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Background music playing. It's our first meal in Scotland, so we've
decided to go with something very typical. We're going to be eating the National dish,
which is Haggis. So let's go into Whisky Room. So today's meal is all about Haggis. We are
starting with Haggis spring rolls. So let's see what those are like. We've had a lot of
spring rolls lately in Thailand, Vietnam and other places in SE Asia. Mmmmmm. Never Haggis.
And it's also the first time trying haggis. Oh, so hot! Is it hot? Mmmmmm. I'm pleasantly
surprised. Oh, yeah. Haggis is good people! Those are hot. Mmmmmm. Wow, so many flavors.
It's delicious. I think I've found myself my new favorite spring roll. Haggis spring
rolls. Background my playing.
So for those of you who aren't familiar with Haggis it's a savory pudding made with sheep's
pluck. And that means a sheep's heart, liver and lungs. And if that doesn't sound appetizing
enough it's wrapped in the sheep's stomach and it also includes spices and some oats
and onions. So that's what we're going to be trying.
Background music playing. It's time to cover this bad boy in some gravy.
Oh my, oh my. Look at that. So Haggis is served with neeps and tatties,
which is basically turnips and potatoes. First bite. So I've got lots of haggis here. Neeps
and tatties. Lots of gravy. The verdict. It's awesome. Yeah. That's not
an acquired taste. I love it on the very first bite.
Do you like it as much as I do? It's a really nice rich winter dish. And like
normally I don't like organs. I've had liver before and it has a very strong flavor but
somehow when it's all mixed together and they add spices and the gravy it's perfect. I like
it. I like haggis! And it's a cold day today so I'm trying something
else very Scottish here. It's a nice warm drink. It's called a Hot Toddy. It's got hot
water, whisky, lemon and honey. And that sounds good to me. Take a sip. Oh yeah. It goes down
nice. Okay, First sip of the Hot Toddy. I'm not
I've ever even tried this whiskey. So let's how it is in a hot drink.
Ooooh. It's nice. It really warms you up but it's not a strong and overpowering as I thought
it would be. This is nice. And it's also very aromatic because they've put some cloves along
with the lemon. Like Christmas. So far you're liking Scottish
food. Yeah. Background music playing.
Background music playing. What's your name? Sam. Sam how you doing man?
We're doing a deep-fried snickers, a Twix and we've already done a Mars bar already.
Awesome. I'm going to unwrap it. Stick it in the batter. I can't tell you that because
it's my secret. Hahaha...secret recipe? Of course. The Twix. One. Two. Mix it around.
Give it a little shake. And there it goes. Ah, that looks good. Now for the Twix. Here
is the Twix. There you go. How long do you put them in there? Emmmm, we just keep it
about...2 or 3 minutes. We fry them separately. This is just for the Mars bars. Mars bars
only. Awesome. So the temperature. This is 170 degrees. And while the batter cooks the
chocolate will melt. So the batter will cook before the chocolate. Ahhh, perfect. That's
so cool. So we've been hearing lots about the Mars
bars but Sam here went overboard and tried three different chocolate bars that have been
deep fried. So what do you have? Well, at the recommendation of the guy at the chip
shop. He recommended I also try the Snickers and the Twix bar, so we've got it all right
here. Let's unwrap that. I don't want to drop it here. Okay. Let's see that thing of beauty.
Isn't that gorgeous. Alright, so which is which? So I believe this is the Snickers.
We've got the two Twixes here and that is the Mars bar. Alright. And you're feeling
a little queasy today, so I'm going to be the one trying them all. Yes, you are. Enjoy!
So first up. And you can tell they really feel as though they've been deep-fried and
melted. This is flimsy in the hand. Ewww. Yeah, this is a Mars bar. I can tell from
what is seeping out. Take a bite. Oh, Wow. That is so much better than just having it
on its own. It's all melted inside. It's gooey. And you've got the crispiness from the batter
on the outside. Mmmmmm. One more bite. Next up Twix. Next up we have the Twix. This one
is a little longer. Oh yeah. Is it still crunchy? Yeah, it's still crunchy on the inside. You
can see this. All the chocolate has melted on the outside. It's just so much better than
having it normally. And the best for last. Best for last. My favorite
of all these bars is the Snickers, so I have high expectations for the deep-fried version
here. The battered version. Oh yeah. It just melts. All caramel and chocolate inside and
the peanuts. Oh,. Let's see the inside of it? That is amazing.
Okay, so you've tried all three. Which was our favorite? Definitely the Snickers. Why?
Because I love Snickers bars and this just enhanced it. So, it's not surprising that
taking something that is already unhealthy and making it even unhealthier would make
it taste better.
Music playing. So this afternoon we are going to be doing
a little bit of a taste test. So we've raided a Scottish supermarket and picked out some
items that we thought looked very local. So we're going to try those and see what they're
like. Yeah, overall we've got five different things. Two beverages and three things to
eat. So first up I'm going to be trying something
called Irn Bru and apparently after Whisky this is Scotland's second national drink and
it looks like a regular fizzy drink. It kind of looks like it could be orange flavored
but I hear it's just sweet and doesn't really taste like fruit. Oh, I'm going to need help
opening this. Hahahaha Rawwwr. Thank you kindly.
So it smells very sweet and sugary. It doesn't smell like orange.
Hahaha. It's a bit like cream soda maybe. It's just
really really sweet. Like sweeter than Pepsi or 7Up. Oh yeah?
Yeah, it reminds me a lot of cream soda as well. Which isn't my favorite beverage, so
overall I don't think I'm going to be an Irn Bru man anytime soon.
Next up we've got Mackie's of Scotland's Haggis and cracked black pepper flavored chips or
crisps as they like to call them here. Right, exactly. Chips here would be referring to
like french fries, so we're going to call these crisps. Let's open it up here. It's
going to be like Kettle style chips. Crisps, I mean. Kettle style crisps. Let's try this.
You can tell that has a smokey flavor. Can you taste the Haggis? Ummmm, yeah, kind
of but I mean it has more of a an all dressed smokey flavor in my opinion. I do like them.
Why won't you be trying any of those delectable crisps? Well, I got really sick shortly after
eating Haggis, so just the name, just the sound of Haggis kind of makes my stomach turn
a little bit, so I'm staying away from haggis flavored chips this time around, which is
good for me because I get to eat them all. I like them. Good.
And what do we have here? Next up we have Crabbie's. Here in the back it says that it
is best served chilled with ice and lemon but we have neither of those. Room temperature?
And actually we don't even know if this is Scottish or not but I think so. Let's assume.
It says following in the pioneering footsteps of the first Scots. Well, there we go. And
what is it? I think it's a Ginger beer isn't it? Ginger beer, okay. With alcohol.
Hmmmmm, what does that mean? Ginger beer. Hahahaha. That's exactly what is is. It tastes
very gingery? Yes, I don't love beer, so I'm not going to say I love it but it's a nice
smell. It smells like ginger tea. Tell me how you like it?
Oh yeah, I like that a lot. It's got a very. It's quite sweet. I mean normally beer doesn't
have this sweet of a taste, so this is a nice refreshing beverage. Refreshing at room temperature.
True. And we've got Butterscotch chocolate. Let's
give it a go. Hahaha, that's upside down but that's okay.
Let's try a piece of this. Mmmmmm. Oh wow! Oh yeah, you really taste the butterscotch.
It's creamy and sweet and delicious. Is this milk chocolate or is it dark bitter
chocolate? No, it's really sweet. You'll love it. It kind of reminds me of Dulce de Leche.
Dulce de Leche chocolate huh? Like it then? Yeah. I do like it. I mean normally organic
chocolate isn't that great in my opinion because it's a little bitter. A bit too natural for
me. But this is quite nice. She takes another bite. Nice and sweet. It's creamy.
Shortbread cookies. This is Christmas in a tin. Mmmm, smells like Christmas? Oooooh,
those look good. I can tell I'm going to like this. Nice big thick cookies. Crispy? Not
crispy. Just crunchy Christmas cookies, you know? Mmmmmm. Going to share those? Maybe.
You know this would make a really souvenir people. If you're visiting Scotland get Scottish
shortbread. Those are real good. It reminds me of my Mom's
shortbread cookies. She used to make for me for Christmas and I would eat a lot of those.
And last but not least we have tablet, which is a sweet treat that everyone has been talking
about. And this is what I'm most looking forward to having. This is supposed to be very much
like fudge and so I can't wait to try it. This one is whisky flavored. Mmmmm....mmmm.
Oh yeah! So I'm just going to go at this like it's
a chocolate bar. Just bite right in. Smells good. Oh, wow. That is really really really
sweet. Is it soft, crunchy, gooey, chewy? It's a little. I wouldn't call it crunch.
It kind of crumbles in your mouth and yeah I can taste a hint of the whisky. I mean it's
not overpowering. It's more sweet than anything else but there is definitely a hint of whisky.
It smells like cheese. Take a bite. That's the smallest nibble ever. Okay, it's sweet
when you taste it but it smells like cheese. I'm not kidding. Is that the whisky smell?
Could be yeah. Do you like the taste though? Yes. Even though I'm just nibbling at it.
I'm like grazing it with my teeth. It does taste nice. Very sweet. The smell? Mmmmm-ooooh.
The smell doesn't do it for you? It gets a nay from me.
Okay, so favorites. What was the best thing you ate? I really liked the tablet and the
ginger beer the most. Why? Well, I just love to eat fudge and I like to drink beer - especially
anything with ginger in it. Gingery beers....mmmmm. Okay, so my favorite I would say was the shortbread
cookies. Those were really nice. It reminds me of Christmas and least favorite I'd have
to say the tablet just because it smelled really bad. I'm sure regular tablet is great
but the Whisky flavored one I'm telling you it smells like cheese. Like go buy a pack
and sniff that and come back to me. And I think the thing we both didn't like was the
Irn Bru. Yeah, it's a bit too sweet but not terrible. I didn't like it at all. That was
my least favorite by far. Anyways, so yeah when you come to Scotland try out these products
and try out other things and let us know what you think. And if you have any suggestions
of things that we should try while we're here in Edinburgh just leave it in the comments
below. I think tomorrow we're going to be hunting for some deep-fried pizza. Number
one goal. Yeah, we just had the deep-fried chocolate bars today so. Okay, tootles. Bye.