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  • now England's care regulator, the Care Quality Commission, in a report to be published tomorrow, is expected to raise serious concerns about the use of do not resuscitate orders during the pandemic.


  • Families and charities say that the orders, which can deny people potentially life saving care, have been wrongly placed on elderly and disabled people over the past year.


  • At unprecedented rates are Social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan has been hearing the experiences of one family.


  • She's just She was just lovely in every sense.

    她只是... ...她只是可愛的在各種意義上。

  • Sonia de Leon, sewn to her family, was defined by much more than her schizophrenia and learning disabilities.


  • Soldier Swan had an absolute zest for life, loved being with her family, always smiling always.


  • The 58 year old went to hospital last April.


  • Her lifelong conditions influenced her care.


  • Initially admitted with a fever and respiratory problems, she tested positive for Covid, and a do not resuscitate order was placed in her medical notes.


  • We've had no consultation at no point at no point where we told that that had taken place, we would have disputed that and we would have said we don't want that in place.


  • Sonya's records contained to do not resuscitate orders.


  • One sites are learning disabilities as a justification for it.


  • Breaching NHS guidelines.


  • The hospital said an error was made filling the form.


  • Absolutely, I felt like saying was totally written off.


  • She was dehumanized and you know her life wasn't off value.


  • I just thought it was just morally and ethically reprehensible.


  • It just shocked me to the court.


  • Sonia DeLeon was in and out of South End University Hospital throughout April.

    Sonia DeLeon整個4月都在南端大學醫院出入。

  • She died at the end of the month from a heart attack.


  • The hospital said a second do not resuscitate order was appropriate and was discussed with two family members, Sally Rose and her 85 year old mother.


  • I can't describe the love that my mom has for so Ah, my mom has been waiting to hear your voice.


  • There is no way that she would agree to that being put in place absolutely no way at all.


  • The pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of people with learning disabilities that up to six times more likely to die from the virus, and charities have repeatedly highlighted the alleged misuse of DNA.


  • Our orders, we see kind of boxes ticked.


  • We see maybe when a conversation hasn't happened, but a box has been ticked.


  • We see issues like learning, disability or non verbal as a reason for Do not resuscitate order.

    我們認為,像學習、殘疾或不愛說話等問題都是下達 "不要復甦 "命令的原因。

  • That's discrimination.


  • An external review of Sonia de Leon's hospital care found it fell short of expected good practice, a conclusion her family had long reached.


  • You know, everyone was like Not so yeah, yeah, I can't tell you how much we miss her.

    你知道,每個人都很喜歡 不是這樣的是啊,是啊,我不能告訴你 我們有多想念她。

  • Michael Buchanan, BBC News, Essex.

    Michael Buchanan,BBC新聞,埃塞克斯。

now England's care regulator, the Care Quality Commission, in a report to be published tomorrow, is expected to raise serious concerns about the use of do not resuscitate orders during the pandemic.


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家屬說,在科維德大流行期間,殘障人士和老人被剝奪了救命的照顧 - BBC新聞網 (Families say disabled and elderly have been denied life-saving care during Covid pandemic - BBC News)

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