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hey guys samuel and audrey here and today we're taking you on a food tour around bariloche
嘿,塞繆爾和奧黛麗在這裡,今天我們帶您前往 阿根廷巴里洛切,
argentina so if you're planning a trip to northern patagonia bariloche is a city you'll be flying
附近的美食之旅, 因此,如果您計劃去北巴塔哥尼亞旅行,巴里洛切將是一個飛行之城
into and while you're there you may as well enjoy the local cuisine in this video we'll be sampling
argentine food (patagonian dishes) featuring wild boar and trout we'll be feasting on artisanal
chocolates and ice cream we'll be sipping craft beer at a few local breweries and we'll be
巧克力和冰淇淋 為盛宴, 並在一些當地啤酒廠品嚐精釀啤酒,會是
ordering some pub favorites as well as treating ourselves to some fine dining so bring your
appetite because we're about to show you where to eat and what to eat in bariloche argentina
well guys good morning and greetings from a little slice of paradise
以及傢伙早上好和問候 這裡 吃 從天堂的一小片
here outside bariloche patagonia we've been staying in a little swiss cottage in the woods
在 過去的幾天 裡 , 我們一直在巴里洛切巴塔哥尼亞郊外的 山間小
by a lake with mountain views for these last few days this place is like so picture perfect it
屋裡住了一間瑞士小木屋 ,山上的景色讓這個地方看起來像是完美的照片,它
almost doesn't seem real it almost doesn't seem real guys we had such a busy pace to the first
leg of our our trip in argentina it's been so nice just to chill out here get caught up on some work
我們在阿根廷旅行 的第一 站,真是太好了,只是放鬆一下,忙上了一些
we haven't been going out and eating out we've just been cooking our own pastas making our own
dishes at home just living the simple quiet life but today we have beautiful weather the
在家 做飯 過著簡樸的生活,但今天我們的天氣晴朗,
sun has come out so we're planning to go into town into bariloche that's right and
we want to show you guys the argentine food because this place is known for its craft beer
chocolates raspberry covered chocolates absolutely ice cream ice cream there's really good burgers
巧克力,巧克力,覆盆子 而聞名
at the place for having beer today too yes so it's going to be all about the food today all
about the argentine food tour and that's like just the kind of day we love let's go eat let's go eat
今天在這裡喝啤酒的地方 確實很棒 ,所以這將是今天 關於阿根廷美食之旅的 所有 食物,就像我們喜歡的那一天讓我們去吃東西吧去吃飯
update update we made it to town we rode the boss we walked around a bit along the water's edge
there's a bariloche sign so of course we have to stop there take some photos it's neat how
everyone cues there very polite very orderly very orderly and whoever's next in line you know takes
每個人都很好地暗示了那裡的情況,非常有禮貌,非常有秩序,非常o rderly和認識的下一個隊列
a photo for the other person so yeah we got our iconic postcard shot and we met some people who
中的人都為另一個人 拍照,是的,我們拍 了我們的標誌性明信片,我們遇到了一些 觀看我們的視頻的
watch our videos we took some selfies yeah that's the most we've been recognized in one day i think
人, 我們拍了一些自拍照,是的,我認為這是一天以來我們認識最多的人
10 today so far it's been awesome i don't know if you guys ever see us just come say hi yes
i always feel weird when there's like a line of people forming to take photos with you
當有人 圍成一團 與您合影時,我總是感到很奇怪,
i'm like even blushing now um but yeah now we found a little cafe it's called mamushka
and we wanted to try some other chocolates like there's an entire section where you can
get different types of chocolates this place is really known for its suites and they also
have a little cafe so we've got some drinks i got some fancy tea from india coming and
hot cocoa yeah so yeah we're warming up because it's super windy out like it's springtime
but it's really cold yeah it's very windy so whatever the temperature says you can
like minus five degrees yeah it's like grab a scarf while you're at it yeah
so yeah we're just waiting for the food now we've already placed our order
do do
here the goodies have arrived guys we ordered basically it's a sampler
這裡,好吃的東西已經到了,我們點的傢伙,基本上 是四個糕點
platter of four pastries yeah and we got two different ones and they brought
的採樣 盤,是的,我們有兩種不同的他們 為我們 倆帶來了
unique ones for for both of us so we've got eight little bites it's got a hot chocolate
also they came with two little looks like two little heart white chocolates
so we are all set can't wait to dig in all right i'm gonna try the hot chocolate first
oh my gosh that is the real deal that is thick rich chocolatey it's like they melted like a
chocolate bar in there yeah i wouldn't be surprised oh my gosh since they are a
chocolate shop you gotta try this yeah i figured hot chocolate would be too sweet for me so i got
some tea some asam tea from india to hopefully cut some of the sugariness you were smart
從印度 買了 一些茶和一些阿薩姆茶,希望能減少一些你很聰明的糖味,
i wasn't look at this so it looks like this is a nice little pastry filled with custard here
this reminds me kind of like a boston cream inside this really interests me i think this
is a mini alfajor could be dulce de leche cookie layer on the bottom i'm guessing
是一個迷你alfajor,底部可能是dulce de leche餅乾層,我猜
exactly what it is it looks like we got some chocolate mousse this dulce de leche at the bottom
正是它的模樣,就像我們在底部有一些巧克力慕斯這種dulce de leche
and a little pastry bag that's my favorite one so far a chocolate mousse is divine
餅乾和一個小糕點袋到目前為止,這是我最喜歡的巧克力, 它 是神聖
it's probably a good thing that we don't live in barloche because oh
man i don't think i can control myself in this town and look over here looks
like we have a little cheesecake bite with the berry on top and some jam
oh yeah everything is just so good here like every little bite i've tried i could have a
second one of them i want more and the funny thing is sam says he's a savory guy but just look at him
i still love my sweets guys i still love my sweets what do you think wow
我仍然愛我的甜食們,我仍然愛我的甜食,你怎麼 知道我知道那
that is so thick i know and it's so rich it's like a spanish style isn't it that's what
哇 這麼濃,它是如此豐富,就像是西班牙風格,那不是
i was thinking it's like hot chocolate in madrid where you dip in the churros
it's almost like a mud like a meal in a bowl at least in terms of calories
and i think it has like the chocolate so guys we forgot to mention the price at the last place we
,我認為它就像巧克力一樣,所以伙計們,我們忘了提到在最後一個地方 吃 的價格
ate at sorry guys it was 850 us what a deal we got two drinks and all those little bites
,對不起,伙計們,這是850 美元, 這筆交易讓我們得到了兩杯飲料,所有這些小小的叮咬,
everything was delicious there beautiful setting i would go back there again for sure
and now we've moved on to ice cream guys we at a place called rapa nui if you take a look here
,現在我們已經轉到冰淇淋小伙子們,我們在一個叫做rapa nui的地方,如果您在這裡看看,
you'll see the different ice creams we have so i ordered the the top layer has chocolate
hazelnuts and then a special kind of dulce de leche which has goat's milk yeah maybe
goat's milk it's homemade you got a couple of flavors with different um forced fruits
yeah they're they're dripping like grapes oh yeah i'm just gonna get after it mine is a raspberry
是的,它們像葡萄一樣滴 下來 ,是的,哦,是的,只是我要得到的是覆
with chocolate and meringue yeah and underneath i have patagonian red berries from the forest let's
有巧克力和酥皮 的覆盆子 ,是的,下面我有來自森林的巴塔哥尼亞紅色漿果,讓我們
try your berries try the berries oh my gosh that's so good it's so tart you taste the real berries
and the dulce de leche guys with the goat's milk is divine that's my favorite flavor of ice cream
和dulce de leche山羊的傢伙牛奶是神聖的,這是我 在阿根廷
in argentina like hands down i always wear it and that's the only thing he ever ordered should
最喜歡的冰淇淋風味, 就像我一直戴著它一樣,這是他所訂購的唯一一件事, 還
also mention that this place is fascinating you can also buy chocolates there's a cafe
應該 提到,這個地方令人著迷,您還可以購買巧克力, 在我們身後
and a skating rink behind us dating rink if you've ever wanted to go ice skating in order the
有一家咖啡館 和一個溜冰場約會溜冰場,如果您曾經想滑冰,以使
canadian in me is itching to put on some skates and then do a few uh do a few laps around the ring
and what was the price of this ice cream oh both four yeah about four us just over four
us dollars so two dollars each and you get two flavors and a little cone of course you
can order bigger sizes too but man we've got a lot yeah this is the smallest size available
we figured we should pace ourselves since we want to keep eating around we're eating all day
我們 可以 考慮 的最小尺碼, 我們應該自己動手做因為我們要繼續吃圍繞我們吃了一整天
what the hell round three round three so we went from the rapanui ice cream shop
over to the rappanui cafe right next door because there's one thing that you have to try if you come
走到 rappanui網吧隔壁,因為有一件事,你一定要試試,如果你
to bariloche and that is these are raspberries covered in white chocolate and then milk chocolate
來 巴里洛切,那就是e為覆蓋在白巧克力,然後牛奶巧克力覆盆子
and they are delicious super famous so yeah we just had to come here they've been going fast
so good and to go along with it we got some teas sam where's your tea from mine
is called the pakistan tea it's got cinnamon cardamon ginger and other ingredients you've
是叫做巴基斯坦茶,裡面有肉桂荳蔻豆薑和其他成分,您 一直聞到它,我還
been smelling it i haven't haven't had a chance yet you really smell the ginger now it's just so
沒來過, 但您真的聞到了薑的味道,它是如此的
powerful and zesty well it's good i need something that's not sugary not sugary and for me i got the
one that's called belgian nougat yep so it's got nougat from belgium and aside from that almonds
and hazelnuts it just smells so nutty yeah it's really nice then you've gotta try those
和榛子,它聞起來是如此的堅果味,是的,非常好,那麼你就得 為我們 嚐嚐那些
chocolates for us yes and i'm gonna bite it in half to show you what the interior looks like
there you go so you can see a nice plump raspberry in the middle
a layer of white chocolate then milk chocolate
so good oh man like today has just been the ultimate food tour of barlow chili it says once
you've opened this yeah um you have to refrigerate it and it lasts up to 72 hours to three days but
who's gonna control themselves for three days that's not even gonna it's not gonna make it
out of the restaurant bill is here we wanted to let you guys know the price so that was 60 us
dollars for two delicious cups of tea and those raspberries covered in chocolate divine raspberry
now we're moving on i think to the alpha horror cafe
要 60 美元, 現在我們繼續前進,我 想去 阿爾法恐怖咖啡館的
well guys we are now visiting the museum of chocolate factory cafe slash museum and inside the
museum you get some hot chocolate let me tell you yeah this stuff is thick like even thicker than
一些熱巧克力,讓我告訴你,是的,這東西比 我們今天早上在咖啡館
the hot chocolate we have this morning at the cafe it's like chocolate mud delicious chocolate mud
喝 的熱巧克力 還要厚 ,就像巧克力泥一樣美味的巧克力泥
exactly like hot chocolate in spain yeah that kind of hot chocolate and there's a really cool section
就像西班牙的熱巧克力一樣是的,這種熱巧克力, 博物館裡
in the museum where they have these animals made entirely out of chocolate yeah they're quite large
有一個很酷的區域 ,那裡的這些動物完全是用巧克力製成的,它們很大,
like some of them weigh like 70 80 90 kilos yeah of chocolate so we're going to show you that in
像其中一些重達70 80 90公斤。吃了,所以我們將向您展示一下,
a moment it's amazing very cool then once you're done touring the museum you exit to the shop where
這真是太酷了,然後一旦您完成了博物館的巡迴演出, 您便會 離開商店,在那裡
you can buy chocolates and alfajores and they discount like half the admission costs it goes
towards like whatever you want to buy in there if you want to buy something we actually we're
getting a present for a friend it's gonna work out perfectly we're gonna find them all for us
在為朋友送禮物,它會完美地工作,我們會 在這裡
here we are well well that museum tour was fascinating
找到它們,我們很高興 博物館之旅 真的很
really really cool exhibit the by far the most interesting thing were those chocolates sculptures
著迷 最酷的展覽是迄今為止最有趣的事情,是那些巧克力雕塑
and they were heavy like one of them was 90 kilos guys yeah that's a lot of chocolate puma was 130.
and then there was a little video playing we didn't film it but it was showing how they
were pouring the liquid chocolate onto these molds and make the animals yeah it's fascinating yeah so
是 如何 將液態巧克力倒入這些模具上的,並且讓動物們著迷,是的,所以
we've just come into the into the cafe shop here great display of things to buy like we've been
to havana cafes before i've never seen as much selection so we picked up something for our friend
i feel like truffles is the wrong word in english they're called trufas let me show
我覺得松露在英語中是錯誤的單詞,它們被稱為trufas,讓我向 您 展示
you like chocolate truffles this is what they are maybe you do call them truffles in english
yeah the truffles it's it's the it's the chocolate with they have various kinds of
是的,松露是這是巧克力, 裡面有 各種
different ingredients inside there's dulce de leche there's one with a mousse there's another
不同的配料,裡面有dulce de leche, 有的是 慕斯, 有的是
one with like a almond paste almond paste so yeah i've never seen that before in havana shop
and then just having a cup of coffee here and yeah we're just uh trying to trying to get a second win
because we still have some savory things to try and beer and we're really looking forward
to the next place we go to because it is uh the patagonia cervezaria patagonia beer hall it looks
out over the lake and still supposed to have an incredible view i can't wait to check that out
yeah the brewery this is a beer garden this is not the main area
the main area is actually it's got an incredible view and there's a main restaurant but it's so
,主要區域實際上是一個不可思議的地方。 le view,那裡有一個主餐廳,但是
loud it sounds like a club in there it's actually pretty loud here too but but we decided to pick
a little bit of a quieter spot to have our beer have a meal a little snack and what we're gonna do
一個安靜的地方,讓我們的啤酒有一點飯菜,還有我們 之後
afterwards is show you guys the stunning views the views the views are incredible oh my gosh
要做的 就是向大家展示令人驚嘆的美景,美景令人難以置信哦,我的天哪,
but not from here so i got the amber beer yeah i got an ipa cheers husband
i like mine same here nice and light and we ordered the
我喜歡我的,這裡 光鮮亮麗 ,我們點了
rustic potatoes which have they're like potato wedges
質樸的土豆,就像 切達干酪奶酪上的
with cheddar cheese lots of bacon some chives they also have empanadas on the menu but there
土豆楔塊, 還有很多培根,還有一些細香蔥,菜單上也有肉餡捲餅,但是
isn't a whole lot of selection if you want to eat outside if you want the full menu you go to the
如果您想在戶外用餐,如果想要完整的菜單 , 就沒有很多選擇
hello there hello there and greetings from the future this is the following day the following day
so we're bringing you guys to brewery we are because we didn't quite finish our argentine food
tour yesterday we want to keep the good times going yeah we're going to show you a cool pub
tonight specializes in burgers and craft beers and pizza and pizzas and you're getting a soup yeah
今晚有一家 很酷的酒吧, 專門提供漢堡,精釀啤酒,比薩餅和披薩,還有湯,是的
and uh tomorrow we've also got one more restaurant so yeah the the food the food
keeps rolling on here in barloche and so what we've done is we've ordered a sampler
portion of beer and as you can see right here they're all labeled we've got irish apa
啤酒 的取樣器 部分,正如您可以在這裡看到的,它們都被貼上了我們的愛爾蘭apa
what's that one over there oh the truffle and the milk style yeah so i'm gonna try one by one
oh that's good you know what i'm so thirsty guys like
i don't know what went wrong today i didn't drink enough water those beers this ice cold
beer is just perfect okay that was that was good that was a good start let's try this one
oh it's definitely lighter i think you're gonna like that one the most yeah we chose two and two
so i got two light ones and sam got two darker oh we got we've got a blonde over here a blondie
this is a fool let me tell you what truffle oh it's all in spanish okay it's from patagonia it's
it's going to be floral from what else i can tell and it says it pairs well with chicken pot pie
oh my yeah nice and light almost a little grapefruity and the one that i'm excited
哦,是的,很清淡,幾乎有一點葡萄柚 味 ,我
about the milk stout we've already got some frothiness happening on the beard on the
為牛奶烈性黑啤酒 感到興奮
mustache that's like that's like a glass of dessert almost it's got a
,鬍子上已經有些泡沫了。在 那像是一杯甜點 的 小鬍子上,幾乎
it's got a sweetness to it a molasses like gingerbread it feels like a gingerbread beer
oh man these are really good nice beers and it's cool to have a sample like this to share okay best
ever burger man best ever burger guys so there's 13 of them to choose from yeah
有史以來 最好 的漢堡包人,有史以來最好的漢堡包迷,所以 我在紐約選擇了
i chose in new york because apparently it's double bacon let's take a look here we've got
13個, 因為它顯然是雙層培根,讓我們在這裡看看我們有
a nice fried egg it also comes with um jack fries poor cheese sauce
guys that's an incredible burger that's right up there with
one of the best burgers i've had in a long time it's a very good burger like
if you're coming here to drink beer you want something awesome to pair it with definitely
get the burger burger and the beer goes so well together cheers oh i gotta try the fries for you
the best part is keep the skin on the fries yes oh yeah we couldn't decide on which dessert we
wanted to have and then we noticed on their menu they have something called black and white brownie
and cheesecake the brownie comes with vanilla ice cream and of course the being the indulgent
types of people that we are we're like yeah let's go for a double dessert right
that's a nice gooey brownie my gosh fresh out of the oven yeah yeah they're both really nice
desserts so we paid the bill let's talk about the price it was 23 us dollars not bad not bad
another day another another day another pint another point another pint where are we today
歡呼聲 另一品脫另一品脫另一品脫今天 我們在
oh we are at gilbert gilbert yeah this is on the the very scenic small circuit route yeah
哪裡 哦,我們在吉爾伯特·吉爾伯特是的,這是在風景秀麗的小環路
and it's actually nearby the the place we went a couple days ago the patagonia
brew house yeah this area half a kilometer half a kilometer and um yeah a nice a smaller place here
and they they specialize in burgers and goulash and dishes with wild boar which is what i'm going
to order and with deer deer and trout and you're getting trout so we're eating very
authentic local patagonian dishes here trout deer for specialties of this area so couldn't
be more excited and yeah i'm hungry how's the beer are you thirsty oh haven't you tried it yet
再興奮了,是的,我餓了,你口渴的啤酒怎麼樣?你還沒 嚐嚐 嗎,
is he thirsty or the only hungry oh it's a nice dough yeah oh man it's like a meal in the glass
他是口渴的還是唯一的餓,哦,這是一個很好的麵團,是的,哦,老兄,就像玻璃 飯裡的 一頓飯一樣。
meal in the glass before the meal the meal before the meal the meal before the meal exactly there we
go there we go well guys the mains are here i got trout and i got it with the almond and leek sauce
it looks so good it smells so good from over here a very nice combination i wouldn't have thought to
make the sauce out of almonds but it works really well with the leeks and i got the rustic potatoes
杏仁做醬的 很好的組合 ,但是它和韭菜的搭配非常好,我得到的鄉村土豆
which were really nice and golden i ordered well i chose well this time wild boar for the wild man i
just gonna say it's my first time to try wild boar so it looks kind of like a stew like a wild boar
it is a stew it's it's i think it's actually it's similar to a goulash and it's got a nice the
這是燉肉,因為我認為它實際上類似於菜燉牛肉,而且它的 香氣 很好,
aromas the smells from here it's just wonderful i'm actually smelling some ginger as well
that is melt in the mouth delicious like if you just told me this was straight up goulash i i
wouldn't know that i was eating wild boar you'd be like okay yeah pass it over pass it over give
me more it's delicious if you get a chance to try wild boar while in argentina yeah and this this
我更多,如果它美味在阿根廷,您有機會嘗試野豬,這 是該地區和巴塔哥尼亞的
part of the this region and patagonia do it i've heard that the wild boar population here is out
這一 部分,我聽說這裡的野豬種群已經失控
of control so that's probably one of the reasons why they're eating yeah your dad was warning us
to watch out for them when you go hiking watch out for a wild boar they're unpredictable apparently
had a lovely lunch oh that was amazing it was good oh it was so good you know what i have to admit we
weren't even planning on going out today so we woke up this morning the weather was this is the
most beautiful day we've had yes we've been here and we're gonna have a work day i'm like no way
we gotta get out we gotta gotta go explore i just feel like i have a smile on my face all day um
great meal even better price yeah so it came to 15 16 us dollars so 750 per person that included beer
美味佳餚,價格甚至更高,是的,所以要15 16美元,所以每人750 歐元( 包括啤酒)
included a delicious maine they brought us bread to start off with so we're feeling satisfied we're
gonna walk for a little while and try to build up an appetite for some tea and maybe a slice of cake
well guys we walked maybe half a kilometer to our next food stop
this place is called punto panoramico it means panoramic point and the restaurant
could not have a better location we have views of snow-capped mountains
沒有一個更好的位置 ,據我所見,我們可以看到
forest the lake as far as i can see and we can see the luxurious
白雪皚皚的山脈, 森林,湖泊和遠處的豪華
hotel off in the distance i want to say this is one of the most beautiful places in patagonia but
we've just started we're just like at the tip of it and we're just going to be traveling south
over the next few months i mean there's a reason there's a reason people come to patagonia to live
Ø在接下來的幾個月中,我的意思是有一個原因,就是人們來巴塔哥尼亞居住是 為了旅行
to travel i mean when you're visiting especially with nice weather like this it's just this is
的原因 ,我的意思是當您在這樣的天氣特別好地進行訪問時,這就是這片
incredible fairy tale land did i mention what i'm having no carrot cake with icing it is delicious
cream cheese oh yeah it is thank goodness good so happy to have the the real deal here cake here
i'm so happy to be here we're gonna show you guys the views as soon as we're done our dessert we are
we are back from our fancy dinner
yeah a place that we it did it took us three times to get a table you need to call in advance yeah
not the day of you have to make a reservation we saw people just show up like as soon as it open
and be like oh is there a table and they're like no sorry we're fully booked um basically this is a
very small restaurant i think they just have like maybe six or seven tables a total of 20 chairs
so we should talk about the food yeah we should talk about the food so they have a small menu
and that's always a sign of a good restaurant we ended up ordering two different appetizers
yes first up we had polenta yeah with aubergine and it was delightful like scoops of boko he
and a little bit of pesto it was amazing it's a very good start and then i think i
even like the second appetizer more an omelette with trout right yes there was a creamy trout
甚至更喜歡第二個開胃菜,還有一個帶有鱒魚的煎蛋吧,是的 ,中間 有一個奶油鱒魚
in the middle and the omelet was so fluffy it kind of reminded me of the japanese omelets
yeah you know so good know what i'm talking about and then the main was incredible and then the main
delicious oh yes delicious steak we got in yeah yeah and trying yeah with rustic potatoes yes
oh another wonderful wow it's like everything kept getting better and then we had incredible desserts
and then i ordered uh it wasn't a lemoncello that was an option but it was a ginger liqueur yes so
we had two really nice desserts chocolate one was a tiramisu chocolate tiramisu that had a strong
espresso flavor coffee yeah you did i liked that more than you yeah i mean it was intense
coffee you were into that and the other one was a panna cotta right which was delicious yeah with
咖啡,而另一種是帕納奶酪,那是美味的 巴塔哥尼亞巧克力,然後我們還
patagonian chocolate and then we also had a really nice red wine to go with it yeah we indulged in
搭配 了非常不錯的紅酒,是的,我們沉迷於
case you can't tell we indulge it's a little more of a splurge meal it came to i think over
50 dollars but it was like it was an experience it's one of those it's a meal that you you won't
50美元,但這就像是一種經歷,這是一頓飯,你 很快 就不會
forget anytime soon yeah and you understand why it takes reservations you understand why
like the presentation is impeccable like this is like it's the kind of food tour you're getting
演示像這樣無懈可擊,就像您 從
from like like kind of like a master chef someone who has serious culinary training
美食之旅中得到 的像主廚一樣,經過嚴格的烹飪培訓的人
just oh it's just it's it's a masterpiece he's got a lot of food his emotions are art on a plate
and just a great way for us to be ending this video yeah we've had such good argentine food
是結束這段視頻的一種好方法,是的,我們 在巴洛克地區 擁有如此出色的阿根廷美食
experiences in barlock i mean i think this is one of the best places to eat in the entire country
really it's been a lot of fun i mean we we thought we were gonna just film a day
of eating and it just kept going and going we found more breweries and more places to go to
yeah so yeah we hope you guys enjoyed eating and drinking your way around bariloche with us
所以,是的,我們希望你們喜歡吃喝玩樂 巴里洛切(Bariloche)和
if you ever visit now you know where to go so we're going to end off with that hope you guys
我們一起旅行 , 如果您現在訪問過,您將知道該去哪裡,所以我們將以希望你們
enjoyed the food experiences in barlode and um yeah come here enjoy the sights enjoy the food
and linger a little while because the longer you stay the more you'll appreciate it
so that's my advice so we'll see you soon with a little excursion we're off
on a little adventure to an island nearby so stay tuned for that stay tuned for that