for making
glass over decades. What you can see in the
facility are screw feeders and feeding systems
that will take that material and transition it
into a large bowl where it will be mixed so that
we ensure that the mixture is homogeneous and can
create the best glass possible.
One bag, as you see here, once it's filled will
actually turn into thousands of sheets of Gorilla
Glass. The raw material then travels up seven
stories to the top of the factory. Where it
enters a giant oven turned up to more than 1,800
degrees Fahrenheit. Corning did not allow us to
film the oven for fear that competitors would
figure out its secret sauce and take a chunk of
its $11.4 billion in sales in 2018. But it was an
impressive giant machine that melts the raw
material to hot molten glass over the course of
days. The lava-like glass then flows down several
stories while it cools and strengthens in a
process called fusion forming. So to describe our
fusion forming process, if you imagine a trough
and the glass comes into the top of that trough
and then flows over the edges of the trough down
to the point where it fuses together.
It's really fusing together in air and nothing
touches that pristine surface so both sides of
the glass are pristine as it transitions down
multiple stories to the bottom of our process
where it's then scored and separated into
discrete sheets. Fusion forming process is
capable of making thicknesses of glass over two
millimeters down to 100 microns or dot one
millimeter, which is just larger than the size of a strand of hair.
The glass comes out of the fusion process in
sheets that are cut as big as 9 feet by 10 feet.
Only robots touch the glass throughout the
process. And sometimes the robots make mistakes.
So as the glass transitions to this final step
before it gets shipped and packed realize that
the glass has never been touched by human hands.
When it gets to this final step, we laminate the
glass to protect it both for shipping and to
allow our customers to handle the glass as they
pull the sheets out of the crates. The sheets are
then transitioned into crates where they're
further packed and ensured that they're in
pristine condition as they ship.
Early on in fusion glass development there were
some manual steps but we found that those manual
steps could impose safety concerns. And so the
robots were really developed to enhance our
manufacturing process and to eliminate the safety
involved in handling glass.
We can create glass from extremely thin to 100
microns to two millimeters thick.
Depending on the thickness of glass, it really
determines how many sheets of glass we pack in a crate.
But crates in general can have hundreds of sheets
within one crate. We really have limited breakage.
Once it's loaded into crates the glass is then
shipped off for finishing, which is done all over
the world depending on the preference of the
device manufacturer. Gorilla Glass is one of the
toughest glasses out there. And what makes it
tough is not only what you see here because it
actually hasn't obtained all of its strength at
this point. After it's packed and shipped it goes
through a chemical strengthening process called
an ion exchange process. The composition that
we've set up allows us to then take a finished
sheet of glass put it into a bath of hot salt and
in that bath of hot salt sodium ions are
exchanged for a larger potassium ions in the glass.
And if you imagine those larger potassium ions
pack into that glass causing a much tighter and
stronger compressive area on the glass. And
that's really what gives the glass its strength.
Corning employs 400 people at this factory, many
of whom are focused on quality control and
research as device manufacturers demand thinner and sleeker phones.
Corning is constantly having to update and improve
Gorilla Glass to try to keep this from happening.
What makes Gorilla Glass so strong is the unique
composition and glass science behind the glass.
That allows us to create this compressive layer
that, when it is ion exchanged, creates really a
layer of armor and an extra strength that other
glasses are not capable of doing.