字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Today we are going to talk about a drink called "QQ milky milky extremely delicious to the 今天,我們要談論一種飲料:“ QQㄋㄟㄋㄟ好喝到咩噗茶“, point that Miē pū tea" aka bubble tea or boba tea depending on where you live. 視您的居住地,又稱珍珠奶茶或波霸, As you might have noticed the (name of) this drink is outrageously flamboyant, but you 您可能已經注意到,這飲料的(名字)非常花枝招展,但您 know what is also flamboyant? 知道什麼也很花枝招展嗎? Boba liberalism! 波霸自由主義! But what is it? 但那是什麼? Let's find out, with people also ask. 讓我們從「別人也問了啥?」找出答案吧! Hi, I am Shao, Welcome to what people also ask, where I search something seemingly obvious on Google 嗨,我是Shao,歡迎來到「別人也問了啥?」本節目中我會在 and share with you some of its PAA, aka People Also Ask, which is a feature telling you what Google上搜索似乎很明顯的東西, 並與您分享一些它的PAA,又名“ People Also Ask”(別人也問了啥?),該功能可以告訴您 other people also search on Google that related to your query. 其他人也在Google上搜索了 哪些與您的查詢相關的內容。 Today I want to talk about drink that is very famous in in Taiwan called boba tea or bubble tea, and I will tell you why 今天,我想談一談在台灣非常有名的飲料,稱為波霸茶或珍珠奶茶,我也會在節目尾聲告訴您為什麼 it is also called "QQ milky milky extremely delicious to the point that Miē pū tea" 它也被稱為“ QQㄋㄟㄋㄟ好喝到咩噗茶“ at the end of the video. 所以很明顯,我們必須首先藉由第一個PAA:“珍珠奶茶是由什麼做成的?”來討論珍奶到底是什麼 So obviously we have to first talk about what it is with the first PAA "What is bubble tea made out of? 是由...出版的...讓我檢查我的筆記 which is published by...Let me check my note 實際上是一個腳本...都是編劇好的呵呵 which is actually a script...it's all scripted 答案是摘錄自《 科學人 》(Scientific Amarican)發表 the answer is extracted from an article titled " Make Boba for Bubble Tea" published 的題為“來做珍奶的珍珠吧!”的文章 by Scientific American, which is the oldest continuously published monthly popular science 該雜誌是由發明家和出版商Rufus M. Porter於1845年創立,為美國最老字號的連續出版科普月刊。 magazine in the United States founded by an inventor and publisher Rufus M. Porter in 1845. 根據這篇文章,波霸茶或珍珠奶茶是由調味茶,牛奶和珍珠(又稱波霸)製成的甜味飲料, According to this article, Boba tea or bubble tea is a sweetened drink made of flavored tea, milk, and bubbles aka boba. 這是我身為台灣人認可的定義, Which is a definition that I, as a Taiwanese approve of. 根據這篇文章,半透明,有嚼勁的波霸非常容易製作。 According to this article, translucent, squishy bubbles called boba are very easy to make. 你只需要三個材料:木薯粉,水和紅糖 You only need three ingredients: tapioca flour, water, and brown sugar. 本文提供了一個兒童友善的波霸食譜,也分享了一些有趣的 This article provides a child-friendly recipe for boba-making, it also shared some interesting 我從來沒有想過的有趣相關科普知識 scientific fun facts that I had never thought of. 科學小知識1: 與小麥麵粉不同(含澱粉,蛋白質和纖維),木薯粉 Fun Fact one: Unlike wheat flour, which contains starches, protein, and fiber, tapioca flour 僅含有澱粉。 contains only starch. 難怪它是如此耐嚼。 No wonder it's so chewy. 科學小知識2:木薯粉遇熱水和冷水時會有不同的反應。 Fun Fact 2: tapioca flour behaves differently in hot and cold water. 當大量的葡萄糖單元結合在一起時,就會產生澱粉顆粒。 Starch particles are created when a large number of glucose units are joined together. 當這些顆粒與冷水混合時,它們會分散並漂浮在水中, When these particles are mixed with cold water they disperse and float around in the water, 但顆粒不會改變。 but the particles do not change. 當您將該混合物放在開放空間時,水最終會蒸發,然後你就會 When you leave the mixture out the water will eventually evaporate and you will have your 獲得還原的澱粉顆粒。 starch particles again. 但是,澱粉顆粒與熱水混合後會膨脹並破裂。 However, Starch particles swell and break apart when mixed with hot water. 然後,較小的部分將創建新的連接並形成可以容納水的網絡。 The smaller pieces then create new connections and form a network that can hold water. 該過程稱為澱粉糊化。 This process is called starch gelatinization. 當該溶液冷卻時,它變得更像膠狀物。 When this solution cools it becomes more gel-like. 隨著時間的流逝,它會失去水分,變得越來越硬。 With time it will lose water and become stiffer. 但是,無論您等待多長時間,它都不會再次變成澱粉顆粒。 But no matter how long you wait it will not turn into starch particles again. 當您嘗試製作波霸時,了解這一點非常重要,因為如果 And understand this is very important when you try to make boba, because if you use the 在錯誤的時間 使用 錯誤的水溫,則你將無法得到任何的波霸。 wrong temperature of water at the wrong time then you won't get your boba whatsoever. 既然我們已經學到了關於boba的一些科學知識,那麼我認為現在正是時候 Since we have learned some science about boba, I think it's a good time ,也要學習有關它的歷史。 that we also learn some historyabout it. 就像“誰發明了波霸?”即為我們將要討論的下一個PAA Like "Who invented Boba?" which is the next PAA we are gonna talk about 這個問題的答案摘自一篇題為《珍珠奶茶:它是如何開始的》 The answer of this question is extracted from an article titled "Boba tea: How did it 的文章。由CNN Travel發布。 start?" published by CNN Travel. 根據這篇文章,它發生在1988年,有一天, 春水堂茶館 According to this article, it happened in 1988, one day, the product development manager 的產品開發經理 林秀慧參加了一次員工大會,並帶來 in Chun Shui Tang teahouse , Lin Hsiu Hui sitting in a staff meeting and had brought 了一種典型的台灣甜點,名為“粉圓”,這是一種甜的木薯點心 。 with her a typical Taiwanese dessert called fen yuan,which is a sweetened tapioca pudding. 為了好玩,她將木薯球倒入她的阿薩姆邦冰茶中並喝了。 Just for fun she poured the tapioca balls into her Assam iced tea and drank it. 會議上的每個人都喜歡這種飲料,並且 在幾個月內 Everyone at the meeting loved the drink and it quickly outsold all of their other iced 它的銷量很快就超過了所有其他冰茶 ,此後不久,珍奶就佔了其銷量的80-90%。 teas within a couple of months, soon bubble tea makes up 80-90% of their sales ever since. 我並不驚訝會如此,畢竟珍奶超級容易上癮,但是為什麼喝珍奶會上癮呢? I am not surprised because it's super addictive, but Why is bubble tea addictive? 這是我們將要討論的下一個PAA which is the next PAA we are gonna talk about 答案摘自新加坡線上雜誌goodyfeed.com發表的 The answer is extracted from an article titled "The Main Reason Why Bubble Tea is Addictive 題為“珍奶為何令人上癮?答案並不是珍珠喔“的文章。 & It's Not Due to the Pearls" published by goodyfeed.com, which is a Singapore online magazine. 我剛剛閱讀了他們的“關於我們”頁面,聽起來像是新加坡版的BuzzFeed。 I just read their about page, it sounds like a Singapore version of BuzzFeed. 根據這篇文章,珍珠奶茶會上癮的主要原因是茶中的咖啡因 According to this article, the main reason that bubble tea is addictive is the caffeine 我想說我不同意本文的論點,因為如果是這樣的話, in the tea. 春水堂茶館的銷售應平均 I want to say I do not agree with the thesis of this article, because if that is the case, 分配給所有含咖啡因的飲料,對嗎?不會... the sale of Chun Shui Tang teahouse should be evenly 珍珠奶茶佔其銷售額的80-90%。 distributed to all caffeinated drinks right? It won't be like... 我讚揚這篇文章,因為它確實指出了 bubble tea make up 80-90% of their sales. 喝珍奶茶可能讓你攝入多少咖啡因 。 I give kudo to this article because it did point out how much caffeine 它引用了來自caffeineinformer.com的統計數據,在其中他們測試了十個珍珠奶茶樣品, you can potentially ingest by drinking bubble tea. 每杯中的咖啡因含量約為100至160毫克,平均 It cited statistics from caffeineinformer.com, in which they tested ten samples of boba teas 每杯約為130毫克。 , the amount of caffeine in each cup is about 100 to 160 mg, which average out to 相較之下,有些咖啡每杯僅含約100毫克。 about 130 mg per cup. 因此,與喝咖啡相比,喝珍珠奶茶可能導致更多的咖啡因攝取。 To put you into perspective, some coffee only has about 100 mg per cup. 好吧,這的確很離譜,但珍奶不會殺死你,對吧? So you can potentially drink more caffeine by drinking bubble tea compared to drinking coffee. 讓我們談談另外兩個PAA:木薯珍珠能殺死您嗎?木薯粉中是否含有氰化物? Well, that sure is crazy, but it won't kill you, right? 我第一次在Google搜索結果中看到此PAA時,覺得這真是一個愚蠢的問題。 Let's talk about another two PAAs : Can tapioca pearls kill you?, and Does tapioca contain cyanide? 木薯澱粉中是否含有氰化物? The first time I saw this PAA on the Google search result, I was like, what a dumb question.Does 不要鬧了 tapioca contain cyanide? 但是後來我意識到,是我自己太無知才會假設人們出於無知而問這個問題。 Give me a break. 沒有問題是笨問題,人們在Google上問這個問題的原因是 But then I realized I was being ignorant by assuming people asking this question out of ignorance. ,我們使用的木薯澱粉 是 木薯的精製產品, No question is a dumb question, and (the reason) people ask this question on google is that 其確實含有氰化物前驅物。 tapioca that we use are refined products of cassava which 此問題的答案摘自於Todayifoundout.com 發表的 indeed contains cyanide precursors. 標題為“ TAPIOCA AND CYANIDE”的文章,該文章 是youtube頻道的衍生網站,其 So the answer to this question is extracted from an article titled "TAPIOCA AND CYANIDE" 該網站的精神是每天都該學習一些新知識。 published by todayifoundout.com which is a derivative website from a youtube channel 根據這篇文章,木薯一般可以分為兩種: based on the idea that you should try to learn something new every day call today I found out. 甜木薯和苦木薯。 According to this article, cassava can be split into two general classifications: sweet 儘管兩者都含有氰基苷,它們是 食品 and bitter. 中所含的化合物,在 被人體消化時會釋放出氰化氫。 Although both contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are chemical compounds contained in 苦木薯每公斤可能含有多達400毫克的氰基苷,其 foods that release hydrogen cyanide when digested by humans. 毒性可能是甜木薯的8倍。 bitter cassava may have as much as 400 mg of cyanogenic glycosides per kilo, potentially 但是作為珍奶的飲用者,您實際上不必太擔心。 8 times more toxic than sweet cassava. 其實,氰基甙一直存在於很多種供人類食用 But as a boba tea drinker, you actually don't need to worry about it too much. 的植物中 ,其中包括杏仁,利馬豆和木薯。 As it turns out, Cyanogenic glycosides are always present in a startling number of plants 我們不會因為食用這些產品而生病,因為當它們到達我們手上時,毒素 cultivated for human consumption that include almonds, lima beans, and cassava. 已經被消除了。 We don't get sick from eating these products because, by the time they reach us, the toxins 例如,食用級木薯通常經過層層的工序 have been eliminated. 適當處理,工序包括烘烤,浸泡或發酵,因此在我們 Eaten grade cassava, for example, usually has been properly treated in a labor-intensive 食用時,氰化物的含量微乎其微。 process that may include roasting, soaking, or fermentation, so by the time we get to 好吧,所以波霸並不是那麼糟糕,但是你知道什麼不好嗎? eat it, the cyanide content is negligible. 波霸自由主義! Alright, So boba is not that bad, but you know what is bad? 但是,那是什麼? Boba Liberalism! 那是我們將要討論的下一個PAA。 But wait what is that? 這個問題的答案 摘自Eater發表的 標題為“ 波霸世代 Which is the next PAA we are going to talk about. 的崛起(和沒落) ”的文章,這是 Vox Media擁有的 The answer to this question is extracted from an article titled "The Rise(and Stall) 餐飲網站 。 of Boba Generation" published by Eater, which is a food and dining website 這是一篇很長的文章,首先詳細討論了 珍奶對亞洲社群 owned by Vox Media. 的文化意義 ,然後作者繼續解釋了珍珠奶茶 This is a very long article that started off by elaborately discussing the cultural significance 和“美食照片和影片”如何成為亞裔美國人 在西方國家修正其 of bubble tea to the Asian community, then the author goes on to explain how bubble tea 「外來者形象」的象徵。 and " food porn" in general has become a symbol for Asian American to rectify their perceived 就像,您可能不喜歡我的文化的某些方面,但是誰又會討厭珍珠奶茶?每個人都愛爆它好嗎! differences in western countries. 這種通過強調亞洲文化中更 “西方友善”的亞洲文化以取得在主流媒體中的正面報導,而 It's like, you might not like some aspects of my culture, but who can hate Bubble Tea? Everyone LOVEs it! 選擇性無視其他 But this kind of tendency to pursue more positive representation in mainstream media by highlight the more 種族問題,這被亞洲社群中的一些維權團體批評。 “western friendly” aspect of Asian culture while selectively ignore other aspects of 他們稱這種行為為波霸自由主義,因為它就像珍奶一樣。 ethnic issues is criticized by some activists in Asian Community. 大量的糖,大量的卡路里,但沒有營養,沒有實質 They call this kind of activism boba liberalism.Because it's like boba tea. 例如,當一些亞裔美國人樂見“瘋狂的亞洲富豪”中的亞洲 A lot of sugar, a lot of calories, but no nutrition, no substance 正面形象時,對波霸自由主義的批評者往往認為這部電影是一個不正確的形象表徵, 因為它選擇性地突出亞洲中上階層的生活方式, For example, while some Asian American appraise the Asian representation in “ Crazy Rich Asian” 並在某種程度上強化“模範少數民族迷思”。 the critics of Boba liberalism tend to think the film is a bad representation 對波霸自由主義的另一種批評是,如果您專注於追求原籍國 because it selectively highlight the life style of middle and higher class Asian population 的正面媒體報導 ,那麼您可能會不願點出祖國的其他社會 and to some degree reinforce the “model minority myth” 問題(例如貧窮,或在某些情況下,人權問題) ,你甚至可能 Another criticism of boba liberalism is that if you focus on chasing the positive representation 只是因為您不希望祖國的形像被傷害而壓制對祖國的負面報導 of your home countries or your countries of origin, you might be reluctant to speak out to other social 我們都知道那會發生。 如果您想了解什麼是boba自由主義,我 issues of your home countries(like poverty and, in some case, human right infringement) 在影片描述中放了很多延伸閱讀 you might even try to suppress negative coverage of your home countries 。非常有趣的概念。 just because you don't want your home countries' image being hurt. We all know that happens. 在影片尾聲,我想解釋一下為什麼有些台灣人開始稱呼珍珠奶茶為 If you want to learn mor e about what is boba liberalism, I include a lot of further reading “ QQㄋㄟㄋㄟ好喝到咩噗茶“ in the description.Very interesting concept. 那是因為,如果您還沒有注意到的話,近年來台灣的許多手搖店 At the end of the video, I want to explain why some Taiwanese start calling Boba tea, 都試圖對自己的飲料命名假猴,有時這其實很 "QQ milky milky extremely delicious to the point that Miē pū tea." 煩人,因為現在您去手搖店看看菜單時, That's because if you haven't noticed yet, recent years a lot of boba tea shops in Taiwan 您可能無法分辨他們現在到底是在賣什麼了。 are trying to be clever about naming their drink and sometimes it can be very 作為回應,台灣喜劇演員ChillSeph通過 annoying because now when you go to the boba shop and look at the menu 將珍珠奶茶稱為“ QQㄋㄟㄋㄟ好喝到咩噗茶“來嘲笑這種情況, 此後 you probably can't tell what are they selling anymore. 很多台灣人開始如此稱呼珍奶。 In response, a Taiwanese comedian ChillSeph made a video making fun of this situation by 我將影片連結放在描述中,這真的很有趣。 calling boba tea "QQ milky milky extremely delicious to the point that Miē pū tea" 無論如何,回頭見啦。 and a lot of Taiwanese started to calling boba tea that name ever since. I will put the link in the description, it's really funny. Anyway, see you later.
B1 中級 中文 波霸 珍珠 奶茶 珍奶 文章 顆粒 珍珠奶茶的科學、歷史、與政治冷知識(Bubble Tea: The Science, History, and Politics) 55 8 Jack 發佈於 2021 年 04 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字