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  • As you look through your social media, you'll typically see yourfitfriends posting

  • their self-indulging pictures of their workouts, their progress, and of course, the supposed

  • healthy food they eat.

  • And undoubtedly, you'll bump into the occasional post of the awesome protein shake they took

  • right before they hit the gym.

  • And by far the most popular protein shake comes in the form of Whey protein.

  • So, what exactly is whey and how can it help you with your fitness gains?

  • Whey is a source of protein naturally found in milk.

  • When mixed with rennant, a complex mix of coagulant enzymes, milk curdles and separates

  • into different constituents.

  • One is the aforementioned whey, currently in its liquid form and the leftover curds

  • are used to make cheese and also whey's not-as-popular little brother known as casein.

  • The liquid whey is then pasteurized and dried out to create the familiar powdery product

  • we find in store shelves.

  • So, what's in this whey that makes it so special?

  • The obvious stuff is the protein, and whey has quite a diverse amino acid profile.

  • It contains amino acids such as the common glutamine, the dopamine aide tyrosine, nitric

  • oxide booster arginine, and others such as lysine, glycine, phenylalanine, and aspartic

  • acid.

  • But in terms of building muscle, whey also contains the ever-crucial branch-chained amino

  • acids.

  • As we know now, the presence of BCAAs, especially leucine, in our body paired with resistance

  • training, immensely improves muscle protein synthesis.

  • And with about 3 grams of leucine per serving, whey protein most definitely can improve your

  • gains at the gym.

  • And the awesome thing about whey amino acids is that they form larger peptides and proteins

  • that serve more health benefits.

  • Perhaps the most beneficial for adults are the immunoglobulin and lactoferrin proteins,

  • which can aid your immune system, as well as having anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.

  • Whey protein is not exactly 100% all protein.

  • Being a dairy source, it naturally contains some fat and the sugar lactose.

  • As with any dairy product, this can problematic for those that are lactose intolerant.

  • Fortunately, there are different options.

  • Without getting too detailed on the different types of whey processing methods, just understand

  • that each process has the goal of isolating the protein in whey from the lactose, carbs

  • and fats as much as possible.

  • Problem is, some of the more intense separation methods, such as whey ion exchange and whey

  • hydrolysate, tend todenaturethe proteins, losing the added health benefits for the sake

  • of having more protein per gram and making the protein quicker to digest.

  • Whether you consider having more protein or having added health benefits more important

  • is your choice.

  • But the most common whey proteins found in stores are whey concentrate and whey isolate.

  • And if your main goal is gainz, these are some top-notch options.

  • For those that are not lactose-tolerant, whey concentrate has up to 80% protein and the

  • lactose can serve as a glucose source, powering your anaerobic energy system, thus, powering

  • your lifts.

  • For people looking for mainly protein or are lactose-intolerant, whey isolate clocks in

  • at above 90% protein with limited denaturation, and little to no lactose.

  • Also, keep in mind that most of these whey protein shakes will have added flavoring,

  • adding more sugar to its contents.

  • But now, you're probably wondering, “Do you actually need whey protein in the first

  • place?”

  • The answeragainas always, isit depends.”

  • As great as whey protein can be, the protein in it can also be found in real food.

  • Your consideration largely depends on the amount of protein you're already consuming.

  • If you're already cranking down a solid amount of protein, such as .8 to 1.5 grams

  • per kilogram of bodyweight, then adding extra whey isn't going to make a huge difference.

  • Now, if you're trying to lose body fat and preserve lean mass at the same time, whey

  • supplements might help you meet your protein goals without the additional calories as well

  • as helping you feel more full throughout your day.

  • For every other goal, it should be considered as a matter of convenience.

  • Sometimes reaching your daily protein intake with food can be understandably difficult.

  • Chugging down a whey protein shake can be easier than chomping down two pieces of chicken

  • breast.

  • Ultimately, you should think of whey protein, or any other protein supplement for that matter,

  • the same way you think of the protein you eat.

  • They are essentially the same.

  • With that being said, if you feel like your gains have been better with drinking a protein

  • shake, then continue to do so.

  • If you don't think it will help you, simply don't take it.

  • The choice is up to you.

  • Go ahead and share your own thoughts of whey protein in the comments.

  • Like and share the video if you enjoyed it and don't forget to subscribe.

  • Thanks for watching!

As you look through your social media, you'll typically see yourfitfriends posting


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C1 高級 美國腔

什么是乳清蛋白? (高蛋白饮品)(What is Whey Protein? (Protein Shake))

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    joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 05 月 07 日