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  • Hi, I'm Carl Azuz, delivering your Tuesday edition of CNN 10.

    大家好,我是 Carl Azuz,為各位送上週二的 CNN 10。

  • It's always good to see you.


  • The South Asian country of India is our first stop today.


  • It's experiencing a new wave of coronavirus infections and it's a big one.


  • India is the second most populated nation on the planet.


  • It's roughly a third the size of the United States, but it has 4 times the number of peoplemore than 1.3 billion live in India.

    它大約是美國的三分之一大,但它的人口數量是四倍——超過 13 億人生活在印度。

  • Health experts say the country's first wave of coronavirus infections peaked last September-Octoberat that time, India was reporting about 100,000 positive tests per day.

    衛生專家說,該國的第一波新型冠狀病毒爆發在去年 9 月至 10 月達到頂峰,當時印度每天有約 10 萬個確診。

  • The numbers dipped during the winter, but this month, they skyrocketed.


  • India has recorded more than 300,000 new cases each day for most of the last weekthat's an international record.

    在過去一週的大部分時間裡,印度每天都有超過 30 萬個新病例,這是一項全球紀錄。

  • In the capital of New Delhi, there is both a lockdown and a shortage of oxygen supplies.


  • The gas is used to help people who are critically sick and having trouble breathing.


  • But New Delhi doesn't produce its own oxygen, so it's asked the country's government to send help, which it has promised to provide.


  • Other nations like the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Singapore, and Russia are offering oxygen or other medical supplies.


  • So is Pakistan, and that's significant because even though it shares a border with India, the two nations are bitter rivals.


  • Despite India's spike in coronavirus cases, the country's medical officials are telling people not to panic.


  • A large percentage of those who test positive for COVID have no symptoms.


  • But if people with mild cases rushed to hospitals anywaywhich some of them haveit puts pressure on medical centers and makes it harder for them to focus on those who are at higher risk from severe cases.


  • One expert says people who have mild or no symptoms should treat themselves at home,


  • 10-second trivia: Which of these empires dissolved the most recently?

    10 秒問答:以下哪個帝國是最近期瓦解的?

  • Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, Qing Dynasty, or Russian Empire.


  • Of these options, only the Ottoman Empire lasted until 1922.

    這些選項中,只有奧斯曼帝國留存到 1922 年。

  • In 1914, the Ottoman Empire was home to about 2 million Armenians, an ancient group of people who lived in the region.

    1914 年,奧斯曼帝國是約 200 萬亞美尼亞人的家園,居住在該地區的是古老的族群。

  • By 1922, the number of Armenians, and what had become Turkey, had fallen to 400,000.

    到 1922 年,亞美尼亞人和已經成為土耳其的人數下降到 40 萬。

  • What happened to them?


  • Armenians say it was genocide, that during World War One, the Ottoman Empire murdered or forced hundreds of thousands of Armenians to flee.


  • And there is photographic evidence that large numbers of Armenians were killed.


  • Turkey strongly opposes the use of the word "genocide".


  • Its government says Turkish and Armenian lives were lost during World War One, and that the number of Armenians who died is closer to 300,000.

    其政府表示,土耳其人和亞美尼亞人在世界大戰期間都有損失生命,而亞美尼亞人的死亡人數接近 30 萬。

  • The term "genocide" has divided Turkey and Armenia; it's also a word that American leaders have hesitated to use.


  • The last one who referred to the genocide of Armenians was former President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

    上一次提到對亞美尼亞人進行種族滅絕的是 1981 年的前總統隆納·雷根。

  • But this month, President Joe Biden officially recognized the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.


  • Turkey rejected his statement and said it would worsen the nation's relationship, but that country's leader also said he aims to open a new door with the US this June.


  • For many Armenians, recognizing the brutality endured by their ancestors is a crucial step in righting a historic wrong.


  • But modern-day Turkey that rose from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire has long maintained the killings were not systematic, were smaller in number, and do not meet the legal definition of genocide.


  • In fact, the word genocide and the legal framework around it only entered the mainstream after World War Two.


  • The word was coined by a polish lawyer to describe the Nazi's systematic attempt to eradicate Jews in Europe, what we now call the Holocaust.


  • Turkey has softened its position over the years, with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 2014 issuing a first-ever statement, calling the events of 1915, "a shared pain" and offering condolences to the descendants of the killed.

    多年來,土耳其的立場有所軟化,土耳其領導人在 2014 年首次發表聲明,稱 1915 年的事件是「共同的痛苦」,並向遇難者的後代表示慰問。

  • Turkey still argues the events need to be put in historical context, that hundreds of thousands of people from other groups also lost their lives in rampant killings, some of which were carried out by Armenians.


  • The historical debate has long been overshadowed by politics, in recognition of the Armenian genocide.


  • For years, Turkey's allies in the West had sidestepped the label of genocide in order to keep Ankara in the fold.


  • As Turkey's ties with the West became rockier than ever, a slew of genocide recognition bills have been passed in European capitals.


  • Turkey's rivals, like Russia and Syria, also jumped in to recognize the genocide label.


  • One of the remaining holdouts has been the United States.


  • But with US-Turkish relations strained to new lows over the last 2 years, momentum has been building in Washington to recognize the events as a genocide.


  • During his term, President Obama shied away from using the term "genocide", choosing to call it "metz yeghern", an Armenian term meaning "the Great Calamity".

    歐巴馬總統在他的任期內迴避使用種族滅絕一詞,選擇稱其為「metz yeghern」,一個亞美尼亞用語,意思是大災難。

  • In 2019, both the Senate and House passed a resolution to recognize the Armenian genocide, but President Trump refused to call the events a genocide.

    2019 年,參議院和眾議院都通過了一項承認亞美尼亞種族滅絕的決議,但川普總統拒絕將這些事件稱為種族滅絕。

  • Arwa Damon, CNN, Istanbul.

    CNN 的 Arwa Damon 在伊斯坦堡進行報導。

  • The R&D is moving ahead on the Hyperloop, an extremely high speed form of magnetic rail transportation.


  • It's still unknown if it'll make financial sense to build Hyperloop passenger networks, they may not be able to carry as many passengers as current trains, and there are concerns about catastrophic accidents if something goes wrong.


  • So what's going right?


  • November 8, 2020, just outside Las Vegas, Nevada, Virgin Hyperloop passed another milestone in its ambitious journey to revolutionize the way we move.

    2020 年 11 月 8 日,就在內華達州的拉斯維加斯郊外,維珍超迴路列車在雄心勃勃改變我們的移動方式上通過了另一個里程碑。

  • It carried out its first passenger ride.


  • 3, 2, 1, launch.


  • Josh Giegel, CEO and Co-founder of Virgin Hyperloop, and Sara Luchian, the Director of Passenger Experience, were the first to test it out.

    維珍超迴路列車的 CEO 暨聯合創辦人 Josh Giegel 和乘客體驗長 Sarah Lucien,是第一個測試的人。

  • And what was that experience like for you?


  • Oh, it was absolutely incredible.


  • It was phenomenal to be sitting in a vehicle that we've designed, built, we've made safe.


  • And once we started going down the pod, we felt a nice gentle acceleration, and then we gotit's a pretty short test, but we got to the end, and all we want to do is go back again.


  • Yes, Yes.


  • Virgin Hyperloop is harnessing magnetic levitation technology and wants to take it to the next level.


  • And what we want to do is be the first new mode of mass transportation over 100 years.

    我們想做的是成為 100 多年來第一個新的大眾運輸方式。

  • So we're not a plane, we're not a car, we're not a boat.


  • What we are is a pod moving inside of a tube at the speed of an aircraft for a fraction of the energy consumption, basically taking you directly from where you are to where you want to be without stopping in every place along the way.


  • Smooth, electrically, sustainably, autonomously.


  • It's this idea thatbeing able to move 10 times faster than, you know, a car and doing that for a fraction of the emissions, being able to connect, being able to move so many people, being able to save so many, I'll say tons of emissionsis that is really going to open up a lot of opportunities.

    這是一種能夠比汽車快 10 倍,而且只用一小部分的排放量就能做到的想法,能夠聯繫,感動這麼多人,減少這麼多排放量, 我要說的是,這真的會帶來很多的機會。

  • Has the pandemic altered the course of your planning or the execution of your pilot projects? What impact has it had for you?


  • The thing that I think is, maybe a little bit of a silver lining, if we could say that about the pandemic, is that it's really accelerated the talk about sustainability.


  • We've seen a world with less congestion, we've seen a liworld with less pollution.


  • We've also felt this absolute human desire to be connected to each other.


  • So, we want to see each other, we want things faster, and this is the opportunity for us to rethink what it is we're doing about the future and make some changes.


  • And instead of building back the past, we can actually build back the future


  • The fight to decide the one true Josh—10 out of 10!

    10 秒趣事——決定誰是真正的 Josh。

  • Last year, this dude named Josh challenged other dudes named Josh to a Battle Royale.

    在去年,這個叫 Josh 的傢伙向其他同名的傢伙發出挑戰。

  • Whoever won would get to keep his name, the others would have to change theirs.


  • Well, scores of Josh's showed up; there was so much interest that the event raised money for a food bank and a children's hospital.

    有幾十個 Josh 出現,而人們對這活動太有興趣,還為一家食品銀行和一家兒童醫院籌集了資金。

  • And after a giant fight with pool noodles, a 4-year-old nicknamed Little Josh came out the victor.

    在用泡棉棒進行了一場盛大的打鬥後,一個綽號為小 Josh 的四歲孩子成為了贏家。

  • Oh my "Josh"! Now, you might have thought we were just "joshing" you until you saw that "josh" pit, but "josh" you wait, when a battle results in that many "joshes" getting their "joshed" desserts, "joshtice" has been servedthat is hard to say.

    我的老天!你可能以為我們只是在開玩笑,直到你看到滿滿的 Josh,但是你等著,在許多 Josh 進行打鬥過後,正義就會伸張了。——今天的雙關好繞口。(原文用 josh 做雙關)

  • I'm Carl Azuz serving up puns for CNN 10.

    我是在 CNN 10 提供雙關的 Carl Azuz 。

  • We're also happy to be serving the students and teachers of Butler Area Senior High Schoolit's located in Butler, Pennsylvania.


  • 10 is the place to request a shout-out.

    歡迎在 CNN10 的 Youtube 頻道請求致敬。

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz, delivering your Tuesday edition of CNN 10.

大家好,我是 Carl Azuz,為各位送上週二的 CNN 10。

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