And I would start by like, kind of like breaking into my mom's like bathroom and, like slathering on pseudo cram a centimeter thick all over my face and then setting it with talcum powder like fashioning women hood out of like whatever I could find in my mom's closet as I grew up like I became like, really lured in by fans in music people like early PJ Harvey like rid of Mira Nico, Grace Jones, um, Kate Bush, who all sort of used role playing their music to harbor these like, different like sometimes like violent, sometimes erotic, sometimes like hopeful fantasies that I think taught me in this idea that, like identity, could be something slippery and multiple.
我會開始喜歡,那種喜歡闖入我媽媽的像浴室,像塗抹上偽擠一釐米厚的所有在我的臉上,然後設置它與滑石粉像時尚婦女罩出像什麼,我可以找到在我媽媽的衣櫃裡,因為我長大了,我成為喜歡。真的被音樂界的粉絲們吸引住了 像早期的PJ哈維一樣的人 就像擺脫了米拉-尼科,格蕾絲-瓊斯,嗯,凱特-布什,他們都用角色扮演他們的音樂來承載這些喜歡,不同的喜歡有時像暴力,有時像色情,有時像充滿希望的幻想,我想在這個想法中教會了我,就像身份,可能是滑溜溜的東西和多種。