字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Isolated tribes live all over the planet, humans who have NO IDEA what YouTube is, and have never seen an iPhone, or a metal knife. How come they're still out there? 在這個星球上,有許多遺世獨立的部落,那兒的人們不知道Youtube 為何物,從來沒看過iPhone、或金屬刀子。為什麼他們仍然存在著呢? Everybody, Trace here reporting for DNews. In late June a previously isolated tribe in Brazil walked out of the Amazon rainforest and peacefully approached a team of government scientists. 大家好,Trace在此為您播報DNews。六月下旬,在巴西,一個原本遺世獨立的部落離開亞馬遜叢林,並和平地與一群來自政府的科學家接觸。 This was the first time in 20 years they'd done so! 這是二十年來他們第一次這麼做! The Brazilian Indian Affairs Department or FUNAI, said it wasn't a normal approach and they were worried. 巴西印地安事務部,或稱FUNAI,表示這是一個不尋常的舉動且令人擔憂。 They believe illegal logging forced these people from their ancestral homes. 他們認為,非法的伐木迫使這些部落的居民必須離開祖先的家。 There are humans all over this planet who still live like our ancient ancestors. 在這個星球上,仍然有許多人以我們古老的祖先的生活方式生存著。 There may be 100 different isolated groups across the Amazon and New Guinea, on islands off the coast of India, and even in Malaysia and central Africa. 在亞馬遜、新幾內亞、印度沿海的島嶼上,甚至在馬來西亞、中非等地,有超過100個不同的獨立的族群生活著。 Even the most isolated made contact with OTHER tribes usually and some of those secondary tribes contact the local government regularly. 即使是最孤立的部落也經常和其他部落互有往來,並且某些較不孤立的部落與當地政府定期聯繫。 Not to mention, anthropologists attempt to photograph these people from the air, and missionaries attempt to evangelize on the ground -- so even if they don't understand what that giant metal bird is, they know other humans are around. 更不用說,人類學家試圖從空中拍攝這些人,而傳教士試著向他們傳福音。所以即使他們不知道那個巨大的金屬鳥是什麼,他們也知道周圍有其他人類的存在。 The largest isolated tribal area on earth is in South America. 地球上最大的孤立部落區域位於南美洲。 The Peruvian and Brazilian governments have laws reserving land for these tribes to live on. 祕魯及巴西政府都立法保護這些部落居民居住的土地。 Brazil used to forcibly assimilate tribes, but now they have a policy of non-interference, similar to Star Trek's Prime Directive. 巴西政府曾對這些部落強行同化,但現在則採取不干預的政策,類似星艦迷航記中的最高指導原則。 Which sounds great on paper, but most reserves end up being ravaged by illegal oil, logging, mining and drug-trafficking practices, driving the tribes away or killing them. 這個政策紙上談兵似乎滿不錯的,但多數的保護區最後被非法開採石油、伐木、採礦、販毒等行為所破壞,迫使部落居民離開或使他們被殺害。 There are stories of tribes who fight back being killed in all sorts of gruesome ways. 許多故事描述了這些部落反抗而被各種慘絕人寰的方式殺害的經歷。 Brazil has confirmed that 67 isolated tribes live in its territory, and Peru has 15 -- numbering more than 500 people overall. 巴西政府已經確認了有67個孤立的部落居住在其領土上,而祕魯則有15個--整體人數超過500人。 The smallest known isolated tribe on our planet is difficult to pinpoint. 我們很難界定這個星球上最小的部落。 There are tribes of only a handful of individuals, down all the way to just one. 有些部落只有極少數的人,最少只有一個人。 A man in his 40s living in the Brazilian state of Rondônia (HONduonia) is the last survivor of his tribe, the rest likely being killed by modern humans. 一個住在巴西朗多尼亞州、年約四十的男子,是他的部落最後的倖存者。其他的族人可能被現代人殺害了。 No one knows his name or his lost tribe. 沒有人知道他的名字或他消失的部落。 In 2010, he was on the run from locals trying to chase him off his land so that they can develop it. 2010年,他逃避那些試圖追捕他使他離開他所居住的土地的當地人,因為這樣他們便可以開發那片土地。 His huts were bulldozed, and he was alone. He killed an encroaching man by shooting an arrow into his chest. Yikes. 他的家被推土機夷平,而他變成孤單一人。他殺了一個侵犯他的男人,這男人的箭射進了他的胸口。哎呀! He's still out there somewhere. 他仍然在某個地方。 The most isolated tribe in the world is a tough one to guess, but there are two known tribes on the Andaman Islands off the coast of India. 世界上最孤立的部落很難猜,但在印度沿海的安達曼群島上有兩個已知的部落。 The most famous of the two are the Sentinelese who were described in 1290 by Marco Polo, as "a most violent and cruel generation." 兩者中最著名的是桑提內爾人,馬可波羅在1920年代將他們描述為"最暴力與殘酷的一代" They have no desire to join modern society. 他們沒有興趣參與現代社會。 They've fought off National Geographic and police helicopters with bows and arrows, and kill fisherman who land on their island. 他們以弓箭擊退國家地理雜誌的團隊及警用直升機,並殺害登陸在他們島嶼上的漁民。 Estimates say there may be as few as 40, but we can't get close enough to tell. There are probably more. 預估他們約只有四十人左右,但我們無法更接近他們得到準確的數字。有可能更多。 The dangers to these isolated tribes are many, and it's not just loggers with chainsaws or drug traffickers with guns. 這些遺世獨立的部落面臨的危險很多,不僅僅是拿著電鋸的伐木工以及持有槍械的毒梟。 In 1980, a mission trip from Florida set up camp in Colombia near the isolated Nukak tribe hoping to evangelize them. 1980年,一個來自佛羅里達州的佈道隊在哥倫比亞Nukak部落附近紮營,希望向他們傳福音。 Since these tribes are mainly living hunter-gatherer lifestyles, the missionaries brought metal tools to gain their trust. 因為這些部落主要以狩獵採集的方式維生,因此傳教士們帶來金屬工具以贏得他們的信任。 But because of the Nukak's lack of immunity to modern viruses and bacteria, they brought axes, machetes and disease. 但由於Nukak族人缺乏對於現代病毒與細菌的免疫力,因此傳教士們不但帶來斧頭、彎刀,也帶來了疾病。 The Nukaks were stricken with respiratory infections and other diseases before being treated. Nukak族人罹患了呼吸道感染及其他疾病,而後接受治療。 Most of them now live in poverty in a city near their old land. 現在,他們多數居住在靠近他們原居住地附近的城市中,生活貧窮。 A study in Nature of 238 indigenous populations in South America found declines averaged 43 percent after contact with outsiders. Nature期刊的一項研究指出,在南美洲,283個原住民族群在與外界接觸後,平均人口數約減少43%左右。 Even simply contacting the tribes directly completely changes their chosen way of life. 即使是最簡單的接觸,也會直接地、全面地改變他們選擇的生活方式。 A month after they came out to talk to the scientists, they emerged again. (一開始提到的部落)在他們出來與科學家溝通的一個月後,他們又再次出現。 This time they had the flu, which brings to mind a whole OTHER consideration. 這次,他們染上了流感。這讓人開始思考另一個顧慮。 Should we leave these people be? Or should we find a way to contact them? 我們應該不干涉他們嗎?或應該尋找一個方式與他們接觸? We've got a comments section down below, so go use it. 底下有個留言區,在那裏寫下你的看法吧。 Thanks for watching DNews! Subscribe for more videos, seven days a week. We'll see you soon! 謝謝收看DNews!請訂閱我們的頻道以觀賞更多影片,每周七天不中斷。下次見!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 部落 巴西 傳教士 殺害 接觸 政府 今天還有多少孤立的部落存在? (How Many Isolated Tribes Still Exist Today?) 912 40 ^O^ 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字