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If you've ever been out in the world, you've likely seen the word UNESCO and this weird
square in a circle all over the place.
UNESCO is tasked with identifying, protecting and preserving human heritage; buildings,
landscapes, and monuments -- but in 2013, they added something intangible: The “Mediterranean
You may have heard of the “Mediterranean” diet, it's a big fad in the United States
as of late, and it's considered to be one of the healthiest in the world!
But thanks to UNESCO, it's not just healthy, it's also a piece of human heritage.
Here's hoping they give love to my Sunday Pizza Tradition next year…
The Mediterranean Diet includes plant-based foods, as well as “healthy” fats and so
Plus, and this is serious, limiting the amount of red meat -- i.e. mammal meats.
Grilled fish is a popular item, as are other seafoods.
AND, which is pretty rare, it offers an alcoholic component -- a bit of red wine.
The problem is, if you look at U.S. magazines and blogs for the “Mediterranean Diet,”
as we see it.
You'd find lists of restrictions and requirements of what to eat, what not to eat, and how to
prepare your meals.
That's how American's see a “diet.”
In the U.S. “diet” doesn't mean it's primary dictionary definition: “the kinds
of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats,” most of us think of the
tertiary definition, “a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either
to lose weight or for medical reasons.”
The “Mediterranean Diet” is the former not the latter.
It's a way of living and eating, not a list of restrictions and requirements.
UNESCO writes, “The Mediterranean diet involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols
and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry,” -- holy crap
-- “conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of
The foundation of the diet?
Eating together.
Social exchange of communication during a meal, neighborliness, affirmation, intercultural
dialog, hospitality.-- Whew --
You can't buy this regional diet at a store -- it's literally about changing your life.
And of course, red wine helps with all those things too.
Better nutrition has been connected to longer, healthier lives and even things like overall
height gains, better eyesight, and prevention of heart disease and Alzheimer's -- to name
a few.
The Mediterranean Diet adds heart health to that as well, lowered levels of stress and
And it's not just about what you're eating or not eating!
Numerous studies have shown social interaction and support make people physically and mentally
more healthy.
The concept of 'Social buffering' is part of this diet -- where people get together
and socialize, interact and share.
On top of that, Greece -- one of the countries in the Mediterranean for the geographically
challenged -- incorporates intermittent fasting into their lifestyle diet thanks to the number
of religiously motivated fasting days in the Greek Orthodox tradition.
We actually have a whole video about the science of fasting.
It seems to me, incorporating even a few of these things into our lives would likely benefit
us all.
The “mediterranean diet” doesn't mean going to the Greek restaurant down the street
a lot, but maybe invite your friends over to eat some vegetables you grew (or, like
me, found at a farmer's market)!
Use some olive oil!
-- And of course, make them bring the red wine.
We can't do episodes like these with support from our sponsors.
Thanks to Blue Apron for supporting us at Seeker.
Blue Apron allows you to create delicious, chef-designed recipes at home using farm-fresh
ingredients and exactly the right proportions.
You don't have to remember to pop over to the grocery store after work, and you grab
a bunch of celery to just to take it home and then cut up one stock and then leave the
rest in the fridge…
You get exactly what you need, right to your doorstep and shipping is free.
Blue Apron recipes are in the box, along with ingredients, which will stay fresh on your
porch even if you're not at home when dinner arrives.
They're always adding new dishes to their menu, and you can try it with no commitment
– choosing to skip or cancel the service at any time!
Check out the link in our description and the first 100 people to create a new account
with Blue Apron will get their first three meals free!
How do you feel about hummus?
It's just chickpeas, but, damn.
I love it.
I could drink wine, eat veggies and a little fish every day -- but what about you?
Want more on how to learn about your body?
Amy's got a video about why you should look at your poop.
Really, I know but you should and you should check it out right here