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  • Hello! I'm Andrew Marston and welcome to Tour Japan

  • the show where I tell you about a place in Japan and then we go there.

  • And today we're headed to Gero Onsen town in beautiful Gifu prefecture.

  • For starters, an onsen is a natural hot spring

  • whose waters have minerals that are said to imbue health benefits to its bathers.

  • In the Edo era, the Confucian poet Hayashi Razan

  • ranked Gero as one of the top three onsen towns in all of Japan.

  • That was awhile ago, but it's still among the best in the nation.

  • There are traveler hotels with onsen and public hotsprings all over town that you can try.

  • And the most economical way to try them is by purchasing a "yumeguri tegata".

  • This is a wooden tablet that can be purchased pretty much anywhere around Gero

  • like the tourist office, hotels, souvenir shops, and convenience stores.

  • Each tablet allows you to enter up to three different hotsprings and is valid for up to six months.

  • And it makes a pretty great souvenir!

  • So now let's go see Gero Onsen town for ourselves.

  • Personally I love going to the onsen.

  • You just feel so amazing after soaking in the tubs for awhile

  • ah but I also understand that not everyone gets into the whole "getting naked in front of other people" thing.

  • So let me know if you'd want to visit an onsen on your trip to Japan or if it just freaks you out.

  • Thanks for watching and also sharing this series with anyone you know who might be planning a trip to Japan.

  • I'm Andrew Marston. See you next time.

  • You've been watching Tour Japan on the Happy In Japan channel.

  • Click here to watch another episode and subscribe now.

Hello! I'm Andrew Marston and welcome to Tour Japan


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B1 中級 美國腔

One of Japan's best hot spring towns: Gero Onsen (guide)

  • 8 0
    たらこ 發佈於 2021 年 03 月 18 日