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  • How do my teeth look?

  • Pretty good?

  • Okay great.

  • Fluoride in the water might be helping that, but it might also be doing other things.

  • Fluorine is the 13th most abundant element on the planet.

  • It's in seawater, foods like fish, tea and gelatin contain it, and it's a naturally occurring

  • substance in minerals -- that is to say, IT'S IN ALL THE ROCKS, because it's everywhere,

  • fluorine is washed into the water supply during erosion.

  • Fluoride is just fluorine with an extra electron, and when we see it in toothpaste, food or

  • drinking water, it's actually sodium fluoride, or in our bodies it's calcium fluoride.

  • In the 1940s, scientists found that people living near natural water sources with 1 part

  • per million of fluoride had fewer cavities.

  • So, they decided to add fluoride up to that concentration to reduce cavities for everyone.

  • Unsurprisingly, controversy ensued.

  • Today, two-thirds of Americans have fluoridated public water, but studies have thrown into

  • question the benefit of water-borne fluoride compared to topical fluorideor toothpaste

  • with fluoride.

  • A study of 23,000 skeletons from medieval archaeological sites found people who live

  • near the coast and consumed fluoride-rich fish had fewer cavities.

  • Another CDC study compared kids in the late-60s to kids from the early 90s, and found a 68

  • percent drop in cavities.

  • Though this could be due to fluoride toothpaste, not fluoridation as communities without fluoridation

  • also saw a decrease.

  • In the right concentrations -- that is, point-8 to 1.2 parts per million -- fluoride reduces

  • tooth enamel solubility during its formation, helping it solidify and form teeth that are

  • more resistant to bacterial attack.

  • After the enamel is formed, fluoride helps prevent bacteria from producing acid that

  • causes tooth decay.

  • Of course, higher concentrations of fluoride can cause pitting in teeth, decay, and major

  • health problems.

  • Anything over 1.5 ppm can cause tooth decay, and 3 to 6 ppm can cause skeletal problems.

  • And though there are some Chinese studies correlating high fluoride with IQ problems,

  • no US city is even close to the 4 ppm EPA limit.

  • Whether it's cool to add fluoride to the water is still a political and social point

  • of contention.

  • From a healthcare perspective, if we want our teeth to last, we've gotta keep the enamel

  • free of harmful bacterial deposits - which fluoride does.

  • Enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth, is the toughest stuff the body can make, but

  • it can't repair itself.

  • It needs help.

  • Whether it belongs in the drinking water is a complicated question, because for those

  • of us who didn't grow up with municipal drinking water, like me, we HAD it in our well water

  • because the EARTH put it there.

  • Municipal sources get it as an odourless and tasteless byproduct of phosphate fertilizers

  • that makes no perceptible change to the water, according to the World Health Organization.

  • The WHO also recommends community water fluoridation as the "most effective public health measure

  • for the prevention of dental decay."

  • Countries and states seem to be on board with fluoridation until someone finds damning evidence

  • they shouldn't be, which, in 70 years, no one has yet found.

  • So, for the moment, water fluoridation is still a thing, but what do you think about

  • it?

  • Do you care?

How do my teeth look?


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C1 高級 美國腔

政府为何将氟化物放入我们的水中(Why The Government Puts Fluoride In Our Water)

  • 163 6
    joey joey 發佈於 2021 年 04 月 17 日