字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 On an overcast day in May 2020, 2020年5月的一個陰天, a satellite captures this image 一顆衛星在台灣附近海域拍到了這張照片。 over the sea near Taiwan. 乍看起來,照片上好像只有雲。 At first it appears to just show clouds, 直到你放大……並增強圖像。 until you look closer and enhance the image. 你所看到的是石油被轉移到一艘 What you see here is a transfer of oil 最終將前往朝鮮的船上的情景, to a ship that will end up in North Korea 此舉可能違反國際制裁。 in a possible violation of international sanctions. 秘密的石油輸送對朝鮮經濟至關重要。 Covert oil deliveries are crucial to North Korea's 對其彈道和核武器計畫也是如此。 economy and its ballistic and nuclear weapons program. 我們的調查重點關注石油進入朝鮮的一種途徑。 Our investigation focuses on one way oil 我們追蹤了一艘油輪的動向, is getting to North Korea. 以及與它相關的不透明公司結構。 We followed the movements of a single tanker 我們花了幾個月揭開了那艘船的秘密。 and the opaque corporate structures that surround it. 它的名字是Diamond 8。 We spent months unraveling the story of the ship. 聯合國多次確認它曾違規前往朝鮮。 It's called the Diamond 8, and it's been identified 我們造訪了企業、港口, by the United Nations multiple times for its illicit trips 追蹤了海上的油輪。 to North Korea. 一切工作都是為了找出誰在這些航程幕後。 We visited businesses, ports, and tracked tankers at sea, 我們發現了複雜的關係網, all to find out who was behind these voyages. 其中許多與總部位於新加坡的石油貿易商 What we discovered were elaborate networks, 永順集團有關聯, many that connect to the Singapore-headquartered 並且主要通過旗下的台灣永順船舶公司運作。 oil trader the Winson Group, primarily through its 「滿足您的需求。永順集團。」 Taiwan operation Winson Shipping. 我們的調查包括了 “Catering to your needs. 研究機構RUSI和C4ADS報告中的發現, Winson Group.” 首次揭示了永順集團如何 Our investigation, which includes findings from 在朝鮮獲取石油的行動中發揮作用。 a new report by the research groups RUSI and C4ADS, 一艘油輪通往金正恩政權的路線可謂盤根錯節。 reveals for the first time how the Winson Group plays a role 當我們用關係圖來呈現這一切, in North Korea's bid to get oil. 看起來是這樣的: The path from a single tanker to Kim Jong-un's regime 所以我們要做一些簡化, is convoluted. 把重點放在Diamond 8上。 When we laid it all out in a flow chart, 我們還將研究兩艘向Diamond 8 運輸石油的油輪: it looks like this — so we're going to simplify it Ever Grandeur和Superstar。 by focusing on the Diamond 8. 這些油輪之間的聯繫不僅限於海上的碰頭。 And we'll also look at two tankers that transport oil 與它們有關聯的一些人, to it — the Ever Grandeur and the Superstar. 在表面上似乎與彼此毫不相干。 These ships are connected by more than just their meet-ups 但當我們深入研究, at sea. 會發現大多數關鍵人物 They have ties to a handful of people who on the surface 都與中國福建省的一個村莊有瓜葛。 seem unconnected, but when we looked deeper, 他們也都與永順船舶公司和永順集團有關係。 we found that most of the key individuals are linked 讓我們先看看石油是如何抵達朝鮮的。 to the same village in China's Fujian Province. 我們分析了Diamond 8的圖片和過往影片, And they all have connections to both Winson Shipping 將它們與衛星圖像進行匹配, and the Winson Group. 並進行測量以創造一個視覺指紋。 Let's first look at how the oil gets to North Korea. 這讓我們得以追蹤Diamond 8去年的動向。 We analyzed photos and past videos of the Diamond 8, 通過向追蹤朝鮮港口油輪的專家尋求證實, matched them with satellite imagery 我們確認了這些發現。 and took measurements to create a visual fingerprint. 我們將展示它兩次前往朝鮮的行程。 This allowed us to follow the Diamond 8's movements 第一次是在2020年2月,從這裡開始: last year. 空船停泊在福建省海域。 We confirmed our findings with experts 這是一個歷史上石油走私猖獗的地區。 who track oil tankers in North Korean ports. 它出發後, We're going to show you two of its trips to North Korea. 從在台灣附近的Ever Grandeur那裡取得石油, The first one, in February 2020, starts here, 然後徑直前往朝鮮。 idling empty in the waters off of Fujian province, 這條線路相當直接。 a region where oil smuggling has historically been rampant. 我們在2020年5月發現的另一次 則並非如此。 It heads out and picks up oil from the Ever Grandeur 但以下是我們所知的事實。 near Taiwan and goes straight to North Korea. Diamond 8沿著台灣海岸向南行駛。 That trip is pretty direct. 它於4月30日經過一個港口, The one we uncovered in May 2020, not so much. 在那裡,另一艘更大的紅色油輪正在裝油。 But here's what we know. 根據這兩艘船的傳輸信號, The Diamond 8 sets off down Taiwan's coast. 這艘當時名叫Superstar的油輪, It passes a port on April 30, 跟隨Diamond 8駛向國際水域。 where a second, much larger red tanker is loading up oil. 多雲的天空看上去遮擋了當日的衛星觀測。 That tanker, called Superstar at the time, 但透過雲層的一個洞可以看到石油的轉移。 follows the Diamond 8 to international waters, 有三週時間,Diamond 8沒有駛入任何港口, according to the ship's transmissions. 大多數時候待在開放水域裡。 Cloudy skies that day appear to shield the operation 然後,它開始向北航行。 from satellites, but as we saw, a hole in the clouds 它的必要傳輸信號消失了八天, reveals the oil transfer. 但我們發現它在這段時間裡 停靠在朝鮮的這個港口, For three weeks, the Diamond 8 doesn't enter any ports. 船的大小和特徵與Diamond 8相符, It's mostly just lingering in open waters. 這一發現得到了專家的證實。 Then it sails north. 當我們再次發現它時, Its required transmission signal 信號已經恢復, disappears for eight days, but we found it 船回到了台灣附近與Superstar會合, during that window in this port in North Korea. 獲取更多石油。 The dimensions and features match the Diamond 8, 我們想知道Ever Grandeur 和Superstar這兩艘 a finding confirmed by experts. 為Diamond 8提供石油的輪船 是由誰在運作。 When we spot it again, its signal is back on 於是我們查看了船隻記錄, and it's back near Taiwan, meeting up with the Superstar 檢查它們的歷史和管理資料。 to get more oil. 讓我們先從Ever Grandeur開始。 We wanted to know who was behind the Ever Grandeur 事實上,它停泊在台灣高雄港的時候, and Superstar, the two ships that supplied the oil 我們進行了實地拍攝。 to the Diamond 8, so we looked at shipping records 五英里以外就是控制這艘油輪的公司。 to examine their history and management. 叫做榮耀船運。 Let's start with the Ever Grandeur. 永順船舶公司的高層簡苑如告訴我們, We actually went and filmed it while it sat idle 榮耀船運不是他們設立的。 in the port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. 但我們發現了這兩家公司的關聯: Only five miles away is the company 榮耀船運地址所在的樓層, that controls the ship. 正為永順船舶公司所有。 It's called Glory Sparkling. 在我們提出問題後, 地址才出現了變更。 Chien Yuan Ju, a Winson Shipping executive, 此外,榮耀船運的網站 told us they didn't set up Glory Sparkling. 是以永順船舶員工的名字註冊的。 But we found clues the companies are interconnected. 我們還有證據表明, Glory Sparkling's address was on floors owned 永順船舶公司高級經理左發生, by Winson Shipping. 就是這裏這位在永順集團創始人 董欣躍身邊的人, Its address changed only after we started asking questions. 也曾在榮耀船運工作: And Glory Sparkling's website, it was registered with 我們在這兩家公司的文件上 都找到了他的簽名, the name of a Winson Shipping employee. 包括Ever Grandeur的文件。 We also have evidence showing that a high-ranking Ever Grandeur註冊地巴拿馬的 官員告訴我們, Winson Shipping manager named Zuo Fasheng, 他們的記錄顯示, seen here with the Winson Group's founder, Tony Tung, 左發生目前被列為該船的營運人。 has also worked for Glory Sparkling. 現在,讓我們仔細看看 We found his signature on documents for both companies, 為Diamond 8供油的第二艘船, Superstar。 including on paperwork for the Ever Grandeur. 它的情況實際上要直接許多。 Officials from Panama, where the Ever Grandeur 永順船舶公司擁有這艘船, is registered, told us their records show 並且向我們確認了2020年5月的石油轉運, Zuo Fasheng is currently listed as the operator of the ship. 不過他們告訴我們,該操作進行時, Now let's take a closer look at the Superstar, 輪船是租給別人的, the second ship supplying oil to the Diamond 8. 他們沒有說租給了誰。 It's actually much more straightforward. 所有這些細節表明了 Winson Shipping owns it, and they confirmed 永順船舶與這兩艘向Diamond 8提供石油的船 the May 2020 transfer to us, but told us the ship was leased 是如何聯繫在一起的, to someone else when the operation took place. 即使在聯合國公開揭露Diamond 8 向朝鮮違規運送石油之後 But they haven't said who. 也依然如常。 Together, these details indicate how Winson Shipping 因此,讓我們來關注一下Diamond 8本身。 is connected to both ships that provided oil 它一直到2016年都為永順船舶公司所有。 to the Diamond 8, even after the ship had been publicly 從2016年到2018年, outed by the UN for illicitly delivering oil 每一家與之相關的企業所列出的辦公場所 to North Korea. 都在永順船舶所擁有的樓層上。 So let's look at the Diamond 8 itself. 當我們與他們的船運經理交談時, Winson Shipping actually owned it until 2016. 他說永順船舶公司幾年前賣掉了這艘船, And from then until 2018, every company linked to it 但他也放話稱, listed their addresses and office space as 這艘船去朝鮮「是百分之一萬不可能的」。 owned by Winson Shipping. 事實並非如此。 When we talked to their shipping manager, 我們的調查和聯合國報告顯示, he said that Winson Shipping sold the ship years ago, Diamond 8自2019年底以來至少去過朝鮮四次。 but he also made a bold statement: 因此,要找出Diamond 8背後的運作人究竟是誰 It's “ten thousand percent impossible” 並不是件容易的事。 that it ever went to North Korea. 為了解更多, That's not true. 我們必須把目光投向印尼。 Our investigation and U.N. reports show 這艘船的註冊所有人 the Diamond 8 has been to North Korea 是62歲的退休人士陳智南(音), at least four times since late 2019. 他住在這裡…… So finding out exactly who is behind the Diamond 8 一個很不起眼的社區。 is not straightforward or easy. 他告訴我們,他只是一名水手, To learn more, we had to look to Indonesia. 買不起那艘價值140萬美元的輪船。 The registered owner of the ship 有些事顯然說不通。 is Tan Jeok Nam, a 62-year-old retiree who lives here 於是我們開始尋找是誰把船賣給了他 in a modest neighborhood. ——至少從手續上看。 He told us that he was simply a sailor who couldn't afford 當我們審核銷售單據的時候, to buy the $1.4 million vessel. 我們注意到賣家看上去是 香港商人蔡命賜的女兒。 Something clearly doesn't add up. 而蔡命賜也與管理Diamond 8的公司有關。 So we set out to find who sold him the ship — 當我們走訪這家位於印尼的公司時, at least on paper. 並未看到有航運業務的跡象。 When we reviewed the bill of sale, 這是另一個死胡同。 we noticed the seller appears to be the daughter 再回到退休的水手陳智南。 of Hong Kong-based businessman Tsoi Ming Chi. 關於他,你還需要知道一件重要的事: Tsoi is also linked to the company 他曾在油輪上工作。 that manages the Diamond 8. 其中一艘油輪屬於已故的王天祝 名下的一家香港公司。 When we visited that company in Indonesia, 王蔡兩位商人還有別的共同點。 there was no sign of a shipping business. 他們都與永順集團的公司有關聯, It's another dead end. 這些關係包括一處租賃辦公場所, So back to the retired Indonesian sailor, Tan. 根據研究小組RUSI和C4ADS的一份報告, 還有抵押貸款以及相互交易船舶。 There's one more thing you need to know about him. 此外,王蔡二人還有私人聯繫: He actually used to work on oil tankers. 他們與永順集團創始人董欣躍都與 中國福建省的一個村莊有關。 One of the tankers belonged to a Hong Kong company 該村人口:2600人。 owned by the late Wong Tin Chuk. 事實上…… Wong, Tsoi — these two businessmen 這三人都是該村的同鄉會成員, have something else in common. 也都是同一所中學校友會的成員。 They both have links to Winson companies, 其中兩人曾被指控走私。 including through a leased office space, mortgages, 以董欣躍為例。 and have exchanged ships with each other, 他曾面臨數項走私和行賄調查。 according to a report by research groups 他唯一的定罪後來被撤銷。 RUSI and C4ADS. 根據判決書和官方媒體報導, 在上世紀90年代創立永順集團後不久, And there's a personal nexus, too. 董欣躍和他的兄弟們就被指控 Wong and Tsoi are tied to the Winson Group's founder, 走私香煙和和柴油到中國。 Tony Tung, through the same village 董欣躍的一位兄弟被判了無期徒刑。 in China's Fujian region, population 2,600. 他服刑三年,再後來被赦免。 In fact, all three belonged to the village's hometown club 在審判之時,董欣躍已經離開了中國。 and the alumni association of the same middle school. 過去五年裡, Two of them have been accused of smuggling in the past. 董欣躍已經辭去永順集團的高級行政職位, Take Tony Tung, for example. 把控制權交給了他的女兒董晶晶。 He's faced multiple smuggling and bribery investigations. 她在給時報的聲明中表示, His only conviction was later overturned. 「……對永順集團的指控是毫無根據和虛假的。 Soon after he founded the Winson Group in the 1990s, 永順集團沒有違反對適用於朝鮮 或任何被制裁國家的任何制裁。」 Tung and his brothers were accused 在時報質疑該公司參與向朝鮮輸送石油一事後, of smuggling cigarettes and oil into China, 台灣永順船舶公司改名為正毓船舶。 according to court documents and state media. 曾和時報交談過的主管簡苑如 也不再擔任公司的負責人。 One of Tung's brothers was sentenced to life in prison. 神秘的退休水手…… He served three years and was later pardoned. 石油貿易商…… At the time of the trial, Tung had already left China. 錯綜複雜的企業關係。 Over the last five years, Tung has stepped down 結合起來看,它們揭露了一個複雜的系統, from executive positions at the Winson Group 掩蓋了石油進入朝鮮的一條途徑, and handed over the reins to his daughter, Crystal Tung. 儘管朝鮮正受到有史以來最嚴厲的一些制裁措施。 In a statement to The Times, she said, 同時也說明了金正恩如何繼續藐視國際社會。 “The allegations against Winson Group 至於Diamond 8, are unfounded and false. 它又回到了中國福建…… Winson Group did not take any actions in violation 等待著下一批訂單。 of applicable sanctions against North Korea or any 它的運營者現在用上了一種新伎倆: sanctioned countries.” 傳輸假船名的信號以隱藏真實身份。 After The Times asked questions about the company's 王天祝的公司以及蔡命賜和左發生 都沒有回應時報的提問。 involvement in oil deliveries to North Korea, 永順集團沒有回覆對董欣躍的採訪請求。 Winson Shipping Taiwan changed its name 你好,我是克里斯多佛, to Zheng Yu Shipping. 負責此報導的記者之一。 Chien Yuan Ju, the executive who spoke to The Times, 我們用了數月時間調查是誰 was also replaced as the official representative 在向一艘違反制裁、向朝鮮 運送石油的油輪提供石油。 of the company. 我們查看了大量衛星圖像, The mysterious retired sailor, the oil trader, the maze 審閱了公司記錄,採訪了關鍵人物。 of companies — taken together, they expose an elaborate system 是一次龐大的團隊合作, that conceals one way oil is getting to North Korea 有來自四個國家的記者參與報導。 despite some of the strongest sanctions in history, 您剛看完的影片只是我們報導的一小部分, and how Kim Jong-un continues to defy 您可以在nytimes.com/visualinvestigations the international community. 找到更多細節。 As for the Diamond 8, it's back in Fujian, China, 如果您掌握有關於這篇報導的其他資訊, awaiting its next orders. 請不吝賜教。 Its operators are now using a new trick: 當然,如果您喜歡所看到的內容, transmitting a fake ship name to hide its true identity. 請訂閱《紐約時報》。 “Hey, this is Christoph, one of the reporters 謝謝。 on this story. We spent months investigating who is providing oil to a sanctions-busting tanker that is delivering oil to North Korea. We looked at a lot of satellite images, reviewed corporate records and interviewed key players. It was a massive team effort involving reporters in four countries. What you've just watched is only a small part of our reporting, and you can find more details at nytimes.com/ visualinvestigations. If you have any other info on this story, we'd love to hear from you. And, of course, if you like what you're seeing, subscribe to The New York Times. Thanks.”
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheNewYorkTimes 石油 油輪 集團 公司 台灣 纽约时报(How a Mysterious Ship Helps North Korea Evade Oil Sanctions | Visual Investigations) 19 1 Daniel Scott 發佈於 2021 年 04 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字