字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Whoa. Well, that's just a balloon. 哇喔。喔,原來只是個氣球啊。 - Come on. - All right, that was an easy one. - 別鬧了。 - 好啦,剛那個有點明顯。 All right, balloon in the cup. 好,氣球放在杯子裡。 - Oh, no. - What? - 喔,不會吧。 - 怎麼回事? - You didn't do that. - What are you doing? - 不可能吧! - 這是在幹嘛? - I'm never going to look at anyone's pictures of their room the same anymore. - I'll tell you. - 我再也沒辦法用原來的角度,看別人拍自己房間的照片了。 - 我得老實說。 My assumptions, they were wrong. 我原本的設想完全大錯特錯。 Guys, today we're talking about optical illusions. 各位,今天我們要來聊聊錯視! And I know you think my eyes are huge but they're just normal. 我知道你們覺得我的眼睛看起來很大,但其實它們只是正常大小。 What? 啥? You might remember a few weeks ago, we started the show off with the OK Go video, the new one that is filled with optical illusions. 你們有些人可能還記得,幾週前我們用了 OK Go 的新影片做了開場,而裡面全是錯視。 It took over three weeks to put together. It is a beautiful thing. 我們花了超過三個禮拜才拍攝製作完成。真的是個驚人的作品。 That's what we're talking about today: all about optical illusions, things that look one way but are actually another. 而這就是我們今天要聊的主題:錯視!也就是看起來與實際不同的視覺錯亂。 Who said that? 那是誰說的? Who did? 誰? We don't know. 我們也不知道。 That was a video called "Assumptions" from a channel called Quirkology. It got over 5 million views because nothing in that video... 這是一個叫做「假設」的影片,來自 Quirkology 這個頻道。 這個影片有超過五百萬的觀看數,因為影片裡的所有東西⋯⋯ ...is as it seems. ⋯⋯看起來和實際上完全不一樣。 Ladies and gentlemen, the Hyper-matrix. 各位先生女士們,這就是 Hyper-matrix。 - Look at that. That is— - It's wave in a wall. - 你看看。這真是—— - 牆壁上出現了波紋。 What is happening? 這是怎麼一回事啊? What is happening? 發生了什麼事? And the reason it says Hyundai Motor Group is because this is part of an art installation called Hyper-matrix. 牆上之所以寫著「現代汽車集團」的原因,是因為這是一個叫做 Hyper-matrix 裝置藝術。 And it's at the Hyundai Motor Group pavilion in Korea, and this comes from a Seoul based artist that the group has called jonpasang. 而這個作品位於韓國現代汽車集團的博覽館裡展出,由一個叫做 Jonpasang 的韓國藝術團體打造。 But there are thousands of motors behind 300 by 300 millimeter cubes that are going in and out. 有成千上萬的汽車在這些尺寸為 300 公分乘 300 公分的方塊背後進進出出。 The cubes are moving with the sounds, but there's also projection mapping on top of the cubes, which makes this full immersive experience like this, like we're seeing right here. 方塊跟著音樂一起流動,而光影投射在方塊的上面,讓整個觀賞經驗更為完整,就像我們看到的這樣。 - That is not a real guy. - That's a Hadouken. - 那不是一個真的人。 - 簡直像是個氣功波一樣。 Hadouken. 氣功波。 We're talking optical illusions. - Yup. - 我們在聊錯視。 - 沒錯。 This is a really freaky one. It'll make you feel like you're hallucinating. 接下來要介紹的這個很詭異,會讓你覺得眼前出現了幻覺。 If you have any kind of epilepsy or sensitivity to flashing lights, do not watch this. 如果你有任何癲癇症狀或是對閃光敏感,請不要觀看接下來的影片。 - T... L... - No, you don't say the letters. - T... L... - 不是,你不用把字母念出來。 O... F... O... F... You can look away now. 好,你可以往旁邊看了。 No. 喔不會吧! Don't look at me. Don't look at me. 不要看著我。不要看著我。 You look fine. 你看起來沒什麼問題啊。 That video is from the Science Forum channel. 這是來自「科學論壇」頻道的影片。 This is obviously a popular video, because it's got almost 13 million views. 而它顯然是個很受歡迎的影片,因為它有著近 1300 萬的觀看數。 That made things wavy, like everything was a heat wave. 看完以後眼前所有東西都呈現波浪狀,好像熱浪一樣。 It's created when your brain cells that are detecting motion just get fatigued. 這現象出現的原因是因為當你的大腦細胞偵測到物體運動久了之後,便會感到疲乏。 So after your eyes look away, the cells that are detecting the motion in the other direction are more active. 而在你往旁邊看的時候,你的細胞偵測到往別的方向的運動狀態是比較活躍的。 You sound like the substitute teacher in physics class that got stuck explaining the hardest thing there is to explain. 你聽起來像是個剛好教到物理課中最難解釋部份的代課老師。 When I'm like a gym teacher. 然後我其實是個體育老師這樣。 You know, like there's some cells. 你知道的,有一些細胞啊。 And they're going to go over here. 他們會從那跑到這。 OK, Miles. We are going to watch the style of dance that is called sock trousers dance, or strumpfhosentanz if you're saying it in its native tongue. 好了 Miles,我們要來看一種叫做褲子舞的舞蹈,原文叫做 strumpfhosentanz。 - Oh, "strumpfrozenhands," yeah. - Beautiful. - 噢,"strumpfrozenhands",好喔。 - 念得真好。 Actually, it's "strufrozentonsils." 其實呢,應該要念成「strufrozentonsils」。 See? 看吧? Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等等等等等等等。 - It looks like the biggest conjoined twin ever. - It looks horrifying. - 看起來像是個超大的連體嬰。 - 看起來很可怕。 - Your brain so badly wants to connect the right arms and legs to the right torso. - But it doesn't work, and then you end up— - 你的大腦竭盡所能地想要把對的手臂跟對的腳,配在對的軀幹上。 - 但實際上行不通,所以會讓你— Just confused. 覺得很混亂。 4.5 million views on this. That means that 4.5 million other brains have also failed to connect the right body parts and the right— 這部影片有 450 萬的觀看數,代表著有 450 萬個大腦無法把對的身體部位接上—— Yeah. 是啊。 Earnest, did you ever play with sidewalk chalk when you were growing up? Earnest,你小時候有在馬路上用粉筆作畫過嗎? Of course I did. 當然有啊。 This guy, Edgar Mueller, takes sidewalk chalk to a whole thousand new levels. 這個人叫做 Edgar Mueller,而他把粉筆藝術帶到一了個超凡的境界。 I like the people who are like posing on the side. 我喜歡那些在旁邊擺姿勢的人。 That's absolutely what I would be doing. 那完全是我會幹的事。 This particular artist's name is Edgar Mueller. He's sort of very well known for his 3D sidewalk art. 這位藝術家的名字是 Edgar Mueller,他以 3D 立體人行道地畫著名。 This particular piece was commissioned as part of the Festival of World Culture that took place in Dublin, Ireland in August, of 2008. 現在看到的作品是 2008 年 8 月於愛爾蘭都柏林舉辦的世界文化節慶活動中的一項委任藝術品。 Since 1998, he has held the title of Maestro Madonnari, which is Master Street Painter, which is a title I didn't even know existed. 從 1998 年來,他擁有 Maestro Madonnari 的美名,也就是街頭畫家大師。我從來不知道世界上還存在著這種頭銜。 OK, what you're going to see is completely real. 好,接下來要看的影片完全是真實的。 There's no Hollywood magic. There's no computer wizardry, no wizard computery. 沒有什麼好萊塢特效。沒有電腦巫術,也沒有巫術電腦。 What do we have here? Just a couple of slopes. 喔我們看到了什麼?只是幾個斜坡。 Wait, but they just did that in reverse, right? 等等,但剛剛那些球倒著跑對吧? I said no Hollywood magic. 我說過了,沒有什麼特效喔。 What sorcery is this!? 這是什麼巫術啊!? This was made by Koukichi Sugihara. 這是杉原厚吉所製作的裝置。 Your brain likes to take shortcuts, so it sees this, and it thinks that it knows what it's looking at. 大腦喜歡走捷徑,所以才會覺得看起來像這樣,並自行解釋看到的狀況。 - Yeah. - And it fills in the gaps for you. - 這樣啊。 - 它還會自動幫你腦補。 It was the winner of the Illusion of the Year in 2010. 這是 2010 年度幻覺大獎冠軍作品。 Sugihara-san, you are the best. 杉原先生,你是最厲害的。 I know this is an optical illusion show, but sometimes what you see can mess with what you hear. 我知道這是個聊錯視的節目,但有些時候視覺其實也會影響聽覺。 We did feature this before on the show recently. 我們之前有給大家看過這個。 Listen to Greg speaking. 仔細聽 Greg 說話。 - Bar. Bar. Bar. - Bar. Bar. - Bar。Bar。Bar。 - Bar。Bar。 If you heard bar bar bar, you'd be right. How about now? 如果你聽到的是 bar bar bar,代表你是對的。那接下來呢?那現在呢? Bar. Bar. Bar. Bar。Bar。Bar。 Chances are, you heard far far far this time, except you didn't. 這次你很有可能覺得自己聽到的是 far far far,但其實並不是。 This is a perfect example of something called the McGurk effect, which shows how our visuals can alter what we believe we're hearing. 這例子完美地展示了一個叫做麥格客效應的概念,表現了我們的視覺如何影響我們對聽覺的認知。 I'll play two tones, and you tell me if they're ascending or descending. 我接下來會放兩種音調,告訴我音調是在上升還是下降。 High, low. 高,低。 Low, high. 低,高。 If you compare with enough people, you'll all have different answers. 在和足夠的人比較之後,你會發現自己會得到各種不同的答案。 It's an auditory illusion called the Tritone paradox. 這是一種叫做三全音矛盾錯覺的聽覺錯覺。 It's created in such a way that the tones contain both a higher and lower frequency in them, but our brains have a preference of which to listen to. 當音調同時包含高頻跟低頻的時候,我們的大腦會依照自己的偏好去選擇一個部分聽。 - Oh. - Hm. 原來。 - So our brains are different. - Yeah. - 所以我們的大腦是不同的。 - 對啊。 We have different brains. 我們有著不同的大腦。 What this episode taught me is that our brains are stupid. 這集節目告訴我的是,我們的大腦其實很笨 Get with it, brain! Stop being so tricked. 加把勁吧,大腦!不要這麼容易被騙。 What, you're going to let your eyes tell you what to do? 不會吧,難道你要讓你的眼睛告訴你該怎麼做? So those are some of our favorite illusions. Let us know some of your favorites in the comments. 所以呢,剛剛就是幾個我們挑選出來的幻覺相關影片。在下面留言告訴我們一些你喜歡的影片吧。 We have some more optical illusions coming up for you after the show, so stick around. Check those out. 節目結束後還有準備更多的錯視影片,所以別走開喔。瞧瞧吧。 Now play us out, Young Rival. 好,現在帶我們走, Young Rival! Literally, I don't see anything. 我真的什麼都沒看到。 You see nothing? 什麼都沒看到? I see it! I see it! 我看出來了!我看到了! There you go. You got it. 這才對嘛,看到了吧。 Now I'm locked into this. 現在我整個陷在這裡面了。 The end. It says the end. 結束。上面寫著「結束」。 Now you can see it. So now you can— 既然你看到了,現在你就能—— I feel like now I'm scared to move my eyes back to normal. 我現在反而不敢把眼睛調回原本的樣子了。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 大腦 影片 叫做 巫術 方塊 幻覺 確定看對了嗎?8大超酷嚇破腦的錯視 (8 Optical Illusions to Freak Out Your Brain) 12777 391 Rosa 發佈於 2022 年 03 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字