字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 As you can see, 像你現在看到的, with the traditional method 以傳統的教學方法上課, students are typically NOT taught that Chinese characters 學生們基本上不知道中文字 are a combination of simpler pictographic components. 其實是許多簡單的小圖片組成的。 However, at the ABCs of Chinese 然而,ABCs of Chinese we have designed our entire writing curriculum around the fact 根據西方人熟悉的"積木"觀念 that a westerner's mind is hardwired to see "building blocks". 設計了一系列的寫字課程。 We have focused on the intrinsic building block nature of 我們著重在中文的"積木"原則, Chinese characters and systematized a process so that a student can 並讓整個過程制度化, first learn the easy-to-remember "pieces" of Chinese characters. 學生可以先學簡單好記的"部件"。 By doing this, a Chinese character will no longer be a dreaded thing 這樣一來,一個中文字就不再是個 with 15 lines to remember. 有15條線要背並令人害怕的東西。 Instead it will become a combination 取而代之的是一個由三個你已熟知 of 3 simpler pictures you are already very familiar with! 的簡單部件的組合! No one could disagree that you should obviously first learn your ABCs 沒有人會反對在你學會寫一個英文字前 before you starting reading and writing whole English words. 應該先學寫ABC。 The same principle applies here: 一樣的道理, learn the basic building blocks of Chinese characters 在學會寫整個中文字前, before you start learning whole Chinese characters. 應該先學寫基本部件。 It is the combination of these simpler pictographic building blocks 一個中文字的意思跟發音, that gives a Chinese character its meaning and pronunciation. 即是這些簡單的象形積木組合。 Our writing curriculum is the culmination of hundreds of hours 我們的寫字課程是好 幾百個小時的研究成果。 of research spent to break down 我們先把超過十萬個中文字 over 100,000 Chinese characters into their most basic components, 分解成一些最基本的部件, and then from there decode and cross-reference these components 接著再解析並交叉參照這些部件 to confirm their original meanings. 確認它們原本的意義。 This process resulted in isolating 400 simple pictographic components 從這個過程,我們找出了 400個簡單的象形部件, as the basic building blocks of all Chinese characters. 它們即是所有中文字最基本的積木。 Only 400 basic building block components! 只有"400"個基本部件! The implications of this are massive 這個意義很重大, because 400 pictographic components is FAR less than 因為400個象形部件遠比一開始提到的 what could first be perceived as 100,000 totally unconnected characters. 100,000個不相關的中文字少太多了。 We guarantee that every Chinese character you will learn 我們很肯定將來你學到的每一個中文字 contains these basic components. 都包含這些基本部件。 They appear over and over again in different combinations 它們不停地在100,000個中文字中 to form all 100,000 Chinese characters. 以不同的組合出現。 Some of these basic components are standard radicals, 有些基本部件是標準的部首, and some are other pictographic components. 而有些是象形部件。 In addition, most of these pictographic components 另外,大多數的象形部件 are actually stand-alone Chinese characters by themselves, 其實是一個獨立的中文字, so even if you were to learn whole Chinese characters 假使你原本想用硬背的方法學習, by rote memorization you would still have to learn them anyway! 你還是需要學這幾個部件! If you can change your perspective 如果你可以改變 to see that a Chinese character 看中文字的角度, isn't a crazy behemoth of lines, swoops, and slashes, 從巨大瘋狂很多線條的野獸 but rather a combination of several simpler pictographic components 變成由幾個簡單的部件 that you're already very familiar with, 這種你已經熟悉方式的組合, then a character is no longer intimidating at all. 那麼中文字就不再可怕了。 And by knowing these pieces 藉著了解這些部件, your rate of learning will go through the roof! 你學習的速度將會一日千里。 The ABCs of Chinese writing curriculum snowballs. ABCs of Chinese 的寫字課程就像滾雪球, You start out by learning the foundational components 從學習組成中文字的 that form Chinese characters 基本的部件學起, rather than immediately beginning to learn whole Chinese characters. 而不是一開始就學整個中文字。 However, no time will be lost in doing this. 然而,你並不是在浪費時間, In our writing curriculum you will learn 在我們的寫字課程中, the most frequently used components first, 你會先學到最常用的部件, and the less frequently seen ones later. 接著才是次常用的部件。 As you progress through the curriculum 隨著你課程的進度, you will see that the components you have already learned are repeated 你會發現你已經學到的 部件會跟新的部件組合 over and over in combination with new components you learn, 並重複的出現, which constantly reinforces those you have already learned. 加深你對已學部件的印象。 We do this in order to get you to your goal as quickly as possible - 這樣做是為了盡快讓你達到你的目的-- being able to read and write thousands of Chinese characters. 能夠閱讀跟書寫幾千個中文字。 As you learn these pictographic components 隨著你學的部件數量增加, you will quickly reach a critical mass 你將會快速達到臨界點, where suddenly all the pieces fall into place 那時所有的部件都會變得很有道理, and you begin to learn whole characters exponentially fast. 你學中文字的速度也將開始變快。 Additionally, once you start learning whole Chinese characters, 另外,開始學完整的中文字後你會發現 you will see that similar to how basic components combine with 就像基本部件互相組合 other basic components to make Chinese characters, 成為中文字,有些中文字 some Chinese characters also combine to make more complex characters. 也可以和另一個字組合成更複雜的字。 Take for example "guol" (咼), 以"咼"為例, a simple Chinese character formed by the components 是一個簡單的字由 skull (冎) and mouth (口). "冎"骷顱和"口"嘴巴,組成的。 This Chinese character helps make lots of other characters 這個字再加上其它不同部件 by merely attaching different components. 即可組成許多新字。 We call these very helpful little characters 我們稱這些非常實用的簡單中文字為 "key characters", "主要中文字", and we'll teach you these characters early on to help you learn as many 我們會盡早教你這些字 Chinese characters in the fastest and most effective manner possible! 好讓你以最快及最有效率的方法學最多字。 Let me take a few minutes to illustrate 讓我用幾分鐘來解釋 the ABCs of Chinese approach to learning Chinese characters ABCs of Chinese 的中文字學習方法 so you can see exactly how digestible this curriculum is. 了解這個課程是多麼好上手。 Remember how we said there are a total of 400 simple pictographs? 還記得我們說一共有400個簡單的象形圖片嗎? Here are the 30 most commonly used to form Chinese characters: 這裡有組成中文字最常用的30個部件: mouth or opening 嘴巴或開口 water 水 hand 手 tree 樹 person 人 plant 草 speaking or words 說話或字 land 土地 woman 女子 sun 太陽 movement 行動 heart 心 heart 心 gold or metal 金屬 silk 絲 meat 肉 insect 蟲 city or hill 城市或山丘 fire 火 eye 眼睛 jade 玉 covering 覆蓋 money 錢 bamboo 竹子 mountain 山 bird 鳥 wheat or grain 穀類 sick 生病 stone 石頭 knife 刀子 These 30 basic components combine with each other to form 這30個部件可以組成 nearly 180 different Chinese characters. 將近180個不同的中文字。 That means just by knowing these 30 basic components, 也就是說,只要懂這30個部件, you will be able to write 180 different characters! 你就會寫180個字了! Go ahead and pause the video here to take a closer look and see that 待會你可以暫停影片然後看看這些字, these Chinese characters aren't just a collection of random lines. 你會發現這些字不是隨機的線條, They are all composed of the same 30 basic parts. 而是這30個相同部件的相互組合。 Aside from these 180 characters, 除了這180個字, these 30 simple components also appear in 這30個部件也出現在 over 2,500 other Chinese characters! 超過2500個字中! So, by knowing them, 只要知道這30個部件, you will be one step closer to being able to read 你就幾乎可以 and write over 2,500 characters. 讀跟寫超過2500個字了! Learning 30 components is learning one a day for a month... 要學30個部件, 可以一天學一個共一個月, or 2 days worth of work if you're really motivated! 如果你很有動力的的話, 兩天就可以學30個! Allow me to carry out the math for you. 讓我幫你算一算, On average, it will take you 10 minutes 一般來說,學一個部件並做完所有練習 to finish all of the exercises to learn a component. 大約需要10分鐘, This is factoring in that the exercises will take you longer in the beginning 這包括了一開始需要花 較長的時間來完成練習, while you're getting used to working with a pictographic writing system, 但你越來越熟悉象形字系統後, but you'll complete the exercises much faster as you progress. 你完成練習的速度會越來越快。 So that's 10 minutes a level, 所以,一個部件10分鐘, multiplied by 400 levels, 乘以400個部件, equals 4,000 minutes, 得到4000分鐘, which is approximately 70 hours. which is approximately 70 hours. 大約是70個小時。 70 hours of hands-on time is not much time at all. 總共練習70個小時其實不是太久。 If you're currently living in Asia and have a busy schedule, 如果你目前居住在亞洲而且生活忙碌, in the beginning maybe you'll only spend ten minutes 一開始你一天可能只會花10分鐘 to learn one component a day. 學一個部件。 But we suspect that very quickly 但是我們假設很快的, the more you learn, the more you will want to learn, 你學的越多,就會想學更多, especially once you start noticing the components on the street 特別是你開始在街道的招牌上 that you have been learning! 注意到你學過的部件! Once you realize the benefit, 一旦你了解這個好處, you very well might start doubling up or tripling up 很可能你一天會花雙倍或三倍的時間 and spending 20-30 minutes to learn two or three a day. 來學2到3個部件。 Going at this rate, you're looking at about 180 days - 6 months. 以這個速度來看,大約180天, 也就是6個月就可以完成了! If you're an ambitious student who is serious about learning 如果你是個非常有野心又認真的學生, lots of Chinese characters in a hurry, 想要快速得學很多個中文字, all the power to you! 太棒了! Are you willing to commit an hour to learn 6 components a day? 你願意一天花一小時學6個部件嗎? At this rate it will only take you 67 days - 以這個速度來看,你只要花67天, just over 2 months. 只比兩個月多一點。 Can you do an hour in the morning and another hour in the afternoon? 你可以早上練一個小時, 下午再練一個小時嗎? If you can commit to learning 12 basic components a day, 如果你願意一天學12個部件, you will learn all 400 in 34 days 那麼400個部件只需要34天, and then you will be ready to tear through Chinese characters! 然後你就可以拆解所有中文字了! There's one last thing to mention: 最後還有一件事要提到, you don't need to worry about forgetting any of the components 在學習的過程中,你不用擔心會忘記 you learn early on as you continue to learn more and more components. 之前學過的部件。 Every component you learn 你所學的每一個部件都會被排進 will be queued into your personalized "Review Quiz". 你的"複習測驗"中。 The engine of your Review Quiz 你的"複習測驗"的程式 是以記憶體來優化的, runs on memory-optimizing spaced repetition algorithms. 間隔重複演算法運算, These algorithms are designed 這個演算法是設計來 to keep the basic components and characters fresh in your mind 讓你對學過的部件保持記憶鮮明, and also to schedule your reviews efficiently 也幫你有效的設計複習課程, so that you don't waste unnecessary time 不致浪費你的時間在 reviewing components that you already know well. 你已經熟悉的部件上。 The Review Quizzes work like this: 這個複習測驗是這樣子的: you will be given a super fast Review Quiz 在學了一個新部件的8個小時之後, 8 hours after you learn a component. 你會先做一個快速的複習測驗。 You will have to take this quiz 你必須先做這個測驗, before you can continue to learn any new components. 才能繼續學下一個部件。 After taking the quiz, you must grade yourself on it. 做完測驗後,你必須自己打分數。 You will be given the following choices: 你會看到以下幾個選項: I forgot 我忘記了 I made a mistake 我犯錯了 Correct but slow 正確但緩慢 Very easy 很簡單 The way you grade yourself will determine 你給自己打的分數決定了 how much time will lapse until your next review of the current component. 到這個部件下一次練習的間隔。 For example, if you forgot, 比方說,如果你忘記了, you will immediately be quizzed on it again at the end of your quiz, 在測驗的最後,你馬上就會再做一次練習, and in addition you will be quizzed on it again the following day. 另外,隔天你必須再做一次測驗。 If you selected "Very easy!", 如果你選擇"很簡單!" your next quiz won't be scheduled for several days. 下一次的測驗就會在幾天之後。 Over time, after you have been quizzed on a component several times, 測驗同一個部件幾次之後, the algorithm learns which components you tend to struggle with 演算程式就知道 你比較容易忘記哪一些部件, and which ones you consistently have very strong retention of. 又哪一些是你記得很清楚的。 Those components that you struggle with 你比較容易忘的那些部件 will appear in your review quizzes more frequently, 會比較常出現在你的複習測驗中, and components you consistently grade as "Very Easy" 而那些你已經熟記的部件 will be seen very rarely. 就會比較少出現。 We take care of scheduling all the periodic reviews for you 我們負責幫你規劃複習測驗的時間表 to ensure you see the components often enough 確認你會常看到這些部件 to burn them into your long-term memory, 而把它們存在長期記憶庫裡, but not more often than necessary! 但又不致於過度重複。 We've worked hard to make the writing curriculum at the ABCs of Chinese 我們努力要讓ABCs of Chinese的寫字課程 as motivating, entertaining, and game-like as possible. 盡量像遊戲一般可以引發學習動力又有趣。 Each component is its own level, 每一個部件都是一關, and in each level there are several fun exercises 每一關裡都有幾個有趣的練習 that guarantee you will learn the component. 讓你學習這個部件。 On average it will take you 10 minutes to finish a level - 平均來說,完成一關大約需要10分鐘, and by "finish a level" 而"完成"的意思是 we mean "really learn a pictographic component". "真正的"學會這個象形部件。 You will learn how to say it, 你會學到如何念, how to write it correctly, 如何正確地寫, how to immediately spot it in a Chinese character 如何快速地在中文字裡找到這個部件, and also see how it combines with other basic components 以及學到它如何運用本身的意思及發音 to lend its meaning and pronunciation. 和其他部件組合。 As you successfully complete each level, 當你成功的完成每一關, you will "discover" 你就會"發現" every Chinese character the basic component appears in. 每一個含有這個部件的中文字。 Then, once you have learned all of the components that form 接著,一旦你學了一個中文字裡 a particular Chinese character, 所有的部件, that character will be "unlocked" for you to learn. 那個字就會被"解開"。 Also, you're earning points and trophies along the way 當然,在你學習的過程會得到星星及獎杯, AND you can track your friends' and fellow students' progress. 同時你也可以追蹤你的朋友 或學生的學習進度。 Are you ready to give the ABCs of Chinese writing curriculum a try? 你準備好要試一試 ABCs of Chinese 的課程了嗎? Click the "Create a free trial account" button at www.abcsofchinese.com 到 www.abcsofchinese.com 點選"註冊免費試用帳號" to learn the 30 most frequently used basic components, 開始學習30個最常用的部件, enabling you to write 180 Chinese characters 你就可寫出180個中文字, and discover over 2500 Chinese characters 同時發現有2500個 that contain those 30 building blocks. 含有這30個部件的中文字。 Or try the interactive demo 或者也可以點選"互動示範影片", to see exactly how our writing curriculum works! 了解我們的課程! We hope you enjoyed this "pictographic" video presentation! 希望你會喜歡這個"象形"的介紹影片, If you're just starting out or considering 如果你才剛開始學中文, if you want to study Chinese or not, 或正在考慮是否要學, already living in Asia and functionally illiterate, 目前住在亞洲國家但像個"功能性文盲", or studying Chinese in university 或者正在大學裡學中文, be sure to watch the next segment, "The Importance of Learning Chinese." 請接著看下一段影片, "The Importance of Learning Chinese." �
B1 中級 中文 部件 中文字 測驗 複習 組合 學習 第2B部分--中文教學法ABC篇 (Part 2B- ABCs of Chinese Teaching Methodology) 1522 118 姚易辰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字